Associate Professor
Ryoko Toyama (2001-)
Bachelor and Master degrees in commerce from Hitotsubashi University (1987,1989), Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Michigan (1997)

<Professional Career>
Associate, JAIST (1998-2001)

[Japanese/ English ]


International Business, Cooperate Strategy, Technology Management

Research Interests

My research interest is in how a firm manages its technologies and innovation process. A firm can build a firm-specific resources that give the firm competitive advantages, and my research is about how a firm can build such resources through its technology strategy. Enspecially, how a firm builds its technological competence by conducting global R&D.

Selected Publications

  • gCatch up of semiconductor latecomers in China.h, Chen, D. C. and Toyama, R., International Journal of Emerging Markets. 1(3). pp.247-261, 2006
  • gKnowledge Creation as a Synthesizing Process.h, Nonaka, Ikujiro and Ryoko Toyama, in Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka eds., Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management. John Wiley & Sons, 2003
  • gThe Knowledge-creating theory revisited: knowledge creation as a synthesizing process.h, Nonaka, Ikujiro and Ryoko Toyama, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1, 1, pp2-10, 2003
  • uŒ¤‹†ŠJ”­‚Ì‘Û‰»v, ‰“ŽR—ºŽq, –ì’†ˆèŽŸ˜Y•Ò’˜AƒCƒmƒx[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“‚ƃxƒ“ƒ`ƒƒ[Šé‹ÆA, ‘æ7Í, pp.203-216. , 2002
  • gA firm as a dialectical being: towards a dynamic theory of a firm.h , Nonaka, Ikujiro and Ryoko Toyama , Industrial and Corporate Change, 11, 5, pp.995-1009, 2002
  • gEmergence of gBah: A Conceptual Framework for Continuous and Self-transcending Process of Knowledge Creation.h , Nonaka, Ikujiro, Noboru Konno, and Ryoko Toyama , Nonaka, I. and T. Nishiguchi (eds.), Knowledge Emergence: Social, Technical, and Evolutionary Dimensions of Knowledge Creation. Oxford University Press. , 2001
  • gFIT and ART: An Integrated IT System for Knowledge Creation.h , Nonaka, Ikujiro, Patrick Reinmoeller, and Ryoko Toyama , In Dierkes, M., A. Antal, J. Child, and I. Nonaka (Eds), Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Oxford University Press. , 2001
  • gA Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation: Understanding the Dynamic Process of Creating Knowledge.h , Nonaka, Ikujiro, Ryoko Toyama, and Phillipe Byosiere , In Dierkes, M., A. Antal, J. Child, and I. Nonaka (Eds), Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge, Oxford University Press. , 2001
  • gA Firm as a Knowledge Creating Entity: A New Perspective on the Theory of the Firm.h, Nonaka, Ikujiro, Ryoko Toyama, and Akiya Nagata, Industrial and Corporate Chang, 9, 1, 1ŒŽ20“ú, 2000

Other Activities

  • The Academy of Management, Member (1992-),
  • The Association of Japanese Business Studies, Member (1995-),
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Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ( JAIST )

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