Contributed Talks
Bruno Bentzen
Cubical type theory and informal type theory -
Stefano Berardi and Makoto Tatsuta
Equivalence of inductive definitions and cyclic proofs under arithmetic -
Shimpei Endo
Spatial semantics and characterization of non-classical logics (to come) -
Ken-Etsu Fujita
Quantitative Analysis of Reduction Length -
Yosuke Fukuda
On a computational interpretation of sequent calculus for modal logic S4 -
Amar Hadzihasanovic
Units without degeneracy, from polycategories to sequent calculi -
Nao Hirokawa
Termination analysis under leftmost outermost strategy -
Takayuki Kihara
Ordinal ranks on the Baire and non-Baire class functions -
Daisuke Kimura and Makoto Tatsuta
Decidability of entailments in separation logic with array and lists -
Ansten Klev
Eta-Equalities in Martin-Lof Type Theory -
Taishi Kurahashi
Normal modal logics and provability predicates -
Tadeusz Litak
Constructive strict implication -
Roussanka Loukanova
Type-theory of acyclic recursion and its calculi -
Samuele Maschio and Maria Emilia Maietti
A predicative variant of the Effective Topos -
Satoru Niki
Subminimal logics and relativistic negation -
Yuki Nishimuta
Relationship between Switchings and Introduction Rules of Multiplicative Connectives -
Shohei Okisaka, Weiguang Peng, Wenjuan Li and Kazuyuki Tanaka
The Eigen-Distribution of Weighted AND-OR Trees -
Fabio Pasquali
Hilbert's epsilon-operator in categorical logic -
Arno Pauly and Hideki Tsuiki
Computable dyadic subbases -
Iosif Petrakis
McShane-Whitney extensions and the Hahn-Banach theorem -
Sam Sanders and Dag Normann
On the mathematical and foundational significance of the uncountable -
Katsuhiko Sano
Strong Completeness and the Finite Model Property for Bi-Intuitionistic Stable Tense Logics -
Masahiko Sato
A common notation system for the lambda calculus and combinatory logic. -
Jon Schneider and Holger Thies
Computational complexity of time-continuous dynamical systems with noise -
Lutz Strassburger
On the Normalization of Combinatorial Proofs for Classical and Intuitionistic Logic -
Nobu-Yuki Suzuki
A remark on predicate extensions of intuitionistic logic -
Makoto Tatsuta, Koji Nakazawa and Daisuke Kimura
Completeness of Cyclic Proofs for Symbolic Heaps -
Chuangjie Xu
A univalent approach to constructive mathematics -
Takeshi Yamazaki
Homological algebra and reverse mathematics
Abstract Submission
Authors are required to prepare abstracts as described below.
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(Authors are required to use Springer LNCS style files. Download them here.) - Page: within 1 page including references
All abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair for mla2018.
* Deadline: 15 December 2017