WANG, Chiye ("Performance Engineering on HPC Clusters")
TANG, Bowen ("Energy-efficient Real-time Pitch Correction System via FPGA")
Naoya Yokoyama ("Container Auto-scaling System Using Sliding Window Regression with Fuzzy Entropy")
FY 2022
FAN, Quan ("A Study on Sorting Accelerators for Multi-bit Data")
FY 2021
YUN, Zexin ("A Study on Real-Time Scheduling of Deep Learning Tasks Based on Imprecise Computation Models")
FY 2020
Tetsuo Miyauchi (Ph.D., "A Study on Automatic Generation of Embedded Processors and Real-Time OS Adapted to Applications")
LI, Naqin ("A Study on Multi-Exit Deep Neural Network for Real-time Processing")
CHEN, Yan ("A Study on Optimization of Residual Binarized Neural Network")
LI, Guodong ("A Study on Automatic Generation of ECC Designes")
FY 2019
DOAN, Duy (Ph.D., "Multiprocessor Real-Time Task Scheduling with Local Assignment Algorithm")
Aye Myat Mon ("Study on Real-Time Extension of RISC-V Processors")
FY 2018
TSENG Bo Yu ("A Study of Reducing Jitter and Energy Consumption in Hard Real-Time Systems Using Intra-Task DVFS Techniques")
GUO Jiajun, ("Study on Lightweight Deep Neural Network with Quantization and Ensemble Methods")
Yutaka Nikaido ("Development of Benchmark suite for Evaluating Embedded OS")
FY 2017
Hiroyuki Kobayashi ("Study on Hardware Acceleration on Algorithmic Trading")
KITRUNGROTSAKUL, Yuranan ("Hardware Acceleration of Real-time Image Processing for Vehicle Control")
Makoto Ito ("A Method of Constructing Light-Weight Circuit for Echo State Networks on Embedded Systems")
FY 2016
Wakako Suzuki ("Development of A GUI Analysis Tool to Visualize Real-Time Task Scheduling Simulation")
DOAN, Duy ("Study on Acceleration of Real-Time Task Scheduling")
HOANG, Tuan Anh ("Development of Lint Tool as WEB Service for Verilog HDL Users")
Takaharu Suzuki ("Execution Right Delegation Scheduling Algorithm Using Slack")
LI, Jin ("A Study of Optimization of RTOS for Individual Applications")
FY 2015
Keiichi Morimoto ("Evaluation and Improvement of Adaptive Real-Time Task Scheduling with Real Applications")
Hiroki Kuribayashi ("Construction of Programming Environment to Assist in Developing Highly Maintainable Firmware")
Masaaki Kuwata ("Study on Influence of Instruction Set on Microarchitecture")
Kazuki Hasegawa ("Scheduling Method with Considering RTOS's Overhead Property")
FY 2014
Yoshimune Saito ("Dynamic Cache Partitioning Based on Dead Block Prediction")
Tomohiro Kobayashi ("Study on Way-Specified Cache Reference Techniques by Software Control")
WU, Qiong ("Empirical Study of Adaptive EDF")
Tetsuo Miyauchi ("Building a Configurator to Optimize Soft Processors for FPGA")
LU, Cheng ("Study on Construction of Hardware Design Laboratory Environment")
FY 2013
XIE, Fengxiang ("A Research on Von Neumann Architecture's Optimal Implementation on FPGA")
Kyosuke Tamura ("A Study on a Development Environment of General User Interface for Embedded Systems")
ZHANG, Zhifei ("A Study on Optimal Logic Circuits Combining RTL and Gate-Level Designs")
LY, Luong Cong ("A Study on a Task Scheduling Method for Real-Time Embedded Systems with Heterogeneous Task Sets")
FY 2012
Takayuki Hiroyama ("A Research on Practicality of Methods of Placing Cache Blocks")
Ayumu Wakabayashi ("Study on Scheduling Based on Environmental Adaptation")
YIN, Aotong ("A Study on Practical Real-Time Task Scheduling")
FY 2011
Tadashi Matsushita ("Study of Low Power Consumption by Selecting Large-Scale High-Speed Arithmetic Circuit and Small-Scale Low-Speed Arithmetic Circuit")
LIU, Yuanzhe ("A Study of Tightly-Coupled Memory for Real-Time Processing")
FY 2010
HUH, Younsuk ("Efficient Block Distribution Method for the Hierarchical Cache Systems")
FY 2009
Tomoaki Ukezono (Ph.D., "Study on Dynamic Optimization of Executable Codes by Hardware Analysis Systems")
Motomi Aoki ("Study on Power-Saving JavaVM Using Software Self-Invalidation")
Yasuhito Ito ("Study on Operating Systems Supporting Energy Reduction in Arithmetic Units")
Nobuhiro Sato ("Study on Shared-Cache Partitioning Techniques in Multicore Environment")
FY 2008
Takashi Sasayama ("Study on Binary Executables Construction Methods Based on Static Task Priorities")
Hiroki Zushi ("Study on Embedded OS Supporting Energy Reduction")
Yusuke Manabe ("Study on Energy Reduction of Cache Memories by Dynamic Application of Self-Invalidation")
LE, Kieu Nhu ("Study on Effectiveness of Energy Reduction Techniques for Cache Memories with Data Compression")
FY 2007
Masato Kawahata ("Research on Energy Reduction in Cache Memory Based on Data Reference Behavior")
Shunsuke Kawamura ("Research on Compression Hardware for Energy Reduction in Cache Memory")
Kouhei Hayashi ("Research on Implementation of Embedded Real-Time Database Library")
Junji Yamano ("Research on Application of Software Self-Invalidation for Energy Reduction in Cache Memory")
FY 2006
Tomohisa Ishikawa ("A Study of Load Balanced Real-Time Scheduling on Asymmetric Multiprocessor")
Takahiro Kawahara ("Research on Cache Block Compression Algorithm for Reducing Power Consumption")
Takenori Fujita ("Research on Low Power Consumption of Cache Memory by Self-Invalidation")
Akinori Takeuchi ("Study of Multithread Execution System Using Reconfigurable Highly Functional Memory Controller")
FY 2005
Akira Imai ("Study on DVS Algorithms Utilizing Task Scheduling Information")
Asahito Shioyasu ("A Study of Replacement Policy Based on Time Information in Cache")
Aiko Matsuda ("Study on Energy Reduction of Cache Memories with Data Compression")
FY 2004
Kengo Ueda ("Study on Multithreading Architecture with Processor Context Buffers")
Nobuyuki Shimada ("Study on Implementation of RTOS Cooperating with Speed-Up Mechanisms of Embedded Processors")
Ayahiko Takahashi ("Study on Reconfigurable Cache for Real-Time Data Applications")
Yousuke Nanri ("Study on Performance Improvement Techniques for Generalized Harmonic Analysis on FPGA")
Mitsuru Morita ("A Study of Reducing Cache Misses Using Time Information")
Toshiharu Imai ("A Study of Highly Functional Memory Controller with MAC Engines")
FY 2003
Tadashi Ogino ("A Study of Fast Context Switching Between Register Sets Controlled by RTOS")
Tetsuya Osaki ("Research on Hardware Scheduler in Real-Time Systems")
Satoshi Koshimae ("A Study on Cache Mechanisms Supporting Thread-Level Speculation")
Hisashi Baba ("A Study of Scheduling on Distributed Real-Time Systems")
Tatsuya Yamamoto ("A Study of Wave-Pipelined Arithmetic Unit Using Redundant Binary Representation")
Hiroshi Yoshikane ("Research on Java High Speed Techniques by Lightweight Hardware")
FY 2002
Tomoaki Ukezono ("A Study of TLB Preloading by Using Page Address Prediction")
Kazumichi Kuritani ("Study on Dynamic Scheduling Using Priorities in Real-Time OS")
Tomoharu Fukawa ("Study on Highly Functional Memory Architecture for Main Memory Database")
Toshihide Hagiwara ("A Study of Scalable Directory Scheme for Distributed Shared Memory")
Khairuddin bin Khalid (Implementation of FIFO Buffer Using Reconfigurable Cache Memory)