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Results and discussion

Figure: Relationship between the masker bandwidth and the SNR for the extracted signal $\hat{f}_{1,B}(t)$.

Simulations were carried out according to the above mentioned conditions. The results are shown in Fig. [*], where the vertical and horizontal axes show the improved SNR of the extracted sinusoidal signal $\hat{f}_{1,B}(t)$ and the masker bandwidth, respectively. Moreover, the real line and the error bar show mean and standard deviation of the SNR, respectively. It was found that the SNR for the extracted sinusoidal signal $\hat{f}_{1,B}(t)$ increased as the masker bandwidth increased, independent on the type of masker. In particular, as the masker bandwidth increased up to 1 ERB the masking threshold (SNR) increased as a function and then remained constant. Hence, model B simulates the phenomenon of simultaneous masking, using the output of a single auditory filter.

Masashi Unoki