Social Events
- October 9, (17:30 -20:00), Welcome reception and pre-registration at l'ACONIT
- October 11, 19:00, Banquet at "Le Pèr'Gras"
ACONIT, the Association for a Conservatory of Information Technology, founded in 1985 with main objective of preserving the history of computing and creating tools to better understand and explain to the general public the risks and rewards of current developments in the information processing as it permeates deeper into society.
You are invited to visit the ACONIT. During this visit, you will view the extensive collection (among the largest in Europe) of machines, software, documentation and other artifacts that has been constituted by the ACONIT for years.
See the website for details:
Access map:
Le Pèr'Gras is one of the most famous restaurants of Grenoble. It is on the top of the mountain "La Bastille" and offers a beautiful panorama of the town.
See the website for details: