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    • 鵜木祐史
      村木里志,長谷川博,小川景子編著,pp. 107-111, 朝倉書店, 2022. ISBN-10: 4254102968
    • 鵜木祐史
      第5章 『音』解析への人工知能の活用とモデリング, 人工知能を用いた五感・認知機能の可視化とメカニズム解明〜データ収集から学習までの具体例・製品開発への応用〜,
      技術情報協会,210-221, 2021. ISBN:978-4-86104-849-4.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki
      “Audio Information Hiding based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics with Optimized Segment Selection”
      Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1145. Springer, Cham, 2020.
    • Teruki Toya, Peter Birkholz, and Masashi Unoki
      "Estimates of Transmission Characteristics Related to Perception of Bone-Conducted Speech Using Real Utterances and Transcutaneous Vibration on Larynx"
      Lecture Notes in Computer Sciencebook series (LNCS, volume 11658), A. A. Salah et al. (Eds.): SPECOM 2019, LNAI 11658, pp. 491-500, 2019.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Shogo Okada, Yukiko I. Nakano, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Multimodal BigFive Personality Trait Analysis Using Communication Skill Indices and Multiple Discussion Types Dataset"
      Social Computing and Social Media Design, Human Behavior and Analytics, G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), HCII 2019, Spriner LNCS 11578, pp. 370?383, 2019.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Aakinee Aimmanee and Masahi Unoki,
      "Digital Audio Watermarking Method Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis with Automatic Parameter Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network,"
      Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 2, Eds. Jeng-Shyang PanAkinori ItoPei-Wei TsaiLakhmi C. Jain, pp. 63-73, Nov. 2018.
    • Takuto Isoyama and Masashi Unoki,
      "Noise Suppression Method Based on Modulation Spectrum Analysis,"
      SPECOM2018: Speech and Computer, A. Karpov et al. (Eds.), Springer LNAI, vol. 11096, pp. 234-244, Sept. 2018.
    • 鵜木祐史,西村竜一,伊藤彰則,西村明,近藤和弘,薗田光太郎,
      音響情報ハイディング,コロナ社,30 March, 2018.
    • Dung Kim Tran and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on speech representation based on spikegram for speech fingerprints,"
      Springer Lecture Notes Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume 82: Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (Proc. IIHMSP2017), J.-S. Pan et al. (eds.), pp. 153-160, 2017.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai
      "Tampering Detection in Speech Signals by Semi-Fragile Watermarking Based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis"
      Springer Lecture Notes Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume 63: Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (Proc. IIHMSP2016), J.-S. Pan et al. (eds.), pp. 131-140,
      DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50209-0_17.
    • Nguyen Khanh Bui, Daisuke Morikawa, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Investigation on the head-related modulation transfer function for monaural DOA,"
      Springer Lecture Notes Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume 63: Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (Proc. IIHMSP2016), J.-S. Pan et al. (eds.), pp. 191-200, Nov. 2016.
      DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50209-0_24
    • Surasak Boonkla, Masashi Unoki, and Stanislav S. Makhanov,
      "Robust Speech Analysis Based on Source-Filter Model Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition in Noisy Environments,"
      Speech and Computer, Volume 9811 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 580-587, August 2016.
    • 鵜木祐史,
      音響キーワードブック 日本音響学会編,コロナ社,March 2016.
    • Akira Takeuchi, Masashi Unoki, and Hiroyuki Iida,
      "An Approach to Estimating Decision Complexity for Better Understanding Playing Patterns of Masters,"
      Applied Computing & Information Technology, Volume 619 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp 113-126, Dec. 2015.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee and Chai Wuthiwiwatchai,
      "An Audio Watermarking Scheme based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis,"
      Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proc. 13th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2014), Vol. 9023, pp 145-159, Springer, July 2015.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      "Watermarking for Digital Audio based on Adaptive Phase Modulation,"
      Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proc. 13th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2014), Vol. 9023, pp 105-119, Springer, July 2015.
    • Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "Method of Digital-Audio Watermarking Based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics,"
      Multimedia Information Hiding Technologies and Methodologies for Controlling Data, Ed. Kazuhiko Kondo, Chapter 2,pp. 42-70, IGI Global, 2012.
    • 鵜木祐史,鈴木陽一,
      聴覚モデル,第5章 音の大きさのモデル(分担執筆)
      pp. 129-167, コロナ社,2011.
    • Naoki Kuroda, Junfeng Li, Yukio Iwaya, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Effects of spatial cues on detectability of alarm signals in noisy environments,"
      PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF SPATIAL HEARING, Edited by Yoiti Suzuki, Douglas Brungart, Hiroaki Kato, Kazuhiro Iida, Densil Cabrera, & Yukio Iwaya,pp. 484-493, World Scientific, 2011.
    • Xugang Lu, Shigeki Matsuda, Masashi Unoki, Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Temporal modulation normalization for robust speech feature extraction and recognition,"
      Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Netherlands, 52, 187-199, 2011.
      DOI 10.1007/s11042-010-0465-7.
    • Shunsuke Kidani and Masashi Unoki,
      "Effect of Presence of Cue Tone on Tuning of Auditory Filter Derived from Simultaneous Masking,"
      Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception, Edited by Enrique Lopez-Poveda, Alan R. Palmer, Ray Meddis, Chapter 12, pp. 121-130, Springer, New York, 2010.
    • Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki,
      "Nonlinear responses of a nonlinear cochlear model with the function of an outer hair cell model,"
      Concepts and Challenges in the Biophysics of Hearing, N. P. Cooper and D. T. Kemp Eds, pp. 343-349, World Scientific, London, 2009.
    • Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, and Chin-Tuan Tan,
      "Estimates of tuning of auditory filter using simultaneous and forward masking,"
      Hearing - from sensory processing to Perception by Kollmeier, B., Klump, G., Hohmann, V., Langemann, U., Mauermann, M., Uppenkamp, S., and Erhery J. (Eds.), pp. 19-26, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007.
    • Roy D. Patterson, Masashi Unoki, and Toshio Irino,
      "Comparison of the compressive-gammachirp and double-roex auditory filters,"
      in Auditory signal processing: physiology, psychoacoustics, and models, Edited by Daniel Pressnitzer, Alain de Cheveigne, Stephan McAdams, and Lionel Collet, pp. 21-29, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004. ISBN: 0387219153.
    • Masato Akagi, Mitsunori Mizumachi, Yuichi Ishimoto, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Speech enhancement and segregation based on human auditory mechanisms"
      in Enabling Society with Information Technology,Q. Jin, J. Li, N. Zhang, J. Cheng, C. Yu, and S. Noguchi (Eds.),Springer Tokyo, pp. 186-196. 2002. ISBN 4-431-70327-6
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi,
      A Computational Model of Co-modulation Masking Release,
      NATO ASI series, vol. 312, Computational models of Auditory Function(Edited by S. Greenberg and M. Slaney), pp. 221-232, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001. ISBN: 90 5199 4575
    • Toshio Irino and Masashi Unoki,
      A Time-Varying, Analysis/Synthesis auditory filterbank based on An IIRGammachirp filter
      NATO ASI series, vol.312, Computational models of Auditory Function(Edited by S.Greenberg and M.Slaney),pp.49-64,IOS Press, Amsterdam,2001.ISBN:90 5199 457 5


    • 鈴木 陽一, 倉片 憲治, 今泉 博之, 佐藤 洋, 赤松 友成, 山崎 隆志, 藤坂 洋一, 鵜木 祐史, 桑野 園子, 山田 一郎, 高橋 幸雄, 下田 康平, 和田 将行, 白橋 良宏, 森長 誠, 大島 俊也, 杉江 聡, 吉村 純一, 小林 知尋, 横田 考俊, 白木 秀児, 平川 侑, 平光 厚雄, 鈴木 航輔
      “ISO/TC 43・ISO/TC 43/SC 1・ISO/TC 43/SC 2・ISO/TC 43/SC 3総会 ―音響に関する国際規格の審議状況:2023モントリオール会議(ハイブリッド開催)―,”
      日本音響学会誌, Vol. 79, No. 12, pp. 630-635, 2023.
    • 鈴木 陽一, 倉片 憲治, 今泉 博之, 佐藤 洋, 赤松 友成, 山崎 隆志, 藤坂 洋一, 内田 匠, 鵜木 祐史, 桑野 園子, 山田 一郎, 大島 俊也, 高橋 幸雄, 下田 康平, 白橋 良宏, 杉江 聡, 小林 知尋, 永幡 幸司, 森長 誠, 白木 秀児, 平光 厚雄, 古賀 貴士, 平川 侑, 澤田 浩一
      “ISO/TC 43・ISO/TC 43/SC 1・ISO/TC 43/SC 2・ISO/TC 43/SC 3総会 ―音響に関する国際規格の審議状況:2021パリ会議(オンライン開催)―,”
      日本音響学会誌, Vol. 78, No. 4, pp. 203-208, 2021.
    • 倉片憲治,鵜木祐史,君塚郁夫,桑野園子,鈴木陽一,藤坂洋一,
      小特集 音響に関する国際規格審議の動向 TC 43(音響)本体の規格審議の動向について,
      日本音響学会誌, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 22-28, 2018.
    • 橘 秀樹,鈴木陽一,山田一郎,吉村純一,大久保朝直,倉片憲治,佐藤 洋,鵜木祐史,君塚郁夫,桑野園子,白橋良宏,田中 学,
      "ISO/TC44・ISO/TC43/SC1・ISO/TC43/SC2総会−音響に関する国際規格の審議状況:2011 ロンドン会議−,"
      日本音響学会誌, Vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 488-491, Oct. 2011.
    • 橘 秀樹,鈴木陽一,山田一郎,吉村純一,大久保朝直,倉片憲治,佐藤 洋, 板本守正,鵜木祐史,君塚郁夫,桑野園子,白橋良宏,高梨彰男,田中 学,
      "ISO/TC44・ISO/TC43/SC1・ISO/TC43/SC2総会−音響に関する国際規格の審議状況:2009 ソウル会議−,"
      日本音響学会誌, Vol. 66, No. 6, pp. 288-291, June. 2010.
    • 橘 秀樹,鈴木陽一,山田一郎,吉村純一,大久保朝直,倉片憲治,佐藤 洋, 鵜木祐史,君塚郁夫,白橋良宏,高梨彰男,田中 学,
      "ISO/TC44・ISO/TC43/SC1・ISO/TC43/SC2総会−音響に関する国際規格の審議状況:2008 Boras会議−,"
      日本音響学会誌, Vol. 64, No. 12, pp. 729-733, Dec. 2008.
    • 橘 秀樹,鈴木陽一,山田一郎,吉村純一,大久保朝直,倉片憲治,佐藤 洋, 鵜木祐史,君塚郁夫,白橋良宏,高梨彰男,田中学,
      "ISO/TC44・ISO/TC43/SC1・ISO/TC43/SC2総会−音響に関する国際規格の審議状況:2008 Boras会議−,"
      騒音制御, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 343-347, 2008.



    • Yasufumi Uezu, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki
      “Effects of fundamental frequency and spectral manipulations on speech production under delayed auditory feedback,”
      Abst. 13th International Seminar on Speech Production, Autrans, France, May 2024 (Accepted).
    • Yuning Liu, Masashi Unoki
      “Linear Model Approach to Investigate the Comprehensive Entrainment in Conversation,”
      Proc. NCSP24, pp. 51-54, March 2024.
    • Aulia Adila, Candy Olivia Mawalim, Takuto Isoyama, Masashi Unoki
      “Study on Inaudible Speech Watermarking Method Based on Spread-Spectrum Using Linear Prediction Residue,”
      Proc. NCSP24, pp. 55-58, March 2024.
    • Dung Kim Tran, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki
      “Increasing Speech Intelligibility by Mimicking Professional Announcers' Voices and Its Physical Correlates,”
      Proc. APSIPA ASC 2023, pp. 1187-1192, Nov. 2023.
    • Xiajie Zhou, Candy Olivia Mawalim, Benita Angela Titalim, Masashi Unoki
      “Incorporating the Digit Triplet Test in A Lightweight Speech Intelligibility Prediction for Hearing Aids,”
      Proc. APSIPA ASC 2023, pp. 1593-1600, Nov. 2023.
    • Haowei Cheng, Candy Olivia Mawalim, Kai Li, Lijun Wang, Masashi Unoki
      “Analysis of Spectro-Temporal Modulation Representation for Deep-Fake Speech Detection,”
      Proc. APSIPA ASC 2023, pp. 1822-1829, Nov. 2023.
    • Anuwat Chaiwongyen, Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Waree Kongprawechnon, Masashi Unoki
      “Deepfake-speech Detection with Pathological Features and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network,”
      Proc. APSIPA ASC 2023, pp. 2182-2188, Nov. 2023.
    • Taiyang Guo, Sixia Li, Shunsuke Kidani, Shogo Okada, Masashi Unoki
      “Contribution of modulation spectral features for cross-lingual speech emotion recognition under noisy reverberant conditions?
      Proc. APSIPA ASC 2023, pp. 2221-2227, Nov. 2023.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Xiajie Zhou, Shogo Okada, and Masashi Unoki
      “A Non-Intrusive Speech Intelligibility Prediction Using Binaural Cues and Time-Series Model with One-Hot Listener Embedding,”
      Proc. the 4th Clarity Workshop on Machine Learning Challenges for Hearing Aids (Clarity-2023), Aug. 2023.
    • https://claritychallenge.org/clarity2023-workshop/programme.html
    • Kai Li, Dung Kim Tran, Xugang Lu, Masato Akagi, and Masashi Unoki
      “Data-driven Non-uniform Filterbanks Based on F-ratio for Machine Anomalous Sound Detection,”
      Proc. EUSIPCO2023.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Benita Angela Titalim, Shogo Okada, and Masashi Unoki
      “Auditory Model Optimization with Wavegram-CNN and Acoustic Parameter Models for Nonintrusive Speech Intelligibility Prediction in Hearing Aids,”
      Proc. EUSIPCO2023.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Thunpisit Kosolsriwiwat, Candy Olivia Mawalim, Pakinee Aimmanee,Waree Kongprawechnon, Win Pa Pa, Anuwat, Chaiwongyen, Teeradaj Racharak, Hayati Yassin, Jessada Karnjana, Surasak Boonkla and Masashi Unoki
      “ThaiSpoof: A Database for Spoof Detection in Thai Language,”
      Proc. 18th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP 2023), Bangkok, Thailand, November 27-29, 2023.
    • Takuto Isoyama, Shunsuke Kidani, Masashi Unoki
      “Computational model for predicting sound quality metrics using loudness model based on gammatone/gammachirp auditory filterbank and its applications,”
      Proc. InterNoise2023, August 2023.
    • Shunsuke Inoue, Teruki Toya, Yasufumi Uezu, Masashi Unoki
      “Study on suppression effect of air-conducted sound by bone-conducted sound,”
      Proc. InterNoise2023, August 2023.
    • Yasufumi Uezu, Sicheng Wang, Teruki Toya, Masashi Unoki
      “Consonant-emphasis method incorporating robust consonant-section detection to improve intelligibility of bone-conducted speech,”
      Proc. Interspeech2023, pp. 849-853, Dublin, Ireland, August 2023.
    • Yasufumi Uezu, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki
      “Vowel production changes under noise with consideration of low-order formant masking,”
      Proc. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 673-677, Prague, Czech, August 2023.
    • Weitao Yuan, Yuren Bian, Shengbei Wang, Masashi Unoki, Wenwu Wang
      “An improved optimal transport kernel embedding method with gating mechanism for singing voice separation and speaker identification,”
      Proc. ICASSP2023, June 2023.


    • Di Zhou, Masashi Unoki, Gaoyan Zhang, Jianwu Dang
      “Reconstruction of speech spectrogram based on non-invasive EEG signal”
      Proc. ISCSLP2022, pp. 275-279, Dec. 2022.
    • Yuning Liu, Di Zhou, Masashi Unoki, Jianwu Dang, Aijun Li
      “Dialogue scenario classification based on social factors,”
      Proc. ISCSLP2022, pp. 379-383, Dec. 2022.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Benita Angela Titalim, Masashi Unoki, and Shogo Okada
      “OBISHI: Objective Binaural Intelligibility Score for the Hearing Impaired,”
      Proc. The 18th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, pp. 111-115, December 13th-16th, Canberra, Australia, 2022.
    • Kai Li, Quoc-Huy Nguyen, Yasuji Ota, and Masashi Unoki
      “Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring Using Temporal Modulation Features on Gammatone Auditory Filterbank”
      Proc. DCASE2022, Nov. 2022.
    • Benita Angela Titalim*, Candy Olivia Mawalim*, Shogo Okada, and Masashi Unoki
      “Speech Intelligibility Prediction for Hearing Aids Using an Auditory Model and Acoustic Parameters”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. 1077-1085, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Dung Kim Tran, Masato Akagi, and Masashi Unoki
      “Deep Hashing for Speaker Identification and Retrieval Based on Auditory Sparse Representation”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. 938-944, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Kai Li, Yao Wang, Minh Le Nguyen, Masato Akagi and Masashi Unoki
      “Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Perturbation in the Voice for Fake Audio Detection”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. 930-937, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Shogo Okada, and Masashi Unoki
      “F0 Modification via PV-TSM Algorithm for Speaker Anonymization Across Gender”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. 196-203, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Taiyang Guo, Sixia Li, Masashi Unoki and Shogo Okada
      “Investigation of noise-reverberation-robustness o modulation spectral features for speech-emotion recognition”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. pp. 39-46, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Anuwat Chaiwongyen, Norranat Songsriboonsit, Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Waree Kongprawechnon, and Masashi Unoki
      “Contribution of Timbre and Shimmer Features to Deepfake Speech Detection”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. 97-103, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Kaili Zhang and Masashi Unoki
      “Learning Emotion Information for Expressive Speech Synthesis Using Multi-resolution Modulation-filtered Cochleagram”
      Proc. APSIPA2022, pp. 227-233, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • Shunsuke Kidani, Xiaoting Liu, Taiyang Guo, Takuto Isoyama, Junfeng Li, Masashi Unok
      “Study on the modulation frequency range that contributes to the perception of urgency”
      Proc. International Congress of Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0547, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
    • Teruki Toya, Peter Birkholz, and Masashi Unoki
      “Subjective evaluation regarding mixing ratio of bone-conducted to air-conducted speech for own-voice perception,”
      Proc. International Congress of Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0760, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
    • Yasuji Ota, Seigo Kura, Masashi Unoki
      “Anomalous sound detection using objective metrics related to timbral attributes”
      Proc. International Congress of Acoustics 2022 (ICA2022), ABS-0395, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2022.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Shogo Okada, Masashi Unoki
      “Speaker Anonymization by Pitch Shifting Based on Time-Scale Modification”
      Proc. ISCA Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication, Incheon, Korea, 2022.
    • Tuan Vu Ho, Quoc Huy Nguyen, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki
      “Vector-quantized Variational Autoencoder for Phase-aware Speech Enhancement”
      Proc. Interspeech2022, pp. 176-180, Incheon, Korea, 2022.
    • Kai Li, Sheng Li, Xugang Lu, Masato Akagi, Meng Liu, Lin Zhang, Chang Zeng, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, Masashi Unoki
      “Data Augmentation Using McAdams-Coefficient-Based Speaker Anonymization for Fake Audio Detection”
      Proc. Interspeech2022, pp. 664-668, Incheon, Korea, 2022.
    • Nan Li, Meng Ge, Longbiao Wang, Masashi Unoki, Sheng Li, Jianwu Dang
    • “Global Signal-to-noise Ratio Estimation Based on Multi-subband Processing Using Convolutional Neural Network”
      Proc. Interspeech2022, pp. 361-365, Incheon, Korea, 2022.
    • Quoc-Huy Nguyen, Kai Li, Masashi Unoki
      “Automatic Mean Opinion Score Estimation with Temporal Modulation Features on Gammatone Filterbank for Speech Assessment”
      Proc. Interspeech2022, pp. 4526-4530, Incheon, Korea, 2022.
    • Teruki Toya, Wenyu Zhu, Maori Kobayashi, Kenichi Nakamura and Masashi Unoki
      “Method for improving the word intelligibility of presented speech using bone-conduction headphones”
      Proc. Interspeech2022, pp. 759-763, Incheon, Korea, 2022.
    • Kai Li, Xugang Lu, Masato Akagi, Jianwu Dang, Sheng Li, Masashi Unoki
      “Relationship between speakers’s physiological structure and acoustic speech signal: data driven study based on frequency-wise attentional neural network”
      Proc. EUSIPCO2022, pp. 379-383, Belgrade, Serbia, August, 2022.
    • Quoc-Huy Nguyen and Masashi Unoki
      “Bone-conducted speech enhancement using vector-quantized variational autoencoder and gammachirp filterbank cepstral coefficients”
      Proc. EUSIPCO2022, pp. 21-25, Belgrade, Serbia, August, 2022.


    • Kaili Zhang, Masashi Unok
      “Study on Expressiveness of Speech Synthesis Using Multi-resolution Modulation-filtered Cochleagram”
      Proc. NCSP22, pp. 261-264, March 2022.
    • Anuwat Chaiwongyen, Waree Kongprawechnon, Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki
      “Replay Attack Detection using MFCC and ResNeWt18 for Automatic Speaker Verification”
      Proc. NCSP22, pp. 369-372, March 2022.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Pakinee aimmanee, Masashi Unoki
      “Hybridization of Speech Information Hiding and Encryption for Double-layer Security in Speech Communication”
      Proc. APSIPA2021, pp. 1634-1639, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2021.
    • Kai Li, Masashi Unoki, Yongwei Li, Jianwu Dang, Masato Akagi
      “Study on Simultaneous Estimation of Glottal Source and Vocal Tract Parameters by ARMAX-LF Model for Speech Analysis/Synthesis”
      Proc. APSIPA2021, pp. 36-43, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2021.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Masashi Unoki
      “Improving Security in McAdams Coefficient‐Based Speaker Anonymization by Watermarking Method”
      Proc. APSIPA2021, pp. 1627-1633, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2021.
    • hengbei Wang, Weitao Yuan, Zhen Zhang, Jianming Wang, Masashi Unoki
      “Tampering Detection for Speech Signals Using Synchronization Code and LSF based Watermarks,”
      Proc. APSIPA2021, pp. 1621-1626, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2021.
    • Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Waree Kongprawechnon, and Masashi Unoki
      “Blind Estimation of Room Acoustic Parameters and Speech Transmission Index using MTF-based CNNs”
      Proc. EUSIPCO2021, pp. 181-185, August 2021.
    • Weitao Yuan, Shengbei Wang, Xiangrui Li, Masashi Unoki and Wenwu Wang
      “Crossfire Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Singing Voice Extraction,” Proc. Interspeech2021, pp. 3041-3045, Spet. 2021.


    • Shengbei Wang, Weitao Yuan, Zhen Zhang, Jianming Wang, Masashi Unoki,
      “Synchronous multi-bit audio watermarking based on phase shifting,”
      Proc. ICASSP2021, 2021 (accepted).
    • Nan Li, Longbiao Wang, Masashi Unoki, Sheng Li, Rui Wang, Meng Ge, Jianwu Dang,
      “Robust Voice Activity Detection Using A Masked Auditory Encoder Based Convolutional Neural Network,”
      Proc. ICASSP2021, 2021 (accepted).
    • Rui Wang, Nguyen Khanh Bui, Daisuke Morikawa, Masashi Unoki,
      “Method of Estimating 3D DOA based on Monaural Modulation Spectrum,”
      Proc. NCSP21, pp. 137-140, March 2021.
    • Takuto Isoyama, Shunsuke Kidani, Masashi Unoki,
      “Computational models of sharpness and fluctuation strength using loudness models composed of gammatone and gammachirp auditory filters,”
      Proc. NCSP21, pp. 105-109, March 2021.
    • Soichiro Tanaka, Shota Morita, Maashi Unoki,
      “Study on laughter detection based on auditory attributes,”
      Proc. NCSP21, pp. 373-376, March 2021.
    • Taiyang Guo, Jianwu Dang , Gaoyan Zhang, Bin Zhao, Masashi Unoki,
      “Frequency-specific Brain Network Dynamics during Perceiving Real words and Pseudowords,”
      Proc. ISCSLP2021 (accepted).
    • Suradej Doungpummet, Phrimphissa Kraikhun, Chatrin Phunruangsakao, Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, and Waree Kongprawechnon
      “Speech Privacy Protection based on Optimal Controlling Estimated Speech Transmission Index in Noisy Reverberant Environments,”
      Proc. EUSIPCO2020, Jan. 2021 (accepted).
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim1, Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki
      “X-Vector Singular Value Modification and Statistical‐Based Decomposition with Ensemble Regression Modeling for Speaker Anonymization System,”
      Proc. Interspeech2020, 2020 (accepted).
    • Bin Zhao, Jianwu Dang, Gaoyan Zhang, Masashi Unoki
      “Cortical Oscillatory Hierarchy for Natural Sentence Processing,”
      Proc. Interspeech2020, 2020 (accepted).
    • Masashi Unoki, Yukina Hosaka, and Shunsuke Kidani,
      Pitch perception of noise-vocoded harmonic complex tones mimicking musical instruments,"
      Proc. Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon 2020
    • Takuto Isoyama, Shunsuke Kidani, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Modeling of sound quality metrics using gammatone and gammachirp filterbanks,"
      Prof. Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon 2020.
    • Chatrin Phunruangsakao, Phrimphissa Kraikhun, Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, and Waree Kongprawechnon,
      “Speech Privacy Protection based on Controlling Estimated Speech Transmission Index,”
      Proc. 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), pp. 628-631, June 2020.
    • Huy Quoc Nguyen and Masashi Unoki,
      "Improvement of bone-conducted speech restoration using linear prediction and long short-term memory model,"
      Proc. 2020 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2020), pp. 649-652, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March, 2020.


    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki,
      "Audio Information Hiding based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics with Optimized Segment Selection,"
      Proc. 2019 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2019), New Taipei, Dec. 2019.
    • Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Waree Kongprawechnon, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Robust Method for Blindly Estimating Speech Transmission Index using Convolutional Neural Network with Temporal Amplitude Envelope,"
      Proc. APSIPA2019, Nov. 2019.
    • Zhichao Peng, Zhi Zhu, Masashi Unoki, Jianwu Dang, Masato Akagi,
      "Dimensional Emotion Recognition from Speech Using Modulation Spectral Features and Recurrent Neural Network,"
      Proc. APSIPA2019, Nov. 2019.
    • Masashi Unoki, Miho Kawamura, Maori Kobayashi, Shunsuke Kidani, Masato Akagi,
      "How the temporal amplitude envelope of speech contributes to urgency perception,"
      Proc. 234d International Congress on Acoustics, Aachen, Germany, ICA 2019, pp. 1739-1744, Sept. 2019.
    • Teruki Toya, Peter Birkholz, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Estimates of Transmission Characteristics related to Perception of Bone-Conducted Speech using Real Utterances and Transcutaneous Vibration on Larynx,"
      Proc. SPECOM2019, Istanbul, Terkey, 2019.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Shogo Okada, Yukiko I. Nakano, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Multimodal BigFive Personality Trait Analysis Using Communication Skill Indices and Multiple Discussion Types Dataset,"
      Proc. 11th International Conference, SCSM 2019 Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019 Orlando, FL, USA, July 26?31, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Spriner LNCS 11578, pp. 370-383, 2019.
    • Boxin He, Shengbei Wang, Weitao Yuan, Jianming Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Data augmentation for monaural singing voice separation based on variational autoencoder-generative adversarial network,"
      Proc. ICME2019, pp. 1354-1359, Shanghai, China, 2019.
      DOI 10.1109/ICME.2019.00235.
    • Shengbei Wang, Weitao Yuan, Jianming Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Inaudible speech watermarking based on self-compensated echo-hiding and sparse subspace clustering,"
      Proc. ICASSP2019, pp. 2632-2636, May 2019.
    • Weitao Yuan, Shengbei Wang, Xiangrui Li, Masashi Unoki, and Wenwu Wang,
      "Proximal deep recurrent neural network for monaural singing voice separation,"
      Proc. ICASSP2019, pp. 286-290, May 2019.


    • Reiya Namikawa and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on speech watermarking method based on spread-spectrum using linear prediction residue,"
      Proc. 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2019), pp. 327-330, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Mach 2019.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki,
      "Feasibility of Audio Information Hiding Using Linear Time Variant IIR Filter Based on Cochlear Delay,"
      Proc. 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2019), pp. 323-326, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March, 2019.
    • Tatsuya Hatakeyama and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on the method for estimating perceptual age using sound quality metrics,"
      Proc. 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2019), pp. 327-330, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March, 2019.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Aakinee Aimmanee and Masahi Unoki,
      "Digital Audio Watermarking Method Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis with Automatic Parameter Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2018, Nov. 2018.
    • Zhu Zhi, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on the relationship between modulation spectral features and the perception of vocal emotion with noise-vocoded speech,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 144, pp. 1804, Nov. 2018.
    • Teruki Toya, Peter Birkholz, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Analysis of spectral and transmission characteristics of bone-conducted speech using real utterances and transcutaneous vibration,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 144, pp. 1838, Nov. 2018.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Mongkonchai Intarauksom, Jessada Karnjana, Pakinee Aimmaneey, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Speech Watermarking Technique Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis and Automatic Parameter Estimation using Differential Evolution for Tampering Detection,"
      Proc. The 13th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI NLP 2018), pp. 244-249, Nov. 2018.
    • Takuto Isoyama and Masashi Unoki,
      "Noise Suppression Method Based on Modulation Spectrum Analysis,"
      Proc. SPECOM2018, Leipzig, Germany, Sept. 2018.
    • Zhichao Peng, Zhi Zhu, Masashi Unoki, Jianwu Dang, Masato Akagi,
      Auditory-inspired end-to-end speech emotion recognition using 3D convolutional recurrent neural networks based on spectral-temporal modulation,"
      Proc. ICMC2018, San Diego, CA, USA, July 2018.
    • Shengbei Wang, Weitao Yuan, Jianming Wang, Masashi Unoki,
      "Speech watermarking based on robust principal component analysis and formant manipulations,"
      Proc. ICASSP2018, pp. 2082-2086, Calgary, Canada, April 2018.
    • Nguyen Khanh Bui, Daisuke Morikawa, Masashi Unoki,
      "Method of estimating direction of arrival of sound source for monaural hearing based on temporal modulation perception,"
      Proc. ICASSP2028, pp. 5014-5018, Calgary, Canada, April 2018.


    • Surasak Boonkla, Masashi Unoki, Chai Wutiwiwatchai, and Stanislav S. Makhanov,
      "F0 Estimation Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Complex Cepstrum Analysis in Reverberant Environments,"
      Proc. APSIPA2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2017.
      DOI: 10.1109/APSIPA.2017.8282165
    • Masashi Unoki, Yuta Kashihara, Maori Kobayashi, and Masato Akagi,
      "Study on method for protecting speech privacy by actively controlling speech transmission index in simulated room,"
      Proc. APSIPA2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2017.
      DOI: 10.1109/APSIPA.2017.8282212
    • Zhichao Peng, Zhi Zhu, Masashi Unoki, Jianwu Dang, Masato Akagi,
      "Speech Emotion Recognition Using MPCRNN based on Gammatone auditory filterbank,"
      Proc. APSIPA2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2017.
      DOI: 10.1109/APSIPA.2017.8282316
    • Jessada Karnjana, Kasorn Galajit, Pakinee Aimmaneey, Chai Wutiwiwatchai, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Speech Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis for Tampering Detection and Identification,"
      Proc. APSIPA2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2017.
      DOI: 10.1109/APSIPA.2017.8282027
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Important role of temporal cues in speaker identification for simulated cochlear implants,"
      Proc. 1st International Workshop on Challenges in Hearing Assistive Technology (CHAT-2017), pp. 51-55, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Feasibility of Vocal Emotion Conversion on Modulation Spectrogram for Simulated Cochlear Implants,"
      Proc. EUSIPCO2017, pp. 1884-1888, Kos Island, Greece, Aug. 2017.
      DOI: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2017.8081526
    • Kenichiro Miwa and Masashi Unoki,
      "Robust method for estimating F0 of complex tone based on pitch perception of amplitude modulated signal,"
      Proc. Interspeech2017, pp. 2311-2315, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
      DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-1061
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "The role of spectral and temporal cues for vocal emotion recognition by cochlear implant simulations,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141, No. 5, Pt. 2, pp. 3816, May 2017.
    • Teruki Toya and Masashi Unoki,
      "Presentation method as air- and bone-conducted speech for delayed auditory feedback,"
      auditory feedback,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 141, No. 5, Pt. 2, pp. 3820, May 2017.
      DOI: 10.1121/1.4988471
    • Dung Kim Tran and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on speech representation based on spikegram for speech fingerprints,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2017, Shimane, Aug., 2017 (CDROM). 10.1007/978-3-319-63859-1_20


    • Yuta Kashihara and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Method for Controlling Listening Difficulty by Operating Speech Transmission Index of the Room Acoustics,"
      Proc. 2017 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP17), pp. 489-492, Guam, USA, March 2017.
    • Daisuke Ishikawa and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on method for blindly estimating parameters of the extended stochastic model of room impulse response,"
      Proc. 2017 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP17), pp. 493-496, Guam, USA, March 2017.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Recognition of vocal emotion in noise-vocoded speech by normal hearing and cochlear implant listeners,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 140, no. 4, Pt. 2, pp. 3271, Oct. 2016.
    • Shunsuke Kidani, Masashi Unoki, and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "oto-acoustic emissions under various band-noise conditions,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 140, no 4, Pt. 2, pp. 3274, Oct. 2016.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai,
      "SSA-based Audio-Information-Hiding Scheme with Psychoacoustic Model,"
      Proc. APSIPA2016, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2016.
    • Nguyen Khanh Bui, Daisuke Morikawa, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Investigation on the head-related modulation transfer function for monaural DOA,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2016, Kaohsiung, pp. 191-200, Nov. 2016.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai,
      "Tampering Detection in Speech Signals by Semi-Fragile Watermarking Based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis,"
      Lecture Notes Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Volume 63: Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (Proc. IIHMSP2016), pp. 131-140, Kaohsiung, Nov. 2016.
    • Yang Liu, Naushin Nower, Shota Morita, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Robust front-end for speech recognition by human and machine in noisy reverberant environments: the effect of phase information,"
      ISCSLP2016, Tianjin, China, Oct. 2016.
    • Surasak Boonkla, Masashi Unoki, and Stanislav S. Makhanov,
      "Robust Speech Analysis Based on Source-Filter Model Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition in Noisy Environments,"
      Proc. SPECOM-2016, pp. 580-587, Budapest, August 2016.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, Masashi Unoki,
      "Modulation spectral features for predicting vocal emotion recognition by simulated cochlear implants,"
      Proc. Interspeech2016, pp. 262-266, San Francisco, USA, Sept. 2016.
    • Jianwu Dang, Shengbei Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
      Proc. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2016), pp. 5355-5359, Shanghai, China, March 2016.
    • Teruki Toya, Daisuke Ishikawa, Ryota Miyauchi, Kazushi Nishimoto, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Effects of Speech Production during Delayed Auditory Feedback for Air-conducted and Bone-Conducted Speech,"
      Proc. 2016 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP16), pp. 169-172, Honolulu, USA, March 2016.


    • Yuta Kashihara and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on IIR Implementation for Modulation Transfer Function of Room Impulse Response,"
      Proc. 2016 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP16), pp. 165-168, Honolulu, USA, March 2016.
    • Masashi Unoki, Shota Morita, Akikazu Miyazaki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Preliminary Study on Blind Estimation of Room Acoustic Parameters in Noisy Reverberant Environments,"
      Proc. 12th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference 2015 (WESPAC2015), pp. 428-435, Singapore, Dec. 2015.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Pakinee Aimmanee, Masashi Unoki, and Chai Wuthiwiwatchai,
      "An Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Automatic Parameterized Singular-Spectrum Analysis Using Differential Evolution,"
      Proc. APSIPA2015, pp. 543-551, Dec. 2015.
    • Erick Christian Garcia Alvarez, Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "An automatic watermarking in CELP speech codec based on formant tuning,"
      Proc. 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP2015), pp. 160-163, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 2015.
    • Daisuke Morikawa, Masaru Ando, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Feasibility of estimating direction of arrival based on monaural modulation spectrum,"
      Proc. 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP2015), pp. 384-387,Sept. 2015.
    • Shogo Masaya and Masashi Unoki,
      "Complex tensor factorization in modulation frequency domain for single-channel speech enhancement,"
      Proc. Interspeech2015, pp. 1765-1769, Dresden, Germany, Sept. 2015.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo, Brian M. Kurkoski, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Robust and Reliable Audio Watermarking Based on Dynamic Phase Coding and Error Control Coding,"
      Proc. EUSIPCO2015, pp. 2316-2320, Nice Cote d'Azur, France, Sept. 2015.
    • Yang Liu, Naushin Nower, Yonghong Yan, Masashi Unoki,
      "Restoration of instantaneous amplitude and phase of speech signal in noisy reverberant environments,"
      Proc. EUSIPCO2015, pp. 884-888, Nice Cote d'Azur, France, Sept. 2015.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      Proc. Proc. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2015), pp. 345-349, Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Analysis of Speaker Individual Differences on Modulation Spectrum,"
      Proc. 2015 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP15), pp. 17-20, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2015.


    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee and Chai Wuthiwiwatchai,
      "An Audio Watermarking Scheme based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis,"
      Proc. 13th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2014), Taipei, Oct. 2014.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      "Watermarking for Digital Audio based on Adaptive Phase Modulation,"
      Proc. 13th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2014), Taipei, Oct. 2014.
    • Shengbei Wang, Masashi Unoki, and Nam Soo Kim,
      "Formant Enhancement based Speech Watermarking for Tampering Detection,"
      Proc. 15th Annual Conforence of International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech2014), Singapore, pp. 1366-1370, Sept. 2014.
    • Shota Morita, Masshi Unoki, Xugang Lu, and Masato Akagi,
      "Robust Voice Activity Detection Based on Concept of Modulation Transfer Function in Noisy Reverberant Environments,"
      Proc. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014), pp. 108-112, Singapore, Sept. 2014.
    • Shota Morita, Xugang Lu, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Signal to noise ratio estimation based on an optimal design of subband voice activity detection,"
      Proc. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014), pp. 560-564, Singapore, Sept. 2014.
    • Surasak Boonkla, Masashi Unoki, Stanislav S. Makhanov, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai,
      "Speech Analysis Method Based on Source-Filter Model Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition in Log-Spectrum Domain,"
      Proc. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014), pp. 555-559, Singapore, Sept. 2014.
    • Wang Shengbei and Masashi Unoki,
      "Watermarking of Speech Signals Based on Formant Enhancement,"
      Proc. 22nd Europian Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2014), Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2014.
    • Wang Shengbei and Masashi Unoki,
      "Hybrid Speech Watermarking based on Formant Enhancement and Cochlear Delay,"
      Proc. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP2014), pp. 272-275, Kitakyushu, 2014.
    • Masashi Unoki, Jessada Karnjana, Shengbei Wang, Nhut Minh Ngo, and Ryota Miyauchi,
      Proc. The 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21), Beijing, July 2014.
    • Naushin Nower, Yang Liu, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Restoration of Instantaneous Amplitude and Phase using Kalman filter for Speech Enhancement,"
      Proc. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2014), pp. 4666-4670, Florence, Italy, May 2014.


    • Masaru Ando, Daisuke Morikawa, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on method of estimating direction of arrival using monaural modulation spectrum,"
      Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP14), pp. 477-480, March 2014.
    • Yasutaka Nishino, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Linguistic Information Contained in Temporal Amplitude Envelope of Japanese Speech Signals,"
      Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP14), pp. 333-336, March 2014.
    • Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Zhi Zhu, Masashi Unoki, and Naofumi Aoki,
      "Study on semi-scramble method for speech signals based on phonemic restoration,"
      Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP14), pp. 201-204, March 2014.
    • Zhi Zhu, Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Masashi Unoki, and Naofumi Aoki,
      "Study on scramble method for speech signal by using random-bit shift of quantization,"
      Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP14), pp. 109-113, March 2014.
    • Akikazu Miyazaki, Shota Morita, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Blind Method of Estimating Speech Transmission Index from Noisy Reverberant Amplitude-Modulated-Signals,"
      Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP14), pp. 105-108, March 2014.
    • Yang Liu and Masashi Unoki,
      "MTF based Kalman filtering with linear prediction for power envelope restoration,"
      Proc. ISPACS2013, pp. 198-203, Nov. 2013.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Watermarking method for speech signals based on modifications to LSFs,"
      Proc. IIHMSP 2013, pp. 283-286, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.
    • Kiho Cho, Soo Hyun Bae, In Kyu Choi, Nam Soo Kim, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Robust Audio Data Hiding Method Based on Phase of Modulated Complex Lapped Transform,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2013, pp. 263-266, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.
    • Kenichiro Miwa and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Method for Estimating F0 of Steady Complex Tone in Noisy Reverberant Environments,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2013, pp. 456-459, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.
    • Masashi Unoki, Kyohei Sasaki, Ryota Miyauchi, Masato Akagi, and Nam Soo Kim,
      Proc. EUSIPCO2013, CDROM, Marrakech, Morocco, Sept. 2013.
    • Yasuaki KANAI, Shota MORITA, and Masashi UNOKI,
      "Concurrent processing of voice activity detection and noise reduction using empirical mode decomposition and modulation spectrum analysis,"
      Proc. Interspeech2013, pp. 742-746, Lyon France, August 2013.
    • Masashi Unoki, Tomohiro Ikeda, Kyohei Sasaki, Ryota Miyauchi, Masato Akagi, and Nam Soo Kim,
      Proc. ChinaSIP2013, pp. 308-312, July 2013.
    • Shin Jae Kang, Chang Woo Han, Kang Hyun Lee, Nam Soo Kim, and Masashi Unoki,
      Proc. ChinaSIP2013, pp. 313-317, July 2013.
    • Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on effects of presence of cue-tone on psychophysical tuning curves,"
      Proc. Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 050021, pp. 1-6, June 2013. [DOI: 10.1121/1.4799719]
    • Akira Nishimura, Masashi Unoki, Kazuhiro Kondo, and Akio Ogihara,
      "Objective evaluation of sound quality for attacks on robust audio watermarking,"
      Proc. Meeting on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 030052, pp. 1-9, June 2013. [DOI: 10.1121/1.4799661]


    • Kyohei Sasaki and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Method of Estimating MTF/STI Using Generalized Room Impulse Response,"
      Proc. 2013 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP13), pp. 249-252, March 2013.
    • Masashi Unoki and Kazushi Nishimoto,
      "Improvements to creativity in singing abilities based on perspective of studies on interaction between speech production and auditory perception,"
      Prof. 2012 Seventh International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS2012), pp. 157-160, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2012.
    • Masashi Unoki and Xugang Lu,
      "Unified denoising and dereverberation method used in restoration of MTF-based power envelope,"
      Proc. ISCSLP2012, pp. 215-219, Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
    • Yasuaki Kanai and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on robust voice activity detection using empirical mode decomposition and modulation spectrum analysis,"
      Proc. ISCSLP2012, pp. 400-404, Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Shigeki Matsuda, Chiori Hori, Hideki Kashioka,
      "Controlling the tradeoff property in regularization framework for noise reduction,"
      Proc. ISCSLP2012, pp. 201-205, Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo, Shengbei Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Method of Digital-audio Watermarking Based on Cochlear Delay in Sub-bands,"
      Proc. ITC-CSCC2012, D-W1-03, Sapporo, July 2012 (CDROM).
    • Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "Detection of Tampering in Speech Signals with InaudibleWatermarking Technique,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2012, pp. 118-121, Greece, July 2012 .
    • Nhut Minh NGO, Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, and Yoiti Suzuki,
      "Data-hiding scheme for digital-audio in amplitude modulation domain,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2012, pp. 114-117, Greece, July 2012 .
    • Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Effect of presentation of cue tones on active tuning of auditory filters derived from simultaneous notched-noise masking,"
      Proc. ISH2012, July 2012 .


    • Yasuaki Kanai and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Robust Voice Activity Detection Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Modulation Spectrum Analysis,"
      Proc. 2012 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP12), pp. 237-240, March 2012.
    • Yuta Yano, Ryota Miyauchi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Study on Detectability of Signals by Utilizaing Differences in Their Amplitude Modulation,"
      Proc. 2012 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP12), pp. 611-614, March 2012.
    • Shota Morita, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
      "MTF-based sub-band power-envelope restoration for robust speech recognition in noisy reverberant environments,"
      Proc. APSIPA2011, Xi'an, Oct. 2011 (CDROM).
    • Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "Reversible Watermarking for Digital Audio Based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2011, pp. 314-317,Dalian, China 2011 Oct. 2011.
    • Masashi Unoki, Xugang Lu, Rico Petrick, Shota Morita, Masato Akagi, and Rudiger Hoffman,
      "Voice activity detection in MTF-based power envelope restoration,"
      Proc. Interspeech2011, pp. 2609-2612, Florence, Italy, Aug. 2011.
    • Lu Xugang, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Adaptive regularization framework for robust voice activity detection,"
      Proc. Interspeech2011, pp. 2653-2656, Florence, Italy Aug. 2011.
    • Masashi Unoki, Tomohiro Ikeda, and Masato Akagi,
      "Blind Estimation Method of Speech Transmission Index in Room Acoustics,"
      Proc. Forum Acustics 2011, pp. 1973-1978, Aalborg, Denmark June 2011.


    • Toshizo Kosugi, Atsushi Haniu, Ryota Miyauchi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Study on suitable-architecture of IIR all-pass filter for digital-audio watermarking technique based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
      Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 135-138, March 2011.
    • Shota Morita, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Study on MTF-based power envelope restoration in noisy reverberant environment,"
      Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 247-250, March 2011.
    • Tomohiro Ikeda, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Study on blind estimation of Speech Transmission Index in room acoustics,"
      Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 235-238, March 2011.
    • Yuta Yano, Ryota Miyauchi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Study on detectability of target signal by utilizing differences between movements in temporal envelopes of target and background signals,"
      Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 231-234, March 2011.
    • Trung Nghia Phung, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi,
      "Improving Bone-Conducted Speech Restoration in Noisy Environments based on LP Scheme,"
      Proc. APSIPA 2010, Tue-PM. ST1.10, Biopolis, Singapore, Dec. 2010.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Functional Approximation in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space for Speech Estimation in Noisy Environments,"
      Proc. APSIPA 2010, pp. 76-81, Biopolis, Singapore, Dec. 2010.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Speech Enhancement as a Functional Approximation and Generalization,"
      Proc. ISCSLP 2010 (7th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing 2010), pp. 18-22, Sun Moon, Taiwan, Dec. 2010.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Regularization in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space for robust voice activity detection,"
      Proc. ICSP2010, pp. 585-588, Oct. 2010.
    • Masashi Unoki, Toshizou Kosugi, Atsushi Haniu, and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "Desigh of IIR all-pass filter based on cochlear delay to reduce embedding limitations,"
      Proc. IIH-MSP2010 (6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing), pp. 526-529, Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 2010.
    • Rico Petrick, Thomas Feher, Masashi Unoki, and Rudiger Hoffmann,
      "Methods for robust speech recognition in reverberant environments: A comparison,"
      Proc. Interspeech2010, p. 582-585, Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 2010
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai,and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Voice activity detection in a regularized reproducing kernel Hilbert space,"
      Proc. Interspeech2010, pp. 3086-3089, Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 2010.
    • Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Effects of the presence of cue tone in signal detection varies with relationships between cue tone and signal frequencies,"
      Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, 23-27, Sydney, Australia, Aug. 2010 .
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Normalization on subband temporal envelopes for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition,"
      Proc. IASTED SIP2010, 710-058, pp. 7-12, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2010.


    • Atsushi Haniu, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Comparative evaluations of inaudible digital-audio watermarking using objective detection tests,"
      Proc. 2010 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP10), pp. 460-463, March 2010.
    • Shota Morita, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on the IMTF-based filtering on the modulation spectrum of reverberant speech,"
      Proc. 2010 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP10), pp. 265-268 March 2010.
    • Tomoki Sawaguchi and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on a method of speech signal analysis using the empirical mode decomposition and its applications,"
      Proc. 2010 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP10), pp. 345-348, March 2010.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Normalization on the modulation spectrum of the subband temporal envelopes for automatic speech recognition in reverberant environments,"
      Proc. 3rd International Universal Communication Symposium, pp. 247-254, Dec. 2009.
    • Naoki Kuroda, Junfeng Li, Yukio Iwaya, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Effects of spatial cues on detectability of alarm signals in noisy environments,"
      Proc. IWPASH2009, P7. Zaou, Japan, Nov. 2009 (CDROM).
    • Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A psychoacoutically-motivated conceptual model for automatic speech recognition,"
      Proc. WESPAC X, Beijing, China, Sept. 2009 (CDROM).
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Subband temporal modulation spectrum normalization for automatic speech recognition in reverberant environments,"
      Proc. Interspeech2009, pp. 2503-2506, Brighton, U.K., Sept. 2009.
    • Kuniaki Imabeppu, Daiki Hamada, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Embedding limitations with audio-watermarking method based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2009, pp. 82-85, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 2009.
    • Masashi Unoki, Yutaka Yamasaki, and Masato Akagi,
      "MTF-based power envelope restoration in noisy reverberant environments,"
      Proc. EUSIPCO2009, pp. 228-232, Glasgow, U. K., August 2009.
    • Kota Kinugasa, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "An MTF-based method for restoring bone-conducted speech,"
      Proc. SPECOM2009, pp. 199-204, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009.
    • Shunsuke Kidani and Masashi Unoki,
      "The effect of presence of cue-tone on tuning of auditory filter derived from simultaneous masking,"
      Proc. 15th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH2009), Salamanca, Spain, June 2009.
    • Xugang Lu, Shigeki Matsuda, Masashi Unoki, Tohru Shimizu, and Satoshi Nakamura,
      "Temporal contrast normalization and edge-preserved smoothing on temporal modulation structure for robust speech recognition,"
      Proc. 2009 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2009), pp. 4573-4576, Taipei, April 2009.


    • Naoki Kuroda, Junfeng Li, Yukio Iwaya, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Effects from spatial cues on detectability of alarm signals in car environments,"
      Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09), pp. 45-48, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
    • Kota Kinugasa, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "An MTF-based blind restoration method for improving intelligibility of bone-conducted speech,"
      Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09), pp. 105-108, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
    • Yutaka Yamasaki and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on the noise suppression method based on the MTF concept,"
      Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09), pp. 157-160, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
    • Kuniaki Imabeppu, Daiki Hamada, and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on the embedding limitation for an audio watermarking method based on the cochlear delay characteristics,"
      Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09), pp. 625-628, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
    • Rico Petrick, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
      "Robust Front End Processing for Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments: Utilization of Speech Characteristics,"
      Proc. Interspeech2008, pp. 658-661, Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2008.
    • Rico Petrick, Masashi Unoki, Anish Mittal, Calros Segura, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
      "A Comprehensive Study on the Effects of Room Reverberation on Fundamental Frequency Estimation,"
      Proc. Interspeech2008, pp. 131-134, Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2008.
    • Masashi Unoki and Daiki Hamada,
      "Audio watermarking method based on the cochlear delay characteristics,"
      Proc. IIHMSP2008, pp. 616-619, August 2008.
    • Masashi Unoki and Sota Hiramatsu,
      "MTF-based method of blind estimation of reverberation time in room acoustics,"
      Proc. EUSIPCO2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2008.
    • Eriko Aiba, Satomi Tanaka, Minoru Tsuzaki, Masashi Unoki
      "Effects of temporal synchrony between two sounds on perceptual unification and its relation to the cochlear delays,"
      Proc. ICMPC10, 2AM2-R07, p. 131, CDROM, August 2008.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "An MTF-based blind restoration of temporal power envelopes as a front-end processor for automatic speech recognition systems in reverberant environments,"
      Proc. Acoustics 2008 in Paris, pp. 1419-1424, July 2008.
    • Masashi Unoki and Sota Hiramatsu,
      "Blind estimation method of reverberation time based on concept of modulation transfer function,"
      Proc. Acoustics 2008 in Paris, pp. 4489-4494, July 2008.
    • Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki,
      "Nonlinear responses of a nonlinear cochlear model with the function of an outer hair cell model,"
      Proc. Mechanics of Hearing Workshop 2008, pp. 314-320, Keele, U.K. July 2008.
    • Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "An LP-based blind Model for Restoring Bone-conducted Speech,"
      Proc. HUT-ICCE2008, pp. 212-217, June 2008.


    • Masashi Unoki, Toshihiro Hosorogiya, and Yuichi Ishimoto,
      "Comparative evaluations of robust and accurate F0 estimates in reverberant environments,"
      Proc. 2008 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2008), pp. 4569-4572 March 2008
    • Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on blind model for restoring bone-conducted speech based on linear prediction scheme,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 287-290, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Misa Kusaba, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on detectability of target signal in background noise by utilizing similarity of temporal envelopes in auditory search,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 13-16, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Daiki Hamada and Masashi Unoki,
      "An audio watermarking method based on the cochlear delay characteristics,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 495-498, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "An experimental construction of auditory filterbank to simulate basilar membrane motion,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 471-474, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Sota Hiramatsu and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on the blind estimation of reverberation time in room acoustics,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 379-382, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A speech recognition method based on the selective sound segregation in various noisy environments,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 168-171, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on the role of outer hair cells on the nonlinearity in the cochlear I/O function using a computational model,"
      Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 375-378, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
    • Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "The construction of Large-scale Bone-conducted and Air-conducted Speech databases for Speech Intelligibility Tests,"
      Proc. Oriental COCOSDA2007, pp. 88-91, Dec. 2007.
    • Masashi Unoki and Toshihiro Hosorogiya,
      "Robust and accurate F0 estimation for reverberant speech by utilizing complex cepstrum analysis,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (151th meeting on the acoustical society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.), Vol. 122, No. 5, Pt. 2.2, pp. 3021, Dec. 2007.
    • Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on the imput-output function of a nonlinear cochlear transmission-line model with the function of an outer hair cells model,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (151th meeting on the acoustical society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.), Vol. 122, No. 5, Pt. 2.2 pp. 3061, Dec. 2007.
    • Eriko Aiba, Satomi Tanaka, Minoru Tsuzaki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Jodgement of perceptual synchrony between two pulses and its relation to the cochlear delays,"
      Proc. Fechnerday 2007, pp. 211-214, Dec. 2007.
    • Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A blind restoration model for bone-conducted speech based on linear prediction scheme,"
      Proc. NOLTA2007, pp. 449-452, Sept. 2007.
    • Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on a speech recognition method based on the selective sound segregation in noisy environment,"
      Proc. NOLTA2007, pp. 445-448, Sept. 2007.
    • Masashi Unoki and Toshihiro Hosorogiya,
      "A study on robust and accurate F0 estimation in reverberant environments by utilizing complex cepstrum analysis,"
      Proc. XII International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM2007), pp.222-232, Moscow, Russia, Oct. 2007.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Comparative enaluation of MTF-based feature extraction for speech recognition in reverberant environments,"
      Proc. XII International Conference Speech and Computer (SPECOM2007), pp. 124-133, Moscow, Russia, Oct. 2007.
    • Hideaki Uchiyama, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Improvement of detectability of alarm signal in noisy environments by spatial cues,"
      Proc. 2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA2007), pp. 74-77, Mohonk Mountain House, New Palts, New York, USA, Oct. 2007.
    • Takeshi Saitou, Masataka Goto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Speech-to-Singing Synthesis: Vocal conversion from speaking voices to singing voices by controlling acoustic features unique to singing voices,"
      Proc. 2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA2007), pp. 215-218, Mohonk Mountain House, New Palts, New York, USA, Oct. 2007.
    • Thang tat Vu, Germine Seide, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Method of LP-based blind restoration for improving intelligibility of bone-conducted speech,"
      Proc. Eurospeech2007, Antwerp, Belgium, pp. 966-969, Aug. 2007.
    • Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on a speech recognition method based on the selective sound segregation in noisy environment,"
      Proc. JCA2007, P-2-9, Sendai, Japan, June 2007.
    • Xugang Lu and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on restoration methods for temporal envelope of reverberant speech based on the modulation transfer function concept,"
      Proc. JCA2007, P-2-11, Sendai, Japan, June 2007.
    • Ying Dongwen, Masashi Unoki, and Jianwu Dang,
      "A noise reduction method based on dimension reduction in noise eigenspace,"
      Proc. JCA2007, P-2-29, Sendai, Japan, June 2007.


    • Xugang Lu and Masashi Unoki,
      "Dereverberation models for temporal envelope restoration based on the modulation transfer function concept,"
      Proc. NCSP07, pp. 394-400, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
    • Toshihiro Hosorogiya and Masashi Unoki,
      "A study on the estimation method of the fundamental frequency from a reverberant speech,"
      Proc. NCSP07, pp. 575-578, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
    • Akiko Minowa, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on physical conditions for auditory segregation/integration of speech signals based on auditory scene analysis,"
      Proc. NCSP07, pp. 313-316, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
    • Yohei Shibano and Masashi Unoki,
      "An improved carrier regeneration process in the MTF-based speech dereverberation method using instantaneous amplitude and phase,"
      Proc. NCSP07, pp. 221-224, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
    • Hideaki Uchiyama, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on perception of alarm signal in car environments,"
      Proc. NCSP07, pp. 389-392, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
    • Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on an LP-based model for restoring bone-conducted speech,"
      Proc. HUT-ICCE2006, pp. 294-299, Oct. 2006.
    • Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "Psychophysical estimates of cochlear tuning using simultaneous and non-simultaneous masking,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 120, no. 5, Pt. 2 (4th Joint meeting on the ASA and ASJ, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.), 2aPP18, pp. 3083, Nov. 2006.
    • Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, Yohei, Shibano, and Masato Akagi,
      "Suppression of speech intelligibility loss throught an MTF-based speech dereverberation method,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 120, no. 5, Pt. 2 (4th Joint meeting on the ASA and ASJ, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.), 5pAA12, pp. 3360, Nov. 2006.
    • Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Analysis of acoustic features affecting singing-voice perception and its application to singing-voice synthesis from speaking-voice using STRAIGHT,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 120, no. 5, Pt. 2 (4th Joint meeting on the ASA and ASJ, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.), 1pMU5, pp. 3029, Nov. 2006.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A robust feature extraction based on the MTF concept for speech recognition in reverberant environment,"
      Proc. Interspeech2006 - ICSLP2006, pp. 2546-2549, Sept. 2006.
    • Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, and Chin-Tuan Tan,
      "Estimates of tuning of auditory finter using simultaneous and forward notched-noise masking,"
      Proc. 14th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH2006), 18-24, Aug. 2006.
    • Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi,
      "Refinement of an MTF-based speech dereverberation method using an optimal inverse-MTF filter,"
      Proc. SPECOM'2006, pp. 323-326, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2006.


    • Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on an LPC-based restoration model for improving the voice-quality of bone-conducted speech,"
      Proc. NCSP06, pp. 110-113, Hawaii, U.S.A., March 2006.
    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "MTF-based sub-band power envelope restoration in reverberant environment for speech recognition,"
      Proc. NCSP06, pp. 162-165, Hawaii, U.S.A., March
    • Josaku Nakanishi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Effect of ITD and component frequencies on perception of alarm signals in noisy environment,"
      Proc. NCSP06, pp. 37-40, Hawaii, U.S.A., March
    • Yoshinari Takeyama, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Atsunobu Kaminuma,
      "Synthesis of mimic speech sounds uttered in noisy car environments,"
      Proc. NCSP06, pp. 118-121, Hawaii, U.S.A., March 2006.
    • Masashi Unoki and Chin-Tuan Tan,
      "Estimates of auditory filter shape using simultaneous and forward notched-noise masking,"
      Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005, pp. 1497-1502, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.
    • Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi,
      "Development of the MTF-based speech dereverberation method using adaptive time-frequency division,"
      Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005, pp. 51-56, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.
    • Masashi Unoki, Masaaki Kubo, Atsushi Haniu, and Masato Akagi,
      "A model for selective segregation of a target instrument sound from the mixed sound of various instruments,"
      Proc. Interspeech2005, pp. 2097-2100, Lisboa 2005.


    • Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on a speech recognition method based on the selective soundsegregation in noisy environment,"
      Proc. NCSP05, 2005 RISP Internationalworkshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, pp. 403-406,Honolulu, USA, March 2005.
    • Kenji Kimura, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on a bone-conducted speech restoration method with the modulation filterbank,"
      Proc. NCSP05, 2005 RISP International workshopon Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, pp. 411-414, Honolulu, USA,March 2005.
    • Masato Toi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Development of adaptive time-frequency divisions and a carrierreconstruction in the MTF-based speech dereverberation method,"
      Proc. NCSP05, 2005 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits andSignal Processing, pp. 355-358, Honolulu, USA, March 2005
    • Takeshi Saitou, Naoya Tsuji, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Analysis of Acoustic Features Affecting "Siging-ness" and itsApplication to Siging-Voice Synthesis from Speaking-Voice,"
      Proc. ICSLP2004, vol. III, pp. 1929-1932, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 2004.
    • Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi,
      "A speech dereverberation method based on the MTF concept using adaptivetime-frequency divisions,"
      Proc. EUSIPCO2004, pp. 1689-1692, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2004.
    • Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Control method of acoustic parameters for singing-voice synthesis,"
      Proc. ICA2004, vol. I, pp. 501-504, Mo5.C1.4, Kyoto, Japan, April 2004.


    • Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Development of the F0 control model for singing-voices synthesis,"
      Proc. SP2004, pp. 491-494, Nara, Japan, March 2004.
    • Masashi Unoki, Keigo Sakata, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi,
      "Speech dereverberation based on the concept of the modulation transferfunction,"
      Proc. NCSP2004, pp. 423-426, March 2004.
    • Roy D. Patterson, Masashi Unoki, and Toshio Irino,
      “Comparison of the compressive gammachirp and double-roex auditory filters,”
      Proc. 13th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH2003), pp. 21-27, Durban, France, August 2003
    • Masashi Unoki, Masaaki Kubo, and Masato Akagi
      "A model for selective segregation of a target instrument sound from the mixed sound of various instruments"
      Proc. ICMC2003, pp. 295-298, Singapore, October 2003.
    • Masashi Unoki, Keigo Sakata, and Masato Akagi
      "A speech dereverberation method based on the MTF concept,"
      Proc. EuroSpeech2003, pp. 1417-1420, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003.
    • Masashi Unoki, Masakazu Furukawa, Keigo Sakata, and Masato Akagi
      "A Method based on the MTF concept for dereverberating the power envelope from the reverberant signal,"
      Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. I, pp. 840-843, April 2003.


    • Masashi Unoki, Masakazu Furukawa, and Masato Akagi
      "A method for recovering the power envelope from the reverberant speechbased on MTF,"
      Proc. of Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, SPA-Gen-002, p. S129, Sevilla,Spain, Sept. 2002.
    • Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi
      "Extraction of F0 dynamic characteristics and development of F0control model in singing voice,"
      Proc. of ICAD2002, pp. 275-278, Kyoto, Japan, July 2002.
    • Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A Fundamental Frequency Estimation Method for Noisy Speech Based on Instantaneous Amplitude and Frequency,"
      Proc. of EuroSpeech2001, Aalborg, Denmark, 2439-2442, Sept. 2001.
    • Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A fundamental frequency estimation method for noisy speech based on instantaneous amplitude and frequency,"
      Proc. of CRAC workshop, Aalborg, Denmark, 2 Sept. 2001.
    • Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A fundamental frequency estimation method for noisy speech based on periodicity and harmonicity,"
      Proc. of ICASSP2001, SPEECH-SF3.1, USA, May 2001.
    • Masato Akagi, Mitsunori Mizumachi, Yuichi Ishimoto, and Masashi Unoki
      "Speech Enhancement and Segregation based on Human AuditoryMechanisms,"
      In Proc. of 2001 International Conference on Information Society in the21st Century (IS2000), pp. 246-254, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Oct. 2000.
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
      "Segregation of vowel in background noise using the model of segregatingtwo acoustic sources based on auditory scene analysis,"
      In Proc. of CASA'99, pp. 51-60, Stockholm, SWEDEN, August 1999.
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
      "Segregation of vowel in background noise using the model of segregatingtwo acoustic sources based on auditory scene analysis,"
      In Proc. of EuroSpeech'99, vol. 6, pp. 2575-2578, Budapest, Hungary,Sept. 1999.
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
      "Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal based on Auditory Scene Analysis,"
      In Proc. ICSLP'98, vol. 4, pp. 1515-1518, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 1998,
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
      "A Computational Model of Co-modulation Masking Release,"
      In Proc. of NATO ASI on Computational Hearing, pp. 129-134, Il CioccoItaly, July 1998.
    • Toshio Irino and Masashi Unoki
      "A Time-Varying, Analysis/Synthesis auditory filterbank based on An IIRGammachirp filter,"
      In Proc. of NATO ASI on Computational Hearing, pp. 205-210, Il CioccoItaly, July 1998.
    • Toshio Irino and Masashi Unoki
      In Proc. ICASSP'98, vol. VI, pp. 3653-3656, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 1998.
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
      "A Method of Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal,"
      In Proc. of EuroSpeech'97, vol. 5, pp.2587-2590, Sept. 1997
    • Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
      "A Method of Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal based on Auditory Scene Analysis,"
      Working Notes of the IJCAI-97 Workshop on CASA, pp. 93-102, August 1997.

    Work shop

    • L.P. O'Mard, R. Meddis, M. Unoki, and R. D. Patterson
      "A DSAM application for evaluating nonlinear filterbank used to simulatebasilar membrane motion,"
      Abstract of the 24th Annual Midwinter Research Meeting, Association forResearch in Otolaryngology, p. 257, TradeWinds Islands Resort St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA Feb. 2001.
    • Toshio Irino, Masashi Unoki, and Roy D. Patterson
      "A physiologically motivated gammachirp auditory filterbank"
      British Society of Audiology Short Paper Meeting on Experimental Studiesof Hearing and Deafness, pp. 35-36, Keele University, Staffordshire,U.K. Sept. 2000.
    • Masashi Unoki, Takeshi Saitou, and Masato Akagi
      "Effect of F0 fluctuations and development of F0 control model in singing voice perception"
      NATO ASI, Dynamics of Speech Production and Perception in Il Ciocco,Italy, July 2002.


    • 鵜木祐史
      電波技術協会報FORN−2017.7 No.317, pp. 40-43, 2017.
    • Masashi Unoki
      "Speech enhancement based on the concept of modulation transfer function"
      Systemtheorie Signalverarbeitung Sprachtechnologie, Studient texte zur Sprachkommunikation Band 68, pp. 109-116, TUD Press, 2013.
    • 鵜木祐史,
      Interface, 3月号, pp. 79-84, CQ出版, 2014.
    • Masashi Unoki and Toshihiro Hosorogiya,
      "Estimation of fundamental frequency of reverberant speech by utilizing complex cepstrum analysis,"
      JAIST Research Report, IS-RR-2007-008, June 2007.
    • Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Fundamental frequency estimation for noisy speech based oninstantaneous amplitude and frequency, "
      JAIST Research Report,IS-RR-2005-006. 2005.
    • 鵜木祐史,石本祐一,赤木正人
      "残響音声からの基本周波数推定に関する検討, "
      JAIST Research Report,IS-RR-2005-007. 2005.
    • パネルディスカッション,「聴覚の計算理論には何が必要か?」 (司会 津崎, パネリスト 銅谷,河原,小野,川島,鵜木,中谷),
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 32, no. 9, H-2002-S1, Nov. 2002.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 入野 俊夫
      ATR Technical Report TR-H-293, April 2000.
    • 中村, 大川, 伊藤, 田本, 水野, 鵜木, 徳田, 鏑木, 畑岡
      "Eurospeech99, IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop 会議報告,"
      情報処理学会音声言語情報処理研究会, 29 Oct. 1999
    • Masashi UNOKI and Masato AKAGI
      "A Method of Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal based on Auditory Scene Analysis"
      JAIST Research Report, IS-RR-98-0005P, Feb. 1998.
    • Masashi UNOKI and Masato AKAGI
      "A Computational Model of Co-modulation Masking Release,"
      JAIST Research Report, IS-RR-98-0006P, Feb. 1998.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 入野 俊夫, 下平 博
      JAIST Research Report, IS-RR-98-0012P, March. 1998.
    • 入野 俊夫, 鵜木 祐史
      “An efficient implementation of the gammachirp filter and its filterbank design”,"ガンマチャープフィルタとフィルタバンクの効率的な構成"(英文・和文併記)
      ATR Technical Report TR-H-225, July 1997.


    • Masashi Unoki
      “Audio/speech information hiding based on human auditory characteristics,”
      Keynote speaker, 17th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP 2022) and The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (AIoT 2022), Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022.
    • 【Invited】
    • Masashi Unoki
      “How the temporal amplitude envelope of speech contributes to nonlinguistic information,”
      2021 China Natinal Computer Science Congress, Online, 16th Dec. 2021.【Invited】
    • Masashi Unoki
      “Audio/speech information hiding based on human auditory characteristics,”
      Keynote speaker, 2018 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2018), Ho Chi Minh City, Nov. 2018.
    • 【Invited】
    • Shota Morita, Masashi Unoki, Xugang Lu, Yang Liu, Masato Akagi, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
      "A modulation-transfer-function-based method for restoring sub-band power envelope from noisy reverberant speech,"
      J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 131, No. 4, Pt. 2 April 2012 (Proc. Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong, 5pAAb4, Hong Kong, May 2012).
    • Masashi Unoki,
      "Digital audio watermarking based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
      The 3rd Workshop in Seoul, A3 Foresight Program, Seoul, South Korea, 1-3, July 2012.
    • Masashi Unoki,
      "Effects of spatial cues on detectability of alarm signals in noisy environments,"
      The First Workshop of A3 Foresight Program, Beijing China, 10-11, Dec. 2011.
    • Masashi Unoki,
      "Method of Digital Audio/Speech Watermarking Based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics,"
      19th Czech-German Workshop Speech Processing, Institute of Physics of the Academy of Science, Czech, 29th Sept. 2009.
    • Masashi Unoki,
      "Deriving the time constants of the auditory filter from simultaneous and forward masking data,"
      The latest on Gammatone-like Auditory Filterbanks: their definition, derivation and implementation, University of Cambridge, St. John's College, 12th Mar. 2008.
    • Takeshi Saitou, Masataka Goto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Vocal Conversion from Speaking Voice to Singing Voice Using STRAIGHT,"
      Proc. Synthesis of Singing Challenge, Special Session at INTERSPEECH 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, 28th Aug. 2007.
    • Masashi Unoki, Roy D. Patterson, and Toshio Irino,
      "A comparison of auditory filters with cascade and parallel architectures in models of auditory masking,"
      British Society of Audiology Short Paper Meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, pp. 112-114, University College London, U.K., Sept. 2004.
    • L.P. O'Mard, R. Meddis, M. Unoki, and R. D. Patterson,
      "A DSAM application for evaluating nonlinear filterbank used to simulate basilar membrane motion,"
      Abstracts of the 24th Annual Midwinter Research Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, p. 257, TradeWinds Islands Resort St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, U.S.A. Feb. 2001.
    • Toshio Irino, Masashi Unoki, and Roy D. Patterson,
      "A physiologically motivated gammachirp auditory filterbank,"
      British Society of Audiology Short Paper Meeting on Experimental Studies of Hearing and Deafness, pp.35-36, Keele University, Staffordshire, U.K., Sept. 2000.



    • Taiyang Guo, Takuto Isoyama, Shunsuke Kidani, Masashi Unoki
      “Contributions of Instantaneous Modulation Components in Temporal Amplitude Envelope to Vocal Emotion Perception,”
      Proc. ASJ 2024 Spring Meeting, 1-3-4, pp. 569-570, Takushoku University March 2024.
    • 堀口遼太郎,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      “Spectro-Temporal Modulation 情報を用いた背景音から目的音の検知されやすさの予測の検討,”
      日本音響学会2024年春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-20, pp. 591-592, 拓殖大学, March 2024.
    • Yuning Liu, Di Zhou, Jianwu Dang, Aijun Li, Masashi Unoki
      “Conversation Scenario Classification Based on Conversation Entrainment,”
      Proc. ASJ 2024 Spring Meeting, 1-R-7, pp. 637-638, Takushoku University March 2024.
    • Xiajie Zhou, Candy Olivia Mawalim, Masashi Unoki
      “Leveraging Equalization-Cancellation Model in Speech Intelligibility Prediction for Hearing Aids,”
      Proc. ASJ 2024 Spring Meeting, 1-R-8, pp. 639-640, Takushoku University March 2024.
    • 上江洲安史,赤木正人,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2024年春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-11, pp. 649-650, 拓殖大学, March 2024.
    • 新谷小梅,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2024年春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-3-3, pp. 545-546, 拓殖大学, March 2024.
    • 新谷小梅,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      Vol. 54, No. 2, H-2023-28, pp. 147-152, Feb. 2024.
    • 堀口遼太郎,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      “目的音と背景音の検知されやすい関係についてのSpectro-Temporal Modulation 情報を用いた検討,”
      Vol. 54, No. 2, H-2023-32, pp. 167-172, Feb. 2024.
    • 上江洲安史,赤木正人,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 54, No. 2, H-2024-34, pp. 177-182, Feb. 2024.
    • 新谷小梅, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      “ギャップ検出閾値と耳音響放射の特性との関係についての検討,” 日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 53, No. 7, H-2023-57, pp. 313-318, Nov. 2023.
    • 磯山拓都, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2023年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-4, Sept. 2023.
    • 郭 太陽, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2023年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 3-11-1, Sept. 2023.
    • 大田恭士, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2023年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-15, Sept. 2023.
    • Haowei Cheng, Candy Olivia Mawalim, Kai Li, Masashi Unoki
      “Study on Deep-Fake Speech Detection Based on Spectro-Temporal Modulation Representation,”
      2023年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G2-1, Sept. 2023.
    • Liu Yuning, Unoki Masashi,
      “Emotion Prediction based on Conversation Entrainments,”
      2023年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, EF03-1, Sept. 2023.
    • 磯山拓都, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 53, No. 6, H-2023-52, pp. 283-288, Sept. 2023.
    • 郭太陽, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 53, No. 5, H-2023-40, pp. 213-218, July 2023.
    • Kai LI, Yao WANG, Minh LE NGUYEN, Masato AKAGI, and Masashi UNOKI
      “Study on Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Perturbation in the Voice for Fake Audio Detection,”
      IEICE Tech Rep. EMM2022-88, pp. 110-115, 福江文化会館,March 2023.
    • 宮家 一真,木谷 俊介,鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 53, No. 4, H-2023-14, pp. 69-74, May 2023


    • Lijun Wang, Duangpummet Suradej, Unoki Masashi
      “Study on Blind Estimation of Room Acoustic Parameters from Speech Signals Based on Extended Model of Room Impulse Response”
      日本音響学会2023年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-5P-3, pp. 415-418, オンライン, March 2023.
    • 井上隼輔, 鳥谷輝樹, 上江洲 安史, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2023年度春季研究発表会講演論文1-4P-5, pp. 479-482, オンライン, March 2023.
    • 王 思成, 上江洲安史, 鳥谷輝樹, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2023年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-4-4, pp. 437-440, オンライン, March 2023.
    • 宮家一真, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2023年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-4-9, pp. 451-454, オンライン, March 2023.
    • 郭 太陽, 李 思侠, 鵜木祐史, 岡田将吾
      日本音響学会2023年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-3Q-5, pp. 891-894, オンライン, March 2023.
    • 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会音声研究会資料, Jan. 2023.
    • 木谷俊介,劉小テイ,郭太陽,磯山拓都,李軍鋒,赤木正人,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会音声研究会資料,vol. 3, no. 1, SP-2023-7, pp. 35-38, Jan. 2023.
    • 市川敦暉,鵜木祐史
      信学技報EMM2022-65, pp. 20-25, 東北大学RIEC, Jan. 2023.
    • 磯山拓都,小嶋徹也,鵜木祐史
      信学技報EMM2022-66, pp. 26-31, 東北大学RIEC, Jan. 2023.
    • 王思成,上江洲安史,鵜木祐史
      第37回信号処理シンポジウム,A13-4, 朱鷺メッセ新潟コンベンションセンター,pp. 320-325, Dec. 2022.
    • 大田恭士,鵜木祐史
      第37回信号処理シンポジウム,A15-3, 朱鷺メッセ新潟コンベンションセンター,pp. 362-367, Dec. 2022.
    • 鵜木祐史
      “音声メディアのセキュリティとプライバシー保護に向けて 〜 音声情報ハイディング技術からの試み 〜,”
      IEICE EMM研究会, 信学技報EMM2022-60, pp. 99-104, Nov. 2022.【招待講演】
    • Lijun Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      “Study on method for blindly estimating parameters of extended model of room impulse response,”
      信学技報 EA2022-43, pp. 7-12, オンライン, Nov. 2022.
    • 王 思成,上江洲安史,鳥谷輝樹,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 Vol. 52, No. 6, H-2022-81, pp. 441-446, オンライン, Nov. 2022.
    • 鵜木祐史
      FITトップコンファレンス7-2 マルチメディア, 慶応大・矢上キャンパス,15th Sept. 2022.【招待講演】
    • 磯山 拓都, 木谷 俊介, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-13, pp. 933-936, 北海道科学大学, Sept. 2022.
    • 大田 恭士, 倉 誠吾, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-Q-14, pp. 307-308, 北海道科学大学, Sept. 2022.
    • 上江洲 安史, 赤木 正人, 鵜木 祐史
    • 日本音響学会2022年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 2-1-6, pp. 1599-1600, 北海道科学大学, Sept. 2022.
    • 木谷 俊介, 劉 小テイ, 郭 太陽, 磯山 拓都, 李 軍鋒, 赤木 正人, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 3-10-7, pp. 873-874, 北海道科学大学, Sept. 2022.
    • 森田 翔太, 鳥谷 輝樹, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 3-P-25, pp. 975-978, 北海道科学大学, Sept. 2022.
    • 井上 隼輔, 鳥谷 輝樹, 鵜木 祐史
      2022年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会 G20, Sept. 2022.
    • 市川 敦暉, 鵜木 祐史
      2022年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会G21, Sept. 2022.
    • Quoc-Huy Nguyen, Masashi Unoki
      “Study on Bone-conducted Speech Enhancement Using Vector-quantized Variational Autoencoder and Gammachirp Filterbank Cepstral Coefficients”
      信学技報 SIP2022-71, pp. 109-114, August 2022.
    • Kai Li, Xugang Lu, Masato Akagi, Jianwu Dang, Sheng Li, and Masashi Unoki
      “Study on Relationship Between Speakers’ Physiological Structure and Acoustic Speech Signals: Data-Driven Study Based on Frequency-WiseAttentional Neural Network”
      信学技報 SIP2022-71, pp. 109-114, August 2022.
    • 田中 聡一郎, 堀口 遼太郎, 木谷 俊介, 鵜木 祐史
      “聴覚的顕著性の予測のためのSpectro-Temporal Modulation 分析の検討”
      信学技報 SIP2022-67, pp. 91-96, August 2022.
    • 磯山 拓都, 木谷 俊介, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 Vol. 52, No. 6, H-2022-81, pp. 441-446, 東北大学・電気通信研究所, August 2022.


    • 郭 太陽, 木谷 俊介, 朱 治, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-4-2, pp. 637-640, オンライン, March 2022.
    • 鳥谷 輝樹, 小林 まおり, 中村 健一,鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-4-5, pp. 689-692, オンライン, March 2022.
    • シュ ブンウ, 鳥谷 輝樹, 中村 健一,鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-4-6, pp. 693-696, オンライン, March 2022.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 朱 治, 木谷 俊介, 荒木 友希子
      日本音響学会2022年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-4-5, pp. 1373-1374, オンライン, March 2022.
    • 磯山 拓都, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2022年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-1P-8, pp. 421-424, オンライン, March 2022.
    • Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Waree Kongprawechnon, Masashi Unoki
      “Blind Estimation of Room Acoustic Parameters and Speech Transmission Index in Noisy Reverberant Environments”
      Proc. ASJ 2022 Spring Meeting (online), 2-5-3, pp. 555-556, March 2022.
    • Kai Li, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki
      “Estimation of Glottal Source Parameters of the LF Model Using Feed-forward Neural Network”
      Proc. ASJ 2022 Spring Meeting (online), 2-3P-4, pp. 1101-1104, March 2022.
    • Dung Kim Tran and Masashi Unoki
      “Auditory Representation of Speech Signals Using a Matching Pursuit Algorithm and Sparse Coding”
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2021-87, pp. 19-24, Jan. 2022.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki
      “Speech Watermarking Approach for Securing Speaker Anonymization using McAdams Coefficients”
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2021-88, pp. 25-30, Jan. 2022.
    • 磯山拓都, 鵜木祐史
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2021-67, pp. 74-79, Online, Nov. 2021.
    • 朱 文雨, 藤田周平, 鳥谷輝樹, 小林まおり, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, pp. 491-496, H-2021-91, Nov. 2021.
    • 郭 太陽, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 497-501, H-2021-92, Nov. 2021.
    • 古田尚久,北村達也,林良子,能田由紀子,鵜木祐史
      信学技法, EA2021-28, pp. 7-12 Nov. 2021.
    • 磯山拓都, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 3-1Q-9, pp. 405-408, オンライン, Sept. 2021.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz,鵜木祐史
      本音響学会2021年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-4-3, pp. 695-696, オンライン, Sept. 2021.
    • 古田尚久,北村達也,林良子,能田由紀子,鵜木祐史
      音声研究会資料, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 149-154, Sept. 2021.
    • 郭太陽, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      2021年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G3, Sept. 2021.
    • 朱 文雨, 藤田 周平, 鳥谷 輝樹, 鵜木 祐史
      “日本語非母語話者を対象とした雑音環境下における骨導 提示 音声の了解度改善法の効果”
      2021年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G4, Sept. 2021.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 51, no. 2, H-2021-10, pp. 5560-, May 2021.


    • 坂本貴望, 小林まおり,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-4P-4, pp. 709-712, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 木所晃利,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      “Spectro-Temporal Modulation分析を利用した聴覚的顕著性の検討”
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-4-6, pp. 1285-1286, オンライン, March 2021.
    • Rui Wang,Bui Khanh Nguyen,Daisuke Morikawa,Masashi Unoki
      “Method of estimating DOA based on monaural modulation spectrum”
      Proc. ASJ 2021 Spring Meeting (online), 3-1-21, pp. 321-324, March 2021.
    • Kai Li, Yongwei Li, Jianwu Dang, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi
      “Estimation of Glottal Source Waveforms and Vocal Tract Shapes Based on ARMAX-LF Model”
      Proc. ASJ 2021 Spring Meeting (online), 2-2P-1, pp. 1041-1044, March 2021.
    • 倉 誠吾, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-1P-14, pp. 443-446, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 森田 翔太, 鳥谷 輝樹, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-4P-3, pp. 705-708, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 古田 尚久, 党 建武, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-8P-1, pp. 609-612, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 磯山 拓都,木谷 俊介,鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-4P-2, pp. 609-612, オンライン, March 2021.
    • Suradej Duangpummet,Jessada Karnjan,Waree Kongprawechnon,Masashi Unoki
      “Room Acoustic Parameters Estimation using MTF-based CNNs”
      Proc. ASJ 2021 Spring Meeting (online), 1-1-12, pp. 157-160, March 2021.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki “Audio Information Hiding in Sub-signals by deploying Singular Spectrum Analysis and Psychoacoustic Model”
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2020-61, pp. 1-6, Online, Jan. 2021.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim, Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki
      “X-vector anonymization using regression modeling with statistical and singular value”
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2020-62, pp. 7-12, Online, Jan. 2021.
    • 鵜木祐史, ウィン ラ ピャエ
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2020-63, pp. 13-18, Online, Jan. 2021.
    • 坂本貴望, 小林まおり,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-4P-4, pp. 709-712, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 木所晃利,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      “Spectro-Temporal Modulation分析を利用した聴覚的顕著性の検討”
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-4-6, pp. 1285-1286, オンライン, March 2021.
    • Rui Wang,Bui Khanh Nguyen,Daisuke Morikawa,Masashi Unoki
      “Method of estimating DOA based on monaural modulation spectrum”
      Proc. ASJ 2021 Spring Meeting (online), 3-1-21, pp. 321-324, March 2021.
    • Kai Li, Yongwei Li, Jianwu Dang, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi
      “Estimation of Glottal Source Waveforms and Vocal Tract Shapes Based on ARMAX-LF Model”
      Proc. ASJ 2021 Spring Meeting (online), 2-2P-1, pp. 1041-1044, March 2021.
    • 倉 誠吾, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-1P-14, pp. 443-446, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 森田 翔太, 鳥谷 輝樹, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-4P-3, pp. 705-708, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 古田 尚久, 党 建武, 鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-8P-1, pp. 609-612, オンライン, March 2021.
    • 磯山 拓都,木谷 俊介,鵜木 祐史
      日本音響学会2021年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-4P-2, pp. 609-612, オンライン, March 2021.
    • Suradej Duangpummet,Jessada Karnjan,Waree Kongprawechnon,Masashi Unoki
      “Room Acoustic Parameters Estimation using MTF-based CNNs”
      Proc. ASJ 2021 Spring Meeting (online), 1-1-12, pp. 157-160, March 2021.
    • 坂本貴望, 小林まおり,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 50, no. 6, H-2020-57, pp. 321-326, Nov. 2020.
    • 木所晃利,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史
      “Spectro-Temporal Modulation分析を利用した聴覚的顕著性の検討”
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 50, no. 6, H-2020-69, pp. 383-388, Nov. 2020.
    • 田中聡一郎,森田翔太,鵜木祐史
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2020-24, pp. 15-20, Nov. 2020.
    • 藤田周平,鳥谷輝樹,鵜木祐史
      2020年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-1-4, Sept. 2020.
    • 坂本貴望, 鵜木祐史
      2020年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-1-5, Sept. 2020.
    • 田中聡一郎, 森田翔太, 鵜木祐史
      2020年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-2-4, Sept. 2020.
    • 倉誠吾, 水野滉介, 鵜木祐史
      2020年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-2-5, Sept. 2020.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 50, no. 3, H-2020-29, pp. 153-158, June 2020.
    • 磯山拓都, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 50, no. 2, H-2020-24, pp. 129-134, May 2020.


    • 磯山拓都, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2019-148, pp. 273-278, March 2020.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2020年春季研究発表会講演論文集, 1-P-4, pp. 799-800, 埼玉大, March 2020.
    • 磯山拓都, 水野滉介, 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2020年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-Q-1, pp. 455-456, 埼玉大, March 2020.
    • 田中聡一郎,森田翔太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2020年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-29, pp. 829-832, 埼玉大, March 2020.
    • 寳坂友希菜,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2019年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-Q-5, pp. 467-468, 埼玉大, March 2020.
    • 寳坂友希菜,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,vol. 50, no. 1, H-2020-20, pp. 101-106, Feb. 2020.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki,
      "Cochlear delay based audio information hiding with segment selection optimization,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2019-96, pp. 11-16, 東北大, Jan 2020.
    • 鵜木祐史,川村美帆,木谷俊介,小林まおり,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会騒音振動研究会資料,N-2019-54, pp. 1-8, 金沢工大,Nov. 2019.
    • 寳坂友希菜,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,vol. 49, no. 7, H-2019-85, pp. 463-468, ホテル三日月, Nov. 2019.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2019年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-8, pp. 595-596, 立命館大学, Sept. 2019.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on cochlear-delay based audio information hiding by linear time-variant IIR filter,"
      日本音響学会2019年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 2-1-3, pp. 207-210, 立命館大学, Sept. 2019.
    • キャンディ オリフィア マワリム,鵜木祐史,
      2019年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-6, August 2019.
    • 水野滉介,鵜木祐史,
      2019年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-1, August 2019.
    • 寳坂友希菜,鵜木祐史,
      2019年度電気・情報関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-2, August 2019.
    • Suradej Doungpummet,Jessada Karunjana,Waree Kongprawechnon,Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Robust Method for Blindly Estimating Speech Transmission Index using Convolutional Neural Network with Temporal Amplitude Envelope,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2019-30, pp. 47-52, 東北大学RIEC, August. 2019.
    • 朱治,川村美帆,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol., 48, no. 2, H-2018-35, pp. 175-180, 東北大学RIEC, August 2019.


    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on inaudible audio information hiding using linear-time variant IIR filter based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2019-03, pp. 89-94, March. 2019.
    • Dung Kim Tran, Nguyen Huy Quoc, Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on perceptual matching-pursuit algorithm to create speech representation for speech fingerprint,"
      日本音響学会2019年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-5-16, 電気通信大学, March 2019.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on singular spectrum analysis-based speech watermarking technique with parameter estimation using differential evolution,"
      日本音響学会2019年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-5-17, 電気通信大学, March 2019.
    • Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana, Waree Kongprawechnon, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Blind Estimation of Speech Transmission Index in Noisy and Reverberant Environments using Deep Learning with the Modulation Spectrum,"
      日本音響学会2019年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-5-4, 電気通信大学, March 2019.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2019年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-20, pp. 835-836, 電気通信大学, March 2019.
    • 川村美帆,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2019年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-26, pp. 849-850, 電気通信大学, March 2019.
    • 川村美帆,小林まおり,木谷俊介,赤木正人,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 49, No. 1, H-2019-3, pp. 13-16, 愛媛大学, Feb. 2019.
    • Candy Olivia Mawalim and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on audio information hiding using linear-time variant IIR filter based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2018-85, pp. 19-24, Jan. 2019.
    • Kasorn Galajit, Jessada Karnjana, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Masashi Unoki
      "Study on Digital Audio Watermarking Method Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis with Automatic Parameter Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2018-86, pp. 25-30, 東北大学RIEC, Jan. 2019.
    • 鵜木祐史
      IEICE EMM研究会, 信学技報EMM2018-78, pp. 153-156, Nov. 2018.【招待講演】
    • 並河伶弥,鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2018-68, pp. 31-36, ホテルこうしゅうえん, Nov. 2018
    • 畠山達也,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 48, no. 7, H-2018-122, pp. 683-688, ホテルこう>しゅうえん, Nov. 2018.
    • Masashi Unoki and Zhi Zhu “Relationship between contributions of temporal amplitude envelope of speech and modulation transfer function in room acoustics to the perception of noise-vocoded speech,” Tohoku Universal Acoustical Communication Month 2018, Sendai, Tohoku Univ., Oct. 2018.【招待講演】
    • Dung Kim Tran, Nguyen Huy Quoc, Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on speech representation for speech fingerprint using perceptual matching-pursuit algorithm,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2018-59, pp. 71-76, 別府国際コンベンションセンター, Sept. 2018.
    • Shengbei Wang, Weitao Yuan, Jianming Wang, Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on speech watermarking based on robust principal component analysis and formant manipulations,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2018-60, pp. 77-82, 別府国際コンベンションセンター, Sept. 2018.
    • 朱治,川村美帆,関谷伸一,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2018年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 2-P-14, pp. 845-848, 大分大学, Sept. 2018.
    • 磯山拓都,鵜木祐史,
      第30回電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-1, JAIST, Sept. 2018.
    • 並河伶弥,鵜木祐史,
      第30回電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-2, JAIST, Sept. 2018.
    • 畠山達也,鵜木祐史,
      第30回電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-3, JAIST, Sept. 2018.
    • 川村美帆, 朱治, 関谷伸一, 鵜木祐史,
      "雑音駆動声の 雑音駆動声の個人性・感情知覚における雑音残響環境の影響,"
      第30回電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-, JAIST, Sept. 2018.
    • 鵜木祐史,
      日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 40112, pp. 243-246, 東北大学Sept. 2018.
    • 赤木正人,鵜木祐史,久保理恵子,小林まおり,
      IEICE, Technical Report, EA2018-50, pp. 139-146, Tohoku Gakuin University, August 2018.
    • Nguyen Khanh Bui, Daisuke Morikawa, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on method of estimating direction of arrival of sound source for monaural hearing based on temporal modulation perception,"
      IEICE, Technical Report, EA2018-38, pp. 63-68, Tohoku Gakuin University, August 2018.
    • 川村美帆, 朱治, 関谷伸一, 鵜木祐史,
      IEICE, Technical Report, EA2018-41, pp. 83-88, Tohoku Gakuin University, August 2018.


    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz, 鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2017-167, vol. 117, no. 515, pp. 355-360, 南の美ら花 >ホテルミヤヒラ(石垣島),March 2018.
    • 磯山拓都,鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2017-168, vol. 117, no. 515, pp.361-366, 南の美ら花 ホテルミヤヒラ(石垣島),March 2018.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,Peter Birkholz, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2018年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-P-5, pp. 1297-1300, 日本工業大学, March 2018.
    • 磯山拓都,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2018年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-P-1, pp. 1283-1286, 日本工業大学, March 2018.
    • 朱治, 関谷伸一, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2018年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-P-2, pp. 1286-1289, 日本工業大学, March 2018.
    • Zhichao Peng, Zhi Zhu, Masashi Unoki, Jianwu Dang, Masato Akagi,
      "End-to-end speech emotion recognition using 3-d convolutional recurrent neural networks based on modulation spectral features,"
      日本音響学会2018年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-Q-10, pp. 163-166, 日本工業大学, March 2018.
    • 鳥谷 輝樹, Peter Birkholz, 鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 48, no. 2, H-2018-34, pp. 169-174, 那覇,March 2018.
    • 川村 美帆,朱 治,鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 48, no. 2, H-2018-35, pp. 175-180, 那覇,March 2018.
    • 並河伶弥,鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2017-79, pp. 13-16, 奄美市名瀬公民館, March 2018.
    • Masashi Unoki, Yuta Kashihara, Maori Kobayashi, Masato Akagi,
      "Study on speech privacy protection by controlling speech transmission index in simulated room,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 47, no. 8, H-2017-125, pp. 95-100, オークランド大学,Dec. 2017.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on the relationship between modulation spectral features and the perception of nonlinguistic information with noise-vocoded speech,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 47, no. 8, H-2017-124, pp. 89-94, オークランド>大学, Dec. 2017.
    • 磯山拓都,鵜木祐史,
      SIPシンポジウム,pp. 366-371, マリオス盛岡地域交流センター, Nov. 2017.
    • Nguyen Minh Dat,鵜木祐史,
      "Analysis of Complex Kalman Filtering in Speech Enhancement,"
      SIPシンポジウム,pp. 227-232, マリオス盛岡地域交流センター, Nov. 2017.
    • 関谷伸一, 朱治, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 47, no. 7, H-2017-100, pp. 551-556, 牛岳温泉リ>ゾート, Oct. 2017.
    • 磯山拓都, 鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2017-49, pp. 29-34, 牛岳温泉リゾート, Oct. 2017.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2017年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 3-P-10, pp. 345-348, 愛媛大学, Sept. 2017.
    • 朱治, 宮内良太, 荒木友希子,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2017年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 3-Q-15, pp. 359-362, 愛媛大学, Sept. 2017.
    • 小林 まおり,鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2017年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-7, pp. 675-676, 愛媛大学, Sept. 2017.
    • 赤木正人, 鵜木祐史, 久保理恵子, 小林まおり,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 47, no. 5, H-2017-58, pp. 303-308, 北海道大学, July. 2017.
    • 小林まおり, 鵜木祐史, 赤木正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 47, no. 5, H-2017-59, pp. 309-314, 北海道大学, July. 2017.
    • Dung Kim Tran and Masashi Unoki,
      "Investigation of spikegram-based signal representation for speech fingerprints,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2017-35, pp. 241-246, 内田洋行東京本社ショールーム, July. 2017.


    • 木谷俊介, 鵜木祐史, 宮内良太,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 47, no. 2, H-2017-15, pp. 559-562, 京都市立芸大,March 2017.
    • 石川大介,小林まおり,赤木正人,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2017年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-19, pp. 539-542, 明治大学生田キ ャンパス, March 2017.
    • 石川大介,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2017年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-20, pp. 543-544, 明治大学生田キ>ャンパス, March 2017.
    • 柏原佑太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2017年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-Q-13, pp. 1431-1432, 明治大学生田>キャンパス, March 2017.
    • 鳥谷輝樹,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2017年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-Q-46, pp. 1529-1532, 明治大学生田>キャンパス, March 2017.
    • 朱治, 宮内良太, 荒木友希子,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会2017年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-Q-33, pp. 1491-1494, 明治大学生田>キャンパス, March 2017.
    • 鵜木祐史
      「心地よい音をはかる技術・つくる技術2017」シンポジウム,自動車技術会,Feb. 2017.【招待講演】
    • Nguyen Khanh Bui, Daisuke Morikawa, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Investigation of head-related modulation transfer function for monaural sound localization,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2016-75, pp. 7-12, 東北大学電気通信研究所, Jan. 2017.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyauchi, Yukiko Araki, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Effect of modifying modulation spectrogram on vocal emotion perception for noise-vocoded speech,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 46, no. 9, H-2016-108, pp. 571-576, 九州大,Dec. 2016.
    • Jessada Karnjana and Masashi Unoki,
      "Singular-Spectrum-Analysis-Based Speech Watermarking for Tampering Detection,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2016-63, pp. 55-60, 大分コンパルホール, Nov. 2016.
    • 鵜木祐史,石川大介,柏原佑太,小林まおり,赤木正人,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2016-61, pp. 79-84, 大分コンパルホール, Nov. 2016.
    • 柏原佑太, 鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2016-33, pp. 13-18, 国民宿舎能登小牧台, Oct. 2016.
    • 鳥谷輝樹, 鵜木祐史,
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2016-34, pp. 19-24, 国民宿舎能登小牧台, Oct. 2016.
    • 木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,宮内良太,
      2016年度日本音響学会秋季研究発表会資料,2-P-19, pp. 599-600, 富山大学,Sept. 2016.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai,
      ""Study on Audio Watermarking Scheme based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis and Psychoacoustic Model,"
      2016年度日本音響学会秋季研究発表会資料,1-P-45, 富山大学,pp. 531-534, Sept. 2016.
    • 柏原 佑太,鵜木 祐史,
      平成28年度電気関係学会, G-1, 福井工大, Sept. 2016.
    • 石川 大介,柏原 大介,鵜木 祐史,
      平成28年度電気関係学会, G-2, 福井工大, Sept. 2016.


    • 朱 治,宮内 良太,鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会2016年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-Q-21, 横浜桐蔭大, March 2016.
    • Jessada Karnjana and Masashi Unoki,
      "Methods for Concavity Detection in Singular Spectrum,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2015-94, pp. 105-110, 屋久島環境文化村センター, March 2016.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Pham Hoang Bao Nhien, Shengbei Wang, Nhut Minh Ngo, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Comparative Study on Robustness of Synchronization Information Embedded into an Audio Watermarked Frame,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2015-83, pp. 41-44, 屋久島環境文化村センター, March 2016.
    • 朱 治, 宮内 良太, 荒木 友希子, 鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 46, no. 2, H-2016-17, pp. 73-76, 九州大,March 2016.
    • 宮内良太,木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 46, no. 2, H-2016-20, pp. 89-94, 九州大,March 2016.
    • Shengbei Wang, Nhut Minh Ngo, Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Source-filter Model Based Hybrid Speech Watermarking,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2015-69, pp. 49-54, 東北大・通研, Jan. 2016.
    • 三輪賢一郎,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 45, no. 8, H-2015-112, 甲州市勝沼 ぶどうの丘,Nov. 2015.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      "Data Hiding Scheme for AM Radio Broadcast Using Blind Watermarking Technique,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2015-54, pp. 53-58, 熊本大,Nov. 2015.
    • Zhi Zhu, Ryota Miyouchi, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Analysis of modulation-spectral features extracted from Japanese emotional speech,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 45, no. 7, H-2015-104, pp. 589-594, 台湾国立清>華大学,Oct. 2015
    • 鵜木祐史,森田翔太,宮崎晃和,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2015年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-6-11, pp. 539-542, Sept. 2015.
    • 鵜木祐史,
      平成27年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,I-6, CDROM, Sept. 2015.【招待講演】
    • 柏原佑太, 森田 翔太, 鵜木祐史,
      平成27年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,G-6, CDROM, Sept. 2015.
    • 朱治, 宮内良太, 鵜木祐史,
      平成27年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,G-9, CDROM, Sept. 2015.
    • 鳥谷輝樹, 宮内良太, 鵜木祐史,
      平成27年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,G-10, CDROM, Sept. 2015.
    • Erick Christian Garcia Alvarez, Shengbei Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Analysis of Watermarking into CELP Speech Codec Based on Formant Tuning,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EMM2015-37, pp. 39-44, Sept. 2015.
    • Yang Liu,Naushin Nower,Yonghong Yan,Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on restoration of instantaneous amplitude and phase of speech signal in noisy reverberant environments,"
      Proc. IEICE Technical Report, EA2015-11, pp. 7-12, August 2015.
    • 鵜木祐史,森田翔太,宮崎昇和,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 45, No. 5, H-2015-80, pp. 449-454, July 2015.
    • Nhut MINH NGO, Brian M. Kurkoski, and Masashi UNOKI,
      "Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Dynamic Phase Coding and Error Control Coding,"
      Proc. IEICE Technical Report, EMM2015-15, pp. 81-86, May 2015.


    • 朱治,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2015年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-Q-6, March 2015.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Watermarking for Digital Audio Based on Adaptive Phase Modulation,"
      Prof. IEICE Technical Report, EMM2014-102, pp. 149-154, March 2015.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai,
      "Study on Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Singlar-Spectrum Analysis,"
      Proc. IEICE Technical Report, EMM2014-71, pp. 27-32, Jan. 2015.
    • 森田翔太,ルー シュガン,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, EA2014-46, pp. 37-42, Dec. 2014.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Hybrid Speech Watermarking based on Formant Enhancement and Cochlear Delay,"
      Proc. IEICE Technical Report, EMM2014-65, pp. 53-58, Nov. 2014.
    • 朱治,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 44, No. 7, H-2004-86, pp. 457-460, Oct. 2014.
    • Surasak Boonkla and Masashi Unoki,
      "Adaptive Speech Analysis Method Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition in Frequency Domain,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,SP2014-54, pp. 45-50, June 2014.
    • Yang Liu, Naushin Nower, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Instantaneous amplitude and phase restoration using Kalman filter for speech enhancement,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, SP2014-51, pp. 27-32, June 2014.
    • 森田翔太,鵜木祐史,ルー シュガン,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,SP2014-41, pp. 383-388, May 2014.


    • 安藤将,森川大輔,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EA2013-124, pp. 25 -30, March 2014.
    • 森田 翔太,鵜木 祐史,ルー シュガン,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2014年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-Q-25, pp. 249-252, 御茶ノ水, March 2014.
    • 西野 恭生,宮内 良太,鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会2014年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 3-3-4, pp. 545-548, 御茶ノ水, March 2014.
    • 三輪 賢一郎,鵜木 祐史,
      "2-6-10 音声のAM 成分に着目した基本周波数推定法の検討,"
      日本音響学会2014年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-6-10, pp. 315-316, 御茶ノ水, March 2014.
    • Naushin Nower, Yang Liu, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on restoration of instantaneous amplitude and phase using Kalman filter for speech enhancement,"
      日本音響学会2014年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-1-9, pp. 689-692, 御茶ノ水, March 2014.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study of Watermarking of Speech Signals based on Formant Enhancement,"
      日本音響学会2014年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R5-2, pp. 379-782, 御茶ノ水, March 2014.
    • 宮崎 晃和,森田 翔太,鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会2014年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P4-18, pp. 785-788, 御茶ノ水, March 2014.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      "On Inaudibility of Cochlear-Delay-based Watermarking Method with Blind Detection,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-98, pp. 87-92, March 2014.
    • Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Shengbei Wang, Nhut Minh Ngo, and Ryota Miyauchi,
      "Comparative evaluations of inaudible and robust watermarking methods for digital audio signals,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-114, pp. 63-68, Jan. 2014.
    • 朱治,山本克彦,鵜木祐史,青木直史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-109, pp. 57-62, March 2014.
    • 木谷俊介,M田康弘,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,Vol. 43, No. 7, H-2014-110, pp. 63-68, Feb. 2014.
    • 西野恭生,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,Vol. 43, No. 7, H-2014-110, pp. 63-68, Feb. 2014.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on speech water marking based on formant enhancement,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-98, pp. 57-62, Jan. 2014.
    • 宮崎昇和,森田翔太,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EA2013-88, pp. 1-6, Dec. 2013.
    • 安藤将,森川大輔,鵜木祐史,
      第28回信号処理シンポジウム, pp. 188-193, Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki, Nov. 2013.
    • 森田翔太,鵜木祐史,ルーシュガン,赤木正人,
      第28回信号処理シンポジウム, pp. 614-619, Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki, Nov. 2013.
    • 山本克彦,朱治,鵜木祐史,青木直史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-78, pp. 59-64, Nov. 2013.
    • 西野恭生,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,Vol. 43, No. 7, H-2013-94, pp. 547-552, Oct. 2013.
    • 西村明,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,Vol. 43, No. 7, H-2013-105, pp. 611-616, Oct. 2013.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study of Speech Watermarking based on Modifications to LSFs by DM-QIM,"
      Proc. 2013 ASJ Autumn meeting, 1-P-31c, pp. 359-362, Toyohashi, Sept. 2013.
    • 三輪賢一郎,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2013年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-7-11, pp. 277-278, Toyohashi, Sept. 2013.
    • 金井康昭,森田翔太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2013年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-8-6, pp. 19-22, Toyohashi, Sept. 2013.
    • 森田翔太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2013年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-P-22b, pp. 155-158, Toyohashi, Sept. 2013.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
      "Second-Order Allpass Filter for Method of Watermarking Based on Cochlear Delay,"
      Proc. 2013 ASJ Autumn meeting, 3-Q-2, pp. 791-794, Toyohashi, Sept. 2013.
    • 安藤将,鵜木祐史,
      平成25 年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-3, 金沢大学,Sept. 2013.
    • 宮崎晃和,森田翔太,鵜木祐史,
      "背景雑音の影響を考慮したSTI ブラインド推定法の検討,"
      平成25 年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-4, 金沢大学,Sept. 2013.
    • 西野恭生,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      平成25 年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-7, Sept, 2013.
    • 朱治,山本克彦,鵜木祐史,青木直史,
      平成25 年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-17, 金沢大学,Sept. 2013.
    • 山本克彦,朱治,鵜木祐史,青木直史,
      平成25 年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G-18, 金沢大学,Sept. 2013.
    • 鵜木祐史,佐々木恭平,宮内良太,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EA2013-44, pp. 63-68, July 2013.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on Speech Watermarking Based on Modifications to LSFs for Tampering Detection,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-34, pp. 233-238, July 2013.
    • Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on digital watermarking for speech signal based on LSFs modification,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. EMM2013-7, pp. 37-42, May 2013.
    • 金井康昭,森田翔太,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EA2013-25, pp. 145-150, May 2013.


    • 佐々木 恭平,鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会2013年度春季研究発表会講演論文,1-6-15, pp. 1193-1196, March 2013.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2013年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-8-2, pp. 571-574, March 2013.
    • 西村 明,荻原 昭夫,鵜木 祐史,近藤 和弘,
      "第1 回音響電子透かしコンテスト講評と今後の評価への取り組み,"
      日本音響学会2013年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-Q-42, pp. 973-976, March 2013.
    • 宮内 良太,木谷 俊介,鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会2013年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-Q-43, pp. 977-978, March 2013.
    • 鵜木 祐史,Wang Shengbei,宮内 良太,
      日本音響学会2013年度春季研究発表会講演論文,3-10-10, pp. 775-778, March 2013.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,2013-H-5, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 25-30, Feb. 2013.
    • 鵜木祐史,ワンシェンベイ,宮内良太,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,vol. EMM2012-102, pp. 65-70, Jan. 2013.
    • Liu Yang and Masashi Unoki,
      "Improvement of MTF-based power envelope restoration in noisy reverberant Environments,"
      第27回信号処理シンポジウム, pp. 466-471, Nov. 2012.
    • 鵜木祐史,森田翔太,ル シュガン,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EA2012-86, pp. 29-34, Nov. 2012.
    • Nhut Mihn Ngo, Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, Yoichi Suzuki,
      "Data hiding scheme for digital-audio in AM radio broadcasting systems,"
      IEICE Technical Report, EA2012-92, pp. 63-68, Nov. 2012.
    • 西村明,荻原昭夫,鵜木祐史,近藤和弘,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EA2012-95, pp. 81-86, Nov. 2012.
    • 佐々木恭平,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EA2012-78, pp. 79-84, Oct. 2012.
    • Masashi Unoki,
      "Speech Signal Processing Based on the Concept of Modulation Transfer Function,"
      Proc. 2012 IEEE Workshop o Nonlinear Signal Processing (NSP2012), pp. 23, Community Plaza, Shikoku Univ. Tokushima, 25-27 Sept. 2012.
    • 鵜木祐史,宮内千夏,木谷俊介,西野恭生,宮内良太,
      日本音響学会2012年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,3-4-6, pp. 673-676, Sept. 2012.
    • 森田翔太,鵜木祐史,ルー シュガン,
      日本音響学会2012年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,2-Q-a14, pp. 123-126, Sept. 2012.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2012年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,2-Q-a14, pp. 543-546, Sept. 2012.
    • 金井康昭,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2012年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,1-1-3, pp. 5-8, Sept. 2012.
    • Yang Liu and Masashi Unoki,
      Study on Noise Subtraction Method Based on Modulation Transfer Function,
      Proc. 2012 ASJ Autumn meeting, 3-4-5, pp. 669-627,Nagano, Sept. 2012 .
    • Nhut Minh Ngo, Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, and Yoichi Suzuki,
      "Study on data hiding scheme for digital-audio in amplitude modulation domain,"
      Proc. 2012 ASJ Autumn meeting, 2-Q-b7, pp. 815-81,Nagano, Sept. 2012
    • Shengbei Wang, Nhut Minh Ngo, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Digital-audio watermarking based on cochlear delay in sub-bands,"
      Proc. 2012 ASJ Autumn meeting, 2-9-2, pp. 629-623,Nagano, Sept. 2012
    • 佐々木恭平,鵜木祐史,
      H24電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,富山県立大学,G7, Sept. 2012.
    • 秋山大知,鵜木祐史,金井秀明,
      H24電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,富山県立大学,G8, Sept. 2012.
    • Yang Liu and Masashi Unoki,
      "Study on power envelope subtraction based on Modulation Transfer Function,"
      IEICE Tech. Rep., EA2012-58, pp. 25-30, August 2012.
    • Nhut Minh Ngo, Shengbei Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
      "Method of digital-audio watermarking based on cochlear delay in sub-bands,"
      IEICE Tech. Rep. EA2012-57, pp. 19-24, August 2012.
    • 金井康昭,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, EA2012-1, pp. 1-6, May 2012.
    • 鵜木祐史,ル シュガン,ペトリック リコ,森田翔太,赤木正人,ホフマン ルディガー,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, EA2012-2, pp. 7-12, May 2012.


    • 西村 明,荻原 昭夫,鵜木 祐史,近藤 和弘,薗田 光太郎,岩村 惠市,立花 隆輝,
      電子情報通信学会総合大会,D-21-9, pp. 233, , March 2012.
    • 金井康昭,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2012年度春季研究発表会講演論文,1-P-9, pp. 137-140, March 2012.
    • 矢野雄大,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2012年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-8-8, pp. 1511-1514, March 2012.
    • 西村 明,荻原 昭夫,鵜木 祐史,近藤 和弘,薗田 光太郎,岩村 惠市,立花 隆輝,
      日本音響学会2012年度春季研究発表会講演論文,3-1-24, pp. 811-814, March 2012.
    • 矢野雄大,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,2012-H-11, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 59-64, Feb. 2012.
    • 西村 明,荻原 昭夫,鵜木 祐史,近藤 和弘,薗田 光太郎,岩村 惠市,立花 隆輝,
      Proc. SCIS 2012 (The 29th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security), pp. ???-???, Kanazawa, Japan, Jan. 30 - Feb. 2, 2012.
    • 西村 明,荻原 昭夫,鵜木 祐史,近藤 和弘,薗田 光太郎,岩村 惠市,立花 隆輝,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EMM2011-61, pp. 31-36, Dec. 2011.
    • 金井康昭,澤口知希,鵜木祐史,
      第26回信号処理シンポジウム,pp. 326-331, Nov. 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,宮内良太,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,vol. EMM2011-50, pp. 59-64, Nov. 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,森田翔太,ルーシューガン,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2011年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,3-P-1, pp. 143-146, Sept. 2011.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2011年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,3-9-7, pp. 525-528, Sept. 2011.
    • 矢野雄大,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人
      H23電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,G-5, Sept. 2011.
    • 金井康昭,澤口知希,鵜木祐史,
      H23電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,G-6, Sept. 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,宮内良太,
      FIT2011(第10回情報科学技術フォーラム)講演資料,第3分冊,pp. 89-96, Sept. 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,小杉敏三,羽二生篤,宮内良太,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EA2011-55, pp. 31-36, Aug. 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,池田友洋,宮内良太,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,EA2011-47, pp. 27-32, July 2011.
    • 森田翔太,ルー シュガン,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,ホフマン ルディガー,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, EA2011-7, pp. 37-42, May 2011.


    • 小杉敏三,羽二生篤,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,1-Q-33, pp. 823-826, March 2011.
    • 池田友洋,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,1-12-1, pp. 1205-1208, March 2011.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      "同時マスキングにおけるcue音呈示の効果 −検出効率による検討−,"
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,3-6-4, pp. 549-552, March 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,フン チュン ニア,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,1-Q-31, pp. 819-822, March 2011.
    • 鵜木祐史,森田翔太,澤口知希,赤木正人,
      "MTF に基づいたパワーエンベロープ回復処理による音声区間検出の検討,"
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-P-16, pp. 187-190, March 2011.
    • 矢野雄大,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,3-P-18, pp. 561-564, March 2011.
    • 森田翔太,Lu Xugang,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2011年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-P-26, pp. 163-166, March 2011.
    • 森田翔太,山崎悠,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, EA2010-78, pp. 121-126, Oct. 2010.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, Vol. 48, No. 8, H-2010-126, pp. 697-702, Oct. 2010.
    • 羽二生篤,小杉敏三,宮内 良太,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会マルチメディア情報ハイディング研究会,pp. 13-18, Oct. 2010.
    • 小杉敏三,羽二生篤,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会マルチメディア情報ハイディング研究会,pp. 19-24, Oct. 2010.
    • 小杉敏三,羽二生篤,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      平成22年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会,G19,Sept. 2010.
    • 宮内良太,羽二生篤,小杉敏三,鵜木祐史
      "蝸牛遅延特性に基づいた 位相偏移変調が知覚不可能性に与える影響,"
      日本音響学会2010年度秋季研究発表会講演論文, 1-R-13, Sept. 2010.
    • 鵜木祐史,羽二生篤,小杉敏三,宮内良太,
      日本音響学会2010年秋季研究発表会講演論文, 2-P-33, Sept. 2010.
    • 羽二生篤,小杉敏三,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2010年秋季研究発表会講演論文, 2-P-34, Sept. 2010.
    • 鵜木祐史,羽二生篤,小杉敏三,宮内良太,
      電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, EA2010-27, pp. 31-36, June 2010.
    • Trung Nghia Phung, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi,
      "Comparative evaluation of bone-conducted-speech restoration based on linear prediction scheme,"
      EA2010-31, pp. 53-58, June 2010.
    • 鵜木祐史,小杉敏三,羽二生篤,宮内良太,
      電子情報通信学会マルチメディア情報ハイディング研究会,pp. 25-30, June 2010.


    • 鵜木祐史,今別府邦昭,羽二生篤,宮内良太,
      電子情報通信学会技術研究報告,EA2009-117, pp. 13-18, March 2010.
    • 鵜木祐史,今別府邦昭,羽二生篤,宮内良太,
      電子情報通信学会総合大会,DS-3-2, pp. S17-S18, March 2010.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      "同時マスキングにおけるcue音呈示の効果 ―プローブ周波数の違いが効果に与える影響―,"
      日本音響学会2010年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 1-9-4, March 2010.
    • 澤口知希,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2010年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-P-18, March 2010.
    • 森田翔太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2010年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-P-21, March 2010.
    • 鵜木祐史,山崎悠,赤木正人
      日本音響学会2010年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-P-27, March 2010.
    • 今別府邦昭,羽二生篤,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2010年度春季研究発表会講演論文,2-P-28, March 2010.
    • 宮内良太,浜田大樹,羽二生篤,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2010年度春季研究発表会講演論文, 2-P-28, March 2010.
    • 木谷俊介,宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      "同時マスキングにおけるcue音呈示の効果 1 kHzプローブ音検知に対するcue音の存在とその 周波数配置に関して,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 Vol. 39, No. 8, H-2009-100, pp. 567-572, Dec. 2009.
    • 今別府邦明,鵜木祐史,
      平成21年度電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, G12, Sept, 2009.
    • 衣笠光太,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告書,EA2009-31, pp. 79-84, June 2009.
    • 羽二生篤,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告書,SP2009-33, pp. 57-62, June 2009.


    • 今別府邦昭,浜田大樹,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会総合大会,DS-3-11, pp. S39-S40, March 2009.
    • 木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      "同時マスキングにおけるcue音呈示の効果 −1 kHzプローブに対する雑音マスカーの 周波数配置に関する検討−,"
      日本音響学会2009年度春季研究発表会講演論文,pp. 561-564, 2-Q-8, March 2009.
    • 今別府邦昭,浜田大樹,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2009年度春季研究発表会講演論文,pp. 833-386, 3-P-35, March 2009.
    • 齋藤毅,後藤真孝,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      インタラクション2009,(学術総合センター/一橋記念講堂), March 2009.
    • 黒田直樹,李軍鋒,岩谷幸雄,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告書,SP2008-149, pp. 43-48, March 2009.
    • 木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告書,WIT2008-61, pp. 27-31, Feb. 2009.
    • 衣笠光太,ルーシュガン,ヴタングタット,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2008年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,1-R-8,pp. 451-454, Sept. 2008.
    • 木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2008年度秋季研究発表会講演論文,1-R-16,pp. 545-548, Sept. 2008.
    • 浜田大樹,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告書,2008EA-58, pp. 77-82, Aug. 2008 (日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料 Vol. 38, No. 5, H-2008-96, pp. 549-554, Aug. 2008).
    • Rico Petrick, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
      "Robust Front End Processing for Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments: Utilization of Speech Properties,"
      IEICE Tech. Rep. SP2008-44, pp. 7-12, July 2008.
    • Masashi Unoki, Rico Petrick, Anish Mittal, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
      "Effects of Room Reverberation on Robust and Accurate F0 Estimates,"
      IEICE Tech. Rep. SP2008-43, pp. 1-6 July 2008.
    • 木谷俊介,鵜木祐史,
      "同時マスキングにおけるキュー音呈示の効果〜1 kHzプローブ音に対するマスキング閾値の変化について〜,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,SP2008-30, pp. 61-66, June 2008.
    • 鵜木祐史,ルー シュガン,タング タット ヴ,衣笠光太,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, SP2008-24, pp. 25-30, June 2008.


    • 浜田大樹,鵜木祐史,
      電子情報通信学会総合大会, DS4-2, pp. S-21-S-22, March 2008.
    • Vu tat Thang, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A Study on the Linear Prediction-based model for blindly restoring Bone-conducted Speech,"
      IEICE Tech. Rep., SP2007-189, pp. 53-58, March 2008.
    • Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Improving robustness using the selective sound segregation for automatic speech recognition systems in noisy environments,"
      IEICE Tech. Rep., SP2007-196, pp. 93-98, March 2008.
    • 平松壮太,鵜木祐史
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会,2-6-10, pp. 683-684, March 2008.
    • 浜田大樹,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会,1-P-26, pp. 811-812, March 2008.
    • 羽二生篤,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会,1-Q-1, pp. 153-154, March 2008.
    • 村上泰樹,鵜木祐史,
      "外有毛細胞の機能が非線形蝸牛モデルの同調曲線に 与える影響に関する考察,"
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会,2-P-12, pp. 565-567, March 2008.
    • 齋藤毅,後藤真孝,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会,1-11-28, pp. 305-306, March 2008.
    • Lu Xugang, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Comparative evaluations of modulation transfer function based dereverberation for robust speech recognition,"
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会,1-10-12, pp. 39-40, March 2008.
    • 齋藤毅,後藤真孝,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      "SingBySpeaking:歌声知覚に重 要な音響特徴を制御して話声を歌声に変換するシステム,"
      音声言語情報処理研 究会資料,pp. 25-32, 2008-MUS-74, Feb. 2008.
    • 平松壮太,鵜木祐史,
      "変調伝達関数に基づいた残響時間のブラインド推定 法の検討,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 37, no. 11, H-2007-149, Jan. 2008.
    • 鵜木祐史,細呂木谷敏弘,石本祐一
      "残響環境下におけるロバストで正確 な基本周波数推定法の比較評価,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, SP2007-168, pp. 7-12, (TL2007-73, WIT2007-73) Jan. 2008.
    • 村上泰樹,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会秋季研究発表会, pp. 553-554, 2-Q-6, Sept. 2007.
    • 鵜木祐史,細呂木谷敏弘,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,Vol. 107, No. 186, pp. 31-36, EA2007-44, Aug. 2007.
    • 内山英昭,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      "方向性の手がかりを利用した雑音環境下 での報知音の検知能力の向上,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,SP2007-27, pp. 19-24, July 2007.
    • 鵜木祐史,Vu tat Thang, Germine Seide, 赤木正人,
      "音声明瞭度の回復 を目的とする線形予測分析に基づいた骨導音声ブラインド回復法の評価,"
      電子 情報通信学会技術報告,SP2007-41, pp. 103-108, July 2007.
    • Dongwen Ying, Masashi Unoki, Jianwu Dang,
      "A speech enhancement framework based on noise eigenspace projection,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報 告,SP2007-42, pp. 109-114, July 2007.
    • 村上泰樹,鵜木祐史,
      "外有毛細胞モデルの機能に着目した非線形蝸牛モデ ルの入出力特性の検討,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料,Vol. 37, No. 4, H-2007-54, May 2007.


    • Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "An LP-based blind restoration method for improving intelligibility of bone-conducted speech,"
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, SP2006-172, pp. 19-24, March 2007.
    • 細呂木谷敏弘,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会, 1-Q-1, pp. 265-266, March 2007.
    • 内山英昭,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会, 2-Q-20, pp. 459-460, March 2007.
    • Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A parameter estimation for a bone-conducted speech restoration based on the linear prediction,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 36, no. 7, H-2006-104, pp. 581-586, Oct. 2006.
    • 齋藤毅,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,榊原健一,
      "歌声の基本周波数変化に含まれ るオーバーシュートの知覚への影響に関する検討,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 611-616, Oct. 2006.
    • 鵜木祐史,宮内良太,Tan Chin-Tuan,
      日本音響学会2006年秋季研究発表会, 3-P-25, pp. 385-386, Sept. 2006.
    • 宮内良太,Tan Chin-Tuan, 鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会2006年秋季研究発表会, 3-P-5, pp. 345-346, Sept. 2006.
    • Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on predicting parameters of LP-based model for restoring bone-conducted speech,"
      日本音響学会2006年秋季研究発表会, 2-5-1, pp. 295-296, Sept. 2006.
    • 鵜木祐史,宮内良太,Tan Chin-Tuan,
      "同時・非同時ノッチ雑音マスキン グを利用した聴覚フィルタの同時特性の推定,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 36, no. 6, H-2006-90, pp. 497-502, Aug. 2006.
    • 宮内良太,鵜木祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 36, no. 4, H-2006-70, pp. 387-392, June 2006.


    • Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "Sub-band temporal envelope restoration for ASR in reverberation environment,"
      電子情報通 信学会技術報告, pp. 73-78, SP2005-175, March 2006.
    • Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A study on restoration of bone-conducted speech with the LPC-based model,"
      電子情 報通信学会技術報告, pp. 67-72, SP2005-174, March 2006.
    • 竹山佳成,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,神沼充伸,
      日本音響学会2006年春季研究発表会, 1-Q-18, pp. 369-370, March 2006.
    • 中西穰作,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2006年春季研究発表会, pp. 439-440, 2-3-1, March 2006.
    • 鵜木祐史,Xugang Lu, 赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2006年春季研究発表会, pp. 515-516, 1-5-5, March 2006.
    • Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
      "A method for restoring bone-conducted speech based on LPC model,"
      日本音響学会2006年 春季研究発表会, pp. 403-404, 1-3-3, March 2006.
    • 鵜木祐史,入野俊夫,Brian Glasberg,Brian C. J. Moore,Roy D. Patterson,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 35, no. 11, H-2005-124, pp. 727-732, Dec. 2005.
    • 齋藤毅, 鵜木祐史, 赤木正人,
      "自然性の高い歌声合成のためのヴィブラート変調周波数の 制御法の検討,"
      電子情報通信学会 言語と思考, TL2005-10, Sept. 2005.
    • 鵜木祐史,木村憲司,赤木正人,
      "変調伝達特性に着目した骨導音声回復法 の検討,"
      日本音響学会2005年秋季研究発表会講演論文, pp. 513-514, 2-Q-23, Sept. 2005.
    • 鵜木祐史,戸井真智,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 322-327, H-2005-55, June 2005.
    • 鵜木祐史,木村憲司,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 191-196, H-2005-33, April 2005.


    • 齋藤 毅,鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文,pp. 267-268, 3-P-14, March 2005.
    • 戸井 真智,鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文,p. 459-460, 1-6-26, March 2005.
    • 鵜木 祐史,Chin-Tuan TAN,
      日本音響学会2005年春季研究発表会講演論文,pp. 405-406, 3-2-20, March 2005.
    • Chin-Tuan Tan and Masashi Unoki,
      "Measurement of Forward Masking for Notched-noise Maskers,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 34, no. 10, H-2004-116, pp. 657-662, Dec. 2004.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 伊藤一仁, 石本 祐一, Chin-Tuan Tan,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 34, no. 8, H-2004-107, pp. 607-612,Oct. 2004.
    • 鵜木祐史,伊藤一仁,石本祐一,Chin-Tuan Tan,
      日本音響学会2003年秋季研究発表会, 2-5-21, pp. 527-528, Sept. 2004.
    • 戸井真智,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2003年秋季研究発表会,2-3-19, pp. 643-644, Sept. 2004.
    • 齋藤毅,辻直也,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2003年秋季研究発表会, 3-6-2, pp. 807-808, Sept. 2004.
    • 羽二生篤,鵜木祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2003年秋季研究発表会, 1-1-2, pp. 3-4, Sept. 2004.
    • 齋藤毅,辻直也,鵜木祐史,赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, EA2004-30, Aug. 2004.
    • 戸井真智,鵜木祐史,赤木 正人,
      "適応的な時間−周波数分割を考慮した残 音声回復法の改良,"
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 34, no. 5, H-2004-66, pp. 379-384, July 2004.
    • 羽二生篤, 鵜木祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 34, no. 4, H-2004-52, pp. 295-300, June. 2004.


    • 石本 祐一, 鵜木祐史, 赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告,SP2003-201 (H-2004-24), pp. 49-54, March 2004.
    • 鵜木 祐史,戸井 真智,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2004年春季研究発表会, pp. 609-610, 3-P-7, March 2004.
    • 齊藤 毅,鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2004年春季研究発表会, pp. 269-270, 2-7-3, March 2004.
    • 石本 祐一,鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2004年春季研究発表会, pp. 277-278, 2-7-7, March 2004.
    • 齊藤 毅,鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, vol. 33, no 10, H-2003-111, Dec. 2003.
    • 鵜木 祐史, Roy D. Patterson, 入野 俊夫,
      日本音響学会2003年秋季研究発表会, pp. 429-430, 1-7-5, Sept. 2003.
    • 鵜木 祐史,酒田 恵吾,赤木 正人
      日本音響学会2003年秋季研究発表会, pp. 481-482, 1-5-2, Sept. 2003.


    • 窪 正晃, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2003年春季研究発表会, 1-5-15, pp. 521-522, March 2003.
    • 酒田恵吾, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, pp. 13-18, SP2002-181 (H-2003-10), March 2003.
    • 窪 正晃, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会, Vol. 32, No. 10, H-2002-90, Dec. 2002.
    • 酒田 恵吾, 鵜木 祐史, 古川 正和, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2002年秋季研究発表会, pp. 507-508, 1-5-20, Oct. 2002.
    • 古川正和, 鵜木祐史, 赤木正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol. 102, no.33, pp. 49-54, EA2002-15, SP2002-15, 2002.


    • 鵜木 祐史, Roy D. Patterson, 入野 俊夫,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会, 2-9-12, March 2002.
    • 齋藤 毅, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会春季研究発表会, 1-9-19, March 2002.
    • 鵜木 祐史, Roy D. Patterson, 入野 俊夫,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会,Vol. 32, No. 1, H-2002-06, 岩手県立大学,Jan. 2002.
    • 齋藤 毅, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会, Vol. 31, No. 10, H-2001-92, pp. 683-690, 2001.
    • 石本 祐一, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2001年秋季研究発表会, pp. 253-254, 1-2-25, Oct. 2001.


    • 石本祐一, 鵜木祐史, 赤木正人,
      日本音響学会2001年春季研究発表会, 1-6-8, pp. 243-244, March. 2001.
    • 石本祐一, 鵜木祐史, 赤木正人,
      話し言葉の科学と工学ワークショップ講演予稿集, pp.149-156, Feb. 2001.
    • 石本 祐一, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      電気関係学会北陸支部連合大会, p.452, Oct. 2000.
    • 石本 祐一, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会2000年秋季研究発表会, 1-Q-7, Sept 2000.
    • 石本 祐一, 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会, H-2000-81, Sept 2000.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 入野 俊夫,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会, 北海道大学, H-2000-42, June 2000.


    • 中村, 大川, 伊藤, 田本, 水野, 鵜木, 徳田, 鏑木, 畑岡
      "Eurospeech99, IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop会議報告,"
      情報処理学会音声言語情報処理研究会, 29 Oct. 1999.
    • Masashi UNOKI and Masato AKAGI,
      "Vowel segregation in background noise using the model of segregating two acoustic sources,"
      Proc. of AI Challenge, pp. 7-14, AOYAMA Gakuin Univ., 3Nov. 1999


    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会, H-98-51, June 1998.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告 SP-98-158, March 1999.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      平成11年春季音響学会講演論文, 1-2-6, March 1999.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      平成10年秋季音響学会講演論文, 2-8-10, Sept. 1998.


    • 入野 俊夫, 鵜木 祐史,
      平成10年春季音響学会講演論文, 1-8-2, March 1998.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 入野 俊夫,
      平成10年春季音響学会講演論文, 1-8-3, March 1998.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      平成10年春季音響学会講演論文, 2-8-16, March 1998.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, SP-97-129, March 1998.
    • 入野 俊夫, 鵜木 祐史,
      日本音響学会聴覚研究会資料, H-97-69, Oct. 1997.
    • 入野 俊夫, 鵜木 祐史,
      平成9年秋季音響学会講演論文, 1-3-16, Sept. 1997.


    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      電子情報通信学会 技術報告, SP-96-123, March 1997.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      平成9年春季音響学会講演論文, 2-8-7, March 1997.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      平成9年春季音響学会講演論文, 3-8-2, March 1997.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, SP-96-37, July 1996.


    • 鵜木 祐史
      北陸先端大学院大学 Master Thesis, March 1996.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      "帯域雑音に埋もれた信号音の一抽出法, "
      平成8年春季音響学会講演論文, 3-3-15, March 1996.
    • 鵜木 祐史, 赤木 正人,
      音響学会聴覚研究会資料, H-95-79, Sept. 1995.


    • 鵜木 祐史
      "On Sampling Theorem, Wavelets, and Wavelet Transforms"
      JAIST 博士前期課程 サブテーマ, 1994.


    • 西山 清, 鵜木 祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, NC93-95, March 1994.
    • 西山 清, 鵜木 祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, NC93-94, March 1994.
    • 西山 清, 鵜木 祐史,
      電子情報通信学会技術報告, NC93-27, July 1993.


    • 特許第5077847(平成24年9月7日)特願2008-95540 残響時間推定装置及び残響時間推定方法,鵜木祐史,平松壮太(平成20年3月4日)(特開2009-211021,平成21年9月17日)
    • 特願2012-158977 振幅変調信号送信装置及び振幅変調信号受信装置、並びに振幅変調信号送信方法及び振幅変調信号受信方法,鵜木祐史,Ngo Nhut Minh,宮内良太,鈴木陽一(平成24年7月17日)(特開2014-022894,平成26年2月3日)
    • 特許第5004094(平成24年6月1日) 特願2008-53918 電子透かし埋込装置及び電子透かし検出装置、並びに電子透かし埋込方法及び電子透かし検出方法,鵜木祐史,浜田大樹(平成20年3月4日)(特開2009-210828,平成21年9月17日)
    • 特許第5889601(平成28年2月26日)特願2011-240692 音響信号に対する改ざん検出方法及び改ざん検出装置,鵜木祐史,宮内良太,小杉敏三(平成23年11月1日)(特開2013-097210,平成23年5月20日)
    • 特許第5879075(平成28年2月5日)特願2011-196449 電子透かし検出装置及び電子透かし検出方法,鵜木祐史,宮内良太(平成23年9月8日)(特開2013-057825,平成23年3月28 日)
    • 特願2021-008090 信号処理装置、ウエアラブル端末、信号処理システム、信号処理方法,鵜木祐史,中村 健一(令和3年1月21日)


    • 第40回佐藤論文賞受 賞, 日本音響学会(平成12年3月)
    • 第16回山下太郎学術 奨励賞,財団法人山下太郎顕彰育英会(平成17年6月2日)
    • 情報処理学会山下記念研究賞 受賞(平成20年)
    • IEEE Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2009), Best Paper Award (平成21年9月14日)
    • 齋藤 毅, 後藤 真孝, 鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人, “SingBySpeaking: 歌声知覚に重要な音響特 徴を制御して話声を歌声に変換するシステム.” 情報処理学会 音楽情報科学研究会 研究報告 2008-MUS-74-5
    • インタラクション2009・インタラクティブ発表賞,情報処理学会(SingBySpeaking:ユーザの話声を歌声に変換する歌声合成インタフェース,齋藤 毅,後藤 真孝 (産総研),鵜木 祐史,赤木 正人 (北陸先端大)(平成21年3月6日)
    • 第3回信号処理 学会Best Paper Award受賞,信号処理学会(平成21年3月2日)
    • 電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエ ティ編集活動感謝状,授与(平成21年9月16日)
    • 第50回佐藤論文賞受 賞, 日本音響学会(平成22年3月)
    • IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2012), Best Paper Award (平成24年7月20日)
    • 第53回佐藤論文賞受賞,日本音響学会(平成25年3月)
    • 第14回ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文賞(平成26年3月)
    • IEICE情報・システムソサイエティ活動功労賞(平成28年6月)
    • IEICE論文賞(平成29年6月)
    • 日本音響学会北陸支部活動功労賞(平成30年4月)
    • 14th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2018), Best Paper Award(平成30年11月27日)
    • 11th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media(SCSM 2019) Best paper award(2019年7月28日)
    • IEICE Fellow(2022年3月)