Journal Papers (peer-reviewed)(*corresponding author)
- Hengyuan Chang, Tianyu Zhang, Syuhei Sato, Haoran Xie. DiffSmoke: Two-Stage Sketch-Based Smoke Illustration Design using Diffusion Models. IEEE Access, 2025, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2025.3548433.[LINK]
- Chengyuan Li, Tianyu Zhang, Xusheng Du, Ye Zhang, Haoran Xie. Generative AI Models for Different Steps in Architectural Design: A Literature Review. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024.[Arxiv][DOI]
- Sicheng Li, Xusheng Du, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Interactive Drawing Interface for Aging Anime Face Sketches Using Transformer-Based Generative Model. IEEE Access, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3466230.[LINK]
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Viet Linh Nguyen, Hsin-Ruey Tsai, Van Ho, Haoran Xie*. Scalable and Foldable Origami-Inspired Supernumerary Robotic Limbs for Daily Tasks. IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 53436-53447, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3387485.[LINK]
- Haoran Xie*, Keisuke Arihara, Syuhei Sato, Kazunori Miyata. DualSmoke: Sketch-Based Smoke Illustration Design with Two-Stage Generative Model. Journal of Computational Visual Media, pp.1-15, 2024. [LINK]
- Xusheng Du, Tianyu Zhang, Haoran Xie*. DualShape: Sketch-based 3D Shape Design with Part Generation and Retrieval. IEEE Access. vol. 12, pp. 18888-18900, 2024.[LINK]
- Yichen Peng, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato, Kazunori Miyata. Sketch-Guided Latent Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity Face Image Synthesis. IEEE Access. vol. 12, pp. 5770-5780, 2024.[LINK]
- Tomohiro Hibino, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Proposal of Anime-like Avatar Generation System based on Topology-independent 3D Data Analysis Method. Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, 2024 (in Japanese).[LINK]
- Sankaewthong, Sukhum, Kazunori Miyata, Teerayut Horanont, Haoran Xie, and Jessada Karnjana. Mimosa Kinetic Façade: Bio-Inspired Ventilation Leveraging the Mimosa Pudica Mechanism for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality. Biomimetics 8, no. 8: 603. 2023.[LINK]
- Hao Jin, Minghui Lian, Shicheng Qiu, Xuxu Han, Xizhi Zhao, Long Yang, Zhiyi Zhang, Haoran Xie, Kouichi Konno and Shaojun Hu. A Semi-Automatic Oriental Ink Painting Framework for Robotic Drawing From 3D Models.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.8, No.10, pp.6667-6674, Oct. 2023.[LINK](Also in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024)[LINK])
- Yichen Peng, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato, Kazunori Miyata, and Takeo Igarashi. DualMotion: Global-to-Local Casual Motion Design for Character Animations.
IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., Vol.E106, No.4, pp.459-468, 2023.04.[LINK]
- Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Omnidirectional Haptic Stimulation System via
Pneumatic Actuators for Presence Presentation. Sensors, 23(2), 584, 2023.[link]
- Sukhum Sankaewthong, Teerayut Horanont, Kazunori Miyata, Jessada Karnjana, Chawee Busayarat, Haoran Xie. Using Biomimicry Science in the Design of a Kinetic Façade to
Regulate the Amount of Daylight Entering a Working Space. Buildings, 12(12), 2089, 2022.[link]
- Takumi Nakane, Haoran Xie, Chao Zhang. Image Deformation Estimation via Multi-Objective Optimization. IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 53307-53323, 2022.[IEEE]
- Katsuya Hotta, Haoran Xie, Chao Zhang. Component-based Nearest Neighbor Subspace Clustering. IET Image Processing. pp. 1-12, 2022.[LINK]
- Liangyu Shi, Wei Pei, Jinfeng Li, Kazunori Miyata, Siqun Ma, Haoran Xie. Chinese Traditional Color Harmony Inheritance Method for High-speed Railway. Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life. vol. 8, issue 4, 2022.[LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Yichen Peng, Tomohiro Hibino, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie*, Tsukasa Fukusato, Kazunori Miyata. DualFace: Two-Stage Drawing Guidance for Freehand Portrait Sketching.
Journal of Computational Visual Media, Vol 8, 63-77, 2022.[Springer]. (Also in 9th international conference on Computational Visual Media (CVM 2021), 2021.04.[LINK](CVMJ Honorable Mention Award))
- Chunzhi Gu, Haoran Xie, Xuequan Lu, Chao Zhang. CGMVAE: Coupling GMM Prior and GMM Estimator for Unsupervised Clustering and Disentanglement. IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 65140-65149, 2021. [IEEE]
- Shogo Yoshida, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie*, Chia-Ming Chang, and Kazunori Miyata. Layered Projection Mapping for Large-Scale Digital Fabrication of Balloon Art. Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp.25-32, 2020 (in Japanese).(LINK)(PDF)
- Zhongyuan Hu, Haoran Xie*, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takahiro Sato and Takeo Igarashi. Sketch2VF: Sketch-Based Flow Design with Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW),Vol.30, issue 3-4, pp. 1-11, 2019. LINK
(Front Cover, LINK)(Top Downloaded Paper). (Also in 32nd International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2019), Paris, France, 2019.07.
[LINK][DOI](Best Paper Nominee))
- Haoran Xie*, Takeo Igarashi, and Kazunori Miyata. Precomputed Panel Solver for Aerodynamics Simulation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). Vol. 37, No. 2, pp.1-12, 2018.
[ACM]. (Also in ACM SIGGRAPH 2018, Vancouver, Canada, 2018.08.)
- Shaojun Hu, Zhiyi Zhang, Haoran Xie, and Takeo Igarashi. Data-driven Modeling and Animation of Outdoor Trees through Interactive Approach. The Visual Computer (TVC). Vol. 33,
No. 6-8, pp.1017-1027, 2017.[Springer]. (Also in Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2017, CGI17, 2017.[DOI])
- Haoran Xie*, Zhiqiang Wang, Kazunori Miyata and Ye Zhao, A Prior Reduced Model of Dynamical Systems, Mathematics for Industry, Springer, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.125-138, 2015.
[Springer]. (Also in Proceedings of Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis 2014, MEIS14, 55-64, 2014.[PPT][LINK])
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Animating Immersed Rigid Bodies in Real-time, Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.1-10, 2014. [LINK]
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Real-time Simulation of Lightweight Rigid Bodies, The Visual Computer (TVC), Vol. 30, No. 1, pp.81-92, 2014.[Springer]
International Conferences (papers, peer-reviewed)
- Xi Wang, Hongzhen Li, Heng Fang, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie, Xi Yang, Chuntao Li. LineArt: A Knowledge-guided Training-free High-quality Appearance Transfer for Design Drawing with Diffusion Model. CVPR 2025, Nashville TN, USA, 2025.06.[HP][PDF]
- Humphrey Yang, I-Chao Shen, Nikolas Martelaro, Bo Zhu, Haoran Xie, Takeo Igarashi, Lining Yao. CompAct: Designing Interconnected Compliant Mechanisms with Active Material Integration. ACM CHI 2025, full paper, Yokohama, Japan, 2025.04.[LINK]
- Zhengyang Wang, Hao Jin, Xusheng Du, Yuxiao Ren, Ye Zhang, Haoran Xie. From Architectural Sketch to Conceptual Representation: Using structure-aware diffusion model to generate renderings of school buildings
. The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2025), Tokyo, Japan, 2025.03.[LINK]
- Xusheng Du, Ruihan Gui, Zhengyang Wang, Ye Zhang, Haoran Xie. Multi-View Depth Consistent Image Generation Using Generative AI Models: Application on architectural design of university buildings
. The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2025), Tokyo, Japan, 2025.03.[LINK]
- Xiaoxuan Xie, Xusheng Du, Minhao Li, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie. DiffOBI: Diffusion-based Image Generation of Oracle Bone Inscription Style Characters. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, Technical Communications, Tokyo, Japan, 2024.12.[LINK]
- Hao Jin, Zhengyang Wang, Xusheng Du, Xiaoxuan Xie, Haoran Xie. Landscape Cinemagraph Synthesis with Sketch Guidance. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, Posters, Tokyo, Japan, 2024.12.[LINK]
- Xinyue Gui, Mikiya Kusunoki, Bofei Huang, Stela Hanbyeol Seo, Chia-Ming Chang, Haoran Xie, Manabu Tsukada, Takeo Igarashi. Shrinkable Arm-based eHMI on Autonomous Delivery Vehicle for Effective Communication with Other Road Users.
16th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutoUI 2024, full paper, California, 2024.09.[LINK]
- Bofei Huang, Xinyue Gui, Chia-Ming Chang, Haoran Xie. Better Together: Anthropomorphic Assistant Avatars and Empathetic Voice Interventions for Emotion Regulation. 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2024, full paper, Washington, 2024.07.[LINK]
- Zhengyang Wang, Xusheng Du, Tsukasa Fukusato, Haoran Xie. Video2Comic: A Dynamic Comic Editor with Video Clips. 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2024, full paper, Washington, 2024.07.[LINK]
- Yongming Zhang, Tianyu Zhang, Haoran Xie. TexControl: Sketch-Based Two-Stage Fashion Image Generation using Diffusion Model. NICOGRAPH International 2024, full paper, Tokyo, 2024.06.[LINK](Best Paper Award)
- Jize Wang, Kazuhisa Nakano, Daiyannan Chen, Zhengyu Huang, Tsukasa Fukusato, Kazunori Miyata, Haoran Xie. A Study on Cognitive Effects of Canvas Size for Augmenting Drawing Skill. NICOGRAPH International 2024, full paper, Tokyo, 2024.06.[LINK]
- Bingyuan Bai, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Fine-tuning Pipeline for Hand Image Generation Using Diffusion Model. NICOGRAPH International 2024, full paper, Tokyo, 2024.06.[LINK]
- Daiyannan Chen, Jize Wang, Zhengyu Huang, Tsukasa Fukusato, Kazunori Miyata, Haoran Xie. Portrait Drawing Interface with Stroke Acquisition and Annotation. NICOGRAPH International 2024, poster, Tokyo, 2024.06.[LINK]
- Zhengyang Wang, Xusheng Du, Tsukasa Fukusato, Haoran Xie. Interactive Design System for Dynamic Comics from Video Sequence. NICOGRAPH International 2024, poster, Tokyo, 2024.06.[LINK]
- Jiafu Wei, Ding Xia, Haoran Xie, Chia-Ming Chang, Chuntao Li, Xi Yang. SpaceEditing: A Latent Space Editing Interface for Integrating Human Knowledge into Deep Neural Networks. The 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2024), Greenville, South Carolina, USA, 2024.03.[LINK]
- Chia-Ming Chang, Yi He, Xusheng Du, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie. Dynamic Labeling: A Control System for Labeling Styles in Image Annotation Tasks. 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2024, full paper, Washington, 2024.07.[LINK]
- Tianyu Zhang, Haoran Xie. Sketch-Guided Text-to-Image Generation with Spatial Control.
2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (CGIP 2024), full paper, Kyoto, 2024.01.[LINK](Best Presentation Award)
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Viet Linh Nguyen, Hsin-Ruey Tsai, Van Ho, Haoran Xie. Integration of Origami Twisted Tower to Soft Mechanism through Rapid Fabrication Process.
2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), Video Demonstrations, Vietnam, 2024.01.[LINK]
- Hengyuan Chang, Yichen Peng, Syuhei Sato, Haoran Xie. Sketch-Guided Flow Field Generation with Diffusion Model.
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2024 (IWAIT 2024), full paper, Malaysia, 2024.01.[LINK]
- Junya Kanda, Yi He, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Sketch2Tooncity:Sketch-based City Generation Using Neurosymbolic Model.
International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2024 (IWAIT 2024), full paper, Malaysia, 2024.01.[LINK]
- Toby Chong, Alina Chadwick, I-Chao Shen, Haoran Xie, Takeo Igarashi. MicroGlam: Microscopic Skin Image Dataset with Cosmetics, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023, Technical Communication,
short paper, Sydney, 2023.12.[LINK]
- Tianyu Zhang, Xusheng Du, Chia-Ming Chang, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie. SGDraw: Scene Graph Drawing Interface using Object-Oriented Representation, 25th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2023), full paper, Denmark, 2023.07.[LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato, Kazunori Miyata. AniFaceDrawing: Anime Portrait Exploration during Your Sketching. ACM SIGGRAPH 2023, Conference Track, full paper, Los Angeles CA, 2023.08.(accepted) [LINK]
- Jiahao Weng, Xusheng Du and Haoran Xie. DualSlide: Global-to-Local Sketching Interface for Slides Content and Layout Design, NICOGRAPH International 2023, full paper, Hokkaido, 2023.06.[LINK]
- Haruka Kanayama, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Illustration Drawing Interface with Image Retrieval and Adjustable Grid Guidance, NICOGRAPH International 2023, full paper, Hokkaido, 2023.06. [LINK]
- Yi He, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Sketch2Cloth: Sketch-based 3D Garment Generation with Unsigned Distance Fields, NICOGRAPH International 2023, full paper, Hokkaido, 2023.06. [LINK]
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Haoran Xie. UX Study for Origami-Inspired Foldable Robotic Mechanisms, 7th Asian CHI Symposium 2023, full paper, online, 2023.04. [LINK]
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Ryo Furuhama, Ryusuke Toshima, Hazuki Mori, Haoran Xie, Tzu-Yang Wang, Takaya Yuizono, Toshiki Sato and Kazunori Miyata.
MultiBrush: 3D Brush Painting Using Multiple Viewpoints in Virtual Reality. 9th International Conference on Virtual Reality (ICVR 2023), full paper, 2023.05.[LINK](Excellent Oral Presentation Award)
- Tomohiro Hibino, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Interactive Avatar Creation System from Learned Attributes for Virtual Reality, 25th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2023), full paper, Denmark, 2023.07.[LINK]
- Yi He, Xi Yang, Chia-Ming Chang, Haoran Xie, Takeo Igarashi. Efficient Human-in-the-loop System for Guiding DNNs Attention, 28th Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interface (ACM IUI 2023), Sydney, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Jiahao Weng, Haoran Xie. Interactive Layout Drawing Interface with Shadow Guidance, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2023 (IWAIT 2023), Korean, 2023.01. [LINK]
- Tianyu Zhang, Xusheng Du, Chia-Ming Chang, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie. Interactive Drawing Interface for Editing Scene Graph, The 21th International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2022), poster, Kanazawa, 2022.09. [LINK]
- Junya Kanda, Yi He, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Sketch-based City Generation Using Procedural Modeling and Generative Model, The 21th International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2022), poster, Kanazawa, 2022.09. [LINK]
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie. MagGlove: A Haptic Glove with Movable Magnetic Force for Manipulation Learning, The 21th International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2022), short, Kanazawa, 2022.09. [LINK]
- Sukhum Sankaewthong, Miyata Kazunori, Teerayut Horanont, Haoran Xie, Jessada Karnjana. Kinetic Facade Design with Eshelby Twist for Sunlight Exposure Reduction, The 21th International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2022), full, Kanazawa, 2022.09. [LINK]
- Sicheng Li, Haoran Xie, Xi Yang, Chia-Ming Chang, Kazunori Miyata. A Drawing Support System for Sketching Aging Anime Faces, The 21th International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2022), full, Kanazawa, 2022.09. [LINK]
- Jiahao Weng, Chao Zhang, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie. HiVideo: Hierarchical Browsing Interface for Educational Videos, SIGGRAPH 2022, poster, 2022.08. [LINK]
- Qi Zhou, Jiahao Weng, Haoran Xie. Find Your ASMR: Perceptual Retrieval Interface for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Videos, 24th International on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2022), full, 2022.06. [LINK]
- Masanobu Ohyori, Kotaro Okino, Ryota Takigami, Shogo Yoshida, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie, Toshiki Sato, Kazunori Miyata. Perceptual Control of Food Taste with Projection Mapping. NICOGRAPH International 2022, short, 2022.06. [LINK](Best Short Paper Award)
- Yoshiki Funahashi, Wataru Omori, Shogo Yoshida, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie, Shogo Okada, Kazunori Miyata. Sketch2Makizushi: Interactive Guidance System for Decorative Sushi Rolls with User Sketches, NICOGRAPH International 2022, short, 2022.06. [LINK]
- Akiko Sato, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Elucidation of Visual Interest When Viewing Research Presentation Posters By Eye Tracking, NICOGRAPH International 2022, full, 2022.06. [LINK](Best Paper Honorable Mention Award)
- Chia-Ming Chang, Yi He, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie, Takeo Igarashi. DualLabel: Secondary Labels for Challenging Image Annotation, Graphics Interface (GI) 2022, full, 2022.06. [LINK]
- Jaifu Wei, Haoran Xie, Chia-Ming Chang, Xi Yang. Fine-tuning Deep Neural Networks by Interactively Refine the 2D Latent Space of Ambiguous Images, 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-ECAI 2022, demo, 2022.06. [LINK]
- Hange Wang, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. ILoveEye: Eyeliner Makeup Guidance System with Eye Shape Features, 24th International on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2022), full, 2022.06. [LINK]
- Haoran Xie, Zeyu Ding, Shogo Yoshida, Toby Chong, Takuma Torii and Tsukasa Fukusato. Augmenting Human with Compact Supernumerary Robotic Limbs. 13th Augmented Human International Conference (AH 2022), short, 2022.05. [LINK]
- Xusheng Du, Yi He, Xi Yang, Chia-Ming Chang, Haoran Xie. Sketch-based 3D Shape Modeling from Sparse Point Clouds,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2022 (IWAIT 2022), full paper, 2022.01.[LINK]
- Jiaohao Weng, Chao Zhang, Xi Yang, Haoran Xie. Hierarchical Visual Interface for Lecture Video Retrieval and Summarization,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2022 (IWAIT 2022), full paper, 2022.01.[LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato. Interactive 3D Character Modeling from 2D Orthogonal Drawings with Annotations,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2022 (IWAIT 2022), full paper, 2022.01.[LINK]
- Sicheng Li, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Interactive Drawing Interface with 3D Animal Model Retrieval,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2022 (IWAIT 2022), full paper, 2022.01.[LINK]
- Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata. Interactive Shadow Generation System for Spatial Augmented Reality,
Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2022 (IWAIT 2022), full paper, 2022.01.[LINK]
- Ryoma Miyauchi, Yichen Peng, Tsukasa Fukusato, Haoran Xie. Skeleton2Stroke: Interactive Stroke Correspondence Editing with Pose Features, SIGGRAPH Asia 2021, Technical Communications, 2021.12.[LINK]
- Yichen Peng*, Chunqi Zhao*, Zhengyu Huang, Tsukasa Fukusato, Haoran Xie, Kazunori Miyata,
Two-Stage Motion Editing Interface for Character Animation, 20th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), poster,
2021.09.[LINK](* equal contribution)
- Haoran Xie, Yichen Peng, Hange Wang, Kazunori Miyata. SketchMeHow: Interactive Projection Guided Task Instruction with User Sketches, 23rd International on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2021), full, 2021.07. [LINK]
- Yichen Peng, Zhengyu Huang, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata, Sketch-Based Human Motion Retrieval via Shadow Guidance, NICOGRAPH International 2021, short, 2021.07. [Youtube][IEEE][LINK]
- Yi He, Xiaojie Zheng, Asuka Yagami, Yichen Peng, Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie*, Hideaki Kanai and Kazunori Miyata, Interactive Dance Support System Using Spatial Augmented Reality,
NICOGRAPH International 2021, full, 2021.07.[Youtube][IEEE][LINK]
- Ryoma Miyauchi, Tsukasa Fukusato, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata, Stroke Correspondence by Labeling Closed Areas, NICOGRAPH International 2021, full, 2021.07.[LINK]
- Shuyang Luo, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata, Sketch-based Anime Hairstyle Editing with Generative Inpainting, NICOGRAPH International 2021, full, 2021.07.[Video][IEEE][LINK](Best Full Paper Nominee Award)
- Sicheng Li, Shogo Yoshida, Keisuke Arihara, Kento Nakashima, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie*, Toshiki Sato and Kazunori Miyata, Skeleton-Based Interactive Fabrication for Large-Scale Newspaper Sculpture,
NICOGRAPH International 2021, full, 2021.07.[Youtube][IEEE][LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata, One-shot Line Extraction from Color Illustrations, NICOGRAPH International 2021, short, 2021.07.[IEEE][LINK](Best Short Paper Award)
- Hange Wang, Haruka Kanayama, Yichen Peng, Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie, Shogo Okada, Kazunori Miyata, Sketch2Bento: Sketch-based Arrangement Guidance for Lunch Boxes, NICOGRAPH International 2021,
poster, 2021.07.[Youtube][IEEE][LINK](Best Poster Presentation Award)
- Sicheng Li, Yudai Makioka, Kyousuke Kobayashi, Haoran Xie, Kentaro Takashima, SpatialViewer: A Remote Work Sharing Tool that Considers Intimacy Among Workers, 23rd International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCII2021), full, 2021.07. [LINK]
- Zeyu Ding, Shogo Yoshida, Takuma Torii and Haoran Xie*, xLimb: Wearable Robot Arm with Storable and Extendable Mechanisms, 12th Augmented Human International Conference (AH2021), 2021.05. [LINK][ACM](Best Short Paper Award)
- Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata, NaviChoker: Augmenting Pressure Sensation via Pneumatic Actuator, 12th Augmented Human International Conference (AH2021), 2021.05.
- Haoran Xie, Takuma Torii, Aoshi Chiba and Qiukai Qi, xBalloon: Animated Objects with Balloon Plastic Actuator, 12th Augmented Human International Conference (AH2021), 2021.05. [LINK][ACM]
- Qiukai Qi, Shogo Yoshida, Genki Kakihana, Takuma Torii, Van Anh Ho, Haoran Xie*, BPActuators: Lightweight and Low-Cost Soft Actuators by Balloons and Plastics, 4th IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), communications, 2021.04. [LINK][IEEE]
- Katsuya Hotta, Haoran Xie and Chao Zhang, Affine Subspace Clustering with Nearest Subspace Neighbor, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2021, 2021.01. [LINK][DOI]
- Yi He, Haoran Xie*, Chao Zhang, Xi Yang and Kazunori Miyata, Sketch-based Normal Map Generation with Geometric Sampling, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2021, 2021.01. [PDF][Arxiv]
- Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. A Wearable Augmented Reality System with Anamorphosis Projection, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2021 (IWAIT 2021) , 2021.01[LINK][DOI]
- Haoran Xie*, Dazhao Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Body2Particles: Designing Particle Systems Using Body Gestures. 19th International Federation for Information Processing - International Conference on Entertainment Computing (IFIP-ICEC 2020), full paper, China, 2020.11. [LINK][DOI]
- Chunzhi Gu, Zhengyu Huang, Sicheng Li, Haoran Xie, Xi Yang and Chao Zhang. Apparel Generation via Cluster-Indexed Global and Local Feature Representations. IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2020), short paper, Kobe, 2020.10. [LINK][DOI]
- Katsuya Hotta, Haoran Xie and Chao Zhang. Candidate Subspace Screening for Linear Subspace Clustering with Energy Minimization. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2020), short paper, Canada, 2020.08. [LINK][DOI](Best Short Paper Award)
- Haoran Xie*, Hiromu Matsuzaki and Takuma Torii. xClothes: Augmenting Human Thermoregulation Using Shape Changing Clothes. Augmented Human 2020, full paper, Canada, 2020.05. [LINK][DOI](2nd Best Paper Award)
- Yichen Peng, Yuki Mishima, Yamato Igarashi, Ryoma Miyauchi, Masahiro Okawa, Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata. Sketch2Domino: Interactive Chain Reaction Design and Guidance.
NICOGRAPH International 2020, full paper, Tokyo, 2020.06.[LINK][DOI](Best Paper Award)(Best Online Presentation Award (Paper))
- Zhizhou He, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Interactive Projection System for Calligraphy Practice. NICOGRAPH International 2020, full paper,
Tokyo, 2020.06.[Youtube] [IEEE][LINK]
(Best Online Presentation Award (Paper))
- Shuhei Ajisaka, Shinichiro Hara, Moe Matsuchi, Shuyang Luo, Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata. Learning Rubik's Cube through User Operation History. NICOGRAPH International 2020, short paper,
Tokyo, 2020.06. [Project][Youtube]
- Zhengyu Huang, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Manifold Learning for Hand Drawn Sketches. NICOGRAPH International 2020, poster, Tokyo, 2020.06. [LINK][DOI](Best Online Presentation Award (Poster))
- Tomohiro Hibino, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Benchmark on Face Image Retrieval From Learning Attributes. NICOGRAPH International 2020, poster, Tokyo, 2020.06. [LINK][DOI]
- Yuya Adachi, Haoran Xie*, Takuma Torii, Haopeng Zhang, Ryo Sagisaka. EgoSpace: Augmenting Egocentric Space by Wearable Projector. Augmented Humans International Conference (AHs2020),
Demo track, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2020.03. [Project][Video]
- Haoran Xie*, Atsushi Watatani and Kazunori Miyata. Visual Feedback for Core Training with 3D Human Shape and Pose. NICOGRAPH International 2019, Xian,
CHINA, 2019.07. [Youtube][IEEE]
- Yuki Fujita, Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata. Perceptual Font Manifold from Generative Model. NICOGRAPH International 2019, Xian, CHINA, 2019.07. [LINK][DOI]
- Haoran Xie*, Yichen Peng, Naiyun Chen, Dazhao Xie, Chia-Ming Chang, and Kazunori Miyata, BalloonFAB: Digital Fabrication of Large-Scale Balloon Art, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), Late Breaking Work, Glasgow, 2019.05. [DOI]
- Haoran Xie*, Kento Mitsuhashi and Takuma Torii, Augmenting Human With a Tail, Augmented Human International Conference (AH2019), full paper, Paris, 2019.03. [LINK][DOI]
- Naihui Fang, Haoran Xie* and Takeo Igarashi, Selfie Guidance System in Good Head Postures, ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2018 workshop, Tokyo, 2018.03. [LINK]
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata. Pattern-guided simulations of immersed rigid bodies. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games, MIG15, 133-142, 2015.
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Stochastic Modeling of Immersed Rigid-body Dynamics, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, Technical Briefs, 12, 12:1-12:4, 2013. [DOI]
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Langevin Rigid: Animating Immersed Rigid Bodies in Real-time, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International 2013, 5-1, 1-10, 2013.
[PDF][PPT][LINK](Best paper award)
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Realistic Motion Simulations of Objects in Free Fall, Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2012, CGI12, 1-13, 2012.
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Free Fall Motion Synthesis, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011, Technical Sketch, 6, 6:1-6:2, 2011.
- Haoran Xie* and Kazunori Miyata, Precomputed Data-driven Free Fall Animation, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International 2011, Fluid Simulation 3-5, 1-11, 2011. [PDF] [PPT]
Pre-prints (arXiv)
- Zeyu Ding, Shogo Yoshida, Toby Chong, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takuma Torii, Haoran Xie. AugLimb: Compact Robotic Limb for Human Augmentation.
ArXiv, 2021. [Project][Video][PDF]
- Haoran Xie, Yuki Fujita, Kazunori Miyata. Learning Perceptual Manifold of Fonts, arXiv, 2021 [LINK]
- Haoran Xie, Atsushi Watatani, Kazunori Miyata. CoreUI: Interactive Core Training System with 3D Human Shape, arXiv, 2021 [LINK]
International Conferences (talks, not peer-reviewed)
- Xusheng Du, Haoran Xie. Multimodal Large Language Model-Driven Sketch to 3D Indoor Scene Synthesis. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK](Best Poster Award)
- Bofei Huang, Mikiya Kusunoki, Haoran Xie. Simplified Object Manipulation: Finger-Driven System for 3D VR Space. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK](Best Poster Award)
- Zhengyang Wang, Xusheng Du, Tsukasa Fukusato, Haoran Xie. Dynamic Comic Creation Interface from Video Sequences. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK]
- Tianyu Zhang, Haoran Xie. Personalizing Multi-Subject Image Generation with Spatial Control. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK]
- Hao Jin, Haoran Xie. SwinCtrl: Masked Swin Transformer for Motion-Guided Fluid Synthesis. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK]
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Linh Viet Nguyen, Hsin-Ruey Tsai, Van Anh Ho, Haoran Xie. Scalable and Foldable Origami-Inspired Supernumerary Robotic Limbs for Daily Tasks. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK]
- Hengyuan Chang, Syuhei Sato, Haoran Xie. Two-Stage Sketch-Based Velocity Field Design with Latent Diffusion Model. 4th International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2024), poster, online, 2024.03. [LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata. Sketch-based Support for the Professional Creation of Anime Portraits. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Yichen Peng, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata. Face Diffusion Model with Sketch. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK](Best Poster Award)
- Sicheng Li, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Sketch-based 3D Human Body Modelling. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Mikiya Kusunoki, Tianyu Zhang, Hsin-Ruey Tsai and Haoran Xie. Origami-inspired Modules for Object Augmentation. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Yi He, Haoran Xie, and Kazunori Miyata. 3D Garment Modeling using Single View Sketches. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Jiahao Weng and Haoran Xie. Sketch-based Interface for Document Layout and Content Design. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Tianyu Zhang, Kazunori Miyata, and Haoran Xie. Sketch-based Attribute-controlled Scene Image Generation with Scene Graph. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Du Xusheng and Haoran Xie. A Sketch-based Hybrid Approach for Part Shape Generation and Assembly. 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2023), poster, online, 2023.03. [LINK]
- Du Xusheng, Yi He, Xi Yang, Chia-Ming Chang and Haoran Xie. An Efficient Sketch-Based 3D Model Retrieval and Reconstruction from Sparse Point Clouds. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Haoran Xie and Tsukasa Fukusato. Interactive 3D Object Modeling from 2D Orthogonal Drawings. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Tsubasa Takano, Takumi Nakane, Jun Yu, Haoran Xie and Chao Zhang. An Image Dataset for First-Person Tactile Paving Detection. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Jianjian Qin, Chunzhi Gu, Haoran Xie, Jun Yu and Chao Zhang. Structural Anomaly Detection using Knowledge Distillation. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Jiafu Wei, Haoran Xie, Chia-Ming Chang and Xi Yang. Fine-tuning Deep Neural Networks by Interactively Refining the 2D Latent Space of Ambiguous Images. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Yi He, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. Real-time 3D Shape Generation From Hand-drawn Sketch. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Tianyu Zhang, Chia-Ming Chang, Xi Yang and Haoran Xie. Object-Oriented Scene Graph Drawing. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Sicheng Li, Haoran Xie and Kazunori Miyata. An Interactive Drawing Support System of 3D Animal Models. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Jiahao Weng, Chao Zhang, Xi Yang and Haoran Xie. Interactive Design Interface for Educational Video Retrieval and Summarization. 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2022), poster, online, 2022.03. [LINK]
- Zhengyu Huang, Yichen Peng, Tomohiro Hibino, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata. Freehand Portrait Drawing Support with Global and Local Guidance. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK](Best Poster Award)
- Zeyu Ding, Shogo Yoshida, Takuma Torii and Haoran Xie. Lightweight and Compact Wearable Robot Arm for Less Burden and Hinderance. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
- Yichen Peng, Zhengyu Huang, Chunqi Zhao, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata. Sketch-Based User Interface for Human Motion Retrieval. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
- Yi HE, Haoran Xie, Chao Zhang, Xi YANG and Kazunori Miyata. Normal Map Estimation From Freehand-Sketch with Geometric Sampling. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
- Ryoma Miyauchi, Haoran Xie, Tsukasa Fukusato and Kazunori Miyata. Stroke Correspondence without Image Vectorization. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK](Best Poster Award)
- Yi HE, Xiaojie Zheng, Asuka YAGAMI, Yichen Peng, Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie, Hideaki Kanai and Kazunori Miyata. FreeDance: Adaptive dance practice support system . 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
- Sicheng Li, Shogo Yoshida, Keisuke Arihara, Kento Nakashima, Yichen Peng, Haoran Xie, Toshiki Sato and Kazunori Miyata. Large-Scale Newspaper Sculpture Art Support System. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
- Hange Wang, Haruka Kanayama, Yichen Peng, Shogo Yoshida, Haoran Xie, Shogo Okada and Kazunori Miyata. Sketch-Based Lunchbox Ingredient Arrangement Support System. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
- Chunzhi Gu, Haoran Xie and Chao Zhang. A feature disentanglement neural network for image clustering and generation. 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021), poster, online, 2021.03. [LINK]
Talks (invited) (Please refer to Japanese Page)
Domestic Conferences (Please refer to Japanese Page)
- Immersed Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics, PhD Thesis, JAIST, 2015.03. [LINK]
- Realistic Motion Synthesis of Free Falling Behaviours, Master Thesis, JAIST, 2012.03.[LINK]