The proceedings of IUKM 2025 is planned to be published by Springer-Verlag. Please follow the following instructions carefully.
- Authors should prepare their papers in the Springer format;
- Papers should not exceed 12 pages in this format;
- Papers must be submitted electronically through IUKM 2025's submission page at CMT site.
Authors of accepted papers are required to submit the camera-ready version of their paper by
January 24, 2025.
At the same time, the authors must finish
Early Regular Registration to guarantee their papers will be included in the proceedings.
Camera-ready Instructions
The proceedings of IUKM 2025 will be published in the Springer-Verlag's
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
Please follow the following instructions carefully.
- The number of pages is restricted to 12 pages, single-column, according to Springer LNAI style files;
up to two (2) additional pages may be used at a cost to the authors of 50 US$ per page.
Springer LNAI Author Guidelines:
Please follow Guidelines for Authors of Springer Computer Science Proceedings (Author information link on the right)
- Please submit all source files and the PDF of your camera-ready paper. Note that the PDF file only is NOT sufficient.
For papers prepared using LaTeX (strongly encouraged; please download here):
- the source (input) files: LaTeX files for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures,
- any further style files and fonts you have used together with your source files and that are not generally available at CTAN,
- the final PDF file
- Note: The LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates are also available in the scientific authoring platform Overleaf.
For papers prepared using Microsoft Word (please download here):
- the source (input) files: DOC/DOCX file
- the final PDF file
- Authors of the accepted papers are required to sign a copyright form provided by Springer. The copyright form can be downloaded here.
- Complete and sign the copyright form (it is sufficient if one author from each contribution signs the form on behalf of all the other co-authors.)
- Title of the Book or Conference Name: Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, International Symposium IUKM 2025
- Volume Editor(s): Van-Nam Huynh, Katsuhiro Honda, Bac H. Le, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Hieu T. Huynh
- Send all paper files (Latex Source files, Figure files, style file, PDF, etc.) and a scanned copy of the signed copyright form to Van-Nam Huynh at indicating in the subject: "IUKM 2025 Camera-Ready: Paper ID", where ID is the ID of your paper.
NOTE: Please do adhere strictly to Springer's template files when preparing your camera-ready paper. Final papers found to be exceeding page limits and/or otherwise violating the instructions to authors will NOT be included in the proceedings.