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Presentations List


Li イオン電池用有機溶媒下におけるスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜の構造・物性と人工カソード電解質界面への展開
青木健太郎, Athchaya Suwansoontorn, 生田聖也, 原光生 , 宮﨑司, 山本勝宏, 藤優斗, Mayeesha Marium, 是津信行, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
第73回高分子討論会 2024, 9, 26

Predictive modelling of sulfonated polyimides using neural network potentials [Collaboration]
A. Taborosi, K. Aoki, N. Zettsu, M. Koyama, Y. Nagao
第73回高分子討論会 2024, 9, 27

Exploring structural and proton conductivity differences in alkyl sulfonated polyimide through neural network potential molecular dynamics [Collaboration]
A. Taborosi, K. Aoki, N. Zettsu, M. Koyama, Y. Nagao
第73回高分子討論会 2024, 9, 26

長尾祐樹, 青木健太郎, 原光生, 永野修作
第73回高分子討論会 2024, 9, 25-27

長尾 祐樹, Bhardwaj Rahul, 四反田功
2024年 第85回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 2024, 9, 20

青木健太郎, Athchaya Suwansoontorn, 原光生, 山本勝宏, 是津信行, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
2024年 第85回 応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 2024, 9, 20

液晶ランダム共重合体薄膜を用いたヘテロスメクチックラメラ構造の形成とプロトン伝導異方性 [Collaboration]
石﨑裕也, 熊本旺一郎, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作
第73回高分子学会年次大会 2024, 6, 5-7

青木健太郎, Athchaya Suwansoontorn, 生田聖也, 原光生, 宮﨑司, 山本勝宏, 藤優斗, Mayeesha Marium, 是津信行, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
2024年日本液晶学会討論会 2024, 9, 13

アルキルスルホン化ポリイミドのモノマー構造から物性を予測する機械学習モデルの構築 [Collaboration]
安藤瑠海, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹, 金子弘昌
化学工学会第55回秋季大会 2024, 9, 12

Highly Proton-conductive Sulfonated Polyimides with Organized Structure
Y. Nagao, K. Aoki
10th Japan-Italy joint workshop on liquid crystal (JILCW2024) 2024, 9, 4

Y. Nagao
International Conference on Functional Materials and Devices 2024 (ICFMD - 2024) 2024, 8, 6-8

High and multi-step ion conductivity switching by synergetic effect of light-responsive units
K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
45th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2024) 2024, 7, 29-30

Materials and Interfaces: Key Drivers in the Evolution of Fuel Cells and Lithium-Ion Batteries for a Sustainable Energy Future [Keynote]
Y. Nagao
International Conference on Materials and Membranes for Water and Energy (ICMMWE-2024) 2024, 7, 10-12

炭素電極界面におけるNafion薄膜のプロトン伝導度の評価 [Requested]
水素連携研究会 前期研究会 2024, 6, 26-28

アニオン交換薄膜の含水とイオン伝導性 [Requested]
24-1水素・燃料電池材料研究会 2024, 6, 21

分子配向と高分子組織化を基盤とした高イオン伝導材料の開発 [招待講演]
第73回高分子学会年次大会 2024, 6, 5-7

Formation of an Organized Structure and Improved Ion Conductivity of Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films by Organic Solvent Used in Li-ion Battery
K. Aoki, A. Suwansoontorn, M. Hara, N. Zettsu, K. Yamamoto, A. Taborosi, M. Koyama, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
第73回高分子学会年次大会 2024, 6, 5-7

高分子積層膜が形成する2次元ナノ空間での高速プロトン輸送機構 [Collaboration]
松井淳, 坂下鯉久, 加賀谷重浩, 源明誠, Yao Yuze, Suwansoontorn Athchaya, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作
第71回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 2024, 3, 22-25

長尾祐樹, 青木健太郎, Athchaya Suwansoontorn, 原光生, 生田聖也, 宮﨑司, 宮田登, 青木裕之, Attila Taborosi, 古山通久,永野修作,山本勝宏
第71回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 2024, 3, 22-25

Construction of a Light-induced Multi-step Ion Conductivity Switching Material and Elucidation of Its Mechanism
K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
第71回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 2024, 3, 22-25

長尾祐樹, 青木健太郎, 生田聖也, 宮﨑司, 宮田登, 青木裕之, AttilaTaborosi, 古山通久, 永野修作, 山本勝宏
日本化学会第104春季年会(2024) 2024, 3, 18-21

Construction of a Light-induced Multi-step Ion Conductivity Switching Material and Elucidation of Its Mechanism
K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第104春季年会(2024) 2024, 3, 18-21

山口祐樹 , 青木健太郎 , 生田聖也 , 是津信行 , 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第104春季年会(2024) 2024, 3, 18-21

水素社会を見据えたGX研究開発 [Requested]
令和5年度石川県内大学等のDX・GXシーズセミナー 2024, 3, 8


Anisotropic Proton Transport in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films [Collaboration]
Y. Ishizaki, K. Hirata, Y. Nagao, T. Seki, S. Nagano
IUPAC|CHAINS2023 2023, 8, 20-25

ケイ素化合物によって架橋された高分子材料における 水・光協働分解性 [Collaboration]
中川智稀, 正井宏, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹, 寺尾潤
2023年度 第27回 ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム 2023, 11, 10-11

水と光の協働効果により剥離が加速されるジピレニルケイ素架橋接着材料の開発 [Collaboration]
中川智稀, 正井宏, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹, 寺尾潤
日本化学会秋季事業 第13回 CSJ化学フェスタ2023 2023, 10, 17-19

山口祐樹, 青木健太郎, 生田聖也, 長尾祐樹
2023年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2023, 11, 17

Y. Tian, 青木健太郎, 生田聖也, 長尾祐樹
2023年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2023, 11, 17

The Organized Structure of Polymer Electrolytes: Paving a New Path to Energy Storage and Tactile Technology [Keynote]
Y. Nagao
CONCEPT2023 2023, 11, 1-2

Building a Smarter Energy Landscape: Materials Development and Interfacial Ion Transport in Fuel Cells and Lithium-ion Batteries [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Smasys2023 2023, 10, 12

アクリル酸側鎖を有する液晶性高分子薄膜の光配向とプロトン伝導性の制御 [Collaboration]
石崎裕也, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作
第72回高分子討論会 2023, 9, 26-28

弱酸系高分子ナノシート積層体層間における高速2次元プロトン輸送機構解析 [Collaboration]
松井 淳, 坂下鯉久, 加賀谷重浩, 源明誠, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作
第72回高分子討論会 2023, 9, 26-28

⽣⽥聖也, 青木健太郎, 原光生, Marium Mayeesha, 是津信⾏, 長尾祐樹
第72回高分子討論会 2023, 9, 26-28

フルオレンとチオフェン骨格を含むアニオン交換薄膜の含水とイオン伝導性 [Requested]
長尾祐樹, F. Wang
第72回高分子討論会 2023, 9, 26-28

ラメラ構造を利用した高プロトン伝導と輸送制御 [Requested]
第72回高分子討論会 2023, 9, 26-28

Construction of a light-induced high proton conduction switching material and its mechanism
K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
錯体化学会 第73回討論会 2023, 9, 21-23

青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹
第17回分子科学討論会2023 2023, 9, 12-15

高分子電解質薄膜の配向および組織構造と高プロトン伝導性 [Requested]
M&BE新分野開拓研究会 2023, 9, 14

アクリル酸を有する側鎖型液晶高分子薄膜のプロトン伝導異方性 [Collaboration]
石﨑裕也, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作
2023年日本液晶学会討論会 2023, 9, 11

青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹
2023年光化学討論会 2023, 9, 5-7

Characterization of the molecular level structure and interactions of different types of alkyl sulfonated polyimide (ASPI) with universal neural network potential (UNNP) (Collaboration)
A. Taborosi, M. Koyama, Y. Nagao, N. Zettsu
13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023) 2023, 7, 20

Evaluation of the environment of water molecules in lyotropic liquid crystalline polymer electrolytes
Y. Inukai, Y. Ono, K. Aoki, Y. Nagao (alternate presenter)
13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023) 2023, 7, 18-21

OH- transport and hydration properties of anion exchange thin films
Y. Nagao, F. Wang
13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023) 2023, 7, 18-21

Protonic field-effect transistor with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy reveals proton transport mobility in thin film
A. Suwansoontorn, K. Aoki, J. Matsui, Y. Nagao
13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023) 2023, 7, 18-21

Evaluation of the environment of water molecules in lyotropic liquid crystalline polymer electrolytes
Y. Inukai, Y. Ono, K. Aoki, Y. Nagao (alternate presenter)
13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2023, 7, 9-14

Br-/OH- transport and hydration properties of anion exchange thin films
Y. Nagao, F. Wang
13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes 2023, 7, 9-14

プロトン伝導性ポリマーの潜在能力を解き放つ:構造と輸送特性の相関 [Requested]
山形大学 増原研究室 2023, 6, 16

Highly Proton-conductive and Pressure Sensitive Sulfonated Polyimides with Organized Lamellar Structure [Invited]
Y. Nagao
STEPI12 - Polyimides & High Performance Materials 2023, 6, 4-7

大毛瑞貴, 斎藤百々香, 長尾祐樹, 源明誠, 片桐洋史, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 松井淳
第72回高分子学会年次大会 2023, 5, 24-26

中川智稀, 正井宏, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹, 寺尾潤
第72回高分子学会年次大会 2023, 5, 24-26

長尾祐樹, Athchaya Suwansoontorn, ⻘⽊健太郎, 松井淳
第72回高分子学会年次大会 2023, 5, 24-26

Excessive molecular structure and properties determination of different types of Alkyl sulfonated polyimide (ASPI) with universal neural network potential (uNNP) (Collaboration)
A. Taborosi, M. Koyama, Y. Nagao, N. Zettsu
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

Investigation of the proton conductivity switching using metal complex with multi light-responsive units
K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

Mobility of proton conduction in thin films using the electric field effect
Y. Nagao, A. Suwansoontorn, K. Aoki, J. Matsui
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

中川智稀, 正井宏, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹, 寺尾潤
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

犬飼裕也, 小野祐太朗, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

前原日和, Yuze Yao, 青木健太郎, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

生田聖也, 原光生, 青木健太郎, 前原日和, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会 第103春季年会(2023) 2023, 3, 22-25

K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
第70回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 2023, 3, 15-18

Investigation of carboxylic acid deprotonation in electrolyte thin film through protonic field-effect transistor
A. Suwansoontorn, K. Aoki, J. Matsui, Y. Nagao
第70回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 2023, 3, 15-18

Proton transport properties investigation through field-effect transistor (Invited)
A. Suwansoontorn
3rd Symposium of Materials Chemistry Frontiers Research Area 2023, 2, 28

Recent progress on highly ionic conductive materials based on molecular orientation and polymer organization [Invited]
Y. Nagao
China University of Petroleum (East China) 2023, 1, 6


Analysis of Proton Transport in Nafion Thin Film Over Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer Relevant Substrate [Invited]
R. Bhardwaj
JAIST 物質化学フロンティアシンポジウム 2022 2022, 12, 20

光応答性部位の協奏に起因した高いイオン伝導度スイッチング材料の開発 [Invited]
JAIST 物質化学フロンティアシンポジウム 2022 2022, 12, 20

前原日和, Yuze YAO, 長尾祐樹
自然との共感・共生国際シンポジウム 2022, 12, 12-13

Relative humidity dependency of water under different environments in lyotropic liquid crystalline polymer electrolytes
Y. Inukai, Y. Ono, K. Aoki, Y. Nagao
自然との共感・共生国際シンポジウム 2022, 12, 12-13

Analysis of Proton Transportation in Nafion Thin Film Over Fuel Cell Cathode Catalyst Substrates
R. Bhardwaj, I. Shitanda, K. Karan, Y. Nagao
第48回 固体イオニクス討論会 2022, 12, 6-8

Protonic field-effect transistor confirmed by EIS measurement of weak-acid polymer thin film
A. Suwansoontorn, K. Aoki, J. Matsui, Y. Nagao
第48回 固体イオニクス討論会 2022, 12, 6-8

第一回無機・有機・錯体領域横断研究会 2022, 12, 4

Pressure sensitive lyotropic liquid crystal [Invited]
Y. Nagao
International Symposium on Advanced Biomaterials 2022, 11, 24

A Fundamental Study to Explore the Nafion’s Proton Transport in Cathode Catalyst Layer of Hydrogen Fuel Cell
R. Bhardwaj, I. Shitanda, Y. Nagao
13th ISAJ Symposium Frontiers of Materials, Life & Earth Sciences and Beyond 2022, 11, 18

前原 日和, Yuze YAO, 長尾 祐樹
2022年度 北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2022, 11, 11

犬飼 裕也, Yuze Yao, 小野 祐太朗, Agman Gupta, Rahul Bhardwaj, 青木 健太郎, 長尾 祐樹
2022年度 北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2022, 11, 11

Quantitative Analysis of H+ Transportation of Nafion-film on Different Substrate using Planar Inter-Digitated Electrodes
R. Bhardwaj, A. Suwansoontorn, D. Hirose, Y. Takamura, M. Abbaszadehami, K. Karan, Y. Nagao
242nd ECS meeting 2022, 10, 9-13

Influence of Reactant Gases on Ionomer’s Proton Conductivity on Quartz
R. Bhardwaj, I. Shitanda, Y. Nagao
The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022, 9, 20-23

Protonic Field-Effect Transistors (H+-FETs) Measurement of Weak-acid Polymer Thin Film Through Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
A. Suwansoontorn, R. Bhardwaj, D. Hirose, Y. Takamura, Y. Nagao
The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022, 9, 20-23

分子配向と組織構造を利用した高プロトン伝導性高分子薄膜の開発 [Requested]
高分子同友会 勉強会 2022, 9, 13

The effect of lyotropic liquid crystal electrolyte coating on the electrochemical properties of NCM523 cathodes (Collaboration)
M. Marium, Y. Yao, Y. Nagao, N. Zettsu
ECSJ fall meeting 2022 2022, 9, 8-9

石崎裕也, 平田和也, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作
71st Symposium on Macromolecules 2022, 9, 5-7

Hydration and Anion Conductive Properties of Fluorene-Thiophene-Based Anion Exchange Thin Films
F. Wang, Y. Nagao, S. Nagano, M. Hara
71st Symposium on Macromolecules 2022, 9, 5-7

Y. Nagao, F. Wang
71st Symposium on Macromolecules 2022, 9, 5-7

Substrates Dependant Proton Conductivity in Nafion Thin-Film (Invited lecture)
R. Bhardwaj, A. Suwansoontorn, I. Shitanda, Y. Nagao
7th Virtual International Conference on Functional Materials and Devices 2022 (ICFMD2022) 2022, 8, 23-25

Y. Nagao
7th Virtual International Conference on Functional Materials and Devices 2022 (ICFMD2022) 2022, 8, 23-25

OH- Conductivity and Water Uptake of Anion Exchange Thin Films
Y. Nagao, F. Wang, D. Wang
23rd International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI 23) 2022, 7, 17-22

OH- Conductivity and Water Uptake of Anion Exchange Thin Films Under Humidity Control
Y. Nagao, F. Wang, D. Wang
241st ECS Meeting 2022, 5, 30

電極・活物質界面における高分子の 分子配向とプロトン輸送
第2回ハイドロジェノミクス国際シンポジウム 2022, 5, 16-19

The dependence of proton transport route on carboxylic acid density in polymer thin films
A. Suwansoontorn, Y. Nagao, K. Yamamoto, S. Nagano, J. Matsui
The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022, 3, 22-26

Y. Nagao, F. Wang, D. Wang
The 89th ECSJ Spring Meeting 2022, 3, 15-17

Internal and interfacial proton transport of polymer thin film modulated by carboxylic acid functional group concentration
A. Suwansoontorn, Y. Nagao, K. Yamamoto, S. Nagano, J. Matsui
The 89th ECSJ Spring Meeting 2022, 3, 15-17

Palladium Nanoparticles Decorated Reduced Graphene Oxide and Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes catalyst for Alkaline Ascorbic Acid Fuel Cell Application
Md. M. Hasan, N. Endo, Y. Kakihana, M. Higa, Z. Li, Y. Nagao
The 89th ECSJ Spring Meeting 2022, 3, 15-17

Bipolar plates with improved anti-corrosive properties and high conductivity for anion exchange membrane fuel cells
S. Peng, R. Badam, Md. M. Hasan, N. Matsumi, Y. Nagao
The 89th ECSJ Spring Meeting 2022, 3, 15-17


Proton conduction route of carboxylic acid functionalized polymer thin films
A. Suwansoontorn, Y. Nagao, K. Yamamoto, S. Nagano, J. Matsui
21th Chubu Branch Conference of Japan Surface Vacuum Society 2021, 12, 18

Highly conductive bipolar plates with enhanced anti-corrosive property for anion exchange membrane fuel cells
S. Peng, R. Badam, Md. M. Hasan, N. Matsumi, Y. Nagao
21st Chubu Branch Conference of Japan Surface Vacuum Society 2021, 12, 18

Study on nickel deposited bipolar plate for anion exchange membrane fuel cells
S. Peng, R. Badam, Md. M. Hasan, N. Matsumi, Y. Nagao
Material Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021) 2021, 12, 12-17

Interfacial Proton Conductivity and Structure in Polymer Electrolyte Thin Films
Y. Nagao
Material Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021) 2021, 12, 12-17

The weak-acid concentration dependence of proton conduction pathways in styrene-based polymer thin films
A. Suwansoontorn, Y. Nagao, K. Yamamoto, S. Nagano, J. Matsui
70th Polymer Society Hokuriku Branch Research Presentation 2021, 11, 27

Hierarchical palladium nanostructures for ascorbic acid electrooxidation in alkaline condition
Md. M. Hasan, Y. Nagao
2021 Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation 2021, 11, 12

The influence of functionalized carboxylic acid on proton transport pathways in styrene-based polymer thin films (Award given)
A. Suwansoontorn, Y. Nagao, K. Yamamoto, S. Nagano, J. Matsui
2021 Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation 2021, 11, 12

The influence of oligooxyethylene side chains on lyotropic liquid crystal property and proton conductivity in sulfonated polyimide thin film
Y. Yao, M. Liu, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
Student Symposium 2021 of JAIST International Research Center for Silent Voice Sensing (Excellent Core) 2021, 11, 1

Hierarchical metal catalysts for ascorbic acid electrooxidation (Two Awards given)
Md. M. Hasan, Y. Nagao
Student Symposium 2021 of JAIST International Research Center for Silent Voice Sensing (Excellent Core) 2021, 11, 1

Anion conduction and Hydration Properties of Anion Exchange Thin Films (Award given)
F. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Nagao
Student Symposium 2021 of JAIST International Research Center for Silent Voice Sensing (Excellent Core) 2021, 11, 1

Proton conductive side-chain liquid crystalline polymer system and photoalignment [Collaboration]
K. Hirata, W. Fangfang, Y. Nagao, T. Seki, S. Nagano
34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021) 2021, 10, 26-29

Lyotropic liquid crystal property and organized structure in sulfonated polyimide thin films with oligooxyethylene side chains
Y. Yao, M. Liu, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021) 2021, 10, 26-29

OH- Conductivity and Water Uptake of Anion Exchange Ionomer
F. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Nagao
34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021) 2021, 10, 26-29

Highly proton-conductive polymer thin films with organized structure and molecularly oriented structure [Invited]
Y. Nagao
34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021) 2021, 10, 26-29

Hierarchical Metal Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterizations, and Electrocatalysis (Award given)
Md. M. Hasan, Y. Nagao
Nanotechnology Malaysia Annual Symposium (NANOSYM 2021) 2021, 10, 11-13

21-2水素・燃料電池材料研究会 2021, 10, 8

Relations of OH- Conductivity and Water Uptake of Anion Exchange Ionomer
F. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Nagao
Solid State Proton Conductors (SSPC-20) 2021, 9, 27-10/1

High Proton Conductivity in Organized Polymer Structure
Y. Nagao, M. Hara, S. Nagano
Solid State Proton Conductors (SSPC-20) 2021, 9, 27-10/1

サーモトロピック液晶性とプロトン伝導性を両立するアゾベンゼン高分子の調製と光配向 [Collaboration]
平田和也, WANG Fangfang, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広, 永野修作
Japanese Liquid Crystal Conference 2021 2021, 9, 15-17

姚禹澤, LIU Miaomiao, 渡邉隼人, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
Japanese Liquid Crystal Conference 2021 2021, 9, 15-17

Recent progress on highly proton conductive polymer thin films with organized structure and molecularly oriented structure [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Prof. Shanmugam lab seminar at DGIST, Korea 2021, 9, 14

長尾祐樹, 髙倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作
The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 2021, 9, 10-13

Proton conductive mechanism at the interlayer of polymer nanosheet film [Collaboration]
M. Inoue, M. Liu, Y. Nagao, M. Gemmei, T. Miyashita, M. Mitsuishi, J. Matsui
70th Symposium on Macromolecules 2021, 9, 6-8

プロトン伝導性液晶高分子を志向したアゾベンゼンメソゲン-アクリル酸共重合体の液晶構造 [Collaboration]
K. Hirata, K. Suetsugu, F. Wang, Y. Nagao, T. Seki, S. Nagano
70th Symposium on Macromolecules 2021, 9, 6-8

OH- Conduction and Hydration Properties of Anion Exchange Ionomer
F. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Nagao
70th Symposium on Macromolecules 2021, 9, 6-8

Relations of OH- Conductivity and Water Uptake of Anion Exchange Membrane in Thin Film Form
F. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Nagao
The 3rd Symposium on Industrial Science and Technology (SISTEC 2021) 2021, 8, 25-26

Electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid by electroless deposition of silver dendrite nanostructure onto the glassy carbon electrode
Md. M. Hasan, R. H. Rakib, M. A. Hasnat, Y. Nagao
The 3rd Symposium on Industrial Science and Technology (SISTEC 2021) 2021, 8, 25-26

Influence on hydrophilic side chains of sulfonated polyimide thin film on proton conductivity
Y. Yao, M. Liu, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
The 3rd Symposium on Industrial Science and Technology (SISTEC 2021) 2021, 8, 25-26

Y. Nagao
4th International Conference on Science & Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2021) 2021, 7, 19-21

OH- Conductivity and Water Uptake of Anion Exchange Thin Films
F. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Nagao
China University of Petroleum (East China) 2021, 7, 8

Recent molecular design for highly proton-conductive polymers as energy-related materials [Invited]
Y. Nagao
China University of Petroleum (East China) 2021, 7, 8

井上 南, Liu Miaomiao, 長尾 祐樹, 源明 誠, 宮下 徳治, 三ツ石 方也, 松井 淳
第70回高分子学会年次大会 2021, 5, 26


Progress on highly proton-conductive polymer thin films with organized structure and molecularly oriented structure [Invited]
Y. Nagao
China University of Petroleum (East China) 2020, 12, 9

プロトン伝導を示すMOF膜とのヘテロ接合を利用し たプロトンメモリスタの作製(共同研究)
両角尚樹, 芳賀正明, 比留間友亮, 長尾祐樹, 堀毛悟史
第69回高分子討論会 2020, 9, 17

第69回高分子討論会 2020, 9, 16

ソフトマターの設計による電子・イオンのダイナミック制御− Introductory Remarks−
長尾祐樹, 永野修作
第69回高分子討論会 2020, 9, 16

Progress on highly proton-conductive polymer thin films with organized structure and molecularly oriented structure [Keynote]
Y. Nagao


Study on fluorene-based polymer thin film for high anion conduction
D. Wang, Y. Nagao
2019年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2019, 11, 28

Electrochemical oxidation of effective ascorbic acid by self-deposited silver dendrite nanostructure supported onto the glassy carbon electrode
M. M. Hasan, Y. Nagao
2019年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2019, 11, 28

High proton-conductive semi-alicyclic sulfonated polyimide thin film with organized structure
Y. Yao, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
2019年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2019, 11, 28

Design of Cost-Effective Synthesis Sulfonated Porous Organic Polymer for Proton Conductivity
Z. Li, Y. Nagao
2019年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2019, 11, 28

Hydroxide ion conducting fluorene based polymers for fuel cell applications
U. Salma, Y. Nagao
2019年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2019, 11, 28

Photoswitching of Proton Conductivity in Random Copolymers with mesogenic azobenzene and Acrylic acid side-chains [Collaboration]
S. Nagano, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, T. Seki, Y. Nagao
29th Anuual Meeting of MRS-J 2019, 11, 28

High proton conduction in sulfonated semialiphatic polyimide thin films
Y. Nagao, Y. Yao, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano
29th Anuual Meeting of MRS-J 2019, 11, 28

Semi-alicyclic sulfonated polyimide thin film with organized structure for high proton conductive electrolyte
Y. Yao, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
27th Japan Polyimides & Aromatic Polymers Conference 2019, 11, 15

Lyotropic liquid crystal property and organized structure in high proton-conductive semi-alicyclic sulfonated polyimide thin films
Y. Yao, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
International Student Workshop on Aromatic Functional Polymers 2019, 11, 14

High Proton Conduction and Organized Structure in Polymer Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
2019 International Conference on Nanospace Materials 2019, 10, 1-4

A polyfluorene polymer containing imidazolium cationic groups for anion exchange membrane fuel cells
U. Salma, Y. Nagao
68th Symposium on Macromolecules 2019, 9, 25-27

Designing Covalent Organic Frameworks with Tunable Luminescence Properties
Z. Li, Y. Nagao, D. Jiang
68th Symposium on Macromolecules 2019, 9, 25-27

Organized structure and high proton conduction in sulfonated polyimide thin films [Requested]
Y. Nagao, T. Honbo, Y. Ono, M. Hara, S. Nagano
68th Symposium on Macromolecules 2019, 9, 25-27

Lyotropic liquid crystal property and organized structure in high proton-conductive semi-alicyclic sulfonated polyimide thin films (Poster Prize)
Y. Yao, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
68th Symposium on Macromolecules 2019, 9, 25-27

Proton Conductivity and Oriented Structure of Nafion Thin Films on the Au-deposited Surface and MgO Substrate
A. Suwansoontorn, A. Enta, Y. Nagao
68th Symposium on Macromolecules 2019, 9, 25-27

Influence of humidity for the Layer-by-layer film growth of MOFs
Y. Nagao, Y. Matsuzawa, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano
The 69th Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry 2019, 9, 23

Y. Yao, H. Watanabe, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
2019年日本液晶学会討論会 2019, 9, 4

組織構造を有する高分子薄膜の構造と高プロトン伝導性 [Invited]
第23回液晶化学研究会シンポジウム 2019, 7, 27

Enhancing proton conductivity of sodium alginate doped with glycolic acid in biodegradable polymer electrolytes system [Collaboration]
A. F. Fuzlin, Y. Nagao, A. S. Samsudin
15th International Conference on Functional Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM 2019) 2019, 6, 19

Evaluation on proton (H+) transport properties of hybrid polymer electrolyte based CMC/PVA doped NH4NO3 [Collaboration]
M. A. Saadiah, Y. Nagao, A. S. Samsudin
15th International Conference on Functional Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM 2019) 2019, 6, 19

Structure and high proton conduction in organized polymer thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
China University of Petroleum (East China) 2019, 4, 25

Designing Covalent Organic Frameworks for Light emitting and Anion Sensing
Z. Li, Y. Nagao, D. Jiang
The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting 2019, 3, 16-19

Designing Stable Covalent Organic Frameworks for Proton Conduction
S. Tao, Y. Nagao, D. Jiang
The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting 2019, 3, 16-19

Influence of humidity for the Layer-by-layer film growth of MOFs
T. Matsuzawa, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting 2019, 3, 16-19

Effect of alkyl side chain lengths on organized structure and proton transport in sulfonated polyimide thin films
T. Honbo, Y. Ono, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting 2019, 3, 16-19

Investigation of interfacial structure and proton conductivity of the Nafion thin film on the Au-deposited surface
A. Enta, Y. Ono, Y. Nagao
The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting 2019, 3, 16-19

Influence of organized structure and high proton conduction by hydrophobic group introduction in sulfonated polyimide thin films
Y. Nagao, T. Tanaka, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano
The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting 2019, 3, 16-19

Electro-catalytic Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid by Ag Nanoparticles Supported on Glassy Carbon Electrode
MD. M. Hasan, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019 2019, 3, 7

Characterization of high proton-conductive semi-alicyclic sulfonated polyimide thin films
Y. Yao, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019 2019, 3, 7

Positive effects of modified quartz substrates on proton transport in Nafion thin films
A. Suwansoontorn, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019 2019, 3, 7

Influence of alkyl side chain lengths on organized structure and proton conductivity in sulfonated polyimide thin films
T. Honbo, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019 2019, 3, 7

Influence of humidity for the MOFs film synthesized by Layer-by-layer method
T. Matsuzawa, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Advanced Science 2019 2019, 3, 7

Recent progress of researches on proton conductive polymer thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
The 4th Malaysia-Japan Joint Symposium on Nanoelectronics 2019 2019, 3, 4

Structure and high proton conduction in organized polymer thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Prof. Hiroshi Kitagawa lab, Kyoto Univ. 2019, 2, 26

組織構造を有する高分子薄膜の構造と高プロトン伝導性 [Requested]
18-2 高分子学会 超分子研究会 2019, 1, 25

Proton conductivity and oriented structure of polymer thin films on substrates [Invited]
Y. Nagao
International Intercollegiate Workshop on Advanced Chemical Science and Engineering 2019 (Taiwan) 2019, 1, 7-8


界面を用いた高分子の高プロトン伝導化 [Requested]
表面技術協会関東支部95回講演会 2018, 12, 21

Effect of alkyl chain lengths on high proton conductive polyimide thin films
T. Honbo, Y. Ono, Y. Nagao
第28回日本MRS年次大会 2018, 12, 18-20

Influence of humidity on MOFs synthesis using Layer-by-Layer method
T. Matsuzawa, Y. Nagao
第28回日本MRS年次大会 2018, 12, 18-20

松澤俊孝, 長尾祐樹
平成30年度 北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2018, 11, 30

本保徹也, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
平成30年度 北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2018, 11, 30

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films by Molecular Orientation and Organized Structure [Keynote]
Y. Nagao
The 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Minerals & Environment (RAMM) 2018 2018, 11, 27-29

PCETを示すRu錯体とプロトン伝導性ポリマーのヘテロ接合系での電気化学特性とその応用 [Collaboration]
比留間友亮, 長尾祐樹, 芳賀正明
第64回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 2018, 11, 22-23

松澤俊孝, 長尾祐樹
平成30年度高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会 2018, 11, 17-18

本保徹也, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
平成30年度高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会 2018, 11, 17-18

松澤俊孝, 長尾祐樹
平成30年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2018, 11, 16

本保徹也, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
平成30年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2018, 11, 16

本保徹也, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
第26回日本ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議 2018, 10, 13

光応答性液晶基とアクリル酸のランダム共重合体が形成するスメクチック相の配向制御とプロトン伝導度 [Collaboration]
末次輝太, 後藤崚介, 長尾祐樹, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広
2018年 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2018, 9, 18-21

長尾祐樹, 小野祐太朗, 髙倉健作, 後藤崚介, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆
2018年 第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2018, 9, 18-21

長尾祐樹, 髙倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆
第67回高分子討論会 2018, 9, 12-14

Study on molecular orientation in polymer electrolyte thin films by IR pMAIRS
Y. Nagao
2018 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2018) 2018, 9, 4-7

高プロトン伝導性スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜の研究における液晶性との出会い [Requested]
2018年日本液晶学会討論会・液晶交流会 2018, 9, 3

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films by Molecular Orientation and Organized Structure [Invited]
Y. Nagao
First International Conference on 4D Materials and Systems (4DMS) 2018, 8, 26-30

Synthesis of ion-conductive and vapoluminescent porous coordination polymers composed of phosphonate-functionalized Ru(II) metalloligand [Collaboration]
K. Shimizu, A. Kobayashi, Y. Nagao, M. Yoshida, M. Kato
43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry 2018, 7, 30-8/4

ホスホン酸基含有ルテニウム錯体配位子から成る多孔性配位高分子の二段階水蒸気応答型発光とプロトン伝導 [Collaboration]
K. Shimizu, A. Kobayashi, Y. Nagao, M. Yoshida, M. Kato
錯体化学会 第68回討論会 2018, 7, 28-30

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films by Organized Structure
Y. Nagao
2018 Fuel Cells Gordon Research Conference 2018, 7, 29-8/3

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films by Molecular Orientation and Organized Structure
Y. Nagao
16th International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes (ISPE-16) 2018, 6, 24-29

カテコール含有トリブロック共重合体の合成と機能化 [Collaboration]
藪浩, 込山英秋, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
第67回高分子学会年次大会 2018, 5, 23-25

pMAIRSを用いた燃料電池電極界面の高プロトン伝導性高分子の研究 [Invited]
第65回 応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 2018, 3, 17-20

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018 2018, 3, 5

Synthesis of organized anion conducting polyimide thin film
T. Honbo, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018 2018, 3, 6

Influence of Semi-aliphatic Main Chain for High Proton Conductivity in Alkyl Sulfonated Organized Polyimide Thin Films
K. Takakura, Y. Ono, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018 2018, 3, 6

Effect of the side chain and backbone structures on high proton conductive polyimide thin films
D. Zhang, U. Salma, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018 2018, 3, 6

Effect of the side chain and backbone structures on high proton conductive polyimide thin films
Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018 2018, 3, 6

Organized structure and proton transport property of the sulfonated random copolyimide
T. Tanaka, Y. Ono, K. Suetsugu, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2018 2018, 3, 6

Synthesis and Characterization of Surface-attached Cross-linked Organic Multilayer Thin Films
Md. Abu Rashed , Y. Nagao
International Conference on Chemical Science & Technology 2018, 2, 24-25


遠田葵, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
第17回 日本表面科学会中部支部 学術講演会 2017, 12, 16

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Colloquium in University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Malaysia 2017, 12, 11

加湿アニール法により両親媒性高分子が形成する一軸配向ラメラ構造を用いた異方イオン伝導 [Collaboration]
江端一輝, 後藤崚介, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 松井淳
第43回固体イオニクス討論会 2017, 12, 5-7

田中鉄平, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆, 長尾祐樹
平成29年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2017, 12, 1

髙倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆, 長尾祐樹
平成29年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2017, 12, 1

Photoactivity Study of Copper-Bridged Porphyrinatocobalt(Ⅱ) Thin Film
Yuan Ni, Nitrathorn Sakvarit, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao
平成29年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2017, 12, 1

松澤俊孝, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
平成29年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2017, 12, 1

Nanofabrication of Porphyrin-based Polyurea Networks on Solid Surface
S. M. Nizam Uddin, Yuki Nagao
平成29年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2017, 12, 1

pMAIRSによる高プロトン伝導性高分子薄膜内の配向同定 [Requested]
第2回pMAIRSワークショップ 2017, 11, 22

田中鉄平, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆, 長尾祐樹
平成29年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2017, 11, 17

髙倉健作, 小野祐太朗, 末次輝太, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆, 長尾祐樹
平成29年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2017, 11, 17

遠田葵, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
平成29年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2017, 11, 17

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Colloquium in National Chiao Tung University (国立交通大学), Taiwan 2017, 10, 27

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Polymer Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Colloquium in National Cheng Kung University (國立成功大學), Taiwan 2017, 10, 26

Interfacial Molecular Structure and Proton Transport Characteristics of Polymer Thin Films for Fuel Cells [Invited]
Y. Nagao
SCIX2017 2017, 10, 8-13

Polymer Interface and Proton Conduction [Requested]
Y. Nagao
JSPS191 meeting 2017, 9, 29

加湿アニール法を用いた両親媒性高分子の高配向ラメラ構造膜とその異方イオン伝導 [Collaboration]
江端一輝, 後藤崚介, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 松井淳
第66回高分子討論会 2017, 9, 20-22

ラメラ構造を有するスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜のプロトン伝導性 [Requested]
長尾祐樹, Karthik Krishnan, 小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆
第66回高分子討論会 2017, 9, 20-22

スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における側鎖構造のプロトン伝導性への影響 [Requested]
小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆, 長尾祐樹
第66回高分子討論会 2017, 9, 20-22

高プロトン伝導性高分子薄膜 [Requested]
Y. Nagao
第30回秋季シンポジウム - 日本セラミックス協会 2017, 9, 19-21

スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜の組織構造規則性・周期性が 高プロトン伝導性へ与える影響
長尾祐樹, Karthik Krishnan, 小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆
第78回応用物理学会 秋季学術講演会 2017, 9, 5-8

Proton transport property in semi-aliphatic and aromatic sulfonated polyimide
K. Takakura, Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
KJF-ICOMEP2017 2017, 8, 30-9/2

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao, S. Nagano
KJF-ICOMEP2017 2017, 8, 30-9/2

Proton transport properties in organized polymer thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
6th International Conference on Functional Materials & Devices 2017 2017, 8, 15-18

組織構造化する高プロトン伝導性高分子薄膜 [Requested]
Y. Nagao, S. Nagano
17-1高分子基礎物性研究会 2017, 7, 10

Proton transport properties in organized polymer thin films
Y. Nagao, Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe
9th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics(M&BE9) 2017, 6, 26-28

Proton transport properties in organized thin films
Y. Nagao, Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano
21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics 2017, 6, 18-23

長尾祐樹, Karthik Krishnan, 小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆
第66回高分子学会年次大会 2017, 5, 29-31

Fabrication of Porphyrin‐Based Polyurea Networks by Solution‐Based Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD) Technique
S. M. N. Uddin, Y. Nagao
第66回高分子学会年次大会 2017, 5, 29-31

江端一輝, 橋本侑宜, 後藤崚介, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 松井淳
第66回高分子学会年次大会 2017, 5, 29-31

Polymer Interface and Proton Conduction [Requested]
Y. Nagao
Colloquium in The University of Tokyo 2017, 5, 26

Effect of Plasma Treatment for Removing Aliphatic Contaminants by Infrared Spectroscopy on MgO(100) and Quartz Substrates
Y. Nagao
2017 5th International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration 2017, 5, 16-18

Investigation of Surface Effect on Cross-linked Organic Multilayer Thin Films
Md. Abu Rashed , Y. Nagao
38th Annual Conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society 2017, 3, 31

Y. Nagao, Y. Ono
電気化学会第84回大会 2017, 3, 27

Ion Conductivity Membrane Composed of Poly(N-alkylacrylamide) Lamellar Formation [Collaboration]
江端一輝, 後藤崚介, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 松井淳
日本化学会第97春季年会 2017, 3, 15-19

Study of relationship between the water uptake and organized structure in sulfonated polyimide thin film
Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第97春季年会 2017, 3, 15-19

Proton transport properties in organized polymer thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2017 2017, 3, 7

Synthesis and characterization of porphyrin-based polyurea thin films by molecular layer deposition technique
S. M. N. Uddin, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2017 2017, 3, 7

Synthesis of the sulfonated random copolyimide
T. Tanaka, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2017 2017, 3, 7

Synthesis of Sulfonated Semi-Aromatic Polyimide
K. Takakura, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2017 2017, 3, 7


小野祐太朗, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 安部隆, 長尾祐樹
第24回ポリイミド・芳香族系高分子会議 2016, 12, 8

Highly proton conductive materials [Invited]
Y. Nagao
Membership workshop on Institute for Advanced micro-system integration 2016, 11, 22

Water stimulated lamellar structure formation in poly(N-alkylacrylamide) [Collaboration]
江端一輝, 橋本侑宜, 後藤崚介, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 松井淳
第25回ポリマー材料フォーラム 2016, 11, 10-11

Liquid crystalline structure and proton transport in sulfonated polyimide thin film (Poster Award)
Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagao, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
2nd International Symposium on Center of Excellence for Innovative Material Sciences Based on Supramolecules 2016, 10, 26-27

Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Coordination Network Thin Films by Surface-Induced Assembly (SIA) Approach
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
2nd International Symposium on Center of Excellence for Innovative Material Sciences Based on Supramolecules 2016, 10, 26-27

加湿アニールによるpoly(N-dodecyl acrylamide)のラメラ構造化機構 [Collaboration]
橋本侑宜, 後藤崚介, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 松井淳
第65回高分子討論会 2016, 9, 14-16

poly(N-alkylacrylamide)が水中で形成するラメラ構造の解析とイオニクス材料への展開 [Collaboration]
江端一輝, 後藤崚介, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 松井淳
第65回高分子討論会 2016, 9, 14-16

アゾベンゼンメソゲンとスルホ基を側鎖に持つランダム共重合体のスメクチック相とラメラ構造 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作, 関隆広
第65回高分子討論会 2016, 9, 14-16

組織構造を利用した高プロトン伝導性ポリイミド薄膜 [Requested]
Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, T. Abe, Y. Nagao
第65回高分子討論会 2016, 9, 14-16

Multilayer Thin Film of Porphyrin Coordination Networks by Surface-Induced Assembly (SIA) approach
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
錯体化学会第66回討論会 2016, 9, 10-12

Proton transport property in organized polyimide thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
The 8th International Conference On Technological Advances Of Thin Films and Surface Coatings 2016, 7, 12-15

アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド主鎖一軸配向膜のライオトロピック液晶構造解析 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作
平成28年度繊維学会年次大会 2016, 6, 8-10

赤外MAIRSを用いた燃料電池材料の研究 [Requested]
Y. Nagao
第5回分光イノベーション研究会 2016, 5, 26-27

Poly(N-alkylacrylamide)の水環境下における一軸配向ラメ ラ構造形成に対するアルキル側鎖依存性 [Collaboration]
江端一輝, 橋本侑宜, 佐藤琢磨, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 松井淳
第65回高分子学会年次大会 2016, 5, 25-27

水が誘起するpoly(N-dodecyl acrylamide)の均一ラメラ構造形成 [Collaboration]
橋本侑宜, 佐藤琢磨, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也, 松井淳
第65回高分子学会年次大会 2016, 5, 25-27

K. Murata, Y. Ono, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

Proton transport property and molecular structure in organized sulfonated polyimides
Y. Ono, S. Tsuyuki, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

Synthesis and Characterization of Ultrathin Films of 3-D Molecular Networks through Molecular Layer Deposition
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

T. Iso, M. Noro, R. Goto, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

T. Kita, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

Effect of Heat Treatment on Co(II)TAPP-Based Surface Nanostructure for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
S. M. N. Uddin, B. Lamlua, T. Ohyama, S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

Oriented Multilayer Nanofilm of Metal-Organic Coordination Network based on Porphyrin Architecture
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第96春季年会(2016) 2016, 3, 24-27

P3HT/PCBM 積層型太陽電池の素子特性に及ぼすチオフェン環の配向角度の影響 [Collaboration]
伊東嶺, 小野祐太朗, 酒井平祐, 長尾祐樹, 村田英幸
第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2016, 3, 19-22

アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド主鎖一軸配向膜の吸湿により発現する液晶構造解析 [Collaboration]
R. Goto, M. Hara, Y. Nagao, S. Nagano
第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2016, 3, 19-22

Synthesis of Multilayer Organic Thin Film with Variable Densities by Layer-by-Layer (LbL) Deposition Technique
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition 2016, 3, 13-17

Synthesis of Cross-linked Polyurea Thin Film Using Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD) Technique
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials 2016, 3, 7-8

Proton transport in Organized Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials 2016, 3, 7-8

Positive effect of heat treatment on the electrocatalytic activity of Porphyrin-based nanostructure
S. M. N. Uddin, B. Lamlua, T. Ohyama, S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials 2016, 3, 4-5

Organized structure and proton transport property in sulfonated polyimide thin films
Y. Ono, R. Goto, M Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials 2016, 3, 4-5

Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Coordination Network Thin Films via Layer-by-Layer Approach
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
IISc-JAIST Joint Workshop on Functional Inorganic and Organic Materials 2016, 3, 4-5

Proton transport in Organized Polyimide Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
The 3rd International Symposium for Green-Innovation Polymers (GRIP2016) 2016, 3, 4-7

Proton transport in Organized Thin Films [Requested]
Y. Nagao
The 3rd CMS International Symposium 2016, 1, 22


水を取り込むと構造化する燃料電池膜の研究 [Requested]
表面分析セミナー 2015, 12, 17

Proton transport property at Nafion-Pt interface
Y. Ono, Y. Nagao
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

Layer-by-layer growth of 3D covalent bonded networks via spontaneous urea coupling reaction
S. Laokroekkiat, M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

Fabrication of nanoscale thin film using porphyrin-based SURMOFs concept
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

Hierarchical liquid crystalline structure and ordering in sulfonated polyimide high proton-conductive films [Collaboration]
S. Nagano, M. Hara, R. Goto, Y. Nagao
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

Suppression of Coffee-stain for Nafion thin Film by Ethanol Vapor Treatment
Y. Ono, Y. Guo, Y. Nagao
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

Proton transport property in organized polyimide thin films
Y. Ono, S. Tsuyuki, M.Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

Enhancement of Proton Transport in an Oriented Polypeptide Thin Film
S. Laokroekkiat, Y. Nagao, J. Matsui, T. Abe, H. Hiramatsu, H. Yamamoto, T. Miyashita
Pacifichem 2015 2015, 12, 15-20

水を取り込むと構造化する燃料電池膜の研究 [Requested]
表面分析セミナー 2015, 12, 14

赤外多角入射分解分光法を用いたラビングしたP3HT薄膜の分子配向性評価 [Collaboration]
伊東嶺, 小野祐太朗, 酒井平祐, 長尾祐樹, 村田英幸
平成27年度応用物理学会 北陸・信越支部学術講演会 2015, 12, 12

Multilayer Growth of Porphyrin-Based Metal-Organic Framework on substrate
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015, 12, 8-10

Synthesis of Polyurea Thin Film with Non-linear Densities Using Sequential Layer Wet Deposition Technique
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015, 12, 8-10

R. Goto, M. Hara, Y. Nagao, S. Nagano
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015, 12, 8-10

Proton Transport Property in Organized Polyimide Thin Films
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015, 12, 8-10

Proton transport property and interface structure at the Nafion-Pt
Y. Ono, Y. Nagao
第25回日本MRS年次大会 2015, 12, 8-10

Fabrication of Covalent-Based Co(II)TAPP Nanostructure by Using Solution-Based Layer-by-layer Technique for ORR Electrocatalyst
S. M. N. Uddin, B. Lamlua, T. Ohyama, S. Laokroekkiat, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
平成27年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2015, 11, 27

Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Multilayer Thin Film on Solid Surface
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
J-SAST 2015 2015, 11, 11

Nanofabrication of Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) thin film on solid surface
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
平成27年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2015, 11, 27

Proton conductivity and liquid crystal structure in alkyl sulfonated polyimides [Collaboration]
R. Goto, M. Hara, Y. Nagao, S. Nagano
19th International Symposium on Advanced Display Materials and Devices 2015, 10, 22-25

Synthesis of Cross-linked Multilayer Organic Thin Film using Wet Layer Deposition Technique
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao*
第64回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会 2015, 11, 14,15

Nanostructure fabrication of Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) thin film
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
第64回高分子学会北陸支部研究発表会 2015, 11, 14,15

Synthesis of Cross-linked Multilayer Organic Thin Film using Wet Layer Deposition Technique
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2015, 11, 13

Nanostructure fabrication of Porphyrin-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) thin film (Poster Award)
S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
平成27年度北陸地区高分子若手研究会 2015, 11, 13

露木新也, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 2015, 10, 13-15

プロセスインテグレーション3研究領域合同第3回公開シンポジウム 2015, 9, 29

Organized Structure and High Proton Conductivity of Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Film
S. Tsuyuki, R. Goto, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
BICON-2015 2015, 9, 22

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Organized Thin Films [Invited, Plenary talk]
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan
BICON-2015 2015, 9, 22

Synthesis of Surface Bound 3-D Organic Network using Layer-by-Layer (LBL) Assembled Technique
M. A. Rashed, S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
錯体化学会第65回討論会 2015, 9, 21-23

小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
第64回高分子討論会 2015, 9, 15-17

加湿アニール法による両親媒性アモルファスポリマーのラメラ構造化 [Collaboration]
橋本侑宜, 佐藤琢磨, 松井淳, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也
第64回高分子討論会 2015, 9, 15-17

Lamellar structure formation in a amorphous amphiphilic polymer by humidity annealing [Collaboration]
橋本侑宜, 佐藤琢磨, 松井淳, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹, 山本俊介, 三ツ石方也
平成27年度化学系学協会東北大会 2015, 9, 12-13

高プロトン伝導性アルキルスルホン化ポリイミドの液晶構造 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
第150回東海高分子夏期合宿 2015, 9, 4

界面組織構造とプロトン輸送の研究 [Invited]
日本化学会電気化学ディビジョン化学電池材料研究会 夏の学校 2015, 8, 31

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Organized Polyimide Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
5th International Conference on Functional Materials & Devices 2015 (ICFMD - 2015) 2015, 8, 4-6

Synthesis of covalent bonded multilayer thin film with non-linear densities
M. A. Rashed, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
5th Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) @ Singapore 2015 2015, 8, 3-5

Modification for uniform surface of Nafion ultra-thin film deposited by inkjet printing
Y. Guo, Y. Nagao
5th Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) @ Singapore 2015 2015, 8, 3-5

Evaluation of Nafion interface structure and proton conductivity at Pt surface
Y. Ono, Y. Nagao
5th Molecular Materials Meeting (M3) @ Singapore 2015 2015, 8, 3-5

燃料電池高性能化のための界面構造とプロトン輸送の研究 [Invited]
次世代電池を切り拓く新材料開発研究会 2015, 7, 24

界面組織構造とプロトン輸送 [Requested]
中央大学 理工学部 応用化学科 2015, 7, 2

Proton transport in organized polyimide thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan, M. Noro, K. Ohno, T. Mizuno, M. Hara, S. Nagano
FiMPART'15 2015, 6, 12-15

Proton transport at Nafion-Pt interface [Requested]
Y. Nagao
International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) 2015, 6, 11

高プロトン伝導性アルキルスルホン化ポリイミドの液晶構造 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作
平成27年度繊維学会年次大会 2015, 6, 10-12

加湿アニール法による両親媒性高分子のラメラ構造化 [Collaboration]
橋本侑宜, 佐藤琢磨, 松井淳, 三ツ石方也, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
第64回高分子学会年次大会 2015, 5, 27-29

アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜のライオトロピック液晶構造とプロトン伝導性の相関 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作
第64回高分子学会年次大会 2015, 5, 27-29

Modification for Uniform Surface of Nafion Ultra-thin film Deposited by Inkjet printing
Y. Guo, Y. Nagao
第64回高分子学会年次大会 2015, 5, 27-29

Fabrication of Covalently Bonded multilayer organic thin film by Molecular Layer deposition
M. A. Rashed, S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
第64回高分子学会年次大会 2015, 5, 27-29

赤外多角入射分解分光法(MAIRS)による燃料電池用プロトン交換膜の構造同定 [Requested]
小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
FT-IR・ラマン ユーザーズフォーラム2015(東京) 2015, 5, 21

赤外多角入射分解分光法(MAIRS)による燃料電池用プロトン交換膜の構造同定 [Requested]
小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
FT-IR・ラマン ユーザーズフォーラム2015(大阪) 2015, 5, 19

アルキルスルホン化ポリイミドにおけるライオトロピック液晶性により誘起された規則構造とプロトン伝導性の相関関係 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作
日本化学会第95春季年会(2015) 2015, 3, 27-30

Fabrication and Evaluation of Nafion Ultra-thin Film by Inkjet Printing
Y. Guo, Y. Nagao
日本化学会第95春季年会(2015) 2015, 3, 27

大野一樹, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第95春季年会(2015) 2015, 3, 29

小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第95春季年会(2015) 2015, 3, 26-29

Proton Conductivity Enhancement in Organized Polyimide Thin Films [Invited]
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan, M. Hara, S. Nagano
ISPlasma2015 / IC-PLANTS2015 2015, 3, 29

アルキルスルホン化ポリイミド薄膜のライオトロピック液晶性により誘起された規則構造とプロトン伝導性の相関 [Collaboration]
後藤崚介, 原光生, 長尾祐樹, 永野修作
2015年 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2015, 3, 11-14

The correlation of the interfacial structure and proton transport properties of Nafion thin film at the Pt interface
Y. Ono, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2015 (JISMS 2015) 2015, 3, 2-3

Layer-by-Layer (LBL) assembled multilayer organic nano-structure at ambient condition
M. A. Rashed, S. Laokroekkiat, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2015 (JISMS 2015) 2015, 3, 2-3

Proton transport property in organized polyimide thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Materials Science 2015 (JISMS 2015) 2015, 3, 2-3


スルホン化ポリイミド薄膜における組織構造とプロトン輸送 [Invited]
第7回バイオナノシステムズ研究会 2014, 12, 18

Proton transport property of organized polyimide
Y. Nagao
University of Malaya 2014, 12, 15

Proton transport property of organized polyimide
Y. Nagao
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 2014, 12, 12

小林大謹, 増島弘顕, 早水裕平, 長尾祐樹
平成26年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2014, 11, 21

大野一樹, 大野慶太, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
平成26年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2014, 11, 21

A novel synthetic approach of Surface attached nano-architecture at ambient condition
Md. Abu Rashed , Salinthip Laokroekkiat, Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Yuki Nagao
平成26年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2014, 11, 21

Metalloporphyrin based multilayer molecular assembly using layer-by-layer technique
Salinthip Laokroekkiat, Tomoyuki Ihara, Takahiro Ohyama, Banjongsak Lamlua, Yuki Nagao
平成26年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2014, 11, 21

Fabrication and Evaluation of Nafion Thin Film by Inkjet Printing
Yanglu Guo, Yuki Nagao
平成26年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2014, 11, 21

小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
平成26年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2014, 11, 21

小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
第40回固体イオニクス討論会 2014, 11, 16-18

長尾祐樹, Karthik Krishnan, 野呂優喜, 大野一樹, 水野佑, 原光生, 永野修作
第40回固体イオニクス討論会 2014, 11, 16-18

大野一樹, 大野慶太, 後藤崚介, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
第4回CSJ化学フェスタ2014 2014, 10, 16

小野祐太朗, 長尾祐樹
第4回CSJ化学フェスタ2014 2014, 10, 16

Multilayer of metalloporphyrin-based coordination network via layer-by-layer assembly for oxygen reduction reaction
S. Laokroekkiat, T. Ihara, T. Ohyama, B. Lamlua, Y. Nagao
MOF 2014 Conference 2014, 9, 28-10/1

永野修作, 岩附紘子, 野呂優喜, Karthik Krishnan, 原光生, 長尾祐樹
第63回高分子討論会 2014, 9, 24-26

Influence of Thin Film Fabrication Process on Structural Properties of Perovskite-Oxide Based Proton Conductors
N. Sata, Y. Shibata, Y. Nagao, K. Nomura, H. Kageyama, F. Iguchi, H. Yugami
17th Solid State Protonic Conductors 2014, 9, 18

Proton transportation property of new polyimide having orientation
Kazuki Ohno, H. Kobayashi, Keita Ohno, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
IUMRS-ICA 2014 2014, 8, 26

Proton Transport Property in oriented thin films
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan, M. Noro, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano
IUMRS-ICA 2014 2014, 8, 26

Large-Scale Crystalline Packing and Enhanced Proton Transport in Molecularly Organized Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films
K. Krishnan, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Automotive Technologies (Energy, Fuel and Plastics) 2014, 8, 5

Proton Transport Property in organized polyimide thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano
JAIST Japan-India Symposium on Automotive Technologies (Energy, Fuel and Plastics) 2014, 8, 4

Proton transport in organized polyimide thin films [Invited]
Y. Nagao, K. Krishnan, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano
Material Architectonics on Sustainable Action (MANA,NIMS&PRESTO,JST) 2014, 7, 18

高分子薄膜における組織構造とプロトン輸送 [Invited]
電子実装工学研究所 会員会 2014, 4, 18

プロトン伝導性ポリマーをチャネルとした FET の作製と評価
小林大謹, 増島弘顕, 早水裕平, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014, 3, 27-30

小野祐太朗, 大山隆宏, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014, 3, 27-30

大野一樹, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014, 3, 27-30

Layer-by-Layer fabrication of surface covalent nanostructure with porphyrin derivatives and 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate
Banjongsak Lamlua, Takahiro Ohyama, Yuki Nagao
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014, 3, 27-30

大山隆宏, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014, 3, 27-30

野呂優喜, 岩附紘子, 原光生, 永野修作, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第94春季年会(2014) 2014, 3, 27-30

Karthik Krishnan, 永野修作, 原光生, 長尾祐樹
分子・物質合成プラットフォーム 平成25年度シンポジウム 2014, 3, 11

スルホン化ポリイミド膜の加湿下の分子組織構造と高プロトン伝導性 [Invited]
長尾祐樹, 永野修作, Karthik Krishnan, 原光生
分子・物質合成プラットフォーム 平成25年度シンポジウム 2014, 3, 11

FIRST国際シンポジウム「『科学技術が拓く2030年』へのシナリオ」 2014, 3, 1

高プロトン伝導ポリイミド膜の加湿下組織構造 [Invited]
長尾祐樹, 永野修作, Karthik Krishnan, 原光生
名古屋大学ナノテクノロジープラットフォーム 第1回合同シンポジウム 2014, 2, 20

Proton Transport in oriented thin films
Y. Nagao, J. Matsui, H. Hiramatsu, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano
4th Molecular Materials Meeting @ Singapore 2014 2014, 1, 14-16


さきがけ「ナノシステムと機能創発」第3期生 研究成果報告会 2013, 12, 20

岩附紘子, 原光生, 永野修作, 関隆広, 野呂優喜, Karthik Krishnan, 長尾祐樹
第23回日本MRS年次大会 2013, 12, 9-11

Fabrication of the oriented Nafion thin film by inkjet printing
Z. Q. Wang, Y. Nagao
第23回日本MRS年次大会 2013, 12, 9-11

Improvement of proton conductivity in structurally oriented thin films of polyimide having alkyl sulfonated side chain
K. Krishnan, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
第23回日本MRS年次大会 2013, 12, 9-11

Proton Transport Property in oriented thin films
Y. Nagao
2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2013, 12, 1-6

Proton transport characteristics in structurally oriented polyimide thin films for fuel cells
K. Krishnan, M. Noro, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano, Y. Nagao
2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2013, 12, 1-6

Proton Transport Property of Oriented Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films
M. Noro, Y. Nagao
2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2013, 12, 1-6

Controlling proton transport property in poly(aspartic acid) thin film
T. Kubo, T. Ozaki, J. Matsui, H. Hiramatsu, H. Iwatsuki, M. Hara, S. Nagano, N. Sata, Y. Nagao
2013 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2013, 12, 1-6

Covalent nanostructure of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(4-amiophenyl)- porphyrin-Co(II) with 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate
Banjongsak Lamlua, Takahiro Ohyama, Yuki Nagao
平成25年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2013, 11, 22

野呂優喜, 長尾祐樹
平成25年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2013, 11, 22

久保隆広, 長尾祐樹
平成25年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2013, 11, 22

大山隆宏, 長尾祐樹
平成25年度北陸地区講演会と研究発表会 2013, 11, 22

次世代燃料電池材料の研究開発 [Invited]
金沢市産学連携ものづくり技術交流塾 先端ものづくり技術交流セミナー(第2回) 2013, 11, 1

Covalent nanostructure of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(4-amiophenyl)- porphyrin-Co(II) with 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate
Banjongsak Lamlua, 大山隆宏, 長尾祐樹
第3回CSJ化学フェスタ2013 2013, 10, 22

野呂優喜, 長尾祐樹
第3回CSJ化学フェスタ2013 2013, 10, 22

大山隆宏, 長尾祐樹
第3回CSJ化学フェスタ2013 2013, 10, 22

久保隆広, 長尾祐樹
第3回CSJ化学フェスタ2013 2013, 10, 22

Covalent nanostructure of porphyrin derivatives with 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate
Banjongsak Lamlua, Takahiro Ohyama, Yuki Nagao
International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013 2013, 10, 18

Relationship between water amount and proton conductivity in Oriented Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films
M. Noro, Y. Nagao
International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2013 2013, 10, 18

プロセスインテグレーションによる次世代ナノシステムの創製 3研究領域合同公開シンポジウム 2013, 10, 17

Highly Proton Conduction in Hydrated Hierarchical Polypeptide Thin Films
Y. Nagao, J. Matsui, M. Hara, H. Iwatsuki, S. Nagano, H. Hiramatsu, T. Miyashita, N. Sata
2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia 2013, 9, 20

側鎖にスルホン基を有する芳香族ポリイミドの組織構造とプロトン伝導性 (won the poster prize)
岩附紘子, 原光生, 永野修作, 野呂優喜, Karthik Krishnan, 長尾祐樹, 関隆広
2013年 日本液晶学会討論会 2013, 9, 8

Proton Transport Property in Oriented Nafion Thin Films
Y. Nagao
7th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS) 2013, 8, 25-30

Proton Transport Property of Polyimide Thin Films on Quartz Substrate
K. Krishnan, Y. Nagao
NIMS Conference 2013 2013, 7, 2

Anomalous Proton Transport Property in Nafion thin films
Y. Nagao
9th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 2013, 6, 16-21

Crystallizatoin Process of Barium and Strontium Zirconates by Pulsed Laser Deposition
N. Sata, Y. Fujiwara, Y. Shibata, Y. Nagao, F. Iguchi, H. Yugami, K. Nomura, H. Kageyama
19th Conference on Solid State Ionics 2013, 6, 6

Proton Conduction Enhancement in Hierarchical Polypeptides
Y. Nagao, T. Kubo, J. Matsui, M. Hara, M. Gemmei-Ide, S. Nagano, H. Hiramatsu, T. Ozaki, T. Miyashita, N. Sata
19th Conference on Solid State Ionics 2013, 6, 6

長尾祐樹, 松井淳, 平松弘嗣, 宮下徳治
第62回高分子学会年次大会 2013, 5, 30

長尾祐樹, 松井淳, 平松弘嗣, 宮下徳治
電気化学会第80回大会 2013, 3, 31

長尾祐樹, 松井淳, 平松弘嗣, 宮下徳治
第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2013, 3, 29

野呂優喜, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第93春季年会(2013) 2013, 3, 22

大山隆宏, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第93春季年会(2013) 2013, 3, 22

久保隆広, 長尾祐樹
日本化学会第93春季年会(2013) 2013, 3, 22

日本化学会第93春季年会(2013) 2013, 3, 22

Proton Conduction Enhancement by Hierarchical Polypeptide [Invited]
Yuki Nagao
JAIST International Symposium on Ionics Materials 2013, 3, 15


久保隆広, 長尾祐樹
第1回日本バイオマテリアル学会北陸若手研究発表会 2012, 12, 25 (金沢)

燃料電池関連技術の動向と課題 [Invited]
砥粒加工学会 平成24年度 第2回見学・講習会 2012, 12, 14 (日産自動車㈱追浜工場)

Enhancement of Proton Transport Properties by an Oriented Structure in Polymer Thin Films
Y. Nagao, J. Matsui, H. Hiramatsu, T. Miyashita
The 9th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2012) 2012, 12, 12 (Kobe)

Proton Transport Enhancement by an Oriented Structure in Polymer Thin Films
Y. Nagao, J. Matsui, T. Miyashita
2012 MRS Fall Meeting 2012, 11, 27 (Boston)

Study of Crystal Growth in Oxide Thin Films Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition
N. Sata, S. Tamura, Y. Fujiwara, Y. Shibata, F. Iguchi, H. Yugami, Y. Nagao, H. Kageyama, K. Nomura
PRiME 2012 2012, 10, 8 (Hawaii)

Enhancement of Proton Transport by a Highly Oriented Structure in Polymer Thin Film
Y. Nagao, J. Matsui, N. Sata, H. Hiramatsu, T. Abe, T. Miyashita
16th international conference of Solid State Protonic Conductors 2012, 9, 13 (Grenoble)

T. Higuchi, F. Iguchi, Y. Nagao, N. Sata, H. Yugami
ACSSI-13 2012, 7, 16-20 (Sendai)

Nanoprotonics in polymer thin films
Y. Nagao
International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists, Conference 2012 2012, 5, 16 (Sendai)

日本化学会第92春季年会 2012, 03, 27 (慶應義塾大学)

奈良先端未来開拓コロキウム「環境課題に挑戦するサステナブル分子科学」 2012, 3, 13