Last modified:
26 June 2013
国際会議(査読あり)2014年度 |
Jessada Karnjana, Masashi Unoki, Pakinee Aimmanee and Chai Wuthiwiwatchai,
"An Audio Watermarking Scheme based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis,"
Proc. 13th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2014),
Taipei, Oct. 2014.
Nhut Minh Ngo and Masashi Unoki,
"Watermarking for Digital Audio based on Adaptive Phase Modulation,"
Proc. 13th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW2014),
Taipei, Oct. 2014.
Shengbei Wang, Masashi Unoki, and Nam Soo Kim,
"Formant Enhancement based Speech Watermarking for Tampering Detection,"
Proc. 15th Annual Conforence of International Speech Communication Association
(Interspeech2014), Singapore, pp. 1366-1370, Sept. 2014.
Shota Morita, Masshi Unoki, Xugang Lu, and Masato Akagi,
"Robust Voice Activity Detection Based on Concept of Modulation Transfer Function
in Noisy Reverberant Environments,"
Proc. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014),
pp. 108-112, Singapore, Sept. 2014.
Shota Morita, Xugang Lu, and Masashi Unoki,
"Signal to noise ratio estimation based on an optimal design of subband voice activity detection,"
Proc. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014), pp. 560-564,
Singapore, Sept. 2014.
Surasak Boonkla, Masashi Unoki, Stanislav S. Makhanov, and Chai Wutiwiwatchai,
"Speech Analysis Method Based on Source-Filter Model Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition
in Log-Spectrum Domain,"
Proc. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2014), pp. 555-559,
Singapore, Sept. 2014.
Wang Shengbei and Masashi Unoki,
"Watermarking of Speech Signals Based on Formant Enhancement,"
Proc. 22nd Europian Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO2014), Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 2014.
Wang Shengbei and Masashi Unoki,
"Hybrid Speech Watermarking based on Formant Enhancement and Cochlear Delay,"
Proc. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing
(IIHMSP2014), pp. 272-275, Kitakyushu, 2014.
Masashi Unoki, Jessada Karnjana, Shengbei Wang, Nhut Minh Ngo, and Ryota Miyauchi,
Proc. The 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21), Beijing, July 2014.
Naushin Nower, Yang Liu, and Masashi Unoki,
"Restoration of Instantaneous Amplitude and Phase using Kalman filter for Speech Enhancement,"
Proc. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2014),
pp.4666-4670, Florence, Italy, May 2014.
2013年度 |
Masaru Ando, Daisuke Morikawa, and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on method of estimating direction of arrival using monaural modulation spectrum,"
Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing
(NCSP14), pp. 477-480, March 2014.
Yasutaka Nishino, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on Linguistic Information Contained in Temporal Amplitude Envelope of Japanese Speech Signals,"
Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing
(NCSP14), pp. 333-336, March 2014.
Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Zhi Zhu, Masashi Unoki, and Naofumi Aoki,
"Study on semi-scramble method for speech signals based on phonemic restoration,"
Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing
(NCSP14), pp. 201-204, March 2014.
Zhi Zhu, Katsuhiko Yamamoto, Masashi Unoki, and Naofumi Aoki,
"Study on scramble method for speech signal by using random-bit shift of quantization,"
Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing
(NCSP14), pp. 109-113, March 2014.
Akikazu Miyazaki, Shota Morita, and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on Blind Method of Estimating Speech Transmission Index from Noisy Reverberant
Proc. 2014 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing
(NCSP14), pp. 105-108, March 2014.
Yang Liu and Masashi Unoki,
"MTF based Kalman filtering with linear prediction for power envelope restoration,"
Proc. ISPACS2013, pp. 198-203, Nov. 2013.
Shengbei Wang and Masashi Unoki,
"Watermarking method for speech signals based on modifications to LSFs,"
Proc. IIHMSP 2013, pp. 283-286, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.
Kiho Cho, Soo Hyun Bae, In Kyu Choi, Nam Soo Kim, and Masashi Unoki,
"Robust Audio Data Hiding Method Based on Phase of Modulated Complex Lapped Transform,"
Proc. IIHMSP2013, pp. 263-266, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.
Kenichiro Miwa and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on Method for Estimating F0 of Steady Complex Tone in Noisy Reverberant Environments,"
Proc. IIHMSP2013, pp. 456-459, Beijing, China, Oct. 2013.
Masashi Unoki, Kyohei Sasaki, Ryota Miyauchi, Masato Akagi, and Nam Soo Kim,
Proc. EUSIPCO2013, CDROM, Marrakech, Morocco, Sept. 2013.
Yasuaki KANAI, Shota MORITA, and Masashi UNOKI,
"Concurrent processing of voice activity detection and noise reduction using empirical mode
decomposition and modulation spectrum analysis,"
Proc. Interspeech2013, pp. 742-746, Lyon France, August 2013.
Masashi Unoki, Tomohiro Ikeda, Kyohei Sasaki, Ryota Miyauchi, Masato Akagi, and Nam Soo Kim,
Proc. ChinaSIP2013, pp. 308-312, July 2013.
Shin Jae Kang, Chang Woo Han, Kang Hyun Lee, Nam Soo Kim, and Masashi Unoki,
Proc. ChinaSIP2013, pp. 313-317, July 2013.
Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on effects of presence of cue-tone on psychophysical tuning curves,"
Proc. Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 050021, pp. 1-6, June 2013. [DOI: 10.1121/1.4799719]
Akira Nishimura, Masashi Unoki, Kazuhiro Kondo, and Akio Ogihara,
"Objective evaluation of sound quality for attacks on robust audio watermarking,"
Proc. Meeting on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 030052, pp. 1-9, June 2013. [DOI: 10.1121/1.4799661]
2012年度 |
Kyohei Sasaki and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on Method of Estimating MTF/STI Using Generalized Room Impulse Response,"
Proc. 2013 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and
Signal Processing (NCSP13), pp. 249-252, March 2013.
Masashi Unoki and Kazushi Nishimoto,
"Improvements to creativity in singing abilities based on perspective of studies on
interaction between speech production and auditory perception,"
Prof. 2012 Seventh International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity
Support Systems (KICSS2012), pp. 157-160, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2012.
Masashi Unoki and Xugang Lu,
"Unified denoising and dereverberation method used in restoration of MTF-based power envelope,"
Proc. ISCSLP2012, pp. 215-219, Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
Yasuaki Kanai and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on robust voice activity detection using empirical mode decomposition and
modulation spectrum analysis,"
Proc. ISCSLP2012, pp. 400-404, Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Shigeki Matsuda, Chiori Hori, Hideki Kashioka,
"Controlling the tradeoff property in regularization framework for noise reduction,"
Proc. ISCSLP2012, pp. 201-205, Hong Kong, Dec. 2012.
Nhut Minh Ngo, Shengbei Wang, and Masashi Unoki,
"Method of Digital-audio Watermarking Based on Cochlear Delay in Sub-bands,"
Proc. ITC-CSCC2012, D-W1-03, Sapporo, July 2012 (CDROM).
Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
"Detection of Tampering in Speech Signals with InaudibleWatermarking Technique,"
Proc. IIHMSP2012, pp. 118-121, Greece, July 2012.
Nhut Minh NGO, Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, and Yoiti Suzuki,
"Data-hiding scheme for digital-audio in amplitude modulation domain,"
Proc. IIHMSP2012, pp. 114-117, Greece, July 2012.
Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
"Effect of presentation of cue tones on active tuning of auditory filters derived
from simultaneous notched-noise masking,"
Proc. ISH2012, July 2012.
2011年度 |
Yasuaki Kanai and Masashi Unoki,
"Study on Robust Voice Activity Detection Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and
Modulation Spectrum Analysis,"
Proc. 2012 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and
Signal Processing (NCSP12), pp. 237-240, March 2012.
Yuta Yano, Ryota Miyauchi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Study on Detectability of Signals by Utilizaing Differences in Their Amplitude Modulation,"
Proc. 2012 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal
Processing (NCSP12), pp. 611-614, March 2012.
Shota Morita, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
"MTF-based sub-band power-envelope restoration for robust speech recognition in noisy
reverberant environments,"
Proc. APSIPA2011, Xi'an, Oct. 2011 (CDROM).
Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
"Reversible Watermarking for Digital Audio Based on Cochlear Delay Characteristics,"
Proc. IIHMSP2011, pp. 314-317, Dalian, China, Oct. 2011.
Masashi Unoki, Xugang Lu, Rico Petrick, Shota Morita, Masato Akagi, and Rudiger Hoffman,
"Voice activity detection in MTF-based power envelope restoration,"
Proc. Interspeech2011, pp. 2609-2612, Florence, Italy, Aug. 2011.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Adaptive regularization framework for robust voice activity detection,"
Proc. Interspeech2011, pp. 2653-2656, Florence, Italy Aug. 2011.
Masashi Unoki, Tomohiro Ikeda, and Masato Akagi,
"Blind Estimation Method of Speech Transmission Index in Room Acoustics,"
Proc. Forum Acusticum 2011, pp. 1973-1978, Aalborg, Denmark June 2011.
2010年度 |
Toshizo Kosugi, Atsushi Haniu, Ryota Miyauchi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Study on suitable-architecture of IIR all-pass filter for digital-audio watermarking
technique based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications, and
Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 135-138, March 2011.
Shota Morita, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Study on MTF-based power envelope restoration in noisy reverberant environment,"
Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and
Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 247-250, March 2011.
Tomohiro Ikeda, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Study on blind estimation of Speech Transmission Index in room acoustics,"
Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and
Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 235-238, March 2011.
Yuta Yano, Ryota Miyauchi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Study on detectability of target signal by utilizing differences between movements
in temporal envelopes of target and background signals,"
Proc. 2011 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and
Signal Processing (NCSP11), pp. 231-234, March 2011.
Trung Nghia Phung, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi,
"Improving Bone-Conducted Speech Restoration in Noisy Environments based on LP Scheme,"
Proc. APSIPA 2010, Tue-PM. ST1.10, Biopolis, Singapore, Dec. 2010.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Functional Approximation in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space for Speech Estimation
in Noisy Environments,"
Proc. APSIPA 2010, pp. 76-81, Biopolis, Singapore, Dec. 2010.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Speech Enhancement as a Functional Approximation and Generalization,"
Proc. ISCSLP 2010 (7th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing 2010),
pp. 18-22, Sun Moon, Taiwan, Dec. 2010.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Regularization in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space for robust voice activity detection,"
Proc. ICSP2010, pp. 585-588, Oct. 2010.
Masashi Unoki, Toshizou Kosugi, Atsushi Haniu, and Ryota Miyauchi,
"Desigh of IIR all-pass filter based on cochlear delay to reduce embedding limitations,"
Proc. IIH-MSP2010 (6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and
Multimedia Signal Processing), pp. 526-529, Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 2010.
Rico Petrick, Thomas Feher, Masashi Unoki, and Rudiger Hoffmann,
"Methods for robust speech recognition in reverberant environments: A comparison,"
Proc. Interspeech2010, pp. 582-585, Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 2010.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Voice activity detection in a regularized reproducing kernel Hilbert space,"
Proc.Interspeech2010, pp. 3086-3089, Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 2010.
Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
"Effects of the presence of cue tone in signal detection varies with relationships
between cue tone and signal frequencies,"
Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, pp. 23-27, Sydney,
Australia, August 2010.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Normalization on subband temporal envelopes for large vocabulary continuous
speech recognition,"
Proc. IASTED SIP2010, 710-058, pp. 7-12, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2010.
2009年度 |
Atsushi Haniu, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki,
"Comparative evaluations of inaudible digital-audio watermarking using objective detection tests,"
Proc. 2010 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP10),
pp. 460-463, March 2010.
Shota Morita, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A study on the IMTF-based filtering on the modulation spectrum of reverberant speech,"
Proc. 2010 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP10),
pp. 265-268 March 2010.
Tomoki Sawaguchi and Masashi Unoki,
"A study on a method of speech signal analysis using the empirical mode decomposition and its applications," Proc. 2010 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear
Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP10), pp. 345-348, March 2010.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Normalization on the modulation spectrum of the subband temporal envelopes for automatic speech
recognition in reverberant environments,"
Proc. 3rd International Universal Communication Symposium, pp. 247-254, Dec. 2009.
Naoki Kuroda, Junfeng Li, Yukio Iwaya, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Effects of spatial cues on detectability of alarm signals in noisy environments,"
Proc. IWPASH2009, P7. Zaou, Japan, Nov. 2009 (CDROM).
Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A psychoacoutically-motivated conceptual model for automatic speech recognition,"
Proc. WESPAC X, Beijing, China, Sept. 2009 (CDROM).
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Subband temporal modulation spectrum normalization for automatic speech recognition in
reverberant environments,"
Proc. Interspeech2009, pp. 2503-2506, Brighton, U.K., Sept. 2009.
Kuniaki Imabeppu, Daiki Hamada, and Masashi Unoki,
"Embedding limitations with audio-watermarking method based on cochlear delay characteristics,"
Proc. IIHMSP2009, pp. 82-85, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 2009.
Masashi Unoki, Yutaka Yamasaki, and Masato Akagi,
"MTF-based power envelope restoration in noisy reverberant environments,"
Proc. EUSIPCO2009, pp. 228-232, Glasgow, U. K., August 2009.
Kota Kinugasa, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"An MTF-based method for restoring bone-conducted speech,"
Proc. SPECOM2009, pp. 199-204, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009.
Shunsuke Kidani and Masashi Unoki,
"The effect of presence of cue-tone on tuning of auditory filter derived from simultaneous masking,"
Proc. 15th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH2009), Salamanca, Spain, June 2009.
Xugang Lu, Shigeki Matsuda, Masashi Unoki, Tohru Shimizu, and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Temporal contrast normalization and edge-preserved smoothing on temporal modulation
structure for robust speech recognition,"
Proc. 2009 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2009),
pp. 4573-4576, Taipei, April 2009.
2008年度 |
Naoki Kuroda, Junfeng Li, Yukio Iwaya, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Effects from spatial cues on detectability of alarm signals in car
environments," Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear
Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09), pp. 45-48, Waikiki, Hawaii,
USA, March 2009.
Kota Kinugasa, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"An MTF-based blind restoration method for improving intelligibility of bone-conducted speech,"
Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09),
pp. 105-108, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
Yutaka Yamasaki and Masashi Unoki,
"A study on the noise suppression method based on the MTF concept,"
Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09),
pp. 157-160, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
Kuniaki Imabeppu, Daiki Hamada, and Masashi Unoki,
"A study on the embedding limitation for an audio watermarking method based on the
cochlear delay characteristics,"
Proc. 2009 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP09),
pp. 625-628, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, March 2009.
Rico Petrick, Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
"Robust Front End Processing for Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments:
Utilization of Speech Characteristics,"
Proc. Interspeech2008, pp. 658-661, Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2008.
Rico Petrick, Masashi Unoki, Anish Mittal, Calros Segura, and Ruediger Hoffmann,
"A Comprehensive Study on the Effects of Room Reverberation on Fundamental Frequency Estimation,"
Proc. Interspeech2008, pp. 131-134, Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2008.
Masashi Unoki and Daiki Hamada,
"Audio watermarking method based on the cochlear delay characteristics,"
Proc. IIHMSP2008, pp. 616-619, August 2008.
Masashi Unoki and Sota Hiramatsu,
"MTF-based method of blind estimation of reverberation time in room acoustics,"
Proc. EUSIPCO2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2008.
Eriko Aiba, Satomi Tanaka, Minoru Tsuzaki, Masashi Unoki
"Effects of temporal synchrony between two sounds on perceptual
unification and its relation to the cochlear delays,"
Proc. ICMPC10, 2AM2-R07, p. 131, CDROM, August 2008.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"An MTF-based blind restoration of temporal power envelopes as a front-end processor for
automatic speech recognition systems in reverberant environments,"
Proc. Acoustics 2008 in Paris, pp. 1419-1424, July 2008.
Masashi Unoki and Sota Hiramatsu,
"Blind estimation method of reverberation time based on concept of modulation transfer function,"
Proc. Acoustics 2008 in Paris, pp. 4489-4494, July 2008.
Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki,
"Nonlinear responses of a nonlinear cochlear model with the function of
an outer hair cell model," Proc. Mechanics of Hearing Workshop 2008,
pp. 314-320, Keele, U.K. July 2008.
Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"An LP-based blind Model for Restoring Bone-conducted Speech,"
Proc. HUT-ICCE2008, pp. 212-217, June 2008.
2007年度 |
Masashi Unoki, Toshihiro Hosorogiya, and Yuichi Ishimoto,
"Comparative evaluations of robust and accurate F0 estimates in
reverberant environments," Proc. 2008 International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2008),pp. 4569-4572
March 2008
Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on blind
model for restoring bone-conducted speech based on linear prediction
scheme," Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits
and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 287-290, Gold Coast, Australia,
March 2008.
Misa Kusaba, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on
detectability of target signal in background noise by utilizing
similarity of temporal envelopes in auditory search," Proc. 2008
RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal
Processing (NCSP08), pp. 13-16, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
Daiki Hamada and Masashi Unoki, "An audio watermarking method
based on the cochlear delay characteristics," Proc. 2008 RISP
International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing
(NCSP08), pp. 495-498, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
Shunsuke Kidani, Ryota Miyauchi, and Masashi Unoki, "An experimental
construction of auditory filterbank to simulate basilar membrane motion,"
Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal
Processing (NCSP08), pp. 471-474, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
Sota Hiramatsu and Masashi Unoki, "A study on the blind estimation
of reverberation time in room acoustics," Proc. 2008 RISP International
workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp.
379-382, Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A speech
recognition method based on the selective sound segregation in
various noisy environments," Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop
on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 168-171,
Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki, "A study on the role of outer
hair cells on the nonlinearity in the cochlear I/O function using
a computational model," Proc. 2008 RISP International workshop on
Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP08), pp. 375-378,
Gold Coast, Australia, March 2008.
Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "The construction of
Large-scale Bone-conducted and Air-conducted Speech databases for
Speech Intelligibility Tests," Proc. Oriental COCOSDA2007, pp. 88-91,
Dec. 2007.
Masashi Unoki and Toshihiro Hosorogiya, "Robust and accurate
F0 estimation for reverberant speech by utilizing complex cepstrum
analysis," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (151th meeting on the acoustical
society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.), Vol. 122,
No. 5, Pt. 2.2, pp. 3021, Dec. 2007.
Yasuki Murakami and Masashi Unoki, "A study on the imput-output
function of a nonlinear cochlear transmission-line model with the
function of an outer hair cells model," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (151th
meeting on the acoustical society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana,
U.S.A.), Vol. 122, No. 5, Pt. 2.2 pp. 3061, Dec. 2007.
Eriko Aiba, Satomi Tanaka, Minoru Tsuzaki, and Masashi Unoki,
"Jodgement of perceptual synchrony between two pulses and its relation
to the cochlear delays," Proc. Fechnerday 2007, pp. 211-214, Dec. 2007.
Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A blind restoration
model for bone-conducted speech based on linear prediction scheme,"
Proc. NOLTA2007, pp. 449-452, Sept. 2007.
Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on a
speech recognition method based on the selective sound segregation in
noisy environment," Proc. NOLTA2007, pp. 445-448, Sept. 2007.
Masashi Unoki and Toshihiro Hosorogiya, "A study on robust and
accurate F0 estimation in reverberant environments by utilizing complex
cepstrum analysis," Proc. XII International Conference Speech and
Computer (SPECOM2007), pp.222-232, Moscow, Russia, Oct. 2007.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "Comparative enaluation
of MTF-based feature extraction for speech recognition in reverberant
environments," Proc. XII International Conference Speech and Computer
(SPECOM2007), pp. 124-133, Moscow, Russia, Oct. 2007.
Hideaki Uchiyama, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Improvement of
detectability of alarm signal in noisy environments by spatial cues,"
Proc. 2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio
and Acoustics (WASPAA2007), pp. 74-77, Mohonk Mountain House, New
Palts, New York, USA, Oct. 2007.
Takeshi Saitou, Masataka Goto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Speech-to-Singing Synthesis: Vocal conversion from speaking voices to
singing voices by controlling acoustic features unique to singing
voices," Proc. 2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing
to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA2007), pp. 215-218, Mohonk Mountain
House, New Palts, New York, USA, Oct. 2007.
Thang tat Vu, Germine Seide, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Method of LP-based blind restoration for improving intelligibility of
bone-conducted speech," Proc. Eurospeech2007, Antwerp, Belgium,
pp. 966-969, Aug. 2007.
Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on a
speech recognition method based on the selective sound segregation in
noisy environment," Proc. JCA2007, P-2-9, Sendai, Japan, June 2007.
Xugang Lu and Masashi Unoki, "A study on restoration methods for
temporal envelope of reverberant speech based on the modulation
transfer function concept," Proc. JCA2007, P-2-11, Sendai, Japan, June
Ying Dongwen, Masashi Unoki, and Jianwu Dang, "A noise reduction
method based on dimension reduction in noise eigenspace,"
Proc. JCA2007, P-2-29, Sendai, Japan, June 2007.
2006年度 |
Xugang Lu and Masashi Unoki, "Dereverberation models for temporal
envelope restoration based on the modulation transfer function
concept," Proc. NCSP07, pp. 394-400, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
Toshihiro Hosorogiya and Masashi Unoki, "A study on the estimation
method of the fundamental frequency from a reverberant speech,"
Proc. NCSP07, pp. 575-578, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
Akiko Minowa, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on physical
conditions for auditory segregation/integration of speech signals based
on auditory scene analysis," Proc. NCSP07, pp. 313-316, Shanghai,
China, March 2007.
Yohei Shibano and Masashi Unoki, "An improved carrier regeneration
process in the MTF-based speech dereverberation method using
instantaneous amplitude and phase," Proc. NCSP07, pp. 221-224,
Shanghai, China, March 2007.
Hideaki Uchiyama, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A study on perception of alarm signal in car environments,"
Proc. NCSP07, pp. 389-392, Shanghai, China, March 2007.
Thang tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on an
LP-based model for restoring bone-conducted speech," Proc.
HUT-ICCE2006, pp. 294-299, Oct. 2006.
Masashi Unoki and Ryota Miyauchi,
"Psychophysical estimates of
cochlear tuning using simultaneous and non-simultaneous masking,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 120, no. 5, Pt. 2 (4th Joint meeting on the
ASA and ASJ, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.), 2aPP18, pp. 3083, Nov. 2006.
Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, Yohei, Shibano, and Masato Akagi,
"Suppression of speech intelligibility loss throught an MTF-based
speech dereverberation method," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 120, no. 5,
Pt. 2 (4th Joint meeting on the ASA and ASJ, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.),
5pAA12, pp. 3360, Nov. 2006.
Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "Analysis of
acoustic features affecting singing-voice perception and its
application to singing-voice synthesis from speaking-voice using
STRAIGHT," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. vol. 120, no. 5, Pt. 2 (4th Joint
meeting on the ASA and ASJ, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.), 1pMU5,
pp. 3029, Nov. 2006.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A robust feature
extraction based on the MTF concept for speech recognition in
reverberant environment," Proc. Interspeech2006 - ICSLP2006,
pp. 2546-2549, Sept. 2006.
Masashi Unoki, Ryota Miyauchi, and Chin-Tuan Tan, "Estimates of
tuning of auditory finter using simultaneous and forward notched-noise
masking," Proc. 14th International Symposium on Hearing (ISH2006),
18-24, Aug. 2006.
Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi, "Refinement of an
MTF-based speech dereverberation method using an optimal inverse-MTF
filter," Proc. SPECOM'2006, pp. 323-326, St. Petersburg, Russia, June
2005年度 |
Thang Tat Vu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "A study on an
LPC-based restoration model for improving the voice-quality of
bone-conducted speech," Proc. NCSP06, pp. 110-113, Hawaii, U.S.A.,
March 2006.
Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "MTF-based sub-band
power envelope restoration in reverberant environment for speech
recognition," Proc. NCSP06, pp. 162-165, Hawaii, U.S.A., March
Josaku Nakanishi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi, "Effect of ITD
and component frequencies on perception of alarm signals in noisy
environment," Proc. NCSP06, pp. 37-40, Hawaii, U.S.A., March
Yoshinari Takeyama, Masashi Unoki, Masato Akagi, and Atsunobu
Kaminuma, "Synthesis of mimic speech sounds uttered in noisy car
environments," Proc. NCSP06, pp. 118-121, Hawaii, U.S.A., March 2006.
Masashi Unoki and Chin-Tuan Tan, "Estimates of auditory filter
shape using simultaneous and forward notched-noise masking,"
Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005, pp. 1497-1502, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.
Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi, "Development of the
MTF-based speech dereverberation method using adaptive time-frequency
division," Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005, pp. 51-56, Budapest, Hungary,
Masashi Unoki, Masaaki Kubo, Atsushi Haniu, and Masato Akagi, "A
model for selective segregation of a target instrument sound from the
mixed sound of various instruments," Proc. Interspeech2005,
pp. 2097-2100, Lisboa 2005.
2004年度 |
Atsushi Haniu, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A study on a speech recognition method based on the selective sound
segregation in noisy environment," Proc. NCSP05, 2005 RISP International
workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, pp. 403-406,
Honolulu, USA, March 2005.
Kenji Kimura, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A study on a bone-conducted speech restoration method with the
modulation filterbank," Proc. NCSP05, 2005 RISP International workshop
on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing, pp. 411-414, Honolulu, USA,
March 2005.
Masato Toi, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Development of adaptive time-frequency divisions and a carrier
reconstruction in the MTF-based speech dereverberation method,"
Proc. NCSP05, 2005 RISP International workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and
Signal Processing, pp. 355-358, Honolulu, USA, March 2005
Takeshi Saitou, Naoya Tsuji, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Analysis of Acoustic Features Affecting "Siging-ness" and its
Application to Siging-Voice Synthesis from Speaking-Voice,"
Proc. ICSLP2004, vol. III, pp. 1929-1932, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 2004.
Masashi Unoki, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi,
"A speech dereverberation method based on the MTF concept using adaptive
time-frequency divisions,"
Proc. EUSIPCO2004, pp. 1689-1692, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2004.
Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Control method of acoustic parameters for singing-voice synthesis,"
Proc. ICA2004, vol. I, pp. 501-504, Mo5.C1.4, Kyoto, Japan, April 2004.
2003年度 |
Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"Development of the F0 control model for singing-voices synthesis,"
Proc. SP2004, pp. 491-494, Nara, Japan, March 2004.
Masashi Unoki, Keigo Sakata, Masato Toi, and Masato Akagi,
"Speech dereverberation based on the concept of the modulation transfer
function," Proc. NCSP2004, pp. 423-426, March 2004.
Roy D. Patterson, Masashi Unoki, Toshio Irino,
"omparison of the compressive-gammachirp and double-roex auditory
filters," Proc. ISH2003, pp. 21-27, France, August 2003.
Masashi Unoki, Masaaki Kubo, and Masato Akagi
"A model for selective segregation of a target instrument sound from the
mixed sound of various instruments"
Proc. ICMC2003, pp. 295-298, Singapore, October 2003.
Masashi Unoki, Keigo Sakata, and Masato Akagi
"A speech dereverberation method based on the MTF concept,"
Proc. EuroSpeech2003, pp. 1417-1420, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003.
Masashi Unoki, Masakazu Furukawa, Keigo Sakata, and Masato Akagi
"A Method based on the MTF concept for dereverberating the power
envelope from the reverberant signal,"
Proc. ICASSP2003, vol. I, pp. 840-843, April 2003.
2002年度以前 |
Masashi Unoki, Masakazu Furukawa, and Masato Akagi
"A method for recovering the power envelope from the reverberant speech
based on MTF,"
Proc. of Forum Acusticum Sevilla 2002, SPA-Gen-002, p. S129, Sevilla,
Spain, Sept. 2002.
Takeshi Saitou, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi
"Extraction of F0 dynamic characteristics and development of F0
control model in singing voice,"
Proc. of ICAD2002, pp. 275-278, Kyoto, Japan, July 2002.
Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A Fundamental Frequency Estimation Method for Noisy Speech Based on
Instantaneous Amplitude and Frequency,"
Proc. of EuroSpeech2001, Aalborg, Denmark, 2439-2442, Sept. 2001.
Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A fundamental frequency estimation method for noisy speech based on
instantaneous amplitude and frequency,"
Proc. of CRAC workshop, Aalborg, Denmark, 2 Sept. 2001.
Yuichi Ishimoto, Masashi Unoki, and Masato Akagi,
"A fundamental frequency estimation method for noisy speech based on
periodicity and harmonicity,"
Proc. of ICASSP2001, SPEECH-SF3.1, USA, May 2001.
Masato Akagi, Mitsunori Mizumachi, Yuichi Ishimoto, and Masashi
"Speech Enhancement and Segregation based on Human Auditory
In Proc. of 2001 International Conference on Information Society in the
21st Century (IS2000), pp. 246-254, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Oct. 2000.
Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
"Segregation of vowel in background noise using the model of segregating
two acoustic sources based on auditory scene analysis,"
In Proc. of CASA'99, pp. 51-60, Stockholm, SWEDEN, August 1999.
Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
"Segregation of vowel in background noise using the model of segregating
two acoustic sources based on auditory scene analysis,"
In Proc. of EuroSpeech'99, vol. 6, pp. 2575-2578, Budapest, Hungary,
Sept. 1999.
Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
"Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal based on Auditory Scene Analysis,"
In Proc. ICSLP'98, vol. 4, pp. 1515-1518, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 1998,
Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
"A Computational Model of Co-modulation Masking Release,"
In Proc. of NATO ASI on Computational Hearing, pp. 129-134, Il Ciocco
Italy, July 1998.
Toshio Irino and Masashi Unoki
"A Time-Varying, Analysis/Synthesis auditory filterbank based on An IIR
Gammachirp filter,"
In Proc. of NATO ASI on Computational Hearing, pp. 205-210, Il Ciocco
Italy, July 1998.
Toshio Irino and Masashi Unoki
In Proc. ICASSP'98, vol. VI, pp. 3653-3656, Seattle, Washington, USA,
May 1998.
Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
"A Method of Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal,"
In Proc. of EuroSpeech'97, vol. 5, pp.2587-2590, Sept. 1997
Masashi Unoki and Masato Akagi
"A Method of Signal Extraction from Noisy Signal based on Auditory Scene Analysis,"
In Proc. of IJCAI-97 Workshop on CASA, pp. 93--102, Nagoya, JAPAN,
August 1997.
Workshop |
L.P. O'Mard, R. Meddis, M. Unoki, and R. D. Patterson
"A DSAM application for evaluating nonlinear filterbank used to simulate
basilar membrane motion,"
Abstract of the 24th Annual Midwinter Research Meeting, Association for
Research in Otolaryngology, p. 257, TradeWinds Islands Resort
St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, USA Feb. 2001.
Toshio Irino, Masashi Unoki, and Roy D. Patterson
"A physiologically motivated gammachirp auditory filterbank,"
British Society of Audiology Short Paper Meeting on Experimental Studies
of Hearing and Deafness, pp. 35-36, Keele University, Staffordshire,
U.K. Sept. 2000.
Masashi Unoki, Takeshi Saitou, and Masato Akagi
"Effect of F0 fluctuations and development of F0 control model in
singing voice perception,"
NATO ASI, Dynamics of Speech Production and Perception in Il Ciocco,
Italy, July 2002.
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Created by M. Unoki, 6 Nov. 2000