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First, simulation of segregation are conducted using 10 mixed signals fM(t). fM(t) is decomposed by a wavelet filterbank, and is then applied to the segregation algorithm as shown in Fig. [*]. Sk(t) and $\phi_k(t)$ are determined as shown in Fig. [*]. Onset time and offset time of f1(t), $T_{\rm {on}}$ and $T_{{\rm {off}}}$, are determined as shown in Fig. [*]. The results of simulation for a sinusoidal signal (m=0) as shown in Fig. [*] are shown in Fig. [*]. From this figure, it can be seen that the proposed method can extract a sinusoidal signal from mixed signal.

Similarly, simulations of segregation are carried out using 10 mixed signals fR(t). The proposed model extracts so little of f1(t) that f2(t)becomes approximately the same as f(t).

When the extracted signal corresponds to 10 mixed signals, the mean value of SNR in the time region is calculated as

\begin{displaymath}{\rm {SNR}}=10\log_{10}\frac{\int_0^T f_i^2(t)dt}{\int_0^T
(f_i(t)-\hat{f}_i(t))^2dt},\qquad i=1,2.
\end{displaymath} (30)

It is shown that in the case of fM(t), the SNR of $\hat{f}_1(t)$ is 12.9 dB (standard deviation 2.58) and the SNR of $\hat{f}_2(t)$ is 10.1 dB (standard deviation 1.58). In the case of fR(t), the SNR of $\hat{f}_1(t)$ is 1.6 dB (standard deviation 1.58) and the SNR of $\hat{f}_2(t)$ is 8.7 dB (standard deviation 0.48). If f(t) can also enhanced using a bandpassed filter (BPF) with a center frequency of 600 Hz and a bandwidth of 23 Hz and if $\hat{f}_1(t)$ is the enhanced signal, the SNR of $\hat{f}_1(t)$ is only 8.1 dB. From these results, it can be stated that the proposed method is superior in improving SNR in comparison with method using BPF. In the case of fM(t), the proposed method can not only extract a sinusoidal signal more accurately than fR(t) but can also a bandpassed noise. While engineering application call for a method of segregating all signals from noisy signals, the proposed method successfully extracts signals by taking advantage of the constraints of ASA (c. f. fM(t)). Note that the above results show of CMR which is as the human auditory phenomenon. To examine this similarity, we will carry out a simulation of CMR in next section by setting the model parameters to the human auditory properties.

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Masashi Unoki