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Estimation of Ck(t) using the Kalman filter

We formulate the problem of estimating Ck(t) by using the Kalman filter.

A complex representation of the output of the kth channel Xk(t) represented by Eq. ([*]) is the wavelet transform given by Eq. ([*]) as follows.

Xk(t) = $\displaystyle S_k(t)e^{j(\omega_k t+\phi_k(t))}$  
  := $\displaystyle \tilde{f}(a,b),\quad a=\alpha^{k-\frac{K}{2}},b=t_m,$ (20)

where $t_m=m/f_s, m=0,1,\cdots,M$. From Eq. ([*]), this is expressed as the sum of the wavelet transforms of f1(t) and f2(t). Hence,

\end{displaymath} (21)


\begin{displaymath}\tilde{f}_1(\alpha^{k-\frac{K}{2}},t_m)=A_k(t_m)e^{(j\omega_k t_m+\theta_{1k}(t))}
\end{displaymath} (22)


\begin{displaymath}\tilde{f}_2(\alpha^{k-\frac{K}{2}},t_m)=B_k(t_m)e^{(j\omega_k t_m+\theta_{2k}(t))}.
\end{displaymath} (23)

On the other hand, from Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]), we obtain the following relation.

Ck(t)=-Ak(t). (24)

Suppose that a displacement of Ck(t) in discrete time tm is represented by

 \begin{displaymath}C_k(t_{m+1})=C_k(t_m)\Delta C_k+w_m,
\end{displaymath} (25)


\begin{displaymath}\Delta C_k=1+\frac{C_k(t_m)-C_k(t_{m-1})}{C_k(t_m)\cdot f_s}.
\end{displaymath} (26)

That is, Ck(tm+1) is represented by Ck(tm) times $\Delta C_k$, and represented-error wm follows a white Gaussian probability process with average 0 and variance $\sigma_w$.

Figure: Basic system of the Kalman filter.
Figure: Segregation algorithm
file=FIGURE/basicmodel.eps,width=0.47 % latex2html id marker 2081
\par \caption{Segregation algorithm}

decompose f(t) into its frequency components using the

wavelet filterbank (wavelet transform) as Eq. ([*]);
for k:=1 to K do
$\theta_{1k}(t)=0$ and $\theta_{k}(t)=\theta_{2k}(t)$;
determine Sk(t) and $\phi_k(t)$ from Lemma 1;
determine onset $T_{k,{\rm{on}}}$ and offset $T_{k,{\rm{off}}}$;
the segregated duration is $T_{k,{\rm{on}}}\leq t \leq T_{k,{\rm{off}}}$;
if Physical constraint 4 or 5 is satisfied ${\bf{then}}$
estimate Ck(t) using the Kalman filter;
determine the interpolated duration;
let I be the number of the interpolated samples;
for i=1 to I do
determine the candidates for Ck(t), which
interpolated by the spline function within
$\hat{C}_k(t_i)-P_k(t_i) \leq C_k(t_i) \leq \hat{C}_k(t_i)+P_k(t_i)$;
determine $\hat\theta_k(t)$ from Eq. ([*]);
determine $\hat{A}_k(t)$ from Eq. ([*]);
determine $\hat{\hat{A}}_k(t)$ from Eq. ([*]);
determine ${\rm{Corr}}(\hat{A}_k(t),\hat{\hat{A}}_k(t))$ from Eq. ([*]);
determine Ck(t) when ${\rm{Corr}}(\hat{A}_k(t),\hat{\hat{A}}_k(t))$
becomes a maximum within the estimated
determine $\theta_k(t)$ from Eq. ([*]);
set Ak(t)=0, Bk(t)=Sk(t) and $\theta_k(t)=\phi_k(t)$;
determine Ak(t) and Bk(t) from Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]);
determine each frequency components of f1(t)
and f2(t) from Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]);
reconstruct $\hat{f}_1(t)$ and $\hat{f}_2(t)$ using the wavelet filterbank
(inverse wavelet transform) from Eqs. ([*]) and ([*]);

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Masashi Unoki