*A new website of Hashimoto lab. has been opened!
[01/04/2019] |
*Assistant Professor Shigeto Kobayashi has been promoted to the Lecturer, congratulations!
[04/04/2018] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi has published a research paper in International Journal of Community Currency Research. Yoshida, M.* & Kobayashi, S.* (2018) Using Simulation and Gaming to Design a Community Currency System. International Journal of Community Currency Research, Vol. 22 (Winter), pp. 132-144. (*equal contribution)
[16/03/2018] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi gives a topic offer at The 22nd special session of the Society of Evolutionary Economics held at Kyusyu University in 29 March. The session is "What is evolutionary economics? Thinking in the young (in practice)".
[15/03/2018] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi gives a talk at Anyato-cafe held at Nomi City Cooperative Community Development Center in 18 March. The title is "What is a virtual currency? Possibility of virtual local currency".
[15/03/2018] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi have an interview article published on Weekly report issued by the Hokkoku Research Institute in 1177 in 26 February 2018. The title is "revival signs of"Local currency" ".
[15/03/2018] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi gives a lecture at MIshikawa prefectural Kanazawa Nishiki-Oka Junior High School held in 22 February 2018. The title is "The economics of society in Lego".This class is part of the business Open Campus project by the University Consortium Ishikawa.
[15/03/2018] |
*Masayuki Fujiwara gives a talk as one day lecturer at The 9th Shingu Lecture: Learning from Seniors held at Fukuoka Prefecture Shingu High School in 17 February 2018. The title is "What is Grand College like? Student researcher's Daily life"
[15/03/2018] |
*Prof. Takashi Hashimoto gives a talk at Ishikawa Technical Management (MOT) school held in 17 February 2018. The title is "The ability to evolve languages and words from the viewpoint of evolution-brush the words ability of AI age"
[15/03/2018] |
*Masayuki Fujiwara did a talk and tutorial at University of Malta held in 24 January 2018. The title is "Talk and tutorial: Introduction to neural synchrony analysis, and its perspective for understanding symbolic communication"
[15/03/2018] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi gives a talk at JAIST Seminar "Co-café @ JAIST" held at the Kanazawa Ekimae office at the University on December 6, 2017. The title is "The secret of money to cheer the community ~the possibility of local currency × virtual currency~"
[15/03/2018] |
*Onishi awarded the " Kigyou award (LINE GovHack Award)" at Mashup Awards 2017 held in 16 December. The title is "Rekitan☆IKOMA"
[11/01/2018] |
*Onishi awarded the "The Best Paper Award" at 2017 JSAI Special Interest Group on Crowd Co-creation held at Nagoya in 8-10 December. The title is "Practice and evaluation of games for promoting collaboration of participants in Civic Tech Event."
[19/12/2017] |
*From 12/8, Ms. Han, Lee, a short-term international student from Dalian University of Science and Technology are visiting Hashimotolab.
[19/12/2017] |
*Prof. Takashi Hashimoto gives a talk at The 47th Hominization Research Conference held at Primate Research Institute Kyoto University in 19-20 December. The title is "Emergent Constructive Approach of Hierarchy and Intention Sharing: Toward Collaboration with Hominization Research."
[19/12/2017] |
*Prof. Takashi Hashimoto gives a talk at Kyoto Conference on Evolinguistics held at Kyoto University in 11-12 November. The title is "Adaptability of recursive combination: Evolutionary simulation and some speculations."
[10/11/2017] |
*Prof. Takashi Hashimoto and Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi organize an outreach event at SCIENCE HILLS KOMATSU , "JAIST Science & Technology School, 'What is money? - Learning about money through a game'."(Report on the day)
[10/11/2017] |
*Assist. Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi won the "Best Paper Award" at the 2017 annual conference of JASAG (Japan Association of Simulation and Gaming) on Nov. 4, 2017.
[10/11/2017] |
*The mid-term defense was held on September 4th, 2017. Five members of Hashimoto lab have taken up the challenge. See the photos here.
[18/09/2017] |
*The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization will be held at The University of Shimane from September 1st to 3rd,2017. The following members of Hashimoto lab are going to give oral presentations.
Shigeto Kobayashi(Assistant Professor):地域の居場所におけるスタッフの協力行動の形成と拡大に関する研究
Shota Onishi(M2): 日本国内のシビックテックにおける技術者と非技術者の協働促進に関する研究.
*Genta Toya(D3)is going to give an oral presentation titled "2つの再帰「階層的埋め込み」「自己参照」:その適応的機能の差異とヒトにおける実現" at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Cognitive Science Society which will ld at Kanazawa University , during September 13th to 15th, 2017.
[17/08/2017] |
*Genta Toya(D3)is going to give an oral presentation titled "Evolution of Recursive Combination Operation" at The European Conference on Artificial Life 2017 (ECAL2017) which held at The LyonTech (France), during September 4th to 8th , 2017.
*Masayuki Fujiwara(D1)has given an oral presentation titled "Changes in Phase Synchronization of EEG during Development of Symbolic Communication Systems" at The 6th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics 2017 (ICCN 2017) which held at Pablo de Olavide University in Carmona (Spain), during August 1st to 5th, 2017.
[17/08/2017] |
*The 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2017) has been held at Hilton London Metropole, during July 26th to 29th, 2017. Following members of Hashimoto lab have given poster presentations.
Genta Toya(D3):Poverty of materials makes recursive combination operation evolvable Masayuki Fujiwara(D1):Neural Phase Synchrony on Understanding Meanings of Symbols
[17/08/2017] |
*The joint paper written by Prof.Hashimoto Takashi and Makoto Nishibe has been published.
"Theoretical model of institutional ecosystems and its economic implications",
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, pp.1–27, 2017
[05/06/2017] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at The 4th International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies which hold at Parque Tecnologico Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spain during 10th to 14th May, 2017. The title is" Historical Transition of Community Currencies in Japan".
[17/04/2017] |
*The research paper of Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi has been published in Journal for Regional Policy Studies,.
"Development and evaluation of open data utilization workshops for citizens without programing skills",
Shigeto Kobayashi,
Journal for Regional Policy Studies,
Vol. 9, pp. 49-58, 2017.
[15/04/2017] |
*The research paper of Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi has been published in Journal of The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization.
"Community currency for promoting sustainable volunteerism and solidarity among local organizations",
Shigeto Kobayashi,
The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization,
Vol. 8, 2017.
[15/04/2017] |
*Prof.Hashimoto Takashi will give a presentation at Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics 2016, Workshop "Scope and Target of 'Evolutionary Economics: Applications'"which hold at Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University on March 26th, 2017. The title is"Complex Systems and Evolutionary Economics: Scope and Target of Non-Traditional Methodologies".
[12/03/2017] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at The Conference of Community Currency in FUJINO which hold at FUJINO WORKSHOP FOR ART on March 18th, 2017. The title is" 21世紀における日本の地域通貨の変化".
[12/03/2017] |
*The THE 7th FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE CO-CREATION (FoKCs-7)will be held at I-site Namba, Osaka Prefecture University on March 21/22, 2017.
The following members of Hashimoto lab will give poster presentations.
FUJIWARA Masayuki (M2): 記号コミュニケーション課題における成功・失敗ペア間の脳波位相同期構造の比較
MILAYI AHEMAITI (M1): Attrition in Logographic Language: Case of Chinese Speaker in Japan.
Shota Onishi (M1): Interview Survey of Code for America to Realize Collaboation between Engineers and Local Reasidents on Civic Tech.
Sasage Fumito (M1): Proposing Parameterization Method for Robot's Personality Recognized in Human-Robot Interactions.
GAO MINGJUN (M1): Different Cognition in Japanese and Chinese Language: Proposal of Cognitive Linguistic Contrastive Analysis of Isomorphic Compound Verbs.
LIAN YUANXIN (M1): Learning Method for Tacit Nuance of Japanese Onomatopoeia through Creation Task Using Manga.
[12/03/2017] |
*On February 16th 2017 the following two members of Hashimoto lab gave their presentation at The 2016 final review of mater's thesis.
Maeda Satoshi :解釈学的循環の概念による共創的コミュニケーションの分析
FUJIWARA Masayuki :脳波位相同期による記号コミュニケーション成立過程における神経活動の解析
See photos of their presentation here and after party with short term exchange students photos here.
[12/03/2017] |
*FUJIWARA Masayuki (M2) has gave a presentation titled "EEG Analysis Using Phase Locking Value in Understanding Meanings of Symbol" at The 13th Meeting of the Union of Research Activity Groups, the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, on14th March, 2016 at the University of Electro-Communication.
[12/03/2017] |
*Maeda Satoshi (M2) is going to give an oral presentation at Human Communication Science (HCS), which hold on 15-16th December, 2017. The title is "Hierarchical Structures of Hermeneutic Circles in Co-Creative Communication - Analysis of Emergent Process of Ideas by Collaborative Construction Experiment-".
[12/03/2017] |
*The 9th Annual Meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Japan is held on 10-11, December, 2016 at Kanazawa. Prof. Hashimoto takes the chair of the committee of the meeting.
[7/12/2016] |
*The study of Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi has been published in Architecture and Society by The Architectural Association of Japan.
Shigeto Kobayashi,
Architecture and Society,
Vol. 97, No. 1137, pp. 20-21, 2016.
[7/12/2016] |
*FUJIWARA Masayuki (M2) is going to give a presentation at The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers System Information Department Academic Leacture Meeting (SSI2016) will be held in Shiga Perfectural Gymnasium, during December 6th to 8th. The title is "Changes of Phase Synchronization Structure of Hyperscanning EEG during Symbolic Communication Task".
Mitsuki Sudo, who is belonging to Tojo lab in School of Information Science and has done his minor research project under supervision of Prof. Hashimoto, will also have a poster presentation. The title is "Effect of symmetry bias on language evolution in Bayesian iterated learning model".
[7/12/2016] |
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi gave a presentation titled "Future Society Brought by Artificial Intelligence and Roles of Tax Accountants" at the Workshop at Kinki Tax Accountants Association, Chukyo brunch which was held at Kyoto Tax Accountants Hall on November 25th, 2016.
[7/12/2016] |
*The research project of Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi which is "経済学的なものの見方を身につけるためのアクティブ・ラーニングの開発と評価" was adopted as excellence prize at The 6th Research Grant Program by The Future Education Research Institute. The research planning to implement in one year from November, 2016.
[7/12/2016] |
*The paper co-written by Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi has been published.
"地域通貨の発行形態に応じた利用者の意識・行動分析 −ゲーミング・シミュレーションを用いた検討−",
Masayuki Yoshida, Shigeto Kobayashi,
The Society of Economic Sociology,
Vol. 38, pp. 144-160, 2016.
[7/12/2016] |
*There will be an event named Philosophy of Personality and Symbiosis: Toward Inclusive Society of Robots and Humans which as the part of the Industry-university-government-finance cooperation event MatchingHUB held by JAIST.
Date:11/1 15:30-18:00
Place: ANA Crowne Plaza 4th floor Hibari
More detail of project check here
Lunch, proposal downloading and registration click here
[14/10/2016] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at the Autumn Meeting of Japan Association of Simulation & Gaming 2016 which hold at Nagoya Institute of Technology on November 12nd to 13rd, 2016. The title is" フレームゲームとしてのカルテットの可能性:二つの実践を通じて".
And, Assistant Prof. Kobayashi will be in charge of the panel discussion section on "Engineering of Creation, Artificial Intelligence, Combination of Simulation and Gaming"
[14/10/2016] |
*The mid-term defense was held on September 6th, 2015. Two members of Hashimoto lab had challenged themselves.
Maeda Satoshi: Experimental Study on Hermeneutic Circle in Co-Creative Communication
FUJIWARA Masayuki: Understanding formation process of symbolic communication using phase synchronization analysis of global brain activity in hyper-scanning EEG.
[19/09/2016] |
*Following members from Hashimoto Lab had public hearing on their final defense of doctoral thesis at the beginning of August.
TARUTA Yasuyoshi「知識構成システム論による加賀市バイオマス政策の評価」
YAMADA Hiroaki 「地域コミュニティの自発的形成・維持メカニズムとその設計に関する研究」
TORII kaori「超越的コミュニケーションの実験記号論的研究 −相手の知らない対象を伝えるコミュニケーションシステムにおける記号の意味拡張−」
[19/09/2016] |
*Our lab went to Summer Camping during Aug.1~2 at Toyama Shō River hot-spring village. We went to the Fukui Mitakagoko in the daytime, and talked about the M1 students' aspiration towards research at night. We had a great time these two days. You can see our photos here!
[19/09/2016] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi gave an oral presentation at the 8th Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization which hold at Obuse, Nagano on September 2nd to 4th, 2016. The title is" 地域内イベントにおける共助行動を促進する地域通貨−能美のSACHIあんやと券を事例として−".
[19/09/2016] |
*Genta Toya(D2) gave an oral presentation titled "統語能力の適応的進化は想定可能か:行動多様性の推進力" at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan which was held at Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama campus , during August 25th to 28th, 2016.
[19/09/2016] |
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi gave a presentation at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan which was held at Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama campus , during August 25th to 28th, 2016.
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi gave a presentation at JSLS Annual Conference which was held at Komaba campus of Tokyo University during December 4th to 5th, 2016. The title was "Constructive study on the hypotheses on the evolution of symbols and syntax".
[19/09/2016] |
*Kaori Tamura(D3) gave a poster presentation at JSLS Annual Conference which was held at Komaba campus of Tokyo University during December 4th to 5th, 2016. The title was "言語の超越性の進化過程に関する考察".
[19/09/2016] |
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi gave a presentation on Société Japonaise de Linguistique Française "Historical change and grammaticalization of natural language:
Through critical discussion on case studies of Japanese, English, and French and mathematical approach" which hold at Meijiro campus of the Gakushuin University on 28th May. 2016.
[18/03/2016] |
*Our lab holds welcome party for new enter students on April 11th. This year we used the rice vinegar which was left from senior made hand-rolled sushi. Click here for photos.
[18/03/2016] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi and Hiroaki Yamada (D3) were published their thesis in collaboration by Information Processing Society of Japan.
"A Study of the Formation Mechanism of Third Place where Individual-oriented People Coexist with Social-oriented People",
Hiroaki Yamada and Shigeto Kobayashi,
IPSJ Journal (in Japanese),
Vol 57, No 3, pp. 897-909 (2016).
Link(members only):
[11/03/2016] |
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi has gave a presentation titled "Language and communication in knowledge co-creation from the viewpoint of language evolution" at JAIST International Symposium on Knowledge Science on14th March, 2016 at Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefetur
[18/03/2016] |
*On February 27th 2016 the following two members of Hashimoto lab gave their presentation at The 2015 final review of mater's thesis.
Masaya Ishigami :Experimental study for considering communicative intention in emergence of communication
Tianjiao Wang:Study on Cross-Language Transfer in Phonological Knowledge between Non-Native Languages: A Case of L3 Japanese Effects on L2 English Vowel Length Perception
See photos of their presentation here and after photos here.
[11/03/2016] |
Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at The 20th Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, which will be held at The University of Tokyo's hongo campus during March 26th to 27th, 2016.The title is "Proposal of a Framework for Investigating Evolution of Community Currency".
[11/03/2016] |
The Evolang 2016 which will be held at the University of Southern Mississippi (New Orleans) at Tulane. The following two members of Hashimoto lab will give oral presentations.
Kaori Tamura(D3):Repetitive mutual hypothesizing induces change of symbol systems in graphical communication (at Workshop Language adapts to interaction)
Genta Toya(D1):Recursive operation ability may evolve for creativity (at Workshop Creativity and innovation in language evolution)
[11/03/2016] |
*The THE 6th FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE CO-CREATION (FoKCs-6)will be held at Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefeture on March 12/13, 2016.
The following five members of Hashimoto lab will give presentations.
Oral presentation by.
Konno Takeshi(Assistant Prof.): A Case of Study to Induce Metalinguistic Awareness Using a Formation Task of Artificial Language.
Poster presentation by.
Toya Genta (D1): Toward Intrinsic Acquisition of Notion of Evolution by Gaming.
Toshihiro Iwata(D1): Common Point As Possible Solution for Revenue Source Problem of Regional Comprehensive Care System.
FUJIWARA Masayuki (M1): Proposal of Cross-Correlation Analysis using Phase Synchronization Network of Two-Person's EEG for Understanding of Symbolic Communication
(副テーマ研究): Forecasting Travel Demand of JAIST-Kanazawa Bus Based on a Travel Behavior Survey
Maeda Satoshi (M1): Conceptualization of Linguistic Communication by Hermeneutic Circle and Tacit Knowing.
[08/03/2016] |
*Tianjiao Wang(M2)has gave a poster presentation titled "Learning Third Language Improves Phonological Perception of Second Language" at The 22nd The Association for Natural Language Processing, during March 7th to 11th, 2016 at Kawauchi campus of TOHOKU UNIVERSITY.[08/03/2016]
Hashimoto lab's OB Takuma Torii had public hearing on his final review of his doctoral thesis with title "Cooperation between greedy learners under uncertainty" on 5th February, 2016.[08/03/2016] |
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi is going to give a presentation titled "Analysis of formation of global public goods based on heterogeneity: Proposal of multiple approach of mathematical modeling and computer simulation" at KEIO Institute of East Asian Studies in Mita Campus of Keio University on 30th January, 2016.[25/01/2016] |
Our lab had year-end party on December 21st, 2015. See our party photos here.[25/01/2016] |
*Prof. Hashimoto Takashi has gave a presentation titled "Modeling rule dynamics:Toward Understanding of Endogenous Formation and Change of Institution" at 新学術領域 共感性ー自己制御精神合同シンポジウム: 個体と社会の関係を科学する on19th December at HITOTSUBASHI University.[15/12/2015] |
*Guanhong Li (D3) has gave an oral presentation titled "Mirror for Communication: The Mirror Neuron System Activity in the Formation of Symbolic Communication Systems"at Consciousness and Intention in Economics and Philosophy on12th to 13th December at Kyoto Sangyo University.[15/12/2015] |
*Genta Toya(D1)has gave an oral presentation at HBES-J 2015 which was held at The Graduate University for Advanced Studies during December 5th to 6th, 2015. The title was "Evolution of Recursive Operation and Reusing for Generation of Expression".[15/12/2015] |
*Masaya Ishigami (M2)has gave a poster presentation titled "Experimental study for considering communicative intention in emergence of communication" at SSI2015, during November 18th to 20th, 2015.[27/11/2015] |
*Genta Toya (D1)has gave a poster presentation titled "Function of Recursive Operation in Human Language: Considering by Evolutionary Simulation of Tool Making" at JAIST-SAST2015, during November 10th to 12th, 2015.[19/11/2015] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at The 3rd International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies, which will be held at the Federal University of Bahia in Salvador, Brazil during Octorber 27th to 3oth, 2015.The title is "Simulation and Gaming as Tools for Designing a Community Currency System".[19/10/2015] |
*The mid-term defense was held on September 8,2015. Two students of Hashimoto lab had challenged themselves (Photos). Then we had a hand-scroll spring rolls party to appreciate their efforts (Photos).
[10/09/2015] |
*Three weeks from today, Shota Onishi san who came from National Institute of Technology Matsue College will stay in our laboratory as an intern student. We gave grilled beef party on August 27 to welcome Onishi san (Photos).
[10/09/2015] |
*The Fellowship Report Session of 27th academic year of Heisei will be held on September 2, 2015.
The following two members of Hashimoto lab will give presentations.
Hiroaki Yamada (D3): Formation and Expansion of Community Activity Driven by Subjective Norm and Self-efficacy
LI Guanhong (D3): Mirror for communication: the mirror neuron system activity in the formation of symbolic communication systems
[10/09/2015] |
*We conducted a summer camp of the 2015 academic year in Toyama Prefecture Shogawa hot spring village on August 9 -10, 2015. We see the great sights at daytime and discuss the ambitions of the newly assigned members at night. It is a very substantial summer camp. (Photos)
[10/09/2015] |
*The following two members will give oral presentations at Complex System Science × Application Philosophy, 2nd Okinawa Workshop will be held at University of the Ryukyus Chihara Campus on August 19-20, 2015.
Takashi Hashimoto(Prof.): Symbol grounding and de-grounding
Konno Takeshi(Assistant Prof.): Study on mechanisms of forming intentions: computational models of non-symbolic and symbolic communication
[10/09/2015] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi serves as facilitator at the 3rd Regional Creation Forum which will be held at Nomi City General Welfare Hall.
[14/08/2015] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at the 51th national annual meeting of the Society of Economic Sociology that will be held at Kyoto Gakuen University on September 18 - 20, 2015. The title is 「地域通貨の発行形態に応じた利用者の行動・意識分析−ゲーミングシミュレーションを用いた検討−」.
[14/08/2015] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give an oral presentation at the 7th meeting of Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization that will be held at Otemae University on September 18 - 20, 2015. The title is 「プログラミングの知識を持たない市民を巻き込んだオープンデータの利活用.
[14/08/2015] |
*The following three members will give presentations at The 32nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Cognitive Science Society (JCSS2015) which was held at Chiba University nishi-chiba Campus on September 18-19,2015.
【Oral Presentation】
Hashimoto Takashi(Prof.): "Grounding and De-grounding in Three Levels of Communication" (Proceeding)
【Poster Presentation】
Konno Takeshi(Assistant Prof.): "The role of proactive modification of behavioral values based on the inference of connotations in symbolic communication" (Proceeding)
Guanhong Li (D3): "The relationship between the mirror neuron system activity and the formation of symbolic communication systems found
in an EEG study" (Proceeding)
[11/08/2015] |
*Two M1 students has joined in Hashimoto laboratory.
[11/08/2015] |
*Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give two poster presentations in The 46th Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA '15) that will be held at Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University on July17-21, 2015.
The titles are as following accordingly.
* "Harvest and Interest"−A Game to Facilitate Understanding of Michael Ende's Momo
* Community Currency Game: Results and the Next Challenge
[26/06/2015] |
*The following two members will give oral presentations at The Japanese Society for Language Sciences(JSLS2015)which was held at B-Con PLAZA(Beppu, Japan) on July 18-19,2015.
* Kaori Tamura (D3):" The use of figurative expression in drawing communication"
* Toya Genta(D1):" Consideration on adaptability of recursion in language: From evolutionary simulation of object manipulation"
[20/05/2015] |
*Toya Genta (D1) will give an oral presentation at the 2015 fiscal year of The Japanese Society for Language Sciences that to be held in Kokkaido University of Education Sapporo Campus on June 3-4, 2014. The title is " The proposal for integration of linguistics".
[20/05/2015] |
*On May 18, 2015, we gave a party for welcoming Milayi Ahemaiti san who joined as a new member of our laboratory, and also for celebrating various happy events such as birthday and engagement. See our photos click here.
[20/05/2015] |
*The Knowledge Science School will implement an internship for junior college students. Our laboratory also accepts the intern toward the following three themes.
"Cognitive experiment of the evolution of language and communication"
"Social simulation of the formation of institutions"
"Utilization of open data for associating with local communities"
Any junior college students, who interested in the above themes, please be sure to make application (reference to here item4).
[12/05/2015] |
*Guanhong Li (D3) will give an oral presentation at the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN 2015) that was held at Sanya(China). The title is "An EEG Study of Human Mirror Neuron System Activities During Abstract Symbolic Communication".
[12/04/2015] |
* Assistant Prof. Shigeto Kobayashi will give a speech in Nomi Local currency Study Group that will be held at Nomi Citizen Collaboration Development Center in April 23, 2015. The title is 「地域通貨の法的根拠と流通事例」. Everyone can attend this speech on that day.
[12/04/2015] |
* The following members of Hashimoto Lab will give poster presentations at the spring school "Tokyo Lectures In Language Evolution" that will be held in the 2nd-5th of April 2015 at the Komaba II Campus of the University of Tokyo.
Guanhong Li (D3) : An EEG study of the role of human mirror neuron system during associative learning.
Kaori Tamura (D3) : Conceptualization for Sharing Images in Displaced Communication: A Comparative Analysis of Hearing and Deaf Communities
Genta Toya (M2) : Computational study about evolutionary process and adaptability of recursive operation in behavioral level
[28/03/2015] |
*A spring school "Tokyo Lectures In Language Evolution" will be held
in the 2nd-5th of April 2015 at the Komaba II Campus of the University of Tokyo.
Prof. Hashimoto Takashi will give lecture on that day. The title is "Three Levels in Human Communication: Emergence and Evolution"(abstract).Please take part in the lectures if you are interested.(Registration)
[17/03/2015] |
Past Information |