Welcome and Introduction
Session 1: Morphological computation in soft haptics
Embodied intelligence in soft tactile sensing
Soft technologies for soft haptics
A soft robotics approach to understand brain’s approaches for embodied haptic information gain
Panel discussion with invited speakers
Session 2: Soft haptic interface
Stiffness-controllable Soft Robotic Systems and Interfaces
Sensory garments with vibrotactile feedback for posture and performance enhancement
Implementing the mind’s eye through small area tactile displays
Break with poster session
Session 2 (continued)
Interaction in soft haptics
Panel discussion with invited speakers
Session 3: Soft haptics in grasping and manipulation
Soft actuators for MR-compatible haptic displays
Anthropomorphic Robot Hand, Grasping and Recognition
Delicate grasping by highly deformable fingertips
Sensing and feedback delivery with soft hands
Panel discussion with invited speakers