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Overview of the proposed model

An overview of signal flow in the proposed model is shown in Fig. 3.

First, this model can observe the mixed signal f(t) (Fig. 3. A). The observed signal is decomposed into an instantaneous amplitude Sk(t) and an instantaneous phase $\phi _k(t)$ using an auditory-motivated filterbank (Fig. 3. B, C). Next, the fundamental frequency F0(t) of the desired signal is determined using an amplitude spectrogram (or an other method) (Fig. 3. D). Next, the concurrent time-frequency region of the segregation target is determined using grouping constraints. The frequency region, in which harmonic exist, is determined using the fundamental frequency F0(t) and the constraint of harmonicity (Fig. 3. E, and focus on a-a') . The time region in which harmonics exist is determined using the constraint of common onset and offset (Fig. 3 F, and focus on b-b').

Next, in the determined concurrent time-frequency region, the instantaneous amplitude Ak(t) and $\theta_{1k}(t)$ of the desired signal f1(t) are determined from the instantaneous amplitude Sk(t) and the instantaneous output phase $\phi _k(t)$. These are determined by estimating Ck,1(t) and Dk,0, which are constraining Ak(t) and $\theta_{1k}(t)$, respectively (Fig. 3. H, I). In particular, Ck,1(t) is estimated using the constraints of smoothness and correlation between the instantaneous amplitudes Ak(t). And Dk,0 is estimated using the estimated Ck,1(t) and constraint of correlation between the instantaneous amplitudes Ak(t).

Finally, the segregated signal is reconstructed the grouping the instantaneous amplitude Ak(t) and the instantaneous input phase $\theta_{1k}(t)$ (Fig. 3. J).

\fbox{Fig. 3}

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Masashi Unoki