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発表論文・著書/List of Publications


International Conference




国際学会/International Society


A. Kitano , T. Yamamoto and Y. Takamura,
The Elemental Analysis by Liquid Electrode Plasma using a Quartz Chip,
22nd International Microprocesses and and Nanotechnology Conference(MNC), Sapporo, 2009.11.16-19

Y. Yokoyama , S. Yamamura , S. Fujiki , Y. Takamura and E. Tamiya,
Development of Micro-Fabrication Technology of Thermal-Responsive Polymer using Photolithography and Nanoimprint Method,
22nd International Microprocesses and and Nanotechnology Conference(MNC), Sapporo, 2009.11.16-19

Y. Tomizawa and Y. Takamura,
Trap Probability Analysis of DNA Trap using Electric and Hydrodrag Force Fields in Taper Shaped Microchannel,
22nd International Microprocesses and and Nanotechnology Conference(MNC), Sapporo, 2009.11.16-19

N.B. Trung , E. Tamiya and Y. Takamura,
Multi- Chamber PCR Device for Accurate Clinical Diagnosis with Liquid Introduction utilizing PDMS Gas Permeability,
22nd International Microprocesses and and Nanotechnology Conference(MNC), Sapporo, 2009.11.16-19

Nguyen Ba Trun, Masato Saito, E. Tamiya, Y. Takamura,
On-Chip Stationary Multi- Chamber PCR Device,
International Symposiun on Mathematical Morphology 2009 & Nano Technology 2009, Ishikawa, 2009.11.7-9

Norimasa Kumagai, Atsushi Kitano, Keiko Nakayama, Tamotsu Yamamoto, Y. Takamura,
High sensitive elemental analysis chip using Liquid Electrode Plasma with solid phase extraction,
International Symposiun on Mathematical Morphology 2009 & Nano Technology 2009, Ishikawa, 2009.11.7-9

Yoshitaka Genko, Nguyen Ba Trung, Tsuyoshi Asahi, Eiichi Tamiya, Yuzuru Takamura,
Automated multi-detection chip for antigen-antibody reaction by LSPR with integrated disposable pneumatic pump,
International Symposiun on Mathematical Morphology 2009 & Nano Technology 2009, Ishikawa, 2009.11.7-9

S.Shiohara , M.Chikae and Y.Takamura,
Cyclic characteristic analysis of GLEIA for high sensitive electrochemical detection,
International Symposiun on Mathematical Morphology 2009 & Nano Technology 2009, Ishikawa, 2009.11.7-9

Takeshi Kumo,Mikiko Kita,Haruo Takabayashi,Tamiya Eiichi,Yuzuru Takamura,
Capture and recovery of fetal nucleated red blood cell by the combination of a micro gap and diaphragm structure,
International Symposiun on Mathematical Morphology 2009 & Nano Technology 2009, Ishikawa, 2009.11.7-9

K. Noma, H. Matsuura, Y. Tomizawa, E. Tamiya, Y. Takamura,
Auto picking up and introducing-mechanism for single cell to microchannel using a modified diaphragm valve aiming automated massively parallel single cell analysis,
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences(Micro TAS 2009), Korea, 2009.11.1-5

M. Banno, E. Tamiya, Y. Takamura,
Determination of trace elements in zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) using liquid electrode plasma optical emission spectrometry (LEP-OES),
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences(Micro TAS 2009), Korea, 2009.11.1-5

S. Furutani, H. Nagai, Y. Takamura, I. Kubo,
High throughput single cell detection by PCR on the centrifugal flow device,
The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences(Micro TAS 2009), Korea, 2009.11.1-5


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