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Determination of Dk,0(t) using correlation between the instantaneous amplitudes

Setting Dk,0 to any value within $[-\pi/2, \pi/2]$, we can determine $\hat{C}_{k,1}(t)$ at any Dk,0 using the above method. An optimal solution $\hat{D}_{k,0}$ is determined by

 \begin{displaymath}\hat{D}_{k,0}=\mathop{\arg\max}_{-\pi/2 \leq D_{k,0} \leq \pi...
...t\vert\hat{A}_k\vert\vert \vert\vert\hat{\hat{A}}_k\vert\vert}
\end{displaymath} (33)

where $\hat{A}_k(t)$ is the instantaneous amplitude determined by $\hat{C}_{k,1}$, and $\hat{\hat{A}}_k(t)$ is determined by Eq. (32).

Masashi Unoki