Takagi Lab at JAIST

Tsubasa Takagi (Associate Professor)


Rsearch Field

Our research field is theoretical computer science. In today's advanced IT society, everyone is using "computers" in the broad sense of the term, such as smartphones and personal computers, to enrich their lives. In our laboratory, we are not just using "computers" as tools, but are conducting research to theoretically re-formulate their mechanisms or to design new ones.

Specifically, we apply mathematical logic, a branch of mathematics, to scientifically explore the functions of programming and the specifications of software and communication protocols. Furthermore, we aim to realize highly reliable software by developing formal verification techniques that mathematically guarantee the correctness of algorithms and programs.


Formal Specification/Verification, Many-sorted Equational Logic, Modal Logic, Dynamic Logic (Hoare Logic), Temporal Logic (Model Checking), Quantum Logic, Universal Algebra, State Transition System, Parallel Computation, Quantum Computation, Quantum Program/Protocol

Research Policy

Rsearch Questions

Student Guidance Policy

For Master's Student For Ph.D. Students


Open Position for Researcher at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

Work content and job description
Survey of literature, writing of papers, conference presentations, and other work necessary to conduct research related to formal verification of quantum computation.
Total Wages
2,992,500 yen (This amount includes statutory employment and workers' compensation insurance premiums, etc)
Working hours
Working hours: 9:00-17:00
Break time: 12:00-13:00
Holidays: Saturdays and Sundays, National holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays, and so on
Ph.D degree in information science or related field
Contract period
FY2025, trial period is available (1 month from the date of employment)
Work location
Ishikawa 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Japan (Takagi Lab)
Number of hired
1 person
Application method
Send CV, list of research achievements, and contact information of the applicant including e-mail address (any format) by e-mail to (Application invitation is open until the position is filled.).
