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Determination of Ck,1(t) using correlation between the instantaneous amplitudes

Select an optimal solution from the candidates of Ck,1(t) using Eq. (16) in constraint 5. This process is done by selecting Ck,1(t) when the correlation between the instantaneous amplitude (Ak(t) and $A_\ell(t)$) is maximum at any Ck,1(t) within the estimated error region.

 \begin{displaymath}\hat{C}_{k,1}=\mathop{\arg\max}_{\hat{C}_{k,0}-P_k\leq C_{k,1...
...\vert\hat{A}_k\vert\vert \vert\vert\hat{\hat{A}}_k\vert\vert},
\end{displaymath} (31)

where $<\cdot>$ is an operation of the inner product, $\hat{A}_k(t)$ is the instantaneous amplitude obtained by interpolating Ck(t), and $\hat{\hat{A}}_k(t)$ is the instantaneous amplitude determined as

 \begin{displaymath}\hat{\hat{A}}_k(t)=\frac{1}{N_{F_0}}\sum_{\ell \in {\bf {L}}}\frac{\hat{A}_{\ell}(t)}{\Vert\hat{A}_{\ell}(t)\Vert},
\end{displaymath} (32)

where, L is the set symbol of $\ell$ that satisfies Eq. (12).

Masashi Unoki