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Determination for the estimated region using the Kalman filter

In this section, we consider how to estimate Ck,0 from the observed component Xk(t) using the Kalman filter. The estimation duration is [Th-1,Th]. It is then decomposed into discrete time $t_m=m\cdot \Delta t$, $m=0,1,2, \cdots, M$, where the sampling period is $\Delta t=1/f_s$, where fs is the sampling frequency. Here, let the temporal variation of Ck,0(t) at discrete time tm be

Ck,0(tm+1) = $\displaystyle C_{k,0}(t_m)\Delta C_k(t_m)+w_m,$ (26)
$\displaystyle \Delta C_k(t_m)$ = $\displaystyle 1+\frac{C_{k,0}(t_m)-C_{k,0}(t_{m-1})}{C_{k,0}(t_m)},$ (27)

where t0=Th-1 and tM=th. It is assumed that Ck,0(tm) times $\Delta C_k(t_m)$, and that the variation error is represented by white noise with mean 0 and variance $\sigma_m$.

Next, for the system of the Kalman filtering problem:

$\displaystyle {{\bf {x}}}_{m+1}={\bf {F}}_m {\bf {x}}_m + {\bf {G}}_m {\bf {w}}_m$ $\textstyle \mbox{({\bf {state}})}$   (28)
$\displaystyle {{\bf {y}}_m}={\bf {H}}_m {\bf {x}}_m + {\bf {v}}_m$ $\textstyle \mbox{({\bf {observation}})},$   (29)

applying Eq. (26) to Eq. (28) and applying Eq. (2) to Eq. (29). The parameters in Eqs. (28) and (29) are shown in Table IV.

Next, performing the Kalman filtering (see Appendix D) according to Eqs. (28) and (29), we obtain the minimal-variance estimated value $\vert\hat{\bf {x}}_{m\vert m}\vert$ and covariance matrix $\vert\hat{\bf {\Sigma}}_{m\vert m}\vert$ at discrete time tm. As a result, the estimated $\hat{C}_{k,0}(t)$ and the estimated error Pk(t) are determined by $\hat{C}_k(t)=-\vert\hat{\bf {x}}_{m\vert m}\vert$ and $P_k(t)=\vert\hat{\bf {\Sigma}}_{m\vert m}\vert$, respectively. Therefore, the estimated error region for Ck,1(t) is

\begin{displaymath}\hat{C}_{k,0}(t)-P_k(t)\leq C_{k,1}(t) \leq \hat{C}_{k,0}(t)+P_k(t).
\end{displaymath} (30)

\fbox{Table 4}

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Masashi Unoki