List of Accepted (Regular) Papers
Self-Stabilizing Labeling and Ranking in Ordered Trees
Corona: A Stabilizing Deterministic Message-Passing Skip List
Self-stabilizing De Bruijn Networks
The Computational Power of Simple Protocols for Self-Awareness on Graphs
Relations linking failure detectors associated with k-set agreement in message-passing systems
Pragmatic Self-Stabilization of Atomic Memory in Message-Passing Systems
Space-efficient fault-containment in dynamic networks
Fault-tolerant Algorithms for Tick-Generation in Asynchronous Logic: Robust Pulse Generation
POLISH: Proactive co-Operative LInk Self-Healing for Wireless Sensor Networks
Active Stabilization
Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
Formal Verification of Consensus Algorithms Tolerating Malicious Faults
Analysis of DSR protocol in Event-B
The weakest failure detector to implement a register in asynchronous systems with hybrid communication
A non-topological impossibility proof of k-set agreement
Social Market: combining explicit and implicit social networks
Snake: Control Flow Distributed Software Transactional Memory
Building Self-Stabilizing Overlay Networks with the Transitive Closure Framework
Price Stabilization in Networks --- What Is an Appropriate Model ?
Rendezvous Tunnel for Anonymous Publishing: Clean Slate and Tor Based Designs
The South Zone: Distributed Algorithms for Alliances
An Algorithm for implementing BFT Registers in Dynamic Distributed Systems
The K-Observer problem in Computer Networks
Computing Time Complexity of Population Protocols with Cover Times - the ZebraNet Example
Dynamic Regular Registers in Systems with Churn
TrumanBox: Improving Dynamic Malware Analysis by Emulating the Internet
The OCRC Fuel Cell Lab Safety System: A Self-Stabilizing Safety-Critical System
Robot Networks with Homonyms: The Case of Patterns Formation
Using Zero Knowledge to Share a Little Knowledge: Bootstrapping Trust in Device Networks
Note that this list is tentative and assumes that all papers will meet the publication requirements (format and registration).