紹介記事を準備中です。International School on Rewriting の計算量自動解析に関する講義スライド [A19, F21] が素晴らしい入門資料となっております。そちらをご覧下さい。
- [A19]
- M. Avanzini. Automated Complexity Analysis of Term Rewrite Systems. The 11th International School on Rewriting, 2019.
- [F21]
- C. Fuhs. Automated Complexity Analysis for Term Rewriting. The 12th International School on Rewriting, 2021.
- [HM08]
- N. Hirokawa and G. Moser. Automated Complexity Analysis Based on the Dependency Pair Method. Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, LNAI 5195, pp. 364–379, 2008