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Candidate selection of Ck,1(t) using the spline interpolation

In order to determined whether Ak(t) satisfied Eq. (15), consider the selection of candidates for Ak(t). Suppose that Ak(R+1)(t) is the instantaneous amplitude of f1(t) given by any Ck,R(t), and $\tau_1, \tau_2, \cdots, \tau_i$ are within the opened-duration (ta,tb), where $t_a<\tau_1< \cdots < \tau_i < t_b$. In addition, suppose that Ak,i:=Ak(R+1)(ti) is the value of the instantaneous amplitude at time $\tau_i$.

To estimate Ck,1(t), where R=1, that satisfies Eq. (15) we interpolate Ak(R+1)(t), where R=1 and, Ak(R+1)(t)=Ak,i, $i=1,2,\cdots, I$ in [ta, tb]. According to constraint 4, the smoothest interpolation function is the (2R+1)th-order spline function. This spline function is unique [de Boor1978].

As shown in Fig. 7, first we determine candidates of Ck,1(t) using the spline function within the estimated error region: $\hat{C}_{k,0}(t)-P_k(t) \leq C_{k,1}(t) \leq \hat{C}_{k,0}(t)+P_k(t)$. Then, select a correct solution from the candidates of Ck,1(t), we can uniquely determine the smoothest Ak(t) from Ck,1(t).

In this paper, we use the cubic spline function (2R+1), where R=1. The interpolated region is from ta=Th-1 to tb=Th. The interpolated interval is $\Delta \tau=15\times (2\pi/\omega_k)\Delta t$. Therefore, $I=\lceil (t_b-t_a)/\Delta \tau \rceil$.

\fbox{Fig. 7}

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Masashi Unoki