Library News 2011

"JAIST Library News" is published on an irregular basis and provide you with information about Library services and materials.

Dec. 26 Faculty and Staff Holidays from 12/29/2011 to 1/3/2012.
One-day use and issue of the Library User's Card are not available during this period of time.
Dec. 06 Halt of ILL service (Dec.28 - Jan.4)
Nov. 30 Training session for "Web of Science" and "EndNote Web" (December 22)
Nov. 28 The 12th Library Display
The 12th exhibition is on display at the Entrance Hall near the Institution Hall. (The related books are after the security gate.)
This time, the theme is "Life is Good...".
Please stop by at the library.
Nov. 18 Learning Commons is now open and a name wanted for it!
Nov. 9 CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator) was renewed.
For details, please refer to the following URL.

Oct. 21 The following services will be unavailable for statutory inspection of the electrical equipment at NII. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

* CiNii: NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator, KAKEN: Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, JAIRO: Japanese Institutional Repositories Online, NII-DBR: Academic Research Database Repository, GeNii, NII-REO: E-Journal Archive
Unavailable from 15:00 Saturday, November 5 to 9:00 Monday, November 7.

* NACSIS Webcat
Unavailable from 18:00 Saturdy, November 5 to 9:00 Monday, November 7.

Oct. 14 We added a new rare book to our digital collection
Oct. 03 New Database Trial (Accessible from JAIST intranet only)
Sep. 26 New Database Trial (Accessible from JAIST intranet only)
Sep. 20 New Database Trial (Accessible from JAIST intranet only)
Sep. 08 Please note that ScienceDirect will be temporarily unavailable from 20:30 Saturday, 10 September to 7:30 Sunday, 11 September due to scheduled maintenance.
Sep. 06 New Database Trial (Accessible from JAIST intranet only)
Sep. 02 We added a new rare book to our digital collection
Sep. 01 The 11th Library Display
The 11th exhibition is on display at the Entrance Hall near the Institution Hall. (The related books are after the security gate.)
This time, the theme is "Break Time!!".
Please stop by at the library.
Sep. 01 The inventory has been completed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Aug. 29 We added three new rare books to our digital collection
Aug. 10 Binding of Academic Journals has finished. Thank you for your cooperation.
Aug. 02 Restriction on Use of the Library for Inventory (Aug.18 - 31)
Jul. 20 Faculty and Staff Holidays (Aug. 12, 15 and 16)
One-day use and issue of the Library User's Card are not available during this period of time.
Jun. 24 Training session for SciVerse ScienceDirect (July 19)
Jun. 21 SciFinder Training Session (July 6)
Jun. 13 SciFinder Scholar 2007 (Client Ver.) To Be Discontinued

SciFinder Scholar 2007 client version, which required a software download and installation, will be out of service from December 31 30, 2011. From January 1, 2012 December 31, 2011, there will be only web version of SciFinder, so if you are currently using SciFinder via the client version, please register for the web version. (For details of web version, please refer this page.)

Jun. 09 Binding Academic Journals (Jun.9 - Aug.10)
Jun. 01 The 10th Library Display
The 10th exhibition is on display at the Entrance Hall near the Institution Hall. (The related books are after the security gate.)
This time, the theme is "The Origin of JAIST: Passion and Devotion of the First President, Tominaga Keii".
Please stop by at the library.
May 13 Wax application on the corridor of the library will be conducted as follows.
We are sorry that the traffic may be restricted temporarily during this period, but thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Period: May 21-22, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mar. 31 Please note that NIKKEI TELECOM 21 new website is available now and please login from this new login link.

* Contractually, you may not use the NIKKEI TELECOM 21 mobile website.
Mar. 17 Please note that there will be a scheduled blackout from 8:00 to 17:00 on Sunday, March 20 and also, the following library services will be unavailable. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

* Library Homepage
Unavailable from 3:00 to 23:00 on Sunday, March 20.

* JAIST OPAC, All of the "MyLibrary" services
Unavailable from 3:00 Sunday, March 20 to 9:00 Tuesday, March 22.

Mar. 17 ILL Service Delay
Mar. 8 Please note that ScienceDirect will be temporarily unavailable from 16:00 to 18:00 on Sunday, March 13 due to scheduled maintenance.
Mar. 4 Mar./07/2011 The access problem of American Physical Society e-journals has been fixed and the journals are available now.
Please note that American Physical Society e-journals (Physical Review A,B,C,D,E, Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics) are temporarily unavailable as of March 4 11:00am.
We will let you know when this problem is resolved. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Feb. 23 Library Services Temporarily Unavailable Due to the System Replacement(Feb. 25 - Feb. 28)
Feb. 22 Please note that ScienceDirect will be temporarily unavailable from 10:00PM, February 26th to 10:00AM, February 27th. due to scheduled maintenance.
Feb. 16 Please note that JAIST Repository will be temporarily unavailable from 9:00am on Monday, February 21 to 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 23 due to the replacement of the server.
Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Feb. 02 The 9th Library Display
The 9th exhibition is on display at the Library Hall after the security gate. (Some of the displayed books are introduced at the Entrance Hall near the Institution Hall.)
This time, the theme is "Book of the Year 2010".
Please stop by at the library.


Halt of ILL service

ILL service will halt for the period as follows.
Therefore, we cannot process your photocopy requests and book loan requests to other university libraries during this period.
If you would like to get photocopies or books through ILL service by the end of this year, please place the order by noon on December 14, 2011.

Usual service: by 5:15 p.m. December 27, 2011
Halt of service: December 28, 2011 to January 4, 2012
Start of service: January 5, 2012


Training session for "Web of Science" and "EndNote Web" (December 22)

We will hold the training session for the database, Web of Science,and the tool for processing references, EndNote Web, as follows.
Please come and join us.

■Web of Science■

The online interdisciplinary database of major academic journals' secondary bibliography and citation retrieval.

■EndNote Web■

The tool to manage online resources that allows you to save and organize the records directly to your online library, collect and organize the cited references, and format the citation list in appropriate styles.

Date & Time :  Thursday, December 22, 2011 13:30-15:00 (90 minutes)
Location :  Computer room (School of Knowledge Science I : 3F)
Lecturer :  Toshifumi Yata (Thomson Reuters)
Contents :  **Web of Science: examine the general view of the research subject with searching**
1. Keyword retrieval, difference from Google, how to search for active researchers and researches from Japan.
2. How much does the research subject attract attention?
3. Search the specific researcher's papers, and pursue the influence of the subsequent.
4. How to link freely to the future, the past, and the related references by using the citations.
5. Save retrieval styles. Set up alerts.

**EndNote Web: save the result of retrieval electronically**
1. Take in the result of Web of Science, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect.
2. Marshal the taken-in record.
3. Share the record with others.
4. Paste the cited references on Word files.
Language :  Japanese only
Application Method :  Fill in the application form below and send it to " ".
Application Deadline :  Tuesday, December 13, 2011

-- Application form for Web of Sciene and EndNote Web Training Session --
Student number:


Learning Commons is now open and a name wanted for it!

We opened the Learning Commons at the 1st floor of the Institute Hall to provide the new creative place which fuses life, study and research, and also to connect all the people who belong to JAIST. The Commons is available to everyone from today. We hope you all will enjoy using it.
Opening hours and the use of terms are written in the page below, please read through it before you visit.

<<Learning Commons Introduction>>

We also are looking for a name for the Commons. The winner will be prized with Tosho-Card (can be used in most of the bookstores in Japan). Please apply as many as you like. For the details of application procedure, please refer to the page below.

<<Application Procedure for the Commons' Name>>    
*Application is closed. Thank you for your participations !!!
The Commons' name will be chosen from 79 entries.
Please wait for the annoucement at the end of December.


Restriction on Use of the Library for Inventory

The inventory will be conducted according to the following schedule. During the inventory, we will place ropes to indicate off-limit areas and restrict access to the shelves partly for a fixed time.If you would like to use a material in the off-limit areas, please ask the library staff.

And during the period of inventory, the library materials left on desks or tables will be returned to the shelves for smooth operation.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Period : Weekdays of Aug. 18(Thu) - 31(Wed), 2011 [10 days]
Hours : 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Range : Areas with ropes
Schedule :
Aug. 18 (Thu) 3F/Foreign Journals
        (in the open shelves & compact shelving)
Aug. 19 (Fri) 3F/Japanese and Foreign Journals
        (in the open shelves & compact shelving)
Aug. 22 (Mon) 3F/Foreign Journals
        (in the open shelves & compact shelving)
Aug. 23 (Tue) 3F/Textbooks and Reference Books
        (Materials, Information, Knowledge Science)
Aug. 24 (Wed) 3F/Proceedings, Year Books, MRS Series
        (in the compact shelving)
      Doctoral Dissertations
      Textbooks and Reference Books(Common Classes)
2F/Specialized Books(Mathematics)
Aug. 25 (Thu) 2F/Specialized Books(Materials Science)
Aug. 26 (Fri) 2F/Specialized Books(Knowledge Science)
Aug. 29 (Mon) 2F/Specialized Books(Knowledge Science)
Aug. 30 (Tue) 2F/Specialized Books(Information Science)
Aug. 31 (Wed) 3F/Lecture Notes(in the compact shelving)
2F/Specialized Books(Information Science)
      AV Media Room
1F/Green Bunko

                  *The dates mentioned in the schedule may vary depending on the progress.


Training session for SciVerse ScienceDirect

E-Journals are getting more and more popular, and we assume most of you are already taking advantage of them. But did you know there are more of convenient features than just reading articles? We think these features are the key points for collecting the research information effectively.

JAIST library is offering a training session for SciVerse ScienceDirect, which collects about 40 percent of e-journals JAIST is subscribing to. The expert trainer will give you a practical hands-on session.

Please join us and learn the technique one step further!

Date & Time Tuesday, July 19, 2011 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
*After the main session, we plan to have a time for introduction to useful functions and practice for 30 minutes.
Location Computer room (School of Knowledge Science I : 3F)
Language Japanese only
Fill in the application form below and send it to ""
Application deadline Friday, July 1, 2011
[Application form for ScienceDirect Training Session]

Student number:
Themes or keyword:

*If you have some themes or keywords of interest, please type them in. The trainer will give the demonstration with them during the training session.


SciFinder Training Session (July 6)

We will hold the training session for the database, SciFinder as follows.
Please come and join us.
If you want to join, please fill in the following application form,
and send us at by Tuesday, June 28, 2011.
Please especially note that the session is in Japanese only. .

>> What is SciFinder Scholar?
It is the online database provided by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and useful for researchers who need academic information.

Subjects Retrievable Information
  • Chemisty
    (including Biochemistry)
  • Physics
  • Engineering
  • Medical Science        ...etc
  • Literature Information
  • Patent Information
  • Chemical Substances Information         ...etc

Date : Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Time : Part1(for beginners) 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Part2(for intermediate users) 3:10 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.
Location : Lecture Hall (KS 2F)
Language : Japanese only
: Tuesday, June 28, 2011

*** Application form for SciFinder training session ***

Name :
Student number :
School :
Grade :
Applying session: ( ) Part1
                        ( ) Part2
                        ( ) Part1 and Part2


Binding Academic Journals

We are planning to bind academic journals published in 2009 and before as following schedule. Therefore for some period you can not browse or borrow those journals.
Thank you for your cooperation.


If you have any quations, please ask the library staff. (EXT. 1191,


ILL Service Delay

Due to the planned outage by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is currently suspended, and we cannot place the photocopy/bookloan request for outside.

The service will be operated in accordance with the planned outage schedule for now, and also given that the shipping service to Tokyo and up North is very limited, your request may be delayed significantly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Library Services Temporarily Unavailable Due to the System Replacement

As a part of the system replacement process, some of the library services will be temporarily unavailable from this Friday.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Access to the E-Journals and other databases, however, are available as usual.

1) Dates:
    February 25 (Fri.), 9:30 to February 28 (Mon.), 17:00

2) Services Unavailable:

If you have any questions, please contact Library Service Section at .


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