International Exchange

Booking Application

▶General Information ▶Rooms and Facilities ▶Room Charge Booking Application ▶Check-In & Check-Out ▶Contact

Booking Application

Booking Application Page(JAIST internal website)

● Booking Application can be made 3 months prior to the scheduled start date of use.
Applications should be submitted by JAIST staff.
● The deadline for applications is 7 days in advance for the Main Building (for short-term use) and 2 weeks in advance for the Annex (for middle-term use).
● Please note that we cannot accept reservations for the Main Building on the closing days and other JAIST holidays(*) as the start date.
(* Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, JAIST anniversary of foundation (October 1))

≪Attention to JAIST staffs≫
Guests of JAIST International Seminar House are permitted to use it on the premise that JAIST faculty or administrative will be in charge of accepting guests and providing support during their stay. 
Therefore, if the guest needs assistance while staying at the Seminar House, the person who submitted the booking application will be contacted, and the applicant will be asked to respond to the request.

e.g. Support in daily life
・How to use the JAIST shuttle
・Interpret Japanese into English
・Guidance to supermarkets and public facilities
・Procedures for kindergartens or schools for children
and so on
When problems arise
・Noise from the room
・Failure to follow trash disposal etiquette
and so on

Cancellation & Rebooking

Main Building(for short-term use)

Cancellations and changes to reservations should be notified by the business day
prior to the scheduled start date of the use.

Annex (for middle-term use)

Cancellations should be notified by the business day prior to the scheduled start of the use.
Reservation changes should be informed at least 5 business days prior to the scheduled start of the use, in order for us to process the change in the usage permit.
Please note that if the notification is received after the deadline, the change will not be processed in time, and the accommodation fee may be charged from the day of the scheduled start of the use.