Welcome to our lab
Our research and graduate education emphasize knowledge creation methodology. In one hand, we aim to study and to contribute to advanced machine learning and data mining methods. On the other hand, we would make our effort to apply those methods to discovering knowledge from large scale and complex databases, including biological and medical data, materials science data, and text and web data.
Research Directions
  • Scientific Data Mining: Establish models and computing methods in life science (biomedicine) and material science.
  • Text & Web Mining: Automate the understanding of the text meaning in huge corpara.
  • Basic Research: Methods of sparse modeling, dimensionality reduction, graphical models ... for Big Data.
Our Targets
  • Make breakthrough in machine learning and data mining research.
  • To promote data science in knowledge science.
School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
1-1 Asahidai, Nomi city, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan
Tel: 81-(0)761-51-1111 (ext. 1857) Fax: 81-(0)761-51-1795
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