Library News 2010

"Jaist Library News" is published on an irregular basis and provide you with information about Library services and materials.

Dec. 24 JAIST Library's EBSCOhost database subscription will end on December 31, 2010.
Please note that the database will not be availale from January, 2011.
Dec. 16Faculty and Staff Holidays from 12/29/2010 to 1/3/2011.
One-day use and issue of the Library User's Card are not available during this period of time.
Dec. 09Halt of ILL service (Dec.28 - Jan.4)
Nov. 15 The Eighth Library Display
The eighth exhibition is on display at the Library Hall after the gate. (Some of the displayed books are introduced at the Entrance Hall near the Institution Hall.)
This time, the theme is "Read Books Made into Movies".
Please stop by at the library.
Nov. 8 IEL Online (IEEE Xplore) Training Session (Nov.24)
Nov. 4 Please note that Science Direct will be temporarily unavailable as the following schedule, due to scheduled maintenance.
- from 15:00 to 22:00 on Sunday, November 7.
- from 21:30 on Saturday, 13 November to 6:30 on Sunday, 14 November.
Nov. 1 For Writing Better Papers - "Web of Science" Training Session (Nov.19)
Oct. 29 Please note that "ProQuest Cental" will be temporarily unavailable from 11:00 to 23:00 on Sunday, October 31, due to scheduled maintenance.
Oct. 29 Free trial service of "NewspaperDirect" is available. >>Details
Oct. 15The Seventh Library Display
The seventh exhibition is on display at the Library Entrance Hall (near the automatic door, Institute Hall side).
This time, the theme is "The 20th anniversary of JAIST: Review the 20 years history of JAIST through the JAIST publications".
Please stop by at the library.
Oct. 14 Free trial service of "JDreamII"(in Japanese) is available. >>Details
Oct. 8 Free trial service of "ヨミダス歴史館" is available. >>Details
Oct. 8 Free trial service of "SciVerse Scopus" is available. >>Details
Oct. 6 Free trial service of "ProQuest Central" >>Details
Oct. 4 Please note that JAIST Repository may be temporarily unavailable from 11:00 to 13:00 on Wednesday, October 6, due to scheduled maintenance.
Sep. 30On October 1 (Fri), JAIST is closed for the anniversary of its founding. The library will operate as usual, but we are going to stop issuing the library user's card for external users for a day. Thank you for your cooperation.
Sep. 30 Training session for Reaxys (Oct. 15)
Sep. 29 Free trial service of "日経BP記事検索サービス (articles in Japanese only)" >>Details
Sep. 21 Free trial service of "MIT CogNet", the comprehensive database for the brain and cognitive science.  >>Details
Sep. 10 Free trial service of "SpringerMaterials" is available. You can search the 4 databases, including "The Landolt-Bornsteinon Database" on the web. >>Details
Sep. 9 Free trial service of "Reaxys" (chemical compound/reaction database) is available. You can search materials properties, analysis value and reaction information of organic and inorganic compounds, metallo-organic complex on the web. >>Details
Sep. 7 NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator(CiNii) will be temporarily unavailable from 00:00 to 22:00 on Sunday, September 12  due to scheduled maintenance.

Sep. 1The inventory was completed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Aug. 27 NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator(CiNii) will be temporarily unavailable from 10:00 to 12:30 on Saturday, August 28  due to scheduled maintenance.

Aug. 26 Please note that ScienceDirect will be temporarily unavailable from 8:30 to 17:30 on Saturday, August 28 due to scheduled maintenance.
Jul. 28 Please note that Wiley E-Journal will be unavailable as the following schedule, due to the cutover to Wiley Online Library, which will completely replace Wiley InterScience.
Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience.

    * Wiley InterScience will no longer be available from: Saturday - 7 August 17:00 pm
    * Wiley Online Library is due to go live on: Monday - 9 August 1:00 am

During this transition period(from 7 August 17:00 pm to 9 August 1:00 am), users will see a message explaining the reason for the unavailability and will be directed to this interim page for more details.

Linking redirects will be put in place at launch and all saved articles, titles, purchase history and email alerts will be migrated. Saved searches will not be migrated due to the difference between the Wiley InterScience and Wiley Online Library search engines.
Jul. 26 Restriction on Use of the Library for Inventory (Aug. 4 to 10 and Aug. 25 to 31)
Jul. 23 Faculty and Staff Holidays (Aug. 12, 13 and 16)
One-day use and issue of the Library User's Card are not available during this period of time.
Jul. 14 Please note that there will be a scheduled blackout from 8:00 to 17:00 on Sunday, July 18 and also, the following library services will be unavailable. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

* JAIST OPAC, All of the MyLibrary services
Unavailable from 7:30 to 18:00 Sunday, July 18.

Jul. 13 Please note that E-Journal Portal Site will be temporarily unavailable
from 10:00 to 16:00 on Saturday, July 17 due to scheduled maintenance.
Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Jul. 5Training session for SciFinder Scholar (July 14)
Jun. 21Training session for ScienceDirect (July 6)
Jun. 8 The email address of the JAIST domain is necessary for the ID acquisition of SciFinder Scholar Web version. And in the license of SciFinder Scholar, it is one user one ID, and double registration is prohibited. However, the number of users who doubly acquire SciFinder Scholar's ID has increased when the email address changes.

When your email address changes, please make sure that sign in with the ID and password of SciFinder Scholar, and change the registration email address on the My Profile page.
May. 7The Sixth Library Display
The sixth exhibition is on display at the Library Hall after the gate. (Some of the displayed books are introduced at the Entrance Hall near the Institution Hall.)
This time, the theme is "Which Do You Prefer? : Joy of Reading in Japanese and English".
Please stop by at the library.
Mar. 29 New Model of the Automatic Lending Machine
We introduced a new Automatic Lending Machine today.
Mar. 18 Please note that NII Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator(CiNii) will be temporarily unavailable from 13:00 on Wednesday, 31 March to 3:00 on Thursday, 1 April  due to scheduled maintenance.
Mar. 17 Please note that there will be a scheduled blackout from 8:00 to 17:00 on Sunday, March 21 and also, the following library services will be unavailable. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

* Library Homepage
Unavailable from 5:00 to 23:00 on Sunday, March 21.

* JAIST OPAC, All of the MyLibrary services
Unavailable from 4:30 Sunday, March 21 to 9:00 Tuesday, March 23.

Mar. 10 Please note that ScienceDirect will be temporarily unavailable from 12:30 to 21:00 on Sunday, March 14 due to scheduled maintenance.
Feb. 1The Fifth Library Display
The fifth exhibition is on display at the Library Entrance Hall (near the automatic door, Institute Hall side).
This time, the theme is "Book of the Year 2009". (The displayed books are all in Japanese.)
Please stop by at the library.
Jan. 27 << Installation of New Shelves >>
On January 28 (Thu.), we are going to install the new shelves to the AV Media Room on the second floor of the library. There may be some noise and vibration while at work. We are sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation.
Jan. 20 Please note that Science Direct will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 12 hours during the period from 22:00 on Saturday, 23 January to 10:00 on Sunday, 24 January.
Jan. 8 << Installation of New Shelves >>
On January 18 (Mon.), we are going to install the new shelves to the photocopying corner on the 3rd floor of the library. There may be some noise and vibration while at work. We are sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation.


Halt of ILL service

ILL service will halt for the period as follows.
Therefore, we cannot process your photocopy requests and book loan requests to other university libraries during this period.
If you would like to get photocopies or books through ILL service by the end of this year, please place the order by noon on December 14, 2010.

Usual service: by 5:15 p.m. December 27, 2010
Halt of service: December 28, 2010 to January 4, 2011
Start of service: January 5, 2011


IEL Online (IEEE Xplore) Training Session

We will hold the training session for IEL Online (IEEE Xplore) as follows. Please come and join it.
If you want to join it, please send us the following application form by e-mail to "" by Monday, November 15, 2010. .

>> What is IEL Online (IEEE Xplore)?

It is a digital library providing full text access to the technical literature produced by IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IET(Institution of Engineering and Technology) and users can also search papers by key word, theme or author.

Date : Wednesday, November 24, 2010 / 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location : Computer room (Center for Knowledge Science 3F)
Language : Japanese only
: Monday, November 15, 2010

*** Application form for IEL Online (IEEE Xplore) training session ***

Student number:
Keyword :


For Writing Better Papers - "Web of Science" Training Session

Generally, it requires a lot of effort to read articles written in foreign languages. So, let's use your time efficiently: find the correct articles in the right way.
This training session aims to learn how to use "Web of Science", the well known high-quality information resource. Through the practice, you'll be able to collect foreign articles effectively, and keep them organized and accessible.
We hope you can attend this session.

" What is "Web of Science"?

  • The worldwide major literature database, that covers all fields
  • Collect data from influential and well-selected journals
  • Cited Reference Searching function makes it possible to gather interdisciplinary study information
  • Analysis Options is available for grasping latest study trend etc.

Date & Time  :  Friday, November 19, 2010 13:30-15:00 (90 minutes)
Location  :  Computer Room (Center for Knowledge Science 3F)
Lecturer  :  Yoko Hirose (Thomson Reuters)
Contents  :  1. Collect foreign articles using "Web of Science"
2. Organize and store articles using "EndNote Web"
3. Make a reference list from stored articles
Language  :  Japanese Only
 :  Fill in the application form below and send it to
 :  Wednesday, November 10, 2010

--------- Application form for Web of Sciene Training Session ---------
Name :
School :
Student Number :
Grade :


Reaxys Training Session (October 15)

We will hold the training session for the database, Reaxys as follows.
A professional will give you a hands-on practice for using Reaxys effectively. Please come and join us.

■ Reaxys is:
One of the best database for searching materaials properties, analysis value and reaction information of organic and inorganic compounds, metallo-organic complex on the web.
Date: Friday, October 15, 2010
Place: Computer Room (Center for Knowledge Science 3F)
Language: Japanese Only
Application Deadline: Thursday, October 7, 2010
*The library will also offer an orientation session for Scopus at the same time.


【Application form for Reaxys training session】

Student number:


Restriction on Use of the Library for Inventory

The inventory will be conducted according to the following schedule. During the inventory, we will place ropes to indicate off-limit areas and restrict access to the shelves partly for a fixed time.
If you would like to use a material in the off-limit areas, please ask the library staff.
And during the period of inventory, the library materials left on desks or tables will be returned to the shelves for smooth operation.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Period  :  Weekdays of Aug. 4(Wed) - 10(Tue) and
Aug. 25(Wed) - 31(Tue), 2010 [10 days]
Hours  :  1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Range  :  Areas with ropes

Aug. 4 (Wed) 2F Specialized Books (Information Science)
Reference Books
Aug. 5 (Thu) 2F Specialized Books (Information / Knowledge Science)
Aug. 6 (Fri) 2F Specialized Books (Knowledge Science)
Aug. 9 (Mon) 2F Specialized Books (Knowledge Science)
Aug. 10 (Tue) 1F Green Bunko
Books for Employment Support
2F Specialized Books (Mathematics)
Audio-Visual Materials
TOYO Bunko
The Open University of Japan Texts
3F Proceedings
Year Books
Doctoral Dissertations
Aug. 25 (Wed) 3F Foreign Journals
  (in the open shelves & compact shelving)
Aug. 26 (Thu) 3F Japanese & Foreign Journals
  (in the open shelves & compact shelving)
Aug. 27 (Fri) 3F Foreign Journals
  (in the open shelves & compact shelving)
Lecture Notes
Aug. 30 (Mon) 3F Textbooks and Reference Books
Aug. 31 (Tue) 2F Specialized Books (Materials Science)

* The dates mentioned in the schedule may vary depending on the progress.


SciFinder Scholar Training Session (July 14)

We will hold the training session for the database, SciFinder Scholar as follows. Please come and join it.
If you would like to join, please send us the following application form to "" by Wednesday, July 7, 2010. .

>> What is SciFinder Scholar?
It is the online database provided by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and useful for researchers who need academic information.

Subjects Retrievable Information
  • Chemisty
    (including Biochemistry)
  • Physics
  • Engineering
  • Medical Science        ...etc
  • Literature Information
  • Patent Information
  • Chemical Substances Information
  • Medical Literature Information         ...etc

Date : Wednesday July 14, 2010 / 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location : Lecture Hall (KS 2F)
Language : Japanese only
: Wednesday July 7, 2010

*** Application form for SciFinder Scholar training session ***

Name :
Student number :
School :
Grade :


Training session for ScienceDirect (July 6)

We will hold the training session for "ScienceDirect" as follows. Please come and join us.
If you would like to join, please send us the following application form to "" by Tuesday, June 29, 2010.

What is "ScienceDirect"?
The online database which contains over 2,500 academic journals provided by Elsevier. Users can browse full text of papers and search papers by keyword, theme or author.
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
*After the main session, we plan to have a time for introduction to useful functions and practice for 30 minutes.
Location: Computer room (Center for Knowledge Science 3F)
Language: Japanese only
Application deadline: Tuesday, June 29, 2010

---------- Application form for ScienceDirect Training Session ----------
Student number:
Themes or keyword :

*If you have some themes or keywords of interest, please type
  them in. The trainer will give the demonstration with them
  during the training session.

If you have any questions, please contact us. (E-mail: toshokan, EXT.1191)


New Model of the Automatic Lending Machine

new lending machine



On March 29, we introduced a new Automatic Lending Machine with touch panels on the 1st floor in the library.
When using this new machine, you can choose from Japanese and English on screen display.

If you have any question, please ask the library staff.
(E-mail: toshokan, Ext.: 1191)




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