- ホーム
- 会議・シンポジウム
- セミナー・講演会
- 情報科学研究科セミナー
- セミナーのお知らせ
For the information in English, please see the bottom of this message.
1.日 時 平成20年11月20日(木)15:30〜17:00
2.場 所 知識科学研究科講義棟 中講義室
3.講演題目 「Distributed Digital Music Archives and Libraries
(DDMAL) Research Project」
4.講 演 者 McGill大学(カナダ)音楽技術科
准教授 藤永 一郎 氏
The main goal of this research project is to develop and evaluate
practices, frameworks, and tools for the design and construction of
worldwide distributed digital music archives and libraries. Over the
last few millennia, humans have amassed an enormous amount of
information and cultural material that is scattered around the world. It
is becoming abundantly clear that the optimal path for acquisition is to
distribute the task of digitizing the wealth of historical and cultural
heritage material that exists in analogue formats, which may include
books, manuscripts, music scores, maps, photographs, videos, analogue
tapes, and phonograph records. In order to achieve this goal, libraries,
museums, and archives throughout the world, large or small, need
well-researched policies, proper guidance, and efficient tools to
digitize their collections and to make them available economically. The
research conducted within the project will address unique and imminent
challenges posed by the digitization and dissemination of music media.
1988年6月 McGill University M.A. Music Theory
1993年9月 Johns Hopkins University Faculty
1997年6月 McGill University Ph.D. Music Technology
2002年9月 McGill University Assistant Professor
2006年9月 McGill University Associate Professor
7.担当教員 情報科学研究科
教授 東条 敏(内線:1201)
8.問合せ先 総務課共通事務係
情報科学研究科担当 出村(内線1147)
We would like to inform you about the 8th IS-Seminar as follows.
DATE: November 20, 2008 15:30-17:00
PLACE: KS Lecture Hall
SUBJECT: "Distributed Digital Music Archives and Libraries (DDMAL)
Research Project"
SPEAKER: Dr. Ichiro Fujinaga,
Associate Professor,
Music Technology Area, Schulich School of Music,
McGill University
SPEECH: Japanese
REFERENCE: Administrative Services Office (E-mail: is-secr)