・Shun Nishimura; Tetsuya Shishido; Kohki Ebitani; Kentaro Teramura; and Tsunehiro Tanaka.
“Novel catalytic behavior of Cu/Al2O3 catalyst against daily start-up and shut-down (DSS)-like operation in the water gas shift reaction”
Applied Catalysis A: General 2010, 387(1-2), 185-194. [Available online: Aug. 18, 2010]
DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2010.08.022
・Atsushi Takagaki; Mika Ohara; Shun Nishimura; and Kohki Ebitani.
“One-pot Formation of Furfural from Xylose via Isomerization and Successive Dehydration Reactions over Heterogeneous Acid and Base Catalysts”
Chemistry Letters 2010, 39(8), 838-840. [Available online: July 3, 2010]
DOI: 10.1246/cl.2010.838
・Mika Ohara; Atsushi Takagaki; Shun Nishimura; and Kohki Ebitani.
“Syntheses of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and levoglucosan by selective dehydration of glucose using solid acid and base catalysts”
Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010, 383(1-2), 149-155. [Available online: June 4, 2010]
DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2010.05.040
・Shun Nishimura; Atsushi Takagaki; and Kohki Ebitani.
“Monodisperse Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Embedded in Mg-Al Hydrotalcite as a Highly Active, Magnetically Separable, and Recyclable Solid Base Catalyst”
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2010, 83(7), 846-851. [Available online: June 30, 2010]
DOI: 10.1246/bcsj.20100059
・Atsushi Takagaki; Ken Iwatani; Shun Nishimura; and Kohki Ebitani.
“Synthesis of glycerol carbonate from glycerol and dialkyl carbonates using hydrotalcite as a reusable heterogeneous base catalyst”
Green Chemistry, 2010, 12(4), 578-581. [Available online: Feb. 4, 2010]
DOI: 10.1039/B925404H
[Selected Top Ten for April 2010]
[One of the most highly cited Green Chemistry original resarch articles published in 2010]
・Shun Nishimura; Atsushi Takagaki; Shinya Maenosono; and Kohki Ebitani.
“In Situ Time-Resolved XAFS Study on the Formation Mechanism of Cu Nanoparticles Using Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) as a Capping Agent”
Langmuir, 2010, 26(6), 4473-4479. [Available online: Dec. 29, 2009]
DOI: 10.1021/la904248z
・Shun Nishimura; Atsushi Takagaki; Shinya Maenosono; and Kohki Ebitani.
"In Situ Quick XAFS Study on the Formation Mechanism of Cu Nanoparticles Synthesized in Aqueous Phase”
Nanotech Conference Proceedings, 2010, 1, 356-359. [Available online: June 21, 2010]
ISBN: 978-1-4398-3401-5, (JAIST Repositry)
〇海老谷幸喜, 西村俊, 高垣敦
第20回日本MRS学術シンポジウム, 横浜,2010年12月22日
〇A. Takagaki; M. Ohara; M. Takahashi; S. Ghosh; S. Nishimura; and K. Ebitani.
“Efficient production of furfurals from sugars using heterogeneous acid and base catalysts by one-pot reaction”
2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Hawai, U.S.A., 2010.12.18.
〇S. Nishimura; M. Nishimura; A. Takagaki; and K. Ebitani.
“Development of magnetically separable solid acid and base catalysts using nanomagnet materials”
2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Hawai, U.S.A., 2010.12.17.
〇Atsushi Takagaki, Mika Ohara, Sayanti Ghosh, Shun Nishimura, Kohki Ebitani
“Furfurals Synthesis from Sugars Using Solid Acid and Base Catalysts”
International Symposium on Biomass Conversion -Fundamentals & Applications-, Miyazaki, 2010.12.1.
〇西村俊, 後藤貴史, 成行あかね, 秋山一矢, 宍戸哲也, 田中庸裕, 海老谷幸喜
“In-situ XAFS測定法を用いた水素製造用触媒の起動停止運転下における触媒挙動の観察”
第40回石油・石油化学討論会, 神戸,2010年11月26日
〇小松洋介, 西村俊, 高垣敦, 海老谷幸喜
“CO2の有効利用に向けた Zn-ハイドロタルサイト触媒による環状カーボネート合成反応”
平成22年度日本化学会北陸地区研究発表会, 富山大学, 2010年11月19日
〇永田慎太郎, 焼田悠介, 鈴木吏, 西村俊, 高垣敦, 海老谷幸喜
平成22年度日本化学会北陸地区研究発表会, 富山大学, 2010年11月19日
〇加藤翔, 佐々木亮介, 松尾仁史, 西村俊, 高垣敦, 海老谷幸喜
平成22年度日本化学会北陸地区研究発表会, 富山大学, 2010年11月19日
〇Duangta Tongsakul; K. Ebitani; and Sanong Ekgasit
“Green synthesis of platinum nanoparticles by using polysaccharide as a reducing agent and stabilizer”
Joint Conference of 7th ISAMAP and NT2010, Nomi, Japan, 2010.9.30.
〇S. Ghosh; S. Nishimura; A. Takagaki; and K. Ebitani
“Application of hydrotalcite catalyst in one-pot reaction for biorefinery -Isomerization of glucose to fructose-"
Joint Conference of 7th ISAMAP and NT2010, Nomi, Japan, 2010.9.30.
〇A. Kumar; S. Nishimura; A. Takagaki; and K. Ebitani
“Application of highly active hydrotalcite for base-catalysed organic reactions”
Joint Conference of 7th ISAMAP and NT2010, Nomi, Japan, 2010.9.30.
〇N. Gupta; S. Nishimura; A. Takagaki; and K. Ebitani
“Aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural into 2, 5-furandicarboxylic acid in water over heterogeneous hydrotalcite supported gold nanoparticle catalyst”
Joint Conference of 7th ISAMAP and NT2010, Nomi, Japan, 2010.9.30.
〇S. Nishimura; A. Takagaki; S. Maenosono; and K. Ebitani.
“The role of PVP capping agent over the process of Cu nanoparticles formation”
International Conference on Nanoscopic Colloid and Surface Science (NCSS2010), Chiba, Japan, 2010.9.30.
〇西村昌敏, 西村俊, 高垣敦, 海老谷幸喜
第106回触媒討論会, 山梨大学,2010年9月17日
〇高橋美帆, 西村俊, 高垣敦, 海老谷幸喜
第106回触媒討論会, 山梨大学,2010年9月17日
第106回触媒討論会, 山梨大学,2010年9月15日
〇Atsushi Takagaki; Mika Ohara; S. Nishimura; and Kohki Ebitani
“An efficient production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural from sugars using heterogeneous acid and base catalysts in onepot”
The Sixth Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT6), Sapporo, Japan, 2010.7.22.
〇S. Nishimura; K. Iwatani; Atsushi Takagaki; and Kohki Ebitani
“Preparation of highly active hydrotalcite catalyst for synthesis of glycerol carbonate from glycerol and dialkyl carbonates”
The Sixth Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT6), Sapporo, Japan, 2010.7.22.
〇S. Nishimura; A. Takagaki; S. Maenosono; and K. Ebitani.
“In Situ Quick XAFS Study on the Formation Mechanism of Cu Nanoparticles Synthesized in Aqueous Phase”
The TechConnect World Conference and Expo 2010, Anaheim, California(U.S.A), 2010.6.23.
“In-situ XAFS測定法を用いた銅ナノ粒子の形成過程の解明”
[Poster] [Poster Award]

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