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Formulation of the problem of segregating two acoustic sources

In this paper, the problem of segregating two acoustic sources is defined as ``the segregation of original signal components from a noise-added signal, where mixed signal is composed of two signals generated by two acoustic sources.''

This problem is formulated as follows.

Firstly, we can observe only the signal f(t):

f(t)=f1(t)+f2(t), (1)

where f1(t) and f2(t) are the original acoustic signals. The observed signal is decomposed into its frequency components by an auditory filterbank as shown in Fig. [*]. Secondly, outputs of the k-th channel, which correspond to f1(t)and f2(t), are assumed to be

 \begin{displaymath}f_1(t): A_k(t)\sin(\omega_k t + \theta_{1k}(t))
\end{displaymath} (2)


 \begin{displaymath}f_2(t): B_k(t)\sin(\omega_k t + \theta_{2k}(t)),
\end{displaymath} (3)

respectively. Here, $\omega_k$ is a center frequency of the auditory filter and $\theta_{1k}(t)$ and $\theta_{2k}(t)$ are input phases of f1(t)and f2(t), respectively. Since the output of the k-th channel Xk(t) is the sum of Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]), then it is represented by

 \begin{displaymath}X_k(t)=S_k(t)\sin(\omega_k t + \phi_k(t)).
\end{displaymath} (4)

  = $\displaystyle \sqrt{A_k^2(t)+2A_k(t)B_k(t)\cos\theta_k(t)+B_k^2(t)}$ (5)

$\displaystyle {\phi_k(t)}$
  = $\displaystyle \arctan\left(\frac{A_k(t)\sin\theta_{1k}(t)+B_k(t)\sin\theta_{2k}(t)}{A_k(t)\
\cos\theta_{1k}(t)+B_k(t)\cos\theta_{2k}(t)}\right),$ (6)

where $\theta_k(t)=\theta_{2k}(t)-\theta_{1k}(t)$ and $\theta_k(t)\not= n\pi, n\in{\bf {Z}}$. Since the amplitude envelope Sk(t) and the input phase are observable and if the input phases $\theta_{1k}(t)$ and $\theta_{2k}(t)$ are determined, the amplitude envelopes Ak(t) and Bk(t) can be determined by

\end{displaymath} (7)


\end{displaymath} (8)

respectively. Finally, for each auditory filter, determining of Ak(t) and Bk(t), f1(t) and f2(t) are reconstructed from Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]) synthesizing each frequency components. Here, $\hat{f}_1(t)$ and $\hat{f}_2(t)$ are the reconstructed f1(t)and f2(t), respectively.

In this paper, the analysis synthesis system (filterbank) as shown in Fig. [*] is constructed using the wavelet transform. We assume that $\theta_{1k}(t)=0$, $\theta_k(t)=\theta_{2k}(t)$, and that f1(t) is an amplitude modulation signal. We also assume that a center frequency of analytic filter matches a center frequency of f1(t), and that f2(t) is a bandpassed random noise which the center frequency is the same as f1(t). We will also consider the problem of segregating two acoustic sources in which the localized f1(t) is added to f2(t).

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Masashi Unoki