Books published

Here comes text. Here comes text.

(Author/editor) Here comes text. Here comes text.
(Author) Here comes text. Here comes text.
Here comes text. Here comes text.
Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text. Here comes text.
Ecotourism to protect and utilize community resources: a system for coexistence between people and nature
Published in August 2011 by Kodansha Scientific

(Author/editor) 敷田麻実・森重昌之
(Author) 敷田麻実・森重昌之・愛甲哲也・菊地直樹・庄子 康・
寺崎竜雄・寺山 元・西村千尋・日高哲二
In addition to Shiretoko Tours mentioned at the start of the book, this work also covers community resource theory and ecotour guides.
This eagerly awaited book summarizes the impacts of ecotourism on the natural environment and looks at countermeasures against such impacts, to assist those active in the ecotourism field across Japan. This indispensable guide for practitioners provides an introduction to coexistence-based ecotourism to protect nature while employing it as a tourism resource along with specific examples of such ecotourism, and it also describes strategies for designing ways of taking advantage of a community’s natural environment through ecotourism.
Massive East Japan earthquake and nuclear accident: toward community development for disaster recovery
Published in July 2011 by Gakugei Shuppan

(Author/editor) Gakugei Shuppan editorial board
240 A5-sized pages, price 1890 yen (tax excluded 1800 yen), ISBN978-4-7615-1289-7
I authored a chapter in the section on the fundamentals of recovery-oriented community development warning against too much haste in recovery efforts.
In this book, researchers and practitioners from the front lines of community development for disaster recovery discuss preparations for supporting recovery efforts and fundamental frames of reference, including: what experts on architecture, urban planning, and community revitalization can do toward recovery efforts and what they should avoid doing; how to build an environment in which disaster victims can think calmly about recovery; revitalization of peoples’ homes and livelihoods; addressing population decreases; keeping an eye on the nuclear accident; and recovery in Japan. (From the publisher’s website )
Understanding the sociology of tourism
Published in May 2011 by Minerva Shobo

(Author/editor) 安村 克己 ・堀野 正人 ・遠藤 英樹 ・寺岡 伸吾
Soft cover, 220 B5-sized pages, price 3500 yen + 5% tax
I authored the part on ecotourism.
This book summarizes the concepts necessary in learning about the sociology of tourism and explains, in simple terms, just what it means to look at tourism from a sociological perspective. (From the publisher’s website)
A sustainable low-carbon society II: basic knowledge and community development from the grass roots
Published in December 2010 by the Hokkaido University Press

(Author/editor) 吉田文和・池田元美・深見正仁・藤井賢彦
Soft cover, 326 A5-sized pages, price 3675 yen (3500 yen + 5% tax)
I authored Chapter 11, “Can Tourism Contribute to Building a Low-Carbon Society?”
I took the cover photos at various locations in Hokkaido.
Based on the content of a well-received lecture entitled “A Sustainable Low-carbon Society” conducted as part of a series of public lectures by departments of Hokkaido University in 2009, this book explains, in a systematic and comprehensive manner, basic knowledge across a wide range of fields related to a sustainable low-carbon society and practical insights on community development. This introductory text on global environmental issues for the undergraduate or master’s-degree level provides easy-to-understand introductions to topics including the history of global environmental changes and projections for the future, based on environmental science; the ideal forms of a low-carbon society and policies for achieving them, based on social studies; trends in the “Green New Deal” policies being enacted around the world; and how to achieve a low carbon society in urban and rural communities and in everyday living and tourism. (From the publisher’s website)
Community branding for tourism: systems for community development through cultural exchange
Published August 30, 2009 by Gakugei Shuppan and planned for republication

(Author/editor) 敷田麻実・内田純一・森重昌之(北海道大学)
(Author) 朝倉俊一・岡本健・富岡耕太・稻葉正思・山脇亘一
2000 yen + tax
Clearly identifying the roles of branding and marketing in community development through tourism, this book employs models and case studies to describe strategies for promoting community development conscious of tourists and consumers from outside the community, as opposed to traditional community development that has focused mainly on improvements to the community itself. It is recommended reading for those who want to promote new styles of community development through tourism.
Ecotourism from the community: sustainable community development through tourism and cultural exchange

敷田麻実・森重昌之(北海道大学) 高木晴光・宮本英樹(NPO法人ねおす)
Now on sale from Gakugei Shuppan (third printing) 2,000円+税
2000 yen + tax
Ecotourism in Japan first began to boom in the second half of the 1990s, and it has accelerated with the enactment in April of the Ecotourism Promotion Act. However, it has proven difficult to find an answer to the question of just what it means, in practical terms, to promote ecotourism.
This book explains in detail the process of ecotourism promotion from a community perspective and describes in full how to enrich the community by taking advantage of ecotourism’s strengths.
Dictionary of wildlife conservation
Edited by the Wildlife Conservation Society of Japan , Asakura Publishing

(Author) 丸山直樹ほか
(Editor) 野生生物保護学会
This book edited by the Wildlife Conservation Society of Japan is highly recommended.
Interest in global environmental issues, preservation of biodiversity, and wildlife conservation is growing not just among specialists but in the general public as well. This indispensable book collects together in one place information on the current state of wildlife conservation in Japan, to convey the knowledge needed in pursuing coexistence with wildlife and preservation of the environment. (From the publisher’s website )
Access and contact information for Asami Shikida
The most reliable way of reaching me is by email. I check my email constantly, even when on the move. However, please understand that it may take a while to reply on weekends or holidays.