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Appendix A: Determining the region estimated by the Kalman filtering

Table: Definitions of symbols for the Kalman filtering
Symbol Estimation of Ck,0(t) Estimation of Dk,0(t)
Observed signal ${\bf {y}}_m$ Xk(tm) $\exp(j\phi_k(t_m))$
State variable ${\bf {x}}_m$ Ck(tm) $\exp(j D_{k}(t_m))$
Observed noise ${\bf {v}}_m$ X2,k(tm) X2,k(tm)/Sk(tm)
System noise ${\bf {w}}_m$ wm wm
State transition matrix ${\bf {F}}_m$ $\Delta C_k(t_m)$ $\Delta D_k(t_m)$
Observation matrix ${\bf {H}}_m$ $\exp(j\omega_k t_m)$ $\hat{C}_{k}(t_m)/S_k(t_m)$
Driving matrix ${\bf {G}}_m$ 1 1
Initial value $\hat{\bf {x}}_{0\vert-1}$ 0 1
Initial value $\hat{\bf {\Sigma}}_{0\vert-1}$ Sk(t0) $\exp(j\phi_k(t_0))$

In this paper, we consider how to estimate Ck,0 and Dk,0 from the observed component Xk(t) using the Kalman filter. The estimation duration is [Th-1-Th]. It is then decomposed into discrete time $t_m=m\cdot \Delta t$, $m=0, 1, 2, \cdots, M$, where the sampling period is $\Delta t=1/f_s$ and fs is the sampling frequency. First, let Ck(t) and Dk(t) be $C_k(t)=\int C_{k,0}(t)dt$ and $D_k(t)=\int D_{k,0}(t)dt$, respectively. Here, let the temporal variations of Ck(t) and Dk(t) at discrete time tm be

Ck(tm+1) = $\displaystyle C_k(t_m)\Delta C_k(t_m)+w_m,$ (37)
$\displaystyle \Delta C_k(t_m)$ = $\displaystyle 1+\frac{C_k(t_m)-C_k(t_{m-1})}{C_k(t_m)},$ (38)
Dk(tm+1) = $\displaystyle D_k(t_m)\Delta D_k(t_m)+w_m,$ (39)
$\displaystyle \Delta D_k(t_m)$ = $\displaystyle 1+\frac{D_k(t_m)-D_k(t_{m-1})}{D_k(t_m)},$ (40)

where t0=Th-1 and tM=Th. It is assumed that the variation error is represented by white noise with mean 0 and variance $\sigma_m^2$.

Next, for the system of the Kalman filtering problem:

$\displaystyle {\bf {x}}_{m+1}$ = $\displaystyle {\bf {F}}_m{\bf {x}}_m+{\bf {G}}_m{\bf {w}}_m \qquad \mbox{(state)},$ (41)
$\displaystyle {\bf {y}}_{m}$ = $\displaystyle {\bf {H}}_m{\bf {x}}_m+{\bf {v}}_m \qquad \mbox{(observation)},$ (42)

in order to estimate Ck,0(t), we apply Eq. ([*]) to Eq. ([*]) and apply Eq. ([*]) to Eq. ([*]). Using the same steps as for the system of the Kalman filtering problem, in order to estimate Dk,0(t), we apply Eq. ([*]) to Eq. ([*]) and apply the normalized Eq. ([*]) to Eq. ([*]). The parameters in Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]) are shown in Table [*].

In these systems, the mean and variance of the terms, ${\bf {x}}_0$, ${\bf {w}}_m$, and ${\bf {v}}_m$, are known. And ${\bf {F}}_m$, ${\bf {G}}_m$, ${\bf {H}}_m$, and ${\bf {v}}_m$ are known matrices. The Kalman filtering problem is to determine the minimum variance requirement $\hat{\bf {x}}_{m\vert m}$ from the observed ${\bf {y}}_m$, $m=0, 1, 2, \cdots, M$ as follows.

\begin{displaymath}\hat{\bf {x}}_{m\vert m}=E({\bf {x}}_m+{\bf {y}}_0,\cdots, {\bf {y}}_m)
\end{displaymath} (43)

It is calculated by sequentially solving the following equations:

Filtering equation
$\displaystyle \hat{{\bf {x}}}_{m\vert m}=\hat{{\bf {x}}}_{m\vert m-1}+{\bf {K}}_m({\bf {y}}_m-{\bf {H}}_m\hat{{\bf {x}}}_{m\vert m-1})$     (44)
$\displaystyle \hat{{\bf {x}}}_{m+1\vert m}={\bf {F}}_m\hat{{\bf {x}}}_{m\vert m}$     (45)

Kalman gain

\begin{displaymath}{\bf {K}}_m=\frac{\hat{{\bf {\Sigma}}}_{m\vert m-1}{\bf {H}}_...
... {\Sigma}}}_{m\vert m-1}{\bf {H}}_m^{*T}+{\bf {\Sigma}}_{v_m}}
\end{displaymath} (46)

Covariance equation for the estimated-error
$\displaystyle \hat{{\bf {\Sigma}}}_{m\vert m}$ = $\displaystyle \hat{\bf {\Sigma}}_{m\vert m-1}-{\bf {K}}_m {\bf {H}}_m \hat{{\bf {\Sigma}}}_{m\vert m-1}$ (47)
$\displaystyle \hat{{\bf {\Sigma}}}_{m+1\vert m}$ = $\displaystyle \hat{\bf {F}}_m{\bf {\Sigma}}_{m\vert m}{\bf {F}}_m^{*T}+{\bf {G}}_m {\bf {\Sigma}}_{w_m}{\bf {G}}_m^{*T}$ (48)

Initial state

\begin{displaymath}\hat{\bf {x}}_{0\vert-1}=\bar{\bf {x}}_0, \qquad
\hat{\bf {\Sigma}}_{0\vert-1}={\bf {\Sigma}}_{x_0},
\end{displaymath} (49)

The symbols $\bar{\qquad}$ and ${\bf {\Sigma}}$ are the mean and variance of a random variable, respectively.

Finally, performing the Kalman filtering according to Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]), we obtain the minimal-variance estimated value $\hat{\bf {x}}(t_m)=\hat{\bf {x}}_{m\vert m}$ and the covariance matrix $\hat{\bf {e}}(t_m)=\hat{\bf {\Sigma}}_{m\vert m}$ at discrete time tm. As a result, the estimated $\hat{C}_{k,0}(t)$ and $\hat{D}_{k,0}(t)$, and the estimated errors Pk(t) and Qk(t) are determined by $\hat{C}_{k,0}(t)=\vert d\hat{\bf {x}}(t)/dt\vert$ and $P_k(t)=\vert d\hat{\bf {e}}(t)/dt\vert$, $\hat{D}_{k,0}(t)=\arg (d\hat{\bf {x}}(t)/dt)$, and $Q_k(t)=\arg (d\hat{\bf {e}}(t)/dt)$, respectively.

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Masashi Unoki