ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 2018
Precomputed Panel Solver for Aerodynamics Simulation
Haoran Xie, The University of Tokyo
Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo
Kazunori Miyata, JAIST

In this article, we introduce an effient and versatile numerical aerodynamics model for general three-dimensional geometry shapes in potential flow. The proposed model has low computational cost and achieves an accuracy of moderate fielity for the aerodynamic loads for a given glider shape. In the geometry preprocessing steps of our model, lifting-wing surfaces are recognized, and wake panels are generated automatically along the trailing edges. The proposed aerodynamics model improves the potential theory-based panel method. Furthermore, a new quadratic expression for aerodynamic forces and moments is proposed. It consists of geometrydependent aerodynamic coeffient matrices and has a continuous representation for the drag/lift-force coeffients. Our model enables natural and real-time aerodynamics simulations combined with general rigid-body simulators for interactive animation. We also present a design system for original gliders. It uses an assembly-based modeling interface and achieves interactive feedback by leveraging the partwise precomputation enabled by our method. We illustrate that one can easily design various flable gliders using our system.
Haoran Xie, Takeo Igarashi, and Kazunori Miyata. 2018. Precomputed Panel Solver for Aerodynamics Simulation. ACM Trans. Graph. 37, 2, Article 17 (March 2018), 12 pages. DOI.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant JP17H06574 and JST CREST grant JPMJCR17A1, Japan. H. Xie was funded by Epson International Foundation. The authors thank Haibin Huang for sharing aircraft models and Oliver van Kaick for shape segmentation codes.
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