Shigeki Sagayama's Home Page
Profile Name and Title Shigeki Sagayama , PhD
Expertise Speech Recognition, Synthesis, and Analysis; Signal Processing; Pattern Information Processing; Music Information Processing; hand-written Character Recognition
Affiliation and Position Japan Adavanced Institute of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Information Science,
Professor, Department of Information Processing;
Director, Ingtelligent Information Processing Laboratory
Internet E-mail Address:
Psotal Address Room I-81a, 1-1, Asahi-dai, Tatsu-no-Kuchi, Nomi-gun, Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan
[ Ishikawa Science Park]
Phone and Fax Phone: 0761-51-1225 or 1381 (Lab)
Fax: 0761-51-1149 (Common) or 1380 (8F Facility Room)
Courses Taught Analysis for Information Processing Homeworks, Softwares (inside JAIST)
Genral information Science Homeworks, Softwares (inside JAIST)
Academic Activities Acaddemic Societies IEEE - Signal Processing Society
Information Processing Society of Japan - Special Interest Group of Spoken Language Processing (SIG-SLP) (Co-chair)
Institute of Elecctronic, Information and Electric Engineers of Japan (IEICE)
Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ)
Academic Publications Academic Press - Computer Speech and Language
  • Editorial Board Member
Appendix Computer Programs Self-Learning Softwares for Linear Systems, Fourier Transform, and HMM
MIDI files Some MIDI files for the purpose of testing our music processing research environment

Page created by Shigeki Sagayama, 20 Feb 1999; last update 8 may 1999