Workshop Description
The workshop brings together researchers of mathematical logic and its related areas, and would provide a forum for interplay between these areas. This workshop will be held as a part of the JSPS Core-to-Core Program "Mathematical Logic and its Applications", which is led by Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) in cooperation with several institutes both in Japan and abroad. Anyone, not restricted to the members of the project, is welcome to participate.
[09/03/2018] Some slides are available from the
time table.
[03/09/2018] Photos were
uploaded here.
[26/02/2018] A list of participants was uploaded.
[13/02/2018] Abstract booklet was uploaded.
- [08/02/2018] Timetable and a list of contributed talks were uploaded.
- [01/02/2018] Registration deadline was set: 18 February 2018.
- [01/12/2017] Registration was opened.
- [05/11/2017] Abstract submission started.
- [05/11/2017] Our website was newly redesigned.
Kanazawa Tokyu Hotel (5-7 and 9 March), Shiinoki Cultural Complex (8 March), Kanazawa, JAPAN (Google Maps)Scope
Includes (but not limited to) the following topics and their applications:
- Intuitionistic logic
- Type theory
- Proof theory
- Constructive analysis/topology
- Program extraction
- Reverse mathematics
- Computable analysis/topology
- Recursion theory (Computability theory)
- Non-classical logic
- Computational complexity
Program Committee
- Ryota Akiyoshi (Waseda, Japan)
- Josef Berger (LMU München, Germany)
- Makoto Fujiwara (Waseda, Japan)
- Tatsuji Kawai (Padova, Italy)
- Katsuhiko Sano (Hokkaido, Japan)
- Keita Yokoyama (JAIST, Japan)
- Martin Ziegler (KAIST, Korea)
- Ryota Akiyoshi (Waseda, Japan)
- Makoto Fujiwara (Waseda, Japan)
- Tatsuji Kawai (Padova, Italy)
- Takako Nemoto (JAIST, Japan, chair)
- Keita Yokoyama (JAIST, Japan)
- JSPS Core to Core Program "Mathematical Logic and its application"
- CID-Computing with Infinite Data
- SC2-Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation
- JAIST Logic Unit

organizers-jsps2nd[at] information will be uploaded here when it is available.