MIG 2015
Pattern-guided Simulations of Immersed Rigid Bodies
Haoran Xie, The University of Tokyo
Kazunori Miyata, JAIST

This paper proposes a pattern-guided framework for immersed rigid body simulations involving unsteady dynamics of a fully immersed or submerged rigid body in a still flow. Instead of the heavy computation of fluid-body coupling simulations, a novel framework considering different flow effects from the surrounding flow is constructed by parameter estimation of force coefficients. We distinguish the flow effects of the inertial, viscous and turbulent effects to the rigid body. It is difficult to clarify the force coefficients of viscous effect in real flow. In this paper we define the control parameters of viscous forces in rigid body simulator, and propose a energy optimization strategy for determining the time series of control parameters. This strategy is built upon a motion graph of motion patterns and the turbulent kinetic energy. The proposed approach achieves efficient and realistic immersed rigid body simulation results, and these results are relevant to the real-time animations of body-vorticity coupling.
presentation: [PPT]
H. Xie and K. Miyata. 2015. Pattern-guided simulations of immersed rigid bodies. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games (MIG '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 133-142. [DOI]Acknowledgements
This research was funded by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 26540051 and JSPS Fellows Grant Number 269549.Related Projects
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