


大山順也, 西村俊, 髙橋啓介
日本化学会情報科学部会誌, 2020, 38(1), 36-39. [Published: Dec. 25, 2020]
DOI: 10.11546/cicsj.38.36 (J-Stage)

・Shun Nishimura*, Junya Ohyama, Takaaki Kinoshita, Son Dinh Le, Keisuke Takahashi*
‟Revisiting Machine Learning Predictions for Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM) based on Literature Data“
ChemCatChem, 2020, 12(23), 5888-5892. [Available online: Aug. 19, 2020]
DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202001032
[Selected as Cover Feature]


・Pooja Tomar, Yuou Nozoe, Naoto Ozawa, Shun Nishimura, Kohki Ebitani*
‟Formic Acid as a Hydrogen Source for the Additive Free Reduction of Aromatic Carbonyl and nitrile Compounds at Reusable Supported Pd Catalysts“
Catalysts, 2020, 10(8), 875 (10 pages). [Available online: Aug. 4, 2020]
DOI: 10.3390/catal10080875 (Open Access)


・Sheethal Reghu, Hui You, Kalaivani Seenivasan, Shun Nishimura, Toshiaki Taniike, Eijiro Miyako*
Design and Control of Bioinspired Millibots
Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2020, 2(7), 2000059. [Available online: June 5, 2020]
DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202000059 (Open Access)
[Selected as Back Cover]
[Highlited by Advanced Science News, June 11, 2020]  


・Abdallah I.M. Rabee*, Son Dinh Le, Koichi Higashimine, Shun Nishimura*
Aerobic Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural into 2,5‐Furandicarboxylic Acid over Gold stabilized on Zirconia-based Supports
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(18), 7150-7161. [Available online: Apr. 21, 2020]
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c01619

・Itsuki Miyazato*, Shun Nishimura, Lauren Takahashi, Junya Ohyama, Keisuke Takahashi
Data-Driven Identification of Reaction Network in Oxidative Coupling of Methane Reaction via Experimental Data
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11(3), 787-795. [Available online: Jan. 15, 2020]
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b03678

・Thanh Nhat Nguyen, Thuy Tran Phuong Nhat, Ken Takimoto, Ashutosh Thakur, Shun Nishimura, Junya Ohyama, Itsuki Miyazato, Lauren Takahashi, Jun Fujima, Keisuke Takahashi*, Toshiaki Taniike*
High-Throughput Experimentation and Catalyst Informatics for Oxidative Coupling of Methane
ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10(2), 921-932. [Available online: Dec. 24, 2019]
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b04293
[Press Release]


・Abdallah I.M. Rabee*, Son Dinh Le, Shun Nishimura*
MgO-ZrO2 mixed oxides as effective and reusable base catalysts for glucose isomerization into fructose in aqueous media
Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2020, 15(2), 294-300. [Available online: Dec. 6, 2019]
DOI: 10.1002/asia.201901534


<触媒学会 第30回キャラクタリゼーション講習会> 2020年12月3日, オンライン開催.  
〇 犬塚匠, LE, Dinh Son, 西村俊
[Poster, P38] (online)
〇 CHU Xueting, LE Dinh Son, 西村俊
[Poster, P39] (online)
<石油学会 第50回石油・石油化学討論会> 2020年11月12~13日, 熊本城ホール(熊本)とオンラインのハイブリッド形式.
 LE, Dinh Son, NISHIMURA, Shun
"Hydroxyapatite support polyvinylpyrrolidone-capped CuPd bimetallic catalyst for highly selective γ-butyrolactone via hydrogenation of succinic acid"
[Oral-Internatonal, 1E08] (online)
〇 LI, Xinyue, LE, Dinh Son, NISHIMURA, Shun
"Reductive amination of HMF over beta zeolite-supported ruthenium bimetallic catalyst"
[Oral-International, 1E05] (online)
〇 CHU Xueting, LE Dinh Son, NISHIMURA Shun
[Poster, P15] (online)
〇 犬塚匠, LE, Dinh Son, 西村俊
[Poster, P21](online)
 西村俊, 浅井優作, 髙橋夏樹, LE, Dinh Son, 大松新太郎 
[Poster, P22] (online)
〇 木下 卓明大山 順也, 芳田 嘉志, 藤間淳, 宮里一旗, 髙橋ローレン, 髙橋啓介, 宇野毅明, 西村俊, 町田 正人
[Poster, P14]
<触媒学会 第126回触媒討論会> 2020年9月16~18日, 静岡大学, 静岡.
〇 LE Dinh Son, Shun Nishimura
"Tunable Catalytic Activity of Supported Cu-Pd NPs for Hydrogenation of Bio-Derived Succinic Acid"
[Oral-A2, 1J11] (online)
〇 LI, Xinyue, LE Dinh Son, Shun Nishimura
"Reductive Amination of HMF over Beta Zeolite-supported Ruthenium Catalyst"
[Poster, P030] (online)
〇 木下 卓明大山 順也, 芳田 嘉志, 藤間淳, 髙橋啓介, 宇野毅明, 西村俊, 町田 正人
[Oral-A1. 1I16] (online)
大山 順也, 平山 愛梨, 近藤菜穂子, 西村俊, 平井健二, 宮里一旗, 髙橋啓介, 芳田 嘉志, 町田 正人
[Oral-A1, 2J04] (online)
11th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC2020)> 2020年9月6~9日, Manchester, UK.
〇 LE Dinh Son, Shun Nishimura
"Polyvinylpyrrolidone-capped Cu-Pd nanoparticle catalysts for highly selective lactonization of succinic acid"
[Oral] (Swith to the Online Conference Sessions: 10:50 am UK time, 8th Sep.)
17th International Congress on Catalysis (17th ICC)> 2020年6月14~19日, San Diego, CA, USA.
〇 LE Dinh Son, Shun Nishimura
[Poster] Cancelled by orgnizer owing to COVID-19 pandemic 

<石油学会 第69回研究発表会(第25会JPIJSポスターセッション)> 2020年5月25~26日, タワーホール船堀, 東京.
〇 LI, Xinyue, LE, Dinh Son, NISHIMURA, Shun
〇 CHU Xueting, LE Dinh Son, NISHIMURA Shun
〇 犬塚匠, LE, Dinh Son, 西村俊
[Poster-JPIJS] コロナ禍のため開催中止:M2の皆さん、次の機会に頑張りましょう。
Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists 2020 (CHEMCYS2020)> 2020年2月19~21日, Blankenberge, Belgium.
〇 Thuy Phuong Nhat Tran, Shun Nishimura, Toshiaki Taniike
Confinement of Pd Nanoparticles in Graphene Oxide Framework: Recyclable Nanocatalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling"

〇 Thanh Nhat Nguyen, Thuy Phuong Nhat Tran, Ashutosh Thakur, Shun Nishimura, Keisuke Takahashi, Toshiaki Taniike
High-Throughput Experimentation and Catalyst Informatics in Oxidative Coupling of Methane"


キャタリストインフォマティクスプロジェクト (JST-CREST)

Citizen Innovators: The Catalysts Design Arena (AFSA-CREST 触媒コンペ)

マテリアルズインフォマティクス国際研究拠点 (JAISTエクセレントコア)

カーボンニュートラル研究センター (JAIST未来創造イノベーション推進本部)

グリーンイノベーション分科会 カーボンリサイクルWG