平林裕治, 内平直志, 鳥居健太郎,
Vol.4, No.3, pp.212-217, 2013.
Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T., Phaal, R., Ikawa, Y.:
A technology roadmap of assistive technologies for dementia care in Japan, Dementia, Vol.13, No1, 2014.
Chino, T., Torii, K., Uchihira, N., Hirabayashi, Y., Speech Interaction Analysis on Collaborative Work at an Elderly Care Facility,
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD), Vol.5, No.2, pp.18-33, 2013.
- 村上知子, 鳥居健太郎, 長健太, 内平直志,
人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.29, No.5A, 2014.
- Sugihara, T.Fujinami, T., Jones, R., Kadowaki, K. and Ando, M.:
Enhancing Care Homes with Assistive Video Technology for Distributed
Caregiving, AI & Society. Springer: Heidelberg. (in press)
- 内平直志,
人工知能学会誌, Vol.28, No.6 (2013)
- 内平直志,鳥居健太郎,知野哲朗,平林裕治,平石邦彦,杉原太郎,看護・介護サービスのための時空間を越えたコラボレーション,人間生活工学 Vol.13, No1, pp.34-37, 2012.
- 内平直志,
ナーシングビジネス, Vol.8, No4, pp.60-61, 2014.
- 内平直志,音声つぶやきによるサービス業務の気づきの収集と活用,
SS研ニューズレター選集,Vol.15,103-110, 2015.
書籍 (Book Chapter)
Uchihira, N., Torii, K., Chino, T., Hiraishi, K., Choe, S., Hirabayashi, Y., Sugihara, T.,
Temporal-Spatial Collaboration Support for Nursing and Caregiving Services,
Global Perspectives on Service Science: Japan
(Eds. James C. Spohrer, Stephen K. Kwan, Yuriko Sawatani), Springer, 2016.
Torii, K., Uchihira, N., Hirabayashi, Y., Chino, T., Yamamoto, T., Tsuru, S.,
Improvement of Sharing of Observations and Awareness in Nursing and Caregiving by Voice Tweets,
Serviceology for Designing the Future
(Eds. Takashi Maeno, Yuriko Sawatani, Tatsunori Hara), pp.161-175, Springer, 2016.
- Tetsuro Chino, Kentaro Torii, Naoshi Uchihira, Yuji Hirabayashi,
Work and Speech Interactions among Staff at an Elderly Care Facility,
in book of Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and HCI, Third IFIP 13.6 Working Conference,
HWID 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 5-6, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Series:
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 407,
Campos, P.; Clemmensen, T.; Abdelnour Nocera, J.; Katre, D.; Lopes, A.; Orngreen, R. (Eds.),
VIII, 199 p. 76 illus., Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-41144-12013,
http://www.springer.com/computer/hci/book/978-3-642-41144-1, 2013.
Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T., Role of Assistive Technologies for Person-centered Dementia Care: an Exploratory Case Study in Japan. In, Caregivers: Challenges, Practices and Cultural Influences (Eds. Adrianna Thurgood, A. and Schuldt, K.), Nova Science Pub Inc (in press).
Torii, K., Uchihira, N., Chino, T., Iwata, K., Murakami, T., and Tanaka, T.,
Service Space Communication by Voice Tweets in Nursing,
in Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering (Eds. James C. Spohrer, Louis E. Freund),
CRC Press, 2012.
Naoshi Uchihira, Masami Yoshida,
Agricultural Knowledge Management Using Smart Voice Messaging Systems: Combination of Physical and Human Sensors,
Joint International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI 2018) and on Serviceology (ICServ2018)
Kobayashi, K., Hiraishi, K., Choe, S., Uchihira, N. (2017).
Behavioral analysis in nursing and caregiving services using switched linear regression models.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), 4582-4587.
Kobayashi, K., Hiraishi, K., Choe, S., Uchihira, N. (2017, October).
Model-based approach to analysis of human behavior with applications to nursing and caregiving services.
In Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2017 IEEE 6th Global Conference on (pp.1-4). IEEE.
Hiraishi, K., Uchihira, N., Choe, S., Kobayashi, K. (2017, December).
Information supervisory control of human behavior-Experiments and formal modeling.
In Control Conference (ASCC), 2017 11th Asian (pp.1351-1356). IEEE.
Kentaro Torii,
Naoshi Uchihira,
Yuji Hirabayashi,
Testuro Chino,
Takanori Yamamoto,
Satoko Tsuru,
Improvement of sharing of observations and awareness in nursing by voice tweets,
The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ 2014), pp.68-73, 2014.
※Best Paper Award
- Tetsuro Chino, Kentaro Torii, Naoshi Uchihira, Kunihiko Hiraishi, Yuji Hirabayashi, Taro Sugihara,
Discourse Analysis of Voice-Based Computer-Mediated Communication in Distributed Work,
in proc. of the 5th Int’l Conf. on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2014 /
the 2nd Int’l Conf. on the Human Side of Service Engineering (HSSE) 2014, T. Ahram, W. Karwowski and T. Marek (Eds.),
Krakow, Poland, pp.3423-3434, 19-23 Jul., 2014.
- Sugihara, T., Hirabayashi, Y., Torii, K., Chino, T., Uchihira, N.:
A Pilot Study in Using a Smart Voice Messaging System to Create a Reflection-in-Caregiving Workshop,
The HCI International 2014 Conference Proceedings, LNCS, Vol. 8515, 387-394, 2014.
Kunihiko Hiraishi,
Koichi Kobayashi,
Sunseong Choe,
Naoshi Uchihira,
Behavior Modeling in Physical and Adaptive Intelligent Services,
2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA),
pp.221-226 (2014)
Tetsuro Chino, Kentaro Torii, Naoshi Uchihira, Yuji Hirabayashi,
Supporting Human Collaborative Works by Monitoring Everyday Conversations,
in proceedings of Workshop at INTERACT2013 - 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Past History and Future Challenge of Human Work Interaction Design (HWID): Generating Cross-domain Knowledge and Connecting Work Analysis and Interaction Design, ISBN: 978-0-620-58037-3, Editors: Torkil Clemmensen, Bengt Sandblad, Arminda Lopes and Jose Abdelnour-Nocera (Eds.), pp.22-27, INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2013.
Naoshi Uchihira,
Sunseong Choe,
Kunihiko Hiraishi,
Kentaro Torii,
Tetsuro Chino,
Yuji Hirabayashi,
Taro Sugihara,
Collaboration Management by Smart Voice Messaging for Physical and Adaptive Intelligent Services,
PICMET2013, pp.251-258 (2013)
Yuji Hirabayashi,
Naoshi Uchihira,
Kentaro Torii,
Yasuo Ikawa,
Verification of Effectiveness of the Nursing-Care Service Space Visualization and
Evaluation System: Field Experiment Aiming to Improve Nursing-Care Services,
PICMET2013 (2013)
Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T., Rachel, J., Kadowaki, K. and Ando, M.:
Enhancing Layers of Care House with Assistive Technology for Distributed
Caregiving, Proc. of AAAI 2013 Spring Symposia, 83-88 (2013)
Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T., Miura, M.: Approaches to Incorporating
Assistive Technologies into Dementia Care, Proc. of International
Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems & The 13th
International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS2012),
685-690 (2012)
- Torii, K., Uchihira, N., Chino, T., Iwata, K., Murakami, T. and Tanaka, T., Service Space Communication by Voice Tweets in Nursing, The 1st International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering 2012 (HSSE 2012) (2012)
- Hiraishi, K., et.al., Modeling of Complex Processes in Nursing and Caregiving Services, IEEE SMC2012, 1449-1454 (2012)
- T. Chino, K. Torii, N. Uchihira, Y. Hirabayashi,
Work and Speech Interaction among Care Staff at an Elderly Care Facility,
3rd international working conference on HWID (Human Work Interaction Design) 28-37 (2012).
- Tomoko Murakami, Kentaro Torii, and Naoshi Uchihira:
Nursing Work Recognition using Topic Models, Proc. The 12 th Int’l Conf.on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive2012), (2012)
- Uchihira, N., Hirabayashi, Y., Sugihara, T., Hiraishi, K. and Ikawa, Y.:Knowledge Transfer in R&D Project Management - Application to Business-academia Collaboration Project, Proc. of Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2012 (PICMET2012) (2012)
- Hirabayashi, Y., Aoki, S., Uchihira, N., Chino, T., Torii, K., Hiraishi, K. Sugihara, T. and Sai, S.:
Knowledge Transfer in R & D Management Based on the Relationship between the Achievement of R & D and Commercialization, Proc. of Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2012 (PICMET2012) (2012)
- Fujinami, T. and Sugihara, T.: Person-centered dementia care revised from the standpoint of assistive technology, Proc. of ISG*ISARC2012 (to appear)
- Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T., Phaal, R. and Ikawa, Y.: Gaps between Assistive Technologies and Dementia Care, Proc. of Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2012 (PICMET2012) (to appear)
- N. Uchihira, et.al, Innovation for Service Space Communication by Voice
Tweets in Nursing and Caring: Concept and Approach in Japanese National
Project, 20th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, 2011.
- Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T.: Emerging Triage Support Environment of Care with Camera System for Persons with Dementia, The HCI International 2011 Conference Proceedings, LNCS 6779, 149-158, (2011)
- Fujinami, T., Miura, M., Takatsuka, R. and Sugihara, T.: A Study of Long Term Tendencies in Residents' Activities of Daily Living at a Group Home for People with Dementia using RFID Slippers, Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2011), 303-307, (2011).
岡田政則, 内平直志, 平石邦彦, 國藤進,
第39回日本創造学会研究大会 (2017).
岡田政則, 内平直志, 平石邦彦, 國藤進,
第42回教育システム情報学会全国大会 (2017).
電子情報通信学会ソサエティ大会講演論文集A-10-10 (2016).
- 内平直志,
- 内平直志,
サービス学会第2回国内大会(函館),pp.237-238 (2014)
- 内平直志,金井秀明,平石邦彦,
第4回知識共創フォーラム (2014) ※奨励賞受賞
- 知野哲朗, 鳥居健太郎, 山本高敬, 北岡恭治,
日本機械学会技術講演会資料,No.13-86, 109, pp39-42, Jan., 2014.
- 内平直志,鳥居健太郎,平林裕治,水流聡子,
- 内平直志,
JAIST サービス・イノベーション・レポート2013,
- 平林裕治,鳥居健太郎,BIMによる屋内測位情報の可視化ー介護施設でのフィールド実験−,
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, No.8006 (2013)
- 甚田貴徳, 青戸渉, 宮崎晃和, 崔舜星, 小林孝一, 平石邦彦, 内平直志:
システム数理と応用研究会(MSS), 信学技報 Vol. 113, No. 118, pp.1-8
(2013/7/11, 熊本)
- 杉原太郎, 平林裕治, 鳥居健太郎, 知野哲朗, 内平 直志,
人工知能学会第27回全国大会, 1I5-OS-11c-3, 2013.
- 安藤昌也,杉原太郎,田中一丸,内平直志:看護・介護の状況を想定した手書き メモと音声メモの記憶補完効果の違い,
- 内平直志,崔舜星,平石邦彦,鳥居健太郎,知野哲朗,平林裕治,杉原太郎,
音声つぶやきによる医療・介護の時空間コミュニケーション つぶやき配信制御で看護師・介護士の行動がどのように変わるか?,
- 寺井紀裕,杉原太郎,藤波努:
- 杉原太郎,三浦元喜,藤波努:
- 村上知子、鳥居健太郎、内平直志:トピックモデルによるセンサ情報からの看護業務の推定、Workshop of Social System and Information Technology(WSSIT12)、(2012)
- 平林裕治,知野哲朗:病院や介護施設での位置検知データの活用,日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集・建築デザイン発表梗概集(CD-ROM) (2012)
- 平林裕治,内平直志,井川康夫:技術とビジネスモデルのインターラクティブ開発,研究・技術計画学会第27回年次学術大会講演要旨集, Vol.27, pp.250-253(2012)
- 内平直志,鳥居健太郎,平林裕治,崔舜星,平石邦彦,知野哲朗,杉原太郎,音声つぶやきによる看護・介護の時空間コラボレーション支援 〜 システムの概要と試行評価結果 〜,電子情報通信学会 システム数理と応用研究会2013/3/6-7(2013)
- 平林裕治 ほか:研究開発成果と事業化との関係に着目した研究開発マネジメント,日本MOT学会第3回年次研究発表会3-5, 2012.
- 内平直志 ほか:産学連携による研究開発プロジェクトマネジメントの知識継承手法の検討,日本MOT学会第3回年次研究発表会3-6, 2012.
- 平林裕治,青木滋,内平直志,杉原太郎:事業化を想定したサービス研究開発マネジメント─介護業務支援プロジェクトの事例─,研究・技術計画学会第26回学術大会講演要旨集(2011).
- 内平直志,平林裕治,杉原太郎,平石邦彦:研究開発プロジェクトマネジメントの知識継承─サービス分野の産学連携プロジェクトへの適用─,研究・技術計画学会第26回学術大会講演要旨集(2011).
- 杉原太郎,藤波努,井川康夫:認知症介護支援における情報技術のレビュー,第78回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会予稿集,1-8(2011).
- 鳥居ほか、医療・介護サービにおける音声つぶやきコミュニケーションによる連携業務のモデル化、日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2011年秋季研究発表会、2011.
- 村上知子,田中俊明,内平直志:業務分析のためのトピックモデルを用いた行動推定、第25回人工知能学会全国大会、2011.
- 内平直志,鳥居健太郎,知野哲朗,田中俊明,平林裕治,平石邦彦,杉原太郎:音声つぶやきによる医療・介護サービス空間のコミュニケーション,人工知能学会第25回全国大会論文集,1J1-OS9-4(2011).
- 杉原太郎,藤波努:認知症介護支援研究の技術動向分析,人工知能学会第25回全国大会論文集,1A2-NFC1b-1(2011).
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