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Calculation of the four parameters

The amplitude envelope Sk(t) and phase $\phi_k(t)$ of Xk(t) are determined by using the amplitude and the phase spectra defined by the complex wavelet transform. Since we assume $\theta_{1k}(t)=0$, $\theta_{k}(t)=\theta_{2k}(t)$, we must know the input phase $\theta_k(t).$The input-phase $\theta_k(t)$ is derived by applying three physical constraints related to regularities (ii) and (iv) as shown below[5].

Gradualness of change

This constraint is dAk(t)/dt=Ck,R(t), where Ck,R(t) is an Rth-order differentiable polynomial. By putting dAk(t)/dt=Ck,R(t) into equation (7), and solving the resulting linear differential equation, we obtain

\end{displaymath} (9)

where unknown function Ck(t) is $-\int C_{k,R}(t)dt +C_{k,0}$. In order to determine Ck(t), we estimate Ck(t) using the Kalman filter.


This constraint, the smoothness for Ak(t), is a function of the estimated Ck(t). By considering the relationship between Ak(t) and Ck(t) from Eqs. (7) and (9), we can interpret the smoothness for Ak(t) in order to determine the smoothest Ck(t). Therefore, by calculating the candidates of Ck(t) interpolated using the spline function within the estimated error, and then by calculating a correct solution from the candidates of Ck(t), the smoothest Ak(t) can be determined uniquely.

Changes taken in an acoustic event

This constraint is

\begin{displaymath}\frac{A_k(t)}{\Vert A_k(t)\Vert} \approx \frac{A_\ell(t)}{\Vert A_\ell(t)\Vert}, k\not=\ell.
\end{displaymath} (10)

With this constraint, $\theta_k(t)$ is determined when the correlation between Ak(t) and $A_{\ell}(t)$ becomes maximum at any Ck(t) within the estimated error-region.

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Masashi Unoki