

Prof. Amaresh CHAKRABARTI at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc) delivered a keynote speech.

1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021)-JAIST 30 Years Anniversary Event-was held online from March 13 to 14, 2021. Prof. Amaresh CHAKRABARTI at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc) delivered a speech as one of keynote speakers.


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The online international workshop with Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) was held.

The IITGN-JAIST International Workshop on “Education under Pandemic Era and Post-pandemic Era” was held online from March 8 to 9, 2021. A total of 32 participants including 8 students, 4 faculty and 4 staffs from both Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) and JAIST attended the online workshop. After the group discussion on the Zoom, each group made a presentation, and finally created the Declaration for the IITGN-JAIST International Workshop.


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Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar left JAIST

Mr. SONI, Saurabh and Mr. VARMA, Akash Kiran returned to their home country at the end of May, 2020. They transferred to JAIST on July, 2019 as the first generation of coming to JAIST on Collaborative Education Program between JAIST and Indian Institute of Technology Gandihinagar (IITGN) and conducted their researches for 11 months.

Mr. SONI and Assoc. Prof. MATSUMURAMr. SONI and Assoc. Prof. MATSUMURA


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Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar transferred to JAIST.

On July 2019, Mr. SONI, Saurabh and Mr. VARMA, Akash Kiran, graduate students of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), transferred to JAIST. They are the first generation of coming to JAIST on Collaborative Education Prpgram Between JAIST and IITGN. They will conduct their researches under the supervisions of Assoc. Prof. MATSUMURA Kazuaki of Materials Chemistry Area for Mr. SONI and Prof. MATSUMI Noriyoshi of the same Area for Mr. VARMA for ten months.

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Special Visiting Student from University of Delhi arrived at JAIST.

On August 1, 2019 Ms. SINGH, Aarushi, a second-year master's program student of University of Delhi, arrived at JAIST. She devoted herself to conducting her research as Special Visiting Student under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. MATSUMURA Kazuaki of Materials Chemistry Area for about two months and left JAIST on September 25.

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Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar arrived at JAIST.

On July 1, 2019 Mr. MEHTA, Anadi, Mr. GAYEN, Diptesh and Mr. DAHULE, Rohit Sanjay, first-year master's program students of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), arrived at JAIST. They devoted themselvs to conducting their researches as Special Visiting Students under the supervisions of Assoc. Prof. HIDAKA Shohei of Human Life Design Area for Mr. MEHTA, Prof. MAEZONO Ryo of Energy and Environment Area for Mr. GAYEN, and Assoc. Prof.HONGO Kenta of same Area for Mr. DAHULE for about one month and left JAIST on August 10, August 16 and August 31 respectively.

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Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar arrived at JAIST.

On May 15, 2019 Mr. MEHTA, Spand Bharat, a third-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), arrived at JAIST. He devoted himself to conducting his research as Visiting Student under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. TANIIKE Toshiaki of Materials Chemistry Area for about one month and left JAIST on June 30.

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Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar arrived at JAIST.

On November 1, 2018 Ms. JAMES, Asha Liza, a third-year doctoral program student of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), arrived at JAIST. She devoted herself to conducting her research as Special Visiting Student under the supervision of Prof. MATSUMI Noriyoshi of Materials Chemistry Area for two months and left JAIST on December 31.

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"Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted."

"Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted from February 25 to 28, 2019 and eight students of JAIST with three professors participated in the training.This training was comprised of company visits, hosting a seminar and India cross-cultural training, and students had opportunities to improve assertive communication skills in English, recognize site-specific subjects and enhance cross-cultural understandings.

On February 25 and 27, JAIST delegates visited four companies and one organization; NASSCOM 10000 Startups, Rakuten Institute of Technology Bengarole, Infosys Limited, Cypress Semiconductor and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Bengaluru office.

NASSCOM 10000 Startups NASSCOM 10000 Startups
Listened to the presentation from three of Deep Tech startups and visited a lab focusing efforts on IoT research.

Infosys LimitedInfosys Limited
The IT giant in India holding 20,000 employees working on the large campus comparable to Silicon Valley IT companies.

Rakuten Institute of Technology BengaroleRakuten Institute of Technology Bengarole
The R&D base second to Tokyo base working on research on computer vision and healthcare.

Cypress SemiconductorCypress Semiconductor
The R&D base of American semiconductor design and manufacturing company. Discussed subjects on global R&D.

JETRO Bengaluru officeJETRO Bengaluru office
Held hearings regarding the latest trends in Bangalore and efforts on startup hub between Japan and India.

On February 26, the delegates participated in “JAIST-IISc Research Seminar 2019” held at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and professors from each institute introduced their research topics. Poster sessions by students from JAIST and IISc was also held during lunch time and totally 20 students made presentations.

On the final day February 28, the delegates visited Mysuru city for the cross-cultural training. They learnt the long historical background and religions in India and enhanced their understanding of this country.

JAIST-ⅡSc Research SeminarJAIST-ⅡSc Research Seminar

At Mysore PalaceAt Mysore Palace

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Reports from Students came back from India have been posted.

Reports from Students completed their off-campus research at the partner institutes in India have been posted.(Japanese only)

  • Report from Mr. Keisuke Michitaka
  • Report from Mr. Yuji Iwama
  • Report from Mr. Yuki Hirano
  • Report from Mr. Daisuke Yamamoto
  • Report from Mr. Yutaka Kawai
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    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019" was held.

    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019" was held on March 7 at JAIST.

    After an opening remark by JAIST President Tetsuo Asano, professors from JAIST and our partner institutions Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, University of Delhi and Indian Institute of Science gave lectures.

    A poster session were also taken place during a lunch break and 31 students from each institutions gave their oral presentations enhancing the interchange of ideas and opinions through discussions on their research topics.

    More lectures from other professors followed in the afternoon session and the symposium was closed with a speech by JAIST Executive Trustee Minoru Terano.

    The number of the participants was 75 in total.

    President Tetsuo AsanoPresident Tetsuo Asano

    DU Prof. Akhilesh K. VermaDU Prof. Akhilesh K. Verma

    During the poster sessionDuring the poster session

    Participants from JAIST and the partner institutionsParticipants from JAIST and the partner institutions.

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    Student Debriefing Session of Off-Campus Research in India was held.

    A student debriefing session of off-campus research in India was held on March 5, 2019 and 20 participants including President Asano attended the session.

    The purpose of this session was to enhance students' interest in off-campus research in India by establishing an opportunity to listen to the presentations given by students who returned from partner institutions in India. The session also had a role as one of safety lectures for next candidates who hope to study in India.

    Six students completed their research at the partner institutes this academic year, and Mr. Yuji Iwama, 1st-year student in the master’s program of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, and Mr. Daisuke Yamamoto, 2nd-year student in the same program, reported on the reasons that they decided to do the off-campus research, life in the local, and outcomes gained from their study at their host institute, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar.

    This time, the external evaluation committee members of this project also attended the session and it became a place to send out the outcomes of the undertaking outside JAIST.

    Mr. Yuji IwamaMr. Yuji Iwama

    Mr. Daisuke YamamotoMr. Daisuke Yamamoto

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    "IITGN-JAIST Seminar" was held.

    "IITGN-JAIST Seminar" was held from December 12 to 24, 2018 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar.

    The seminar consisted of two programs. The first program was “IITGN-JAIST Joint Workshop on Design Interventions for Behavioural Change” for three days. During the workshop, specialists in social issues such as traffic congestions, garbage problem, sexism and education gave lectures and JAIST students discussed the difference of social problems and the way of thinking with IITGN students.

    The second program was “India Ki Khoj”, an intensive program aiming at deepening the understanding toward Indian civilization, culture, history and religions. This program was held for seven days and comprised of the combination of lectures, performance of classic music and dance, visits to historical architecture. JAIST students deepened their knowledge on Indian culture and society from this program.

    During the joint workshop During the joint workshop

    Students giving a presentationStudents giving a presentation

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    Research Exchange Meeting with Special Visiting Students was held.

    On July 20, 2018, the research exchange meeting with Special Visiting Students was held.

    Ms. Sonal Keshwani from Indian Institute of Science acted as a moderator in the meeting, and 14 Special Visiting Students from partner institutions in India gave the presentation to introduce their research at JAIST. Approximately 41 JAIST faculty members and students in addition to the speakers participated in the meeting.

    During the meetingDuring the meeting

    Speakers and their supervisorsSpeakers and their supervisors

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    6 Special Visiting Students from our partner institutions in India have arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2018, a doctoral student and five students in the master's program belonging to the partner institutions in India have arrived at JAIST and now devote themselves to conducting their research as Special Visiting Students under the supervisions of JAIST professors respectively. They will stay here until July 31 for two months.

    [From Indian Institute of Science]
    Ms. Bidushi Sarkar (Prof. Matsumi's lab)Ms. Bidushi Sarkar (Prof. Matsumi's lab)

    [From University of Delhi]
    Ms. Ishita Chandra (Assoc. Prof. Matsumura's lab)Ms. Ishita Chandra (Assoc. Prof. Matsumura's lab)

    [From Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar]
    (From the left) Ms.Garima (Assoc. Prof. Matsumura's lab) Ms. Kriti Kapil (Sr. Lecturer Okeyoshi's lab)(From the left)
    Ms.Garima (Assoc. Prof. Matsumura's lab)
    Ms. Kriti Kapil (Sr. Lecturer Okeyoshi’s lab)

    (From the left)Mr. Maruthi Kumar Pabba (Prof. Tsukahara's lab)Mr. Kamal Kant Chandra (Prof. Mizuta's lab)(From the left)
    Mr. Maruthi Kumar Pabba (Prof. Tsukahara's lab)
    Mr. Kamal Kant Chandra (Prof. Mizuta's lab)

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    2 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 14, 2018, Ms. Sonal Keshwani and Mr. Ishaan Kaushal, doctoral students of Indian Institute of Science, have arrived at JAIST and now devote themselves to conducting their research as Special Visiting Students under the supervisions of Prof. Yukari Nagai, Human Life Design Area. Ms. Keshwani participated in "JAIST-IISc Seminar" held at JAIST in 2015 and this is the second time to visit JAIST. They will stay here until July 29 for about two months.

    Ms. Sonal Keshwani and Mr. Ishaan KaushalMs. Sonal Keshwani and Mr. Ishaan Kaushal

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    6 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 8, 2018, six students in the master’s program of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST and now devote themselves to conducting their research as Special Visiting Students under the supervisions of JAIST professors respectively. They will stay here until July 31 for about three months.

    Mr. Prashant Lawhatre (Assoc. Prof. Hidaka’s lab)Mr. Prashant Lawhatre (Assoc. Prof. Hidaka’s lab)

    (From the left) Mr. Ghaffar Abdul and Mr. Abhishek Raghav (Prof. Maezono’s lab)(From the left) Mr. Ghaffar Abdul and Mr. Abhishek Raghav (Prof. Maezono’s lab)

    Mr. Yuki Fujita(From the left)
    Ms. Isai Amudhu Santhi Selvaraj (Prof. Hashimoto’s lab),
    Ms. Dhwani Parimal Sadaphal and Ms. Manisha Biswas (Prof. Fujinami’s lab)

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    Student Debriefing Session of Off-Campus Research in India was held.

    A student debriefing session of off-campus research in India was held on June 13, 2018 and 40 people including President Asano, faculty members and students attended the session.

    The purpose of this session was to enhance students' interest in this program by establishing an opportunity to listen to the presentations given by students who returned from partner institutions in India. The session also had a role as one of safety lectures for next candidates who hope to be involved in the future.

    In the session, Ms. Anna Yoshioka and Mr. Yuki Fujita, 2nd-year students in the master’s program of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, reported their motivation, outcomes and experience through this program. Ms. Yoshioka stayed in Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar and Mr. Fujita stayed in Indian Institute of Science during the academic year 2017. It became a very fruitful session with practical advice from the presenters to next candidates given through questions and answers after the presentation.

    Ms. Anna YoshiokaMs. Anna Yoshioka

    Mr. Yuki FujitaMr. Yuki Fujita

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    2 Visiting Students from University of Delhi arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2018, Ms. Mansi Sagar and Mr. Mr. Srijit Seal have arrived at JAIST. They are first and second year undergraduate students of University of Delhi, and now devote themselves to conducting their research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Kazuaki Matsumura, Materials Chemistry Area and Prof. Ryo Maezono, Energy and Environmental Area respectively as Visiting Students. They will stay here until July 31 for two months.

    Ms. Mansi SagarMs. Mansi Sagar

    Mr. Srijit SealMr. Srijit Seal

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    3 Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar conducted research at JAIST.

    On May 8, 2018, Ms. Anushikha, Mr. Amit Kumar Singh Yadav and Mr. Akhilesh Ravi, 2nd-year undergraduate students of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, have arrived at JAIST and conducted their researches as Visiting Students under the supervision of Prof. Ryo Maezono, Energy and Environment Area. After their stay for about two months, they returned to their home country on June 29.

    Ms. Anushikha and Mr. Amit Kumar Singh YadavMs. Anushikha and Mr. Amit Kumar Singh Yadav

    Mr. Akhilesh RaviMr. Akhilesh Ravi

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    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science conducted research at JAIST.

    On May 1, 2018, Mr. Gokulnath Sithun Anjaneyamoorthy, a 2nd-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST and conducted his research as a Visiting Student under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Kazuaki Matsumura, Materials Chemistry Area. After his stay for two months, he returned to his home country on July 1.

    Mr. Gokulnath Sithun AnjaneyamoorthyMr. Gokulnath Sithun Anjaneyamoorthy

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    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018" was held.

    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018" was held from March 5 to 6, 2018, at JAIST.

    After an opening remark by JAIST President Tetsuo Asano at the beginning of the first day, professors from Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar and JAIST gave lectures. At a poster session on the second day, JAIST and IITGN students presented their own research. 26 posters were presented and the participants exchanged opinions and interacted each other.

    The symposium was followed by more lectures from the professors and closed with a closing remark given by JAIST Executive Trustee Minoru Terano. We received many positive comments from the students on the symposium:"Many different professors of different fields gave very interesting talks," "Sharing the knowledge and getting suggestions from JAIST professors gave me a new vision or approach towards my research," "We can hopefully collaborate with groups at JAIST to work together in the future."

    The number of the participants was 70 in total.

    President Tetsuo AsanoPresident Tetsuo Asano

    IITGN Asst. Prof. Kabeer JasujaIITGN Asst. Prof. Kabeer Jasuja

    During the poster sessionDuring the poster session

    JAIST Assoc. Prof. Takumi YamaguchiJAIST Assoc. Prof. Takumi Yamaguchi

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    "Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted.

    "Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted from March 6 to 9, 2018 and 12 members from JAIST participated in the training. This training consisted of three pillars: company visits, hosting a seminar and India cross-cultural training.

    On March 6 and 8, professors and students from JAIST have visited four companies; NEC Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., NASSCOM Startup Warehouse, Ricoh Innovations Private Limited and Sony India Software Centre Pvt. Ltd. It was great opportunity not only for being aware of the expectations for start-up industries and the spirit of challenging young people in India, but also for having exchanged opinions on the difficulties of global R & D management.

    NEC Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.NEC Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

    NASSCOM Startup WarehouseNASSCOM Startup Warehouse

    Ricoh Innovations Private LimitedRicoh Innovations Private Limited

    Sony India Software Centre Pvt. Ltd.Sony India Software Centre Pvt. Ltd.

    On March 7, JAIST members participated in “JAIST-IISc Seminar 2018” held at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) as well. Getting started with an introduction of JAIST-India cooperative program given by Prof. Uchihira, the seminar was followed by lectures on areas of knowledge science, information science, and materials science by IISc professors. Parallel sessions and poster sessions were held in the afternoon and about 20 posters were presented by students from both sides. JAIST students presented their research in English and discussed with professors and students of IISc. It was the fourth year of JAIST?India cooperative program and it comes out that student interns from IISc to JAIST have been increased ever since we launched this program. It was a fruitful moment to meet those alumni and alumnae again.

    Indian Institute of ScienceIndian Institute of Science

    During the poster sessionDuring the poster session

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    A student in the master’s program came back from India.

    On January 15, 2018, Mr. Shun Miura, a master’s program student of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, came back from India. He conducted their research under the collaborative guidance of his supervisor at Indian Institute of Science. He also served his internship at HITACHI India Pvt. Ltd.

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    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On January 8, 2018, Mr. Apoorv Naresh Bhatt, a doctoral program student of Center for Product Design and Manufacturing at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for three months and conducts research under the supervision of Prof. Yukari Nagai, Human Life Design Area.

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    Students in the doctoral and master’s program came back from India.

    On December 21, 2017, a doctoral student, Mr. Yoshitaka Oguni and a master’s program student, Ms. Anna Yoshioka, both belong to Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, came back from India. They conducted their research under the collaborative guidance of their supervisors at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar. During the stay Mr. Oguni also served his internship at FLYJAC LOGISTICS PVT. LTD. in Ahmedabad, and Ms. Yoshioka did at Acty System India Pvt. Ltd. in Ahmedabad.

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    2 students in the master’s program came back from India.

    On December 15, 2017, Mr. Yuki Fujita and Mr. Naoki Kimura, both master’s program students of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, came back from India. They conducted their research under the collaborative guidance of their supervisors at Indian Institute of Science. They also served their internships at HITACHI India Pvt. Ltd. and at Yokogawa India Ltd. respectively.

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    "IITGN-JAIST Seminar" was held.

    "IITGN-JAIST Seminar" was held from December 6 to 19, 2017 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar.

    The seminar consisted of two programs. The first program was “IITGN-JAIST Joint Workshop on Design and Cognitive Interventions for Large Scale Social Concerns” which took place for three days. Totally 16 presentations including four keynote addresses from IITGN faculty members were given in the workshop. IITGN and JAIST students also visited a Gandhinagar school site and a waste dump site, and jointly discussed solutions on traffic congestion and waste problem in India.

    The second one was “India Ki Khoj”, an intensive program focusing on the understanding and appreciation of India through diverse lectures and field visits. JAIST students participated this eight-day program and deepened their knowledge on Indian culture and society.

    Gandhinagar school visitGandhinagar school visit

    Group discussionGroup discussion

    A visit during India Ki KhojA visit during India Ki Khoj

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    Debriefing session by Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science was held.

    Debriefing session by Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science was held as follows.

    Date and Time: July 20, 2017 3:00pm - 5:00pm

    1. Ms. Priti Singh (Prof. Uchihira’s lab., School of Knowledge Science)
      Title: Cross-cultural study on Expatriate’s adjustment: India & Japan

    2. Ms. Shruti Shrikant Kulkarni (Prof. Uchihira’s lab., Shool of Knowledge Science)
      Title: Emergence of Corporate Sustainability: Analysis of Corporate Sustainability performance
         and reporting (CSPR) and Corporate Climate Change Response

    Ms. Priti SinghMs. Priti Singh

    Ms. Shruti Shrikant KulkarniMs. Shruti Shrikant Kulkarni

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    Research exchange meeting with special visiting students was held.

    On July 14, 2017, the research exchange meeting with special visiting students was held.

    In the meeting, 11 special visiting students from University of Delhi, Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar gave the presentations on their research achievements during their stay at JAIST. In addition, a program coordinator in the Center for Global Educational Collaboration introduced the internship records of Japanese students who stayed in India by MEXT Re-Inventing Japan Project. Approximately 40 JAIST faculty members, staff and students participated in the meeting and exchanged opinions actively.

    Among the participants, some Japanese students who plan to study in India this academic year were quite stimulated by the research achievements of the special visiting students and filled with a feeling of hope toward their research in India. Most of the special visiting students will finish their research at JAIST and go back to their home institutes in India at the end of this month.

    MC by Ms. Shakuntala AcharyaMC by Ms. Shakuntala Acharya

    Presentation by Mr. Sujoy SahaPresentation by Mr. Sujoy Saha

    Presentation by Ms. Niharika SharmaPresentation by Ms. Niharika Sharma

    Trustee Matsuzawa (at the center in the front row) also participated in the meetingTrustee Matsuzawa (at the center in the front row) also participated in the meeting

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    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On July 1, 2017, Mr. Akash Singh, a master’s program student of Materials Research Centre at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for two months and conducts research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono, Energy and Environment Area.

    Mr. Akash SinghMr. Akash Singh

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    Research exchange meeting with special visiting students was held.

    On June 7, 2017, the research exchange meeting with special visiting students was held.

    In the meeting, 10 special visiting students from University of Delhi, Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar gave the presentation to introduce their research at JAIST. Approximately 15 JAIST faculty members and students from their host laboratories participated in the meeting. Participants exchanged opinions actively and deepened exchange each other.

    Next exchange meeting will be held in July as well to report their research achievement during their stay at JAIST.

    During the meetingDuring the meeting


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    3 Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2017, Mr. Akash Pallath, Mr. Aman Kamlesh Singh and Mr. Aagam Rajeev Shah, 2nd-year undergraduate students of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Visiting Students for two months and conduct research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono, Energy and Environment Area.

    (From left) Mr. Aman Kamlesh Singh, Mr. Akash Pallath, Mr. Aagam Rajeev Shah(From left) Mr. Aman Kamlesh Singh, Mr. Akash Pallath, Mr. Aagam Rajeev Shah

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    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2017, Mr. Utkarsh Pratiush, a 2nd-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for two months and conducts research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Kazuaki Matsumura, Materials Chemistry Area.

    Mr. Utkarsh PratiushMr. Utkarsh Pratiush

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    2 Visiting Students from University of Delhi have arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2017, Ms. Alisha Debas and Ms. Apeksha Singh, 2nd-year undergraduate students of University of Delhi, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Visiting Students for two months and conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi, Materials Chemistry Area and Prof. Kohki Ebitani, Materials Chemistry Area respectively.

    (From left) Ms. Apeksha Singh, Ms.Alisha Debas(From left) Ms. Apeksha Singh, Ms.Alisha Debas

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    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar has arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2017, Mr. Sujoy Saha, a master’s program student of Department of Physics at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for two months and conducts research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono, Energy and Environment Area.

    Mr. Sujoy SahaMr. Sujoy Saha

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    3 Special Visiting Students from University of Delhi have arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2017, Ms. Parul Bathla and Ms. Niharika Sharma, master’s program students of Department of Chemistry, and Mr. Ravi Tomar, a doctoral program student of Department of Chemistry at University of Delhi, have arrived at JAIST. Ms. Bathla and Ms. Sharma stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Students for two months. Mr. Tomar stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for three months. Ms. Bathla and Mr. Tomar conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Kohki Ebitani, Materials Chemistry area and Ms. Sharma conducts research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono, Energy and Environment Area.

    (From left) Ms. Parul Bathla, Mr. Ravi Tomar(From left) Ms. Parul Bathla, Mr. Ravi Tomar

    Ms. Niharika SharmaMs. Niharika Sharma

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    3 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 9, 2017, Ms. Shruti Shrikant Kulkarni and Ms. Priti Singh, doctoral program students of Department of Management Studies, and Ms. Shakuntala Acharya, a doctoral program student of Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing at Indian Institute of Science, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Students for three months. Ms. Kulkarni and Ms. Singh conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Naoshi Uchihira and Ms. Acharya conducts research under the supervision of Prof. Yukari Nagai in Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    (From left) Ms. Priti Singh and Ms. Shruti Shrikant Kulkarni(From left) Ms. Priti Singh and Ms. Shruti Shrikant Kulkarni

    Ms. Shakuntala AcharyaMs. Shakuntala Acharya

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    3 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 9, 2017, Mr. Saravanan Balakrishnan, Ms. Baby Ziliya Njarakkattil Abdullakutty and Ms. Unnati Sanjay Palan, master’s program students of Centre for Cognitive Science at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Students for three months and conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Kazunori Miyata, Prof. Tsutomu Fujinami and Assoc. prof. Hideaki Kanai in Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology respectively.

    (From left) Ms. Baby Ziliya Njarakkattil Abdullakutty, Ms. Unnati Sanjay Palan and Mr. Saravanan Balakrishnan(From left) Ms. Baby Ziliya Njarakkattil Abdullakutty, Ms. Unnati Sanjay Palan and Mr. Saravanan Balakrishnan

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    Student Debriefing Session of Off-Campus Research in India was held.

    A student debriefing session of off-campus research in India was held on March 13, 2017 and 22 people
    attended the session.

    The purpose of this session was to give an opportunity to students completed the short term research program
    in India to present their experience and to enhance attendees’ interest in this program. The session also had a
    role as one of safety lectures for next candidates who hope to participate in it in the future.

    In the session, Mr. Tomoaki Hashizaki, 1st year doctoral student of Graduate School of Advanced Science and
    Technology, Mr. Tatsuya Nakata, 2nd year master’s student of School of Materials Science and Ms. Keiko Iwata,
    1st year master's student of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology reported what induced them
    to participate in this program, the outcomes of their research and lifestyle in India, and what they gained
    through this program. Mr. Hashizaki and Mr. Nakata stayed in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and
    Ms. Iwata stayed in Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar. It was a very fruitful session especially for
    next candidates participated as they could get practical advice from the presenters.

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    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2017" was held.

    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2017" was held from March 6 to 7, 2017, at JAIST.

    After an opening remark by JAIST President Tetsuo Asano at the beginning of the first day, professors from
    University of Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, and JAIST gave lectures.

    At a poster session on the second day, JAIST students, post-doctoral researchers, DU students and IITGN
    students presented their own research. 32 posters were presented and the participants engaged in exchanges
    of opinions, interacted each other.The symposium was followed by more lectures from the professors and closed
    with a closing remark having given by JAIST Executive Trustee Minoru Terano.

    We received comments from the students on the symposium such as "I have got the opportunity to present
    my thesis work by poster presentation also to interact with the professors from different places, institute.
    I got some suggestions or feedback for my project work", "Symposium was very fruitful and the insight which
    I have gained from will help me in furtherance of my scientific career", "Looking forward to have this kind of
    symposium multiple times in a year", and "I hope if we could introduce student's oral session to this symposium."

    The amount of the participants was 68 in total.

    President Tetsuo AsanoPresident Tetsuo Asano

    DU Prof. Gurmeet SinghDU Prof. Gurmeet Singh

    DU Prof. Diwan Singh RawatDU Prof. Diwan Singh Rawat

    IITGN Asst. Prof Sivapriya KirubakaranIITGN Asst. Prof Sivapriya Kirubakaran

    During the poster sessionDuring the poster session

    Executive Trustee Minoru TeranoExecutive Trustee Minoru Terano

    Top of Page

    "Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted.

    "Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted from February 28 to March 3,
    2017, and 15 members from JAIST participated in the training. This training consisted of three pillars: company
    visits, hosting a seminar and India cross-cultural training.

    Professors and students from JAIST have visited four local companies, Tata Elxsi Limited, Rohm Semiconductor
    India Pvt. Ltd, IBM Research India and Wipro Limited, on February 28 and March 2. Having not only visited two
    of four companies with Indian capital, but also one with Japanese capital and one with US capital, students
    seem to have learnt the difference of corporate culture originated from cultural habits in each home country,
    and felt the momentum of economic growth in India.

    Tata Elxsi LimitedTata Elxsi Limited

    Wipro LimitedWipro Limited

    JAIST members also participated in “JAIST-IISc Seminar 2017” held at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) on
    March 1. Getting started with an introduction of JAIST-India cooperative programme given by Prof. Uchihira,
    the seminar was followed by lectures on areas of knowledge science, information science, and materials science
    by IISc professors. An invited lecturer from a Japanese-affiliated company in India also joined the seminar and
    parallel sessions of those three areas were held respectively in the afternoon.

    At a poster session, where students from both IISc and JAIST were main presenters, about 30 posters were
    presented. JAIST students presented their research in English and had a great opportunity to discuss with
    professors and students of IISc. Moreover, some students who used to be an internship at JAIST joined in
    the seminar and enjoyed reunion with JAIST members.

    The number of participants in the seminar including the poster session were about 50 in total.

    Top of Page

    Prof. UchihiraProf. Uchihira

    During the poster sessionDuring the poster session

    During the poster sessionDuring the poster session

    India cross-cultural trainingIndia cross-cultural training

    Top of Page

    A master’s program student came back from India.

    On March 6, 2017, Ms. Keiko Iwata, a master’s program student of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, came back from India. She left for India on December 3, and after having participated in IITGN-JAIST Seminar held at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), conducted her minor research project under the collaborative guidance of her supervisor at IITGN. She also served her internship at Hitachi Hi-Rel Electronics Pvt. Ltd. in Ahmedabad and Asahi Modi Materials Private Limited in Bharuchi.

    Ms. Keiko Iwata (the first person from the left in the front row) Ms. Keiko Iwata (the first person from the left in the front row)

    Top of Page

    A workshop on "Materials Science and High Performance Computing" was held.

    A workshop on "Materials Science and High Performance Computing" was held from January 8 to 16, 2017 at JAIST.

    At the workshop, Asst. Prof. Pratyush Dayal of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), Prof. Hari Kumar K. C. of Indian Institute of Technology Madras and JAIST faculty members gave lectures and had hands-on sessions on CALPHAD, Quantum_Espresso and CASINO. Totally 14 participants including 4 students from IITGN and 6 from JAIST interacted with each other.

    Having received comments from the students on the workshop such as "Very good", "I strongly feel that this should be spread over more numbers of days", and "Theoretical concepts can be emphasized more", we feel confident that this workshop successfully stimulated students' enthusiasm for learning.

    Prof. Hari Kumar K. CProf. Hari Kumar K. C

    Asst. Prof. Pratyush DayalAsst. Prof. Pratyush Dayal

    During the workshopDuring the workshop

    Top of Page

    "IITGN-JAIST Seminar" was held.

    "IITGN-JAIST Seminar" was held from December 5 to 19, 2016 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar.

    The seminar consisted of two programs. The first program was "IITGN-JAIST Joint Workshop on Design and Cognitive Interventions for Large Scale Social Concerns", and participants had discussions about their research projects and some topics such as solutions of traffic congestion and problems of waste management in India over five days. They also visited Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt. Ltd. during the workshop. The event was followed by "India Ki Khoj", where the participants learned and developed knowledge about Indian culture and society over eight days.

    While many students from JAIST seems to have been inspired by social situations, traditional culture and people's lifestyle in India, some also realized the importance of English proficiency as a communication tool firsthand from their experiences.

    JAIST students participated in the seminarJAIST students participated in the seminar

    During the workshopDuring the workshop

    Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt. Ltd.Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

    Top of Page

    A master's program student came back from India.

    On December 1, 2016, Mr. Tatsuya Nakata, a master's program student of School of Material Science, came back from India. He left for India on September 30, 2016 and conducted his minor research project under the collaborative guidance of his supervisor at Indian Institute of Science. He also served his internship at Yokogawa India Ltd. located in Bangalore.

    Mr. Tatsuya Nakata (the fourth person from the left in the back row) Mr. Tatsuya Nakata (the fourth person from the left in the back row)

    Top of Page

    A doctoral student came back from India.

    On September 2, 2016, Mr. Tomoaki Hashizaki, a doctoral student of Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, came back from India. He conducted a research under the collaborative guidance of his supervisor at Indian Institute of Science and served his internship at NEC Technologies India located in Bangalore.

    Mr. Tomoaki Hashizaki (5th from left)  Mr. Tomoaki Hashizaki (5th from left)

    Top of Page

    3 Special Visiting Students from University of Delhi have arrived at JAIST.

    On July 1, 2016, Ms. Kanika, Ms. Neha Tewari, and Mr. Anmol Virmani, master's program students of Department of Chemistry at University of Delhi, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Students for one month and conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Tatsuo Kaneko, Assoc. Prof. Toshiaki Taniike, and Prof. Kenzo Fujimoto in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology respectively.

    (from left) Ms. Kanika, Ms. Neha Tewari, and Mr. Anmol Virmani(from left) Ms. Kanika, Ms. Neha Tewari, and Mr. Anmol Virmani

    Top of Page

    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On June 20, 2016, Mr. Ajay Gautam, a 3rd-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for two months and conducts research under Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Mr. Ajay GautamMr. Ajay Gautam

    Top of Page

    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On May 20, 2016, Mr. Prathitha Kar, a 2nd-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for about two months and conducts research under Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Mr. Prathitha KarMr. Prathitha Kar

    Top of Page

    Debriefing session by a Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science was held.

    Debriefing session by Ms. Archana Boppolige Ananda, a Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science, was held as follows.

    Date and Time: May 19, 2016 4:30pm-5:30pm
    Title: Advancement of Viral Phenomenon Study: Learnings in JAIST

    During the sessionDuring the session

    Top of Page

    3 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 12, 2016, Ms. Apoorva Ojha, Mr. Mohit Dineshkumar Ganeriwala, and Mandar Suresh Bhoir, Ph.D students of Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Students for three months and conduct research under Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Mr. Mandar Suresh Bhoir, Ms. Apoorva Ojha, and Mr. Mohit Dineshkumar GaneriwalaMr. Mandar Suresh Bhoir, Ms. Apoorva Ojha, and Mr. Mohit Dineshkumar Ganeriwala

    Top of Page

    2 Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 9, 2016, Mr. Varuneshwar Reddy Mandadi and Mr. Pranjal Srivastava, both 2nd-year undergraduate students of Indian Institute of Science, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Visiting Students for about two months and conduct research under the supervision of Prof. Kazuhiro Ogata and Assoc. Prof. Atsuo Yoshitaka in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology respectively.

    Mr. Varuneshwar Reddy Mandadi and Mr. Pranjal SrivastavaMr. Varuneshwar Reddy Mandadi and Mr. Pranjal Srivastava

    Top of Page

    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On May 6, 2016, Ms. Sindhana Selvi Pannir Sivajothi, a 3rd-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. She stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for two months and conducts research under Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Ms. Sindhana Selvi Pannir SivajothiMs. Sindhana Selvi Pannir Sivajothi

    Top of Page

    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On May 5, 2016, Mr. Tara Prasad Mishra, a 2nd-year undergraduate student of Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for about three months and conducts research under Assoc. Prof. Yoshifumi Oshima's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Mr. Tara Prasad Mishra and Assoc. Prof. Yoshifumi OshimaMr. Tara Prasad Mishra and Assoc. Prof. Yoshifumi Oshima

    Top of Page

    3 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On May 1, 2016, Ms. Sandhya Singh, Ms. Singsei Grace Tinnunnem Haokip and Ms. Pranjali Shrikant Kulkarni, master's program students of Department of Cognitive Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Students for three months and conduct research under Prof. Tsutomu Fujinami's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Ms. Sandhya Singh, Ms. Singsei Grace Tinnunnem Haokip and Ms. Pranjali Shrikant KulkarniMs. Sandhya Singh, Ms. Singsei Grace Tinnunnem Haokip and Ms. Pranjali Shrikant Kulkarni

    Top of Page

    Presentation by a Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science was held.

    Presentation by Ms. Archana Boppolige Ananda, a Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science, was given to Japanese students as follows.

    Date and Time: April 26, 2016 3:30pm-4:30pm
    Title: Exploring viral phenomenon as a measure of growth trajectory in business and market

    During the sessionDuring the session

    Top of Page

    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On April 20, 2016, Ms. Archana Boppolige Ananda, a Ph.D. student of Department of Management Studies at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. Ms. Boppolige Ananda stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for a month and conducts research under Prof. Naoshi Uchihira's supervision in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology.

    Ms. Archana Boppolige AnandaMs. Archana Boppolige Ananda

    Top of Page


    Student debriefing session of off-campus research in India was held.

    For more information on the session, please click here.

    Top of Page

    Debriefing session by a Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science was held.

    Debriefing session by Mr. Srigowtham Arunagiri, a Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science, was held as follows.

    Date and Time: March 10, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm
    Title: Global knowledge transfer framework: a university-industry collaboration Perspective

    During the sessionDuring the session

    Top of Page

    "IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials" was held.

    "IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials" was held on March 7, 2016 at JAIST.

    At the workshop, Asst. Prof. Pakkirisamy Thilagar of Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and JAIST faculty members gave lectures. Three of IISc students made their presentations, too. The participants were about 65 in total.

    Next day, on March 8, participants took a tour of Center for Nano Materials and Technology, and visited 5 labs of School of Materials Science for exchanging opinions on future collaboration.

    JAIST students and 4 IISc students deepened the exchanges through the poster session and discussion.

    Prof. MurataProf. Murata

    Asst. Prof. Thilagar, IIScAsst. Prof. Thilagar, IISc

    Poster sessionPoster session

    Poster sessionParticipants

    Top of Page

    "Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted.

    "Global Research and Development and Innovation Training" was conducted from Feb. 29, 2016 to March 3, 2016 and 13 JAIST members participated in this event.

    On Feb 29, JAIST-IISc Seminar 2016 was held at Indian Institute of Science (IISc). At the beginning of the seminar, Prof. Ebitani gave an introduction of JAIST-India cooperative programme, and JAIST and IISc faculty members gave lectures on areas of knowledge science, information science, and materials science in the morning. In the afternoon, two invited lecturers from local industrial firms joined the seminar, and parallel sessions of those 3 areas were held. At the students' poster session in the afternoon, the students presented their research in English and endeavored to improve international communication skills.
    The participants were about 40 in total.
    After the seminar, JAIST members took a tour of IISc campus, and promoted friendship with seminar participants at the gathering in the evening.

    Prof. Uchihira at the sessionProf. Uchihira at the session

    Assoc. Prof. YoshitakaAssoc. Prof. Yoshitaka

    Prof. Chakrabarti, IIScProf. Chakrabarti, IISc

    Poster sessionPoster session

    Poster sessionPoster session

    JAIST members visited Ricoh Innovations Private Limited and XEROX India Limited XEROX Research Centre India on March 1, and Robert Bosch Engineering Solutions Private Ltd and Hewlett-Packard India Sales Pvt Ltd on March 2. They exchanged opinions regarding knowledge management with staff of those 4 global companies. JAIST students were inspired profoundly by how global companies utilized Indian brains for cutting edge R&D.

    Ricoh Innovations Private LimitedRicoh Innovations Private Limited

    Hewlett-Packard India Sales Pvt LtdHewlett-Packard India Sales Pvt Ltd

    Indian culture programme on March 3Indian culture programme on March 3

    Top of Page

    "DU-JAIST Indo-Japan Symposium on Chemistry of Functional Molecules/Materials" was held.

    "DU-JAIST Indo-Japan Symposium on Chemistry of Functional Molecules/Materials" was held on February 26 and 27, 2016 at the University of Delhi (DU) and 11 JAIST members participated in the symposium.

    The symposium consisted of six sessions. Faculty members and researchers of JAIST and leading institutions in India including DU gave lectures. Participants were about 120 in total and lecture room was almost fully occupied by audience for two days.

    On the second day, poster session was held during lunch break and students of JAIST and DU deepened the relationship. One of JAIST students, Mr. Ryuki Baba, won the Best Poster Award. Two students who were staying at DU by JAIST-DU Collaborative Education Program to study under DU professors’ supervision, Ms. Prachi Prateeti and Ms. Gargi Joshi, also received Best Poster Award and Best Oral Presentation Award respectively.

    Prof. EbitaniProf. Ebitani

    Prof. MatsumiProf. Matsumi

    Prof. Rawat, DUProf. Rawat, DU

    Lecture roomLecture room

    Poster sessionPoster session

    Poster sessionPoster session

    In the evening of February 27, JAIST alumni got together and exchanged opinions regarding JAIST-India cooperative program with JAIST teachers and current students.

    Gathering of alumniGathering of alumni

    Gathering of alumniGathering of alumni

    Top of Page

    A master's program student came back from India.

    On March 5, 2016, Mr. Tomohiro Ichiba, a master's program student of School of Information Science, came back from India.
    He stayed at Indian Institute of Science for 3 months and the professor there supervised him on his research. He also did an internship at Toshiba Software India located in Bangalore.

    JAIST is planning to hold a debriefing session on his stay in India on March 23.

    Top of Page

    Presentation by Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science were given to JAIST students and faculty members.

    Presentation by Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science were given to JAIST students and faculty members as follows.

    1. Mr. Srigowtham Arunagiri (Prof. Uchihira's lab., School of Knowledge Science)
      Date and Time: December 24, 2015 3:30pm-4:30pm
      Title: Assessment of university technology transfer efficiency in the context of medical device technologies

    2. Mr. Madhusudanan Navinchandran (Prof. Nagai's lab., School of Knowledge Science)
      Mr. Eazhil Selvan Kalyanasundaram (Prof. Nagai's lab., School of Knowledge Science)
      Date and Time: January 22, 2016 4:40pm-6:00pm
      Title: Latest information of Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM) and IISc

    Presentation on Jan. 22, 2016Presentation on Jan. 22, 2016

    Top of Page

    A doctoral student came back from India.

    On January 8, 2016, Mr. Takaaki Ueda, a doctoral student of School of Information Science, came back from India.
    He stayed at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar for 3 months and conducted a researh under supervison of the professor there. He also did an internship at Mitsubishi Electric located in Pune.

    JAIST is planning to hold a debriefing session in March on his stay in India.

    Top of Page

    2 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Science have arrived at JAIST.

    On January 10, 2015, Mr. Madhusudanan Navinchandran and Mr. Eazhil Selvan Kalyanasundaram, Ph.D. students of Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing at Indian Institute of Science, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Student for one month and conduct research under Prof. Yukari Nagai's supervision in the School of Knowledge Science.

    Mr. Madhusudanan (left) Mr. Kalyanasundaram (right)Mr. Madhusudanan (left) Mr. Kalyanasundaram (right)

    Top of Page

    "IITGN-JAIST Workshop Program" was held.

    IITGN-JAIST Workshop Program was held from Dec. 9 to 19, 2015 at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN).

    The workshop consisted of two programs: group work and presentations on traffic and transport in Ahmedabad in the first three days, and "India Ki Khoj" which enabled participants understand past, present and future India by lectures and field work in the last six days.

    The students who participated in this program from JAIST deepened their understandings on India and were inspired by Indian students through interaction.

    Group work with Indian students (during the first 3 days)Group work with Indian students (during the first 3 days)

    Group work with Indian students (during the first 3 days)Group work with Indian students (during the first 3 days)

    Participants of first 3 daysParticipants of first 3 days

    lecture of India Ki Khoj (during the last 6 days)lecture of India Ki Khoj (during the last 6 days)

    Top of Page

    2 Special Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On January 5, 2016, Mr. Akshay Gadi Patil and Ms. Bhoomika Sonane,master's program students at Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Special Visiting Student for about two months and conduct research under Assoc. Prof. Masashi Unoki's and Assoc. Prof. Atsuo Yoshitaka’s supervision in the School of Information Science respectively.

    Mr. Akshay Gadi Patil (left) and Ms. Bhoomika Sonane (right)Mr. Akshay Gadi Patil (left) and Ms. Bhoomika Sonane (right)

    Top of Page

    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On December 9, 2015, Mr. Srigowtham Arunagiri, a Ph.D. student of Department of Management Studies at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. Mr. Arunagiri stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for three months and conducts research under Prof. Naoshi Uchihira's supervision in the School of Knowledge Science.

    Mr. Srigowtham ArunagiriMr. Srigowtham Arunagiri

    Top of Page

    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On December 4, 2015, Mr. Pathak Shubham Parashar, a 4th-year undergraduate student (Physics Major) at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. He said "I like here very much and I might apply for a master's program of JAIST." He stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for about one month and Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono of School of Information Science supervises him and provides guidance.

    Mr. Pathak Shubham ParasharMr. Pathak Shubham Parashar

    Top of Page

    A workshop on "Materials Science and High Performance Computing" was held.

    A workshop on "Materials Science and High Performance Computing" was held from September 27 to October 5, 2015.

    At the workshop, Asst. Prof. Pratyush Dayal of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN), Prof. K. C. Hari Kumar of Indian Institute of Technology Madras and JAIST faculty members gave lectures. The workshop included set-ups and projects on CALPHAD, QMC/CASINO and DFT. The participants were 17 in total.
    4 IITGN students participated in this workshop and deepened exchanges with JAIST students.
    Following participants' feedbacks told us that the workshop was a productive one: "It was a fruitful workshop", "We are looking forward to working on the project."

    During the workshopDuring the workshop

    Assoc. Prof. Maezono (left) and an IITGN student (right)Assoc. Prof. Maezono (left) and an IITGN student (right)

    Top of Page

    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On July 1, 2015, Ms. Rafia Ahmad, a Ph.D. student of Materials Research Center at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. Ms. Ahmad stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for three months and conducts research under Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono's supervision in the School of Information Science.

    Ms. Rafia AhmadMs. Rafia Ahmad

    Top of Page

    5 Visiting Students from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar have arrived at JAIST.

    On June 20, 2015, 5 undergraduate students of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhihagar, Mr. CHAUHAN, Bhargav Bipin, Mr. CHAUHAN, Darshil Jitendrabhai, Mr. KOTHARI, Amber, Mr. KAMATH, Anikesh Satish and Mr. GULLAPALLY, Sai Chowdary, have arrived at JAIST. They stay at JAIST as Visiting Students for one month and 5 professors of School of Information Science supervise them and provide guidance respectively.

    (from left) Mr. Darshil Jitendrabhai Chauhan, Mr. Bhargav Bipin Chauhan, Mr. Gullapally, Mr. Kothari, Mr. Kamath(from left) Mr. Darshil Jitendrabhai Chauhan, Mr. Bhargav Bipin Chauhan, Mr. Gullapally, Mr. Kothari, Mr. Kamath

    Top of Page

    A Special Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On June 1, 2015, Mr. Rajendra Kumar George, a Ph.D. student of Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. Mr. George stays at JAIST as a Special Visiting Student for two months and conducts research under Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi's supervision in the School of Materials Science.

    Mr. Rajendra Kumar GeorgeMr. Rajendra Kumar George

    Top of Page

    A Visiting Student from Indian Institute of Science has arrived at JAIST.

    On May 7, 2015, Mr. Pathak Shubham Parashar, a 4th-year undergraduate student (Physics Major) at Indian Institute of Science, has arrived at JAIST. Mr. Parashar stays at JAIST as a Visiting Student for two months and Assoc. Prof. Ryo Maezono of School of Information Science supervises him and provides guidance.

    Mr. Pathak Shubham ParasharMr. Pathak Shubham Parashar

    Top of Page


    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2015" was held.

    "JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2015" was held on March 2 and 3, 2015 and 65 people participated in this symposium. At the symposium, 7 lecturers from University of Delhi (DU) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in addition to 10 faculty members of the School of Materials Science and Green Device Research Center gave lectures. On the second day, students lunch-on-poster session was held. The symposium was highly concentrated.

    6 students of DU and IISc participated in the symposium and deepened the exchanges with JAIST students through the poster session and discussion.

    Prof. Matsumi, JAISTProf. Matsumi, JAIST

    Prof. Ebitani, JAISTProf. Ebitani, JAIST

    Prof. Rawat, DU Prof. Rawat, DU

    during the symposiumduring the symposium

    Assoc. Prof. Bhattacharyya, IIScAssoc. Prof. Bhattacharyya, IISc


    Top of Page

    A workshop on "Global Research and Development for Innovation" was held.

    A workshop on “Global Research and Development for Innovation” was held on February 27, 2015 at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), and 16 JAIST members participated in this workshop.
    The workshop consisted of general sessions, parallel sessions for knowledge science, information science and materials science, and students' poster session. In the beginning of the workshop, Prof. Ebitani gave an introduction of the programme to the audience. At the poster session, JAIST and IISc students had discussion on their researches and deepened the relationship. Participants were about 50 people. After the workshop, the participants promoted friendship each other at the gathering.

    Prof. Uchihira at sessionProf. Uchihira at session

    Students’ poster sessionStudents’ poster session

    Prior to the workshop, 13 of JAIST participants visited Hitachi and Toshiba on Feb. 25 and IBM and Capgemini on Feb. 26. Through the question-and-answer sessions at the offices, the participants realized the situation of industry in Bengaluru and enriched their understanding on Japanese companies’ branches challenging in different location and culture.

    Nearly 90% of participated students had interests in studying in India in consequence of these on-site company visits and the workshop.

    Indian culture programme on Feb. 28Indian culture programme on Feb. 28

    Top of Page

    JAIST-IISc Seminar "Innovation Design" was held.

    JAIST-IISc Seminar "Innovation Design" was held on January 28, 2015 at JAIST. Faculties and students of JAIST and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) participated in the seminar.

    Program began with Students Workshop in the early afternoon. JAIST students and 2 IISc students deepened the exchanges through discussion.

    Students WorkshopStudents Workshop

    Students Workshop

    From 3:15 pm, lectures were given at the seminar. JAIST invited Prof. Amaresh Chakrabarti of IISc, Prof. Taura and Assistant Prof. Georgi of Kobe University as lecturers to make the seminar full of cutting-edge topics on innovation design. The participants were 41 in total.

    Prof. Chakrabarti, IISc (left) , Prof. Nagai (right)Prof. Chakrabarti, IISc (left) , Prof. Nagai (right)

    Top of Page
