Origin and Evolution of Language |
●Current Theme |
Symbiotic evolutionary linguistics: Integrative study on biological and cultural evolution of language |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) (Joint Research with Dr. OKANOYA Kazuo (Tokyo Univ) and Dr. FUJITA Kouji (Kyoto Univ)) |
Learning method of nuance of Japanese onomatopoeia through word-creation task |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) (Joint Research with Dr. Li Xiaoyan (Kyushu Univ) |
Constructive understanding of origins and evolution of language |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) (Joint Research with |
SUSUKI Reiji, SASAHARA Kazutoshi, ARITA Takaya (Nagoya Univ.), KONNO Takeshi (Kanazawa Inst. Tech.), TAKEZAWA Masanori (Hokkaido Univ.), HAGIWARA Yoshinobu, TANIGUCHI Tosiaki (Ritsumeikan Univ.), AZUMA Hiroaki (Kyushu Industrial Univ.)NAGAI Hiroyuki (UEC) |
On creativity through structural manipulation |
NAKAZUKA Masaya (D3) |
Study on evolution of syntactic ability with evolutionary simulation |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
GENTA Toya (D3) |
●Previous Theme |
Multple approach to displacement for investigation of origin and evolution of language |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) (Joint Research with Dr. OKANOYA Kazuo (Tokyo Univ) and Dr. FUJITA Kouji (Kyoto Univ)) |
Study on origin and evolution of language through modelling grammaticalisation |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) |
Attrition of orthographic skill in logographic written language: Case of Japanese-speaking native Chinese in Japan |
Cognitive differences in isomorphic compound verbs of Japanese and Chinese languages: Analysis of semantic categories and semantic extensions |
Study of the learning method for tacit nuance of Japanese onomatopoeia through creation task using manga |
Study on displacement of language by graphical communication task |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
TAMURA Kaori |
Study on effects of L3 on L2 in phonological knowledge |
Wang Tianjiao |
Learning method of nuance of Japanese onomatopoeia through word-creation task |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
YANG Shuo |
Dynamics of Category Structure based on a Dynamical View of Language |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) |
Study on sense-making process in word-formation of Japanese compound verbs |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Cognitive Semantics Analysis of "KANZEN" and "KANPEKI" in Japanese, Korean and Chinese Languages |
全 学子 |
Modeling of Grammaticalization Based on Reanalysis and Analogy |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Modeling Evolution of Grammar with Elman Networks |
MOURI Ayako |
Problem-Solving Characteristics of Evolutionary Computation Using Interaction among Genetic Evolution, Individual Learning and Social Learning |
WARASHINA Katsuhide |
Constructive Study on Role of Knowledge Transmission in Biological Evolution |
TAKEISHI Takahiro |
Dynamics of Communication |
●Current Theme |
Philosophy of by construction of robots with personality |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor)(Joint Research with KONNO Takeshi (Kanazawa Univ), 柴田正良 (Kanazawa Univ)、長滝祥司(Chukyo Univ)、 |
大平英樹 (Nagoya Univ), 柏端達也 (Keio Univ), 三浦俊彦 (Tokyo Univ),and 久保田進一(Kanazawa Univ) |
Integrative study on creative and emergent aspects of symblic communication ) |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor) (Joint Research with KONNO Takeshi (Kanazawa Univ), |
Dr. MORITA Junya (Nagoya Univ) and Dr. OKUDA Jiro (Kyoto Sangyo Univ) |
Study on neural mechanism for formation of communication system |
LI Guanhong(Researcher) |
Correlation analysis of phase synchronization network structure using hyperscanning EEG for understanding formation process of symbolic communication |
FUJIWARA Masayuki(D2) |
Study of agency recognition with interaction by robots |
Sasage Fumito(M2) |
●Previous Theme |
Study on formation of symbol communication systems through co-creation experiment of artificial language |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor)(Joint Research with KONNO Takeshi (Kanazawa Univ), Dr. MORITA Junya (JAIST) and Dr. OKUDA Jiro (Kyoto Sangyo Univ)) |
Study of co-creative communication by hermeneutic circle and tacit knowing |
Maeda Satoshi |
Study on mechanism of sharing intentions in visual communication by constructing robots |
Abstract(PDF), Doctoral Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
KONNO Takeshi (Pre-Research Assistant Professor)(Joint Research with Dr. SHIBATA Masayoshi (Kanazawa Univ) and Dr. NAGATAKI Shoji (Chukyo Univ)) |
Study of communication process of the informative intention from communicative intention in communication emergence of human and artificial system |
Masaya Ishigami |
Study on the recognition of informative intention in human communication |
QIN Shixiang |
Study on creation and sharing of novel expressions and meanings
symbolic communication |
Abstract, Master's Thesis |
TORII Takuma |
交渉における価値創造に必要なプロセス・条件の発見 |
The changing of objective self-awareness while using foreign language |
MA Siwei |
Study on formation processes of communication system by simultaneous EEG recording between two subjects |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
KISHINO Akihito |
Experimental study on the effect of symbolic communication in graphic design |
Abstract, Master's Thesis |
OGAWA Sachie |
Analyzing the Developmental Mechanism of Intentionality from the Viewpoint of Adaptive Function |
Abstract, Master's Thesis |
YAMADA Hiroaki |
Study on Process of Intercultural Adaptation of Emigrants and Hosts: Viewpoint of Feeling of Wrongness |
Abstract(PDF). Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Chen Shu Fan |
Function of Ambiguity and Context in "Ishin-Denshin-Like Communication" -Consideration with Language-Game Simulation- |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
FUJIMOTO Masanori |
Evolution and Design of Institution |
●Current Theme |
Mathematical modelling and analysis of rule ecology dynamics |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor)(Joint Research with Dr. NISHIBE Makoto (Hokkaido Univ)) |
Study on circulation mechanism of community currency using multi-agent simulation and gaming |
KOBAYASHI Shigeto (Lecturer)(Joint Research with Dr. YOSHIDA Masayuki (Joetsu Univ of Education)) |
Money consciousness research by institutional ecology approach |
KOBAYASHI Shigeto (Lecturer) HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor)(Joint Research with Dr. NISHIBE Makoto (Hokkaido Univ) and Dr. KURITA Kenichi) |
Forecasting and society: Social and political dimensions of "the science of forecasting |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor)(Joint Research with 山口富子 (International Christian Univ), 福島真人 (Tokyo Univ), 日比野愛子氏 (Hirosaki Univ)) |
Study on the institution of general social security utilizing social security point systems |
Toshihiro Iwata(D3) |
Proposal of mechanism to promote collaboration between engineers and local residents in civic tech of Japan |
Shota Onishi (M2) |
Community formation model of social inclusion of disadvantaged people |
ZHANG Yue (M2) |
Development and verification of intergenerational program for improving generativity of staff members in discommissioning nuclear power station |
ZHAO Qiao (M2) |
●Previous Theme |
Self-organization of information-aggregation mechanism in collective adaptation |
MASUMI Akira |
Formation and expansion of community activity driven by subjective norm and self-efficacy |
YAMADA Hiroaki |
Analysis and design of circuit breakers based on synchronic and diachronic perspectives |
Abstract, Doctoral Thesis |
KOBAYASHI Shigeto (Lecturer) |
経験価値創造の視点から見た老舗企業永続の要因 〜石川県の老舗企業「加賀種食品工業株式会社」のケーススタディ〜 |
ZHANG Yifan |
Study on emergence, stability and collapse mechanism of key-currency using artificial market model |
Abstract, Master's Thesis |
TSUJINO Masanori |
Agent-based Simulation: Decision and Evolution Mechanism of Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate |
YANG Yang |
HASHIMOTO Takashi (Professor)(Joint Research with Dr. EGASHIRA Susumu (Otaru Univ of Commerce)) |
Simulation on circulation of community currency in hilly and mountainous area ― Toward support for institutional design using agent-based simulation |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Analyzing transition mechanisms of Search Engine Optimization methods by niche construction approach |
SEKINE Tomohiro |
国内クレジット制度を踏まえた国内排出権取引の制度設計〜大企業と中小企業の全体的利益という視点から考える〜 |
過去の制度再導入が現在の証券市場に与える影響〜人工市場による手口制度分析 |
IGARASHI Takeshi |
Institutional Analysis of Circuit Breakers Using Artificial Stock Market |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) Internal Use Only |
KOBAYASHI Shigeto (Assitant Professor) |
On dissemination mechanism for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility):
An Analysis with Agent Simulation |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Evolutionary simulation of three-person social-dilemma game in collusion |
UEHARA Yasuhiro |
Dynamic Social Simulation with Multi-Agents having Internal Dynamics |
Abstract(PDF), Doctoral Thesis(PDF) Internal Use Only |
SATO Takashi (Okinawa National College of Technology Depertment of Media Information Engineering, Assistant Professor) |
Economic Dynamics and Utility Change using Dynamical Systems Game |
KONNO Masatugu |
Co-evolution of Games and Strategies |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) Internal Use Only |
Formation and Change of Social Systems:Subjects and Historical Constraints in Japanese-Style Employment |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
UEDA Satoshi |
Individuals in Organization 〜Toward Modeling Dynamics of Values and
Norms |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
TSURUMI Daisuke |
Complex System |
●Previous Theme |
"Form-driven" as an explanation principle of creativity |
NAKAZUKA Masaya(D3) |
Basin Structure of Milnor Attractors in Globally Coupled Maps |
MASUMI Akira |
Is Human Judgement Infuluenced by Scientific Terms? -Investigation of
Dairy Judgement on Scientific and Pseudoscientific Discriptions- |
ISHII Tomoko |
Modeling Deception Behavior with "Running-Catching" Game |
KOBUNA Yukihiro |
Study on First-Person Accounts for Cognition and Embodiment |
ITO Makiko |
Constructive study of proto-cell membrane using coarse-grained molecuar model and abstract chemical reaction system model |
Abstract, Doctoral Thesis |
Constructive Study of Proto Cell Evolution and Membrane Permselectivity |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Study of Evolvability of Self-Amendment Game --Minimum Nomic--
Design and Evaluation of Swarm Action Algorithm Based on "Umwelt" |
FUJISAWA Ryusuke (Hachinohe Institute of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering, Assistant Professor) |
Analysis of Dynamic Change of Functions by using Functional Shifts |
Abstract(PDF), Doctoral Thesis(PDF) Internal Use Only |
Evolution of Complexity in Dynamical Functions |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
Influence of Saccade on Geometrical Illusion |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
A Study of Spontaneous Development of Hierarchical Systems by Constructive Approach |
Abstract(PDF), Master's Thesis(PDF, Japanese) |
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