  1. ホーム
  2. 会議・シンポジウム
  3. セミナー・講演会
  4. 情報科学研究科セミナー
  5. セミナーのお知らせ


For the information in English, please see the bottom of this message.
                       平成 21 年 3 月 17 日 



     情報科学研究科セミナー(第 17 回)の開催について



1.日 時   平成21年3月19日(木)10:30〜12:00

2.場 所   情報科学研究科V棟5階 コラボレーションルーム7

3.講演題目  「3-D Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: Analysis and
Simulation(where medical research and information
science research meet)
4.講 演 者   南フロリダ大学
           教授  Vijay K. Jain 氏

  The interface between medical research and computers is becoming
increasingly important. Familiar examples are computerized tomography
(CT) resulting in 3-D images, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and
computer analysis of DNA chip data. A relatively new and interesting
technique is Fluorescence Molecular Tomography (FMT) in which the
interrogating source resides in the body. Further, unlike the ionizing
X-rays used in CT, the imaging is done in the visible band, which is a
beneficial feature. The limitations are (1) the small depth: light in
the optical range can propagate through tissue for distances only on the
order of multiple centimeters, and (2) high scattering.
Therefore the technique has been primarily applied on small animals
which are often the subject in advanced medical research. The scattering
poses new modeling and computational challenges. This talk presents the
theoretical background, computational techniques needed, and some
simulation results. Professor Y. Inoguchi, JAIST, is collaborating on
this research, aimed specifically on the parallel implementation of the
inverse problem.

Bio-sketch: Vijay Jain received his Ph.D. degree from the Michigan
State University in 1964. He is currently a Distinguished Professor at
the University of South Florida (USF), U.S.A. He has been a faculty
member at USF since 1972 and has held various positions: Associate
Professor in 1972, Professor in 1976, and Distinguished Professor in
1995. His research interests include parallel processing,
interconnection networks, VLSI design, signal and image processing, and
high performance computing. He has served as the Program Chairman or
General Chairman of 11 international conferences.

7.担当教員 情報科学センター
       准教授 井口 寧(内線:1306)

8.問合せ先 総務課共通事務係
       情報科学研究科担当 池田(内線1158)

We would like to inform you about the 17th IS-Seminar as follows.

DATE: March 19, 2009 10:30-12:00
PLACE: Collaboration Room 7, IS-Building
SUBJECT: 「3-D Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: Analysis and
Simulation(where medical research and information
science research meet)       
SPEAKER: Professor Vijay K. Jain
University of South Florida 
SPEECH: English
REFERENCE: Administrative Services Office (E-mail: is-secr)