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F0 estimation block

Figure: Temporal variation of the fundamental frequency.

The F0 estimation block determines the fundamental frequency of f1(t). This block is implemented as the Comb filtering on an amplitude spectrogram Sk(t)s [Unoki and Akagi1998].

In this block, the Comb filter is defined by

...uad 1\leq n \leq N\\
0, & \mbox{otherwise}
\end{displaymath} (28)

where k and l are indices, $\omega_k$ and $\omega_l$ are the center frequencies in channels, and N is the number of harmonics of the highest order. Then, $\hat{l}$, which corresponds to the channel containing the fundamental wave, is determined by

\begin{displaymath}\hat{l}(t;L_F) = \mathop{\arg \max}_{l\leq L_F}\sum_{k=1}^K {\rm{Comb}}(k,l)S_k(t),
\end{displaymath} (29)

where LF is the upper-limited search region of l. The estimated F0(t) is determined by

\begin{displaymath}F_0(t)=\mathop{\min}_{L_F} {\rm{std}}(\omega_{\hat{l}}/2\pi).
\end{displaymath} (30)

In this paper, we let the parameters be N=10 and $K/4 \leq L_F \leq K/2$.

Since the number of channels in Xk(t) is finite, the estimated F0(t) takes a discrete value as shown in Fig. [*]. In addition, the fluctuation of F0(t) has a staircase shape and the temporal differentiation of F0(t) is zero at any segment. Therefore, this paper assumes that E0,R(t)=0 in constraint (ii) of Table 1 for a segment. Let the length of the above segment be Th-Th-1, where Th is the continuous point of F0(t).

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Masashi Unoki