Rare Books
Rare Books: List of Books
No. | Title | Author | Year | Edition | Details |
1 | Novum Organum (Instauratio Magna). | Bacon, Sir Francis London | 1620 | 1st ed. ; 2nd impression Oversized book for dedication | |
2 | The Life of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England. | Mr. Mallet | 1740 | 1st ed. | |
3 | Prufung der Kantischen Religionsphilosophie in Hinsicht auf die ihr beygelegte Aehnlichkeit mit dem reinen Mystizism. Mit einer Einleitung von Immanuel Kant. | Jachmann, Reinhold Bernhard | 1800 | ||
4 | Essai sur l'application de l'analyse a la probabiliedes decisions rendues a la pluralitedes voix. | Condorcet (Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de) | 1785 | 1st ed. | |
5 | Die Bestimmung des Menschen. | Fichte, Johann Gottlieb | 1800 | 1st ed. | |
6 | Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Principien der Wissenschaftslehre. | Fichte, Johann Gottlieb | 1796 | 1st ed. | |
7 | Die Kategorien und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus. | Heidegger, Martin | 1916 | 1st ed. | |
8 | Differenz des Fichte'schen und Schelling'shen Systems der Philosophie in Beziehung auf Reinhold's Beytrage zur leichtern Ubersicht des Zustands der Philosophie zu Anfang des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | 1801 | 1st ed. | |
9 | Leviathan : Or the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill. | Hobbes, Thomas | 1651 | 1st ed. 2nd impression | |
10 | Four Dissertations. 1. The Natural History of Religion. 2. Of the Passions. 3. Of Tragedy. 4. Of the Standard of Taste. | Hume, David | 1757 | 1st ed. | |
11 | Ideen zu einer reinen Phaenomenologie und phaenomenologischen Philosophie. Jahrbuch fur Philosophie und phaenomenologische Forschung. | Husserl, Edmund | 1913 | ||
12 | Critik der practischen Vernunft. | Kant, Immanuel | 1788 | 1st ed. | |
13 | Enten-Eller. Et livs-Fragment udgivet af Victor Eremita. | Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye | 1843 | 1st ed. | |
14 | Oeuvres philosophiques latines et francaises. | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm | 1765 | ||
15 | The Essayes or Morall, Politike and Militarie Discourses of Lord Michael de Montaigne. | Montaigne, Michel de translated by John Florio | 1632 | 3rd ed. | |
16 | Pense'es de M. Pascal sur la Religion et sur quelques autres sujets, Qui ont elte trouvees apres la mort parmy les papiers. | Pascal, Blaise | 1670 | 2nd ed. | |
17 | Emile, ou de l'education. | Rousseau, J.J. | 1781 | ||
18 | Human Knowledge. Its scope and limits. | Russell, Bertrand | 1948 | 1st ed. | |
19 | Philosophie der Geschichte. | Schlegel, Friedrich von | 1829 | 1st ed. | |
20 | Metaphysique de l'ame : ou theorie des sentimens moraux traduite de l'anglois. | Smith, Adam | 1764 | French translation ; 1st ed. | |
21 | Opera Posthuma, Quorum series post Praefationem exhibetur. | Spinoza, Baruch de | 1677 | 1st ed. | |
22 | Process and reality : an essay in cosmology. | Whitehead, Alfred | 1929 | 1st ed. | |
23 | Ueber den Traum. | Freud, Sigmund | 1901 | ||
24 | Raum und Zeit. | Minkowski, Hermann | 1909 | ||
25 | Principj di scienza nuova di Giambattista Vico, Dintro alla comune natura delle nazioni. | Vico, Giambattista | 1744 | ||
26 | Oeuvres de Descartes. | Descartes, Rene | 1824-1826 | 1st ed. | |
27 | Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | 1821 | 1st ed. | |
28 | Principles of political economy with some of their applications to social philosophy. | Mill, John Stuart | 1848 | 1st ed. | |
29 | Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inegalite' parmi les hommes. | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques | 1755 | 1st ed. ; 1st impression | |
30 | Emile, de l'education. | Rousseau, J.J. | 1762 | ||
31 | Critik der practischen Vernunft. | Kant, Immanuel | 1791 | nouvelle edition | |
32 | De rerum natura libri sex. | Lucretius, Carus | 1563 | ||
33 | Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche, intorno a due nuove Scienze, Attenenti alla Mecanica & i Movimenti Locali. | Galilei, Galileo | 1638 | 1st ed. | |
34 | Reprints on relativity 1915-1921. 1. Das Relativitatsprinzip. 2. Aether und Relativitaetstheorie. 3. Aether und Relativitaetstheorie. 4. Geometrie und Erfahrung. | Einstein, Albert | 1. 1915 2. 1920 3. 1920 4. 1921 | 1. 2nd ed. | |
35 | Systema Cosmicum : in quo quatuor dialogis, de duobus maximis mundi systematibus, Ptolemaico & Copernicano. | Galilei, Galileo | 1635 | Latin translation ; 1st ed. | |
36 | Zur Naturwissenschaft uberhaupt. | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von | 1817-1823 | 1st ed. | |
37 | Exposition du Systeme du Monde. | Laplace, Pierre-Simon | -1796 | 1st ed. | |
38 | Il Codice Atlantico di Leonardo da Vinci | Leonardo da Vinci | 1973-1975 | facsimile ed. | |
39 | Historia naturalis & experimentalis de ventis | Fr. Baconi de Vervlamio Lugd | 1648 | ||
40 | Le Opera di Galileo Galilei : prima edizione completa condotta sugli autentici mano scritti palatini e dedicate A S. A.I. E R. Leopoldo II | Galilei, Galileo | 1842-1856 | ||
41 | The principles of science. : a treatise on logic and scientific method. | Jevons, W. Stanley | 1874 | ||
42 | Oeuvres de Lavoisier publiees par les soins, de son excellence le ministre, de l'instruction publique et des cultes. I. Traite elementaire de chimie II. Memoires de chimie et de physique III. Memoires et rapports IV. Memoires et rapports V. Memoires de geologie et de mineralogie VI. Rapports a l'academie, notes et rapports divers economie politique, agriculture et finances commission des poids et mesures | Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent de | 1864-1893 | ||
43 | The philosophical works of the honourable Robert Boyle Esq : abridged, methodized, and dispoled under the general haes of physics, statistics, pneumatics, natural history, chymistru and medicne. | Shaw, Peter | 1725 | ||
44 | Rabdologiae seu Numerationis per Virgulas libri duo: Cum Appendice de expeditissimo Multiplicationis promptuario. Quibus accessit & Arithmeticae Localis Liber unus. | Napier, John | 1626 | 2nd ed. | |
45 | Contributions to the founding og the theory of transfinite numbers. | Cantor, George | 1915 | 1st ed. | |
46 | Stetigkeit und irrationale Bahlen. | Dedekind, Richard | 1892 | 2nd ed. (no change from 1st ed.) | |
47 | Methodus Inveniendi Lineas Curvas Maximi Mimive proprietate gaudentes : Sive Solutio Problematis Isoperimetrici, Latissimo sensu accepti. | Euler, Leonhard | 1744 | 1st ed. | |
48 | An investigation of the laws of thought, on which are founded the mathematical theories of logic and probabilities. | Boole, George | 1854 | 1st ed. | |
49 | Theorie des Fonctions Analytiques. | Lagrange, J. L. | 1813 | nouvelle edition | |
50 | A treatise on the calculus of finite differences. | Boole, George | 1860 | ||
51 | Theorie analytique des probabilites. | Laplace, Pierre Simon | 1814 | 2nd ed. | |
52 | Euclidis opera grac. | Euclidis | 1533 | Greek translation ; 1st ed. | |
53 | Exercises d'analyse et de physique mathematique. | Cauchy, Baron Augustin | 1840-1847 | ||
54 | The method of fluxions and infinite series, with its application to the geometry of curve-lines. | Newton, Isaac, Inventor | 1736 | ||
55 | Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke. Bd. 1, Disquisitiones arithmeticae Bd. 2, Theorematis arithmetici Bd. 3, Omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram Bd. 4, Theoria combinationis observtionum Bd. 5, Theoria attractionis corporum spharoidicorum Bd. 6, Disquisiti de elementis ellipticis palladis ex oppositionibu s annorum 1803, 1804, 1805, 1807,1808, 1809 Bd. 7, Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis sol em ambientium | Gauss, Carl Friedrich | 1863-1874 | ||
56 | Principia mathematica. | Whitehead, Alfred North Russell, Bertrand | 1925-1927 | 2nd ed. | |
57 | Die Mechanische Warmetheorie. | Clausius, R. | 1876 | 1st ed. | |
58 | Memoires sur l'action mutuelle de deux courans electriques, sur celle qui existe entre un courant electrique et un aimant ou le globe terrestre, et celle deux aimans lun sur lautre. | Ampere, Andre Marie | 1820 | ||
59 | De insidentibus aquae. | Archimedis | 1565 | ||
60 | Some considerations touching the Usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy. | Boyle, Robert | 1663 | 1st ed. | |
61 | Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitaetstheorie. | Einstein, Albert | 1916 | first appearance | |
62 | Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur. | Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph | 1822 | 1st ed. | |
63 | Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik. | Helmholtz, H. | 1867 | ||
64 | Mechanique Analitique. | Lagrange, Joseph Louis | 1788 | 1st ed. | |
65 | Versuch einer Theorie der Electrischen und Optischen Erscheinungen in bewegten Korpern. | Lorentz, H. A. | 1895 | 1st ed. | |
66 | A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field. | Maxwell, James Clerk | 1864 | ||
67 | Die Grundgleichungen fur die elektromagnetischen Vorgaenge in bewegten Korpern. | Minkowski, Hermann | 1908 | ||
68 | The high-frequency spectra of the elements. | Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys | 1913-1914 | ||
69 | Traites de l'equilibre des liqueurs,et de la pesanteur de la masse de l'air. | Pascal, Blaise | 1663 | 1st ed. | |
70 | Einfurung in die Mechanik deformierbarer Koerper : zum Gebrauch bei Vortraegen, sowie zum Selbstunterricht. | Planck, Max | 1919 | 1st ed. | |
71 | Radio-Activity. | Rutherford, E | 1904 | 1st ed. | |
72 | Radio-Activity. | Rutherford, E. | 1905 | 2nd ed. | |
73 | Eine Neue Art von Strahlen. | Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad | 1896 | 2 Aufl. | |
74 | Conduction of electricity through gases. | Thomson, J. J. | 1903 | 1st ed. | |
75 | Experimental researches in electricity. | Faraday, M. | 1839 | 1st ed. | |
76 | Recherches sur une propriete nouvelle de la matiere : Activite radiante spontanee ou radioactivite de la matiere. | Becquerel, H. | 1903 | 1st ed. | |
77 | Badanie cial radioaktywnych. | Sklodowska-Curie, Marya (Curie, Mary) | 1904 | Polish translation | |
78 | Teoria Elettrica brevemente esposta ad uso della studiosa gioventu' dal sacerdote. | Follini, Giorgio | 1791 | ||
79 | Der Zusammenhang zwischen β und γ - Strahlen. | Meitner, Lise | 1924 | ||
80 | ・Zur Theorie des Gesetzes der Energieverteilung im Normalspectrum. ・Uber eine Verbesserung der Wien'schen Spectralgleichung. ・Ein vermeintlicher Widerspruch des magnetooptischen Faradayeffectes mit der Thermodynamik. | Planck, Max | 1900 | 1st ed. | |
81 | Collision of αparticles with light atoms. | Rutherford, Ernest | 1919 | ||
82 | Enumeratio ac Descriptio hygrometrorum quae inde a saussurii temporibus proposita sunt. | Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard | 1830 | ||
83 | Elementarisches Handbuch der industriellen Physik, Mechanik und Hydraulik. | Bernoulli, Christoph | 1834-1835 | 1st ed. | |
84 | A view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. | Pemberton, Henry | 1728 | 1st ed. | |
85 | Optice : sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus inflexionibus et coloribus lucis, libri tres. | Newton, Isaacus ; Clarke, Samuel, Latine reddidit | 1740 | Latin translation ; 3rd ed. | |
86 | Bibliotheca mechanica. | Roberts, Verne L. and Trent, Ivy | c1991 | ||
87 | Electric waves : being researches on the propagation of electric action with finite velocity through space. | Hertz, Heinrich; authorised ; English translation by D.E. Jones | 1893 | English translation ; 1st ed. | |
88 | Instruction sur l'essai des matieres d'argent par la voie humide. | Gay-Lussac, M. ; publiee par la Commission des monnaies et medailles | 1832 | ||
89 | On the fundamental formulae of dynamics. | Gibbs, J. Willard | 1879 | 1st ed. | |
90 | Joannis Keppleri : Aliorumque epistola mutua. | Edited by Hanschius, Michael Gottlieb | 1718 | 1st ed. | |
91 | On the mutual action of sulphuric acid and naphtaline, and on a new acid produced.(Philosophical transactions). | Faraday, M. | 1826 | ||
92 | On the safety lanp for coal miners; with some researches on flame. | Davy, Humphry | 1818 | 1st ed. | |
93 | Traite Elementaire de chimi. | Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent | 1801 | 3rd ed. | |
94 | Traite elementaire de chimie organique. | Berthelot, P. E. M. | 1872 | 1st ed. | |
95 | Essai de statique chimique. | Berthollet, C. L. | 1803 | 1st ed. | |
96 | Collezione dell' opere. | Volta, Alessandro | 1816 | 1st ed. | |
97 | The Fractal approach to heterogeneous chemistry : surfaces, colloids, polymers. | Avnir, David | c1989 | ||
98 | Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium in sectionibus conicis selem ambientium. | Gauss, Carl Friedrich | 1809 | 1st ed. | |
99 | Meteorological observations and essays. | Dalton, John | 1793 | 1st ed. | |
100 | Fundamenta Astronomiae.Pro Anno MDCCLV deducta ex observationibus viri incomparabilis James Bradley in Specula Astrononica Grenovicensi per annos 1750-1762 institutis. | Bessel, Friedrico Wilhelmo | 1818 | 1st ed. | |
101 | On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.Fifth Thousand. | Darwin, Charles | 1860 | 2nd ed. | |
102 | The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. | Darwin, Charles | 1871 | ||
103 | Seimi kaisou. | translated by Youan Udagawa | 1837 | ||
104 | Shougaku hissann kyoujubon. | Shouichi Yamada | revised and enlarged edition | ||
105 | Shougaku rigaku mondou. | edited by Taizan Shiga | 1885 | ||
106 | Butsuri kaitei. | edited by Junkichi Katayama | revised and enlarged edition | ||
107 | Kaitai shinsho. | Genpaku Sugita | 1774 | ||
108 | Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae usitata forma Quaestionum et Responsionum. | Kepler, Joannes | 1635 | ||
109 | Anleitung Zur Analyse Organischer Kopper. | Liebig, Justus von | 1837 | 1st ed. | |
110 | Autograph manuscript signed of his article "The Danger of Nuclear War". | Pauling, Linus | |||
111 | Anatomische Tabellen. | Kulmus, Johann Adam | 1741 | ||
112 | Oeuvres de Pierre Curie : Publiees par les Soins de la Societe Francaise de Physique. | Curie, Pierre | 1908 | ||
113 | Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico supremo dello studio de Padova, e Pisa, e filosofo, e matematico primario del serenissimo gran duca di Toscana : dove ne i congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano. | Galilei, Galileo | 1710 | ||
114 | Commercium Philosophicum et Mathematicum. | Leibnitii, Got. Gul. Bernoullii, Johan | 1745 | 1st ed. | |
115 | Varia Opera Mathematica | Fermat, Petri de | 1861 | Facsimile edition | |
116 | Opera Varia. | Hugenii, Christiani | 1724 | ||
117 | The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle. | Boyle, Robert | 1744 | English translation ; 1st ed. | |
118 | Leibniz's New Essays Oncerning Human Understanding. | Dewey, John | 1888 | 1st ed. | |
119 | Das System der Sittenlehre nach den Principien der Wissenschaftslehre. | Fichte, Johann Gottlieb | 1798 | 1st ed. | |
120 | The General Theory Employment Interest and Money. | Keynes, John Maynard | 1936 | 1st ed. | |
121 | A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation. | Mill, John Stuart | 1843 | 1st ed. | |
122 | Economics : An Introductory Analysis 1. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 2. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 3. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 4. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 5. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 6. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 7. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 8. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 9. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 10. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 11. Economics : An Introductory Analysis 12. Economics : An Introductory Analysis | 1. Samuelson, Paul A. 2. Samuelson, Paul A. 3. Samuelson, Paul A. 4. Samuelson, Paul A. 5. Samuelson, Paul A. 6. Samuelson, Paul A. 7. Samuelson, Paul A. 8. Samuelson, Paul A. 9. Samuelson, Paul A. 10. Samuelson, Paul A. / Temin, Peter (assistance in statistical updating ) 11. Samuelson, Paul A. / Samuelson, William (assistance in statistical updating ) 12. Samuelson, Paul A. / Nordhaus, William D. | 1. 1948 2. 1951 3. 1955 4. 1958 5. 1961 6. 1964 7. 1967 8. 1970 9. 1973 10. 1976 11. 1980 12. 1985 | 1. 1st ed. 2. 2nd ed. 3. 3rd ed. 4. 4th ed. 5. 5th ed. 6. 6th ed. 7. 7th ed. 8. 8th ed. 9. 9th ed. 10. 10th ed. 11. 11th ed. 12. 12th ed. | |
123 | The Principles of Scientific Management. | Taylor, Frederick Winslow | 1911 | 1st ed. | |
124 | Rigaku teiyou. | Genkyou Hirose | 1854 | ||
125 | Sangenso ryakusetsu. | Seiken Hirokawa | 1865 | ||
126 | Jutei kaitai shinsho. | translated by Genpaku Sugita ; corrected and written by Gentaku Ohtsuki | 1826 | ||
127 | Opera Omnia. The Works of Francis Bacon. | Bacon, Francis ; edited by John Blackbourne | 1730 | ||
128 | Critik der reinen Vernunft. | Kant, Immanuel | 1781 | 1st ed. | |
129 | Meditations cartesiennes. Introduction a la phenomenology, traduit de l'allemand par Gabrielle Peiffer et Emmanuel Levina. | Husserl, Edmund | 1931 | 1st ed. | |
130 | Essai sur les donnees immediates de la conscience. | Bergson, Henri | 1889 | 1st ed. | |
131 | Ueber die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitaetstheorie : gemeinverstaendlich | Einstein, Albert | 1921 | 12th ed. |