・Mahiro Shirotori, Shun Nishimura*, Kohki Ebitani*
"Effect of SiO2 amount on heterogeneous base catalysis of SiO2@Mg-Al layered double hydroxide"
RSC Advances, 2018, 8(49), 28024-28031. [Available online: Aug. 6, 2018]
DOI: 10.1039/c8ra04925d (Open Access)
・Shun Nishimura*, Atsuki Shibata, Kohki Ebitani
"Direct Hydroxymethylation of Furaldehydes with Aqueous Formaldehyde over a Reusable Sulfuric Functionalized Resin Catalyst"
ACS Omega, 2018, 3(6), 5988-5993. [Available online: June 4, 2018]
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b00120 (Open Access), (JAIST Repositry)
[Selected as one of the most viewed articles]
・Keisuke Takahashi*, Itsuki Miyazato, Shun Nishimura, Junya Ohyama
“Unveiling Hidden Catalysts for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane based on Combining Machine Learning and Literature Data"
ChemCatChem, 2018, 10(15), 3223-3228. [Available online: Apr. 16, 2018]
DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201800310 (Free Access)
[VIP (Very Important Paper) & Front Cover]
・Son Dinh Le, Shun Nishimura, Kohki Ebitani*
"Synthesis of N-hydroxysuccinimide from succinic acid and hydroxylammonium chloride using Amberlyst A21 as reusable solid base catalyst"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1929(1), 020017 (6 pages).(refereed) [Available online: Jan. 22, 2018]
DOI: 10.1063/1.5021930 (Open Access), (JAIST Repositry)
・Shun Nishimura*, Kohki Ebitani
"Performance of compact fast pyrolysis reactor with Auger-type modules for the continuous liquid biofuel production"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1929(1), 020008 (9 pages).(refereed) [Available online: Jan. 22, 2018]
DOI: 10.1063/1.5021921 (Open Access), (JAIST Repositry)
<10th SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL CHEMISTRY CONFERENCE 2018> December 16-19, 2018, Shingapore.
〇Shun Nishimura
"Selective transformation of 2,5-hexanedione towards 3-methyl-2-cyclopentenone with γ-Al2O3/AlOOH nanocomposite catalyst"
〇T Mohri, S Nishimura, K Ebitani
“Reductive amination of furfural to furfurylamine using Organic-linkage-capped Ruthenium Catalyst with Aqueous Ammonia in mixed solvent"
[Poster] (Poster Award!)
<第49回中部科学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会> 2018年11月3~4日、名古屋大学,愛知.
〇毛利友昭, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
<International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC) Langkawi 2018> October 30-Nobember 1, 2018, Langkawi, Malaysia.
〇Shun Nishimura
"Synthesis of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde from 2-furaldehyde in an aqueous formaldehyde solution over zeolite catalysts"
〇Son Le Dinh, Shun Nishimura, Kohki Ebitani
"Transformation of Succinic Acid into Value-Added Chemicals using Solid Acid and Base Catalysts"
<石油学会 第48回石油・石油化学討論会> 2018年10月17~18日、タワーホール船堀, 東京.
〇西村俊, 大松新太郎, 海老谷幸喜
<触媒学会 第37回参照触媒討論会> 2018年9月25日、函館北洋ビル, 北海道.
〇西村俊, 毛利友昭
<2nd Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology (CAT-2018)> September 13-15, 2018, Rome, Italy.
〇Shun Nishimura
"Upgrading of furaldehydes via hydroxymethyration over heterogeneous acid catalyst"
<第63回J-BEANSセミナー> 2018年9月10日, J-BEANS, JAIST, 石川.
<The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8)> August 5-10, 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
〇Shun Nishimura, Shintaro Ohmatsu, Kohki Ebitani
"Selective conversion of 2,5-hexanedione to 3-methyl-2-cyclopentenone over solid acid catalyst"
〇Son Le Dinh, Shun Nishimura, Kohki Ebitani
"Direct Esterification of Succinic Acid with Phenol using Zeolite Beta Catalyst"
〇Shun Nishimura, Atsuki Shibata, Kohki Ebitani
"Direct hydroxymethylation of furfural towards HMF over solid acid catalyst"
<International Conference on Nano Technology and Nano Engineering>
July 16-18, 2018, Paris, France.
〇Shun Nishimura
"Fine crystallization of layer double hydroxides with silica nanoseeds and high activity for base catalysis"
<石油学会 第67回研究発表会> 2018年5月22~23日、タワーホール船堀, 東京.
〇西村俊, 芝田敦基, 海老谷幸喜
〇毛利友昭, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
<第121回触媒討論会> 2018年3月22~23日、東京大学駒場キャンパス, 東京.
〇芝田敦基, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
〇大松新太郎, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
<第98回日本化学会春季年会> 2018年3月20~23日、日本大学船橋キャンパス, 千葉
〇芝田敦基, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
〇大松新太郎, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
〇毛利友昭, 西村俊, 海老谷幸喜
〇西村俊, 海老谷幸喜

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