- ホー ム
- 活動報告
- COEプ ログラム活動報告
- 平成20年活動報告
21世紀COE 検証進化可能電子社会
I. 平成20年度構成員
(※ は協力員)(1)拠点リーダー
島津 明 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 教授
島津 明 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
東条 敏 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
※ 白井 清昭 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 准教授 |
※ 中村 誠 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 助教 |
※ 永田 裕一 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 助教 |
※ 風間 淳一*1 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 助教 |
小野 寛晰 | 先端融合領域研究院 | 特別招聘教授 |
小川 瑞史 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
VESTERGAARD, Rene*2 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 准教授 |
※ 石原 哉 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 准教授 |
※ Nikolaos, Galatos | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 助教 |
二木 厚吉 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
平石 邦彦 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
緒方 和博 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 特任准教授 |
青木 利晃 | 安心電子社会研究センター | 特任准教授 |
※ 岸 知二 | 情報科学研究科 | 特任教授 |
落水 浩一郎 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
池田 満 | 知識科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
鈴木 正人 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 准教授 |
赤木 正人 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
浅野 哲夫 | 知識科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
金子 峰雄 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
党 建武 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
日比野 靖 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
宮地 充子 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
篠田 陽一 | 情報科学センター | 教授 |
DEFAGO, Xavier | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 准教授 |
※ 丹 康雄 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 教授 |
※ 田中 清史 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 准教授 |
※ 知念 賢一 | 情報科学研究科・情報科学専攻 | 助教 |
※ 宇多 仁 | 情報科学センター | 助教 |
※ 小原 泰弘 | 情報科学センター | 助教 |
センター長 | 島津 明 | 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学・情報科学研究科 | |
特任准教授 | 青木 利晃 | 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学・安心電子社会研究センター | |
客員準教授 | 岩井 淳 | 群馬大学・社会情報学部 | |
客員準教授 | 堀 雅和 | (株)インテック・ウェブ・アンド・ゲノム・インフォマティックス | |
客員研究員 | 梅村 晃広 | (株)NTTデータ | |
事務員 | 桜井 美幸 | 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 |
氏名 | 採用年度 | 研究室 | |
ポスドク研究員 | Nguyen, Minh Le*3 | 平成16年度 | 島津 |
鈴木 義崇 | 平成16年度 | 東条 | |
Kong, Weiqiang | 平成18年度 | 二木 | |
Li, Xin | 平成19年度 | 小川 | |
黄 明仁 | 平成20年度 | 青木 | |
Lu Wenhuan | 平成20年度 | 池田 |
氏名 | 採用年度 | 研究室 | |
博士学生研究員 | PHAM, Hung Ngoc | 平成18年度 | 青木 |
NGUYEN, Tang Van | 平成18年度 | 小川 | |
VO, Hieu Dinh | 平成18年度 | 落水 | |
NGUYEN, Tien Lan | 平成18年度 | 篠田 | |
NGUYEN, Vinh Van | 平成18年度 | 島津 | |
FANG, Qiang | 平成18年度 | 党 | |
GAINA, Daniel Mircea | 平成18年度 | 二木 | |
YANG, Yan | 平成18年度 | Defago | |
Do Ngoc Thi Bich | 平成19年度 | 小川 | |
Nguyen, Nam Hoai | 平成19年度 | 篠田 | |
Chaiwat Sathawornwichit | 平成20年度 | 青木 |
II. 活動報告―教育
本学情報科学研究科では,1990年の開学以来,明確なカリキュラムに基づく大学院教育を他大学に先駆けて行ってきたが,本COE拠点形成計画においても,博士後期課程学生を対象にして,検証技術や高信頼情報システム関連の講義科目群の整備を行ってきた.本年度より,高信頼組込みコースおよび情報セキュリティコースの2つの人材養成コースを開設し,それに伴い,以下の新規コース専門講義科目を開講した. 高信頼組込みコース
- ハード・ソフト・コデザイン
- システム開発管理
- 情報セキュリティ運用リテラシー
- 最新情報セキュリティ特論
- 実践情報セキュリティ演習Ⅰ
- 実践情報セキュリティ演習 II
- 実践情報セキュリティ演習 III
年度 | 氏名 | 論文題目 |
20 | VO, Hieu Dinh | An Architecture for Securing Component-Based Applications |
NGUYEN, Tang Van | Pushdown Automata and Inclusion Problems | |
NGUYEN, Vinh Van | Improving Phrase based Statistical Machine Translation using Clause Splitting and Reordering Models | |
FANG, Qiang | A study on construction and control of a three-dimensional physiological articulatory model for speech production | |
YANG, Yan | Decentralized Fault-tolerant Flocking Algorithms for a group of Autonomous Mobile Robots | |
小畑貴之 | Advanced Datapath Synthesis Incorporating Intentional Timing Skew for High Performance Nanometer VLSIs | |
中田潤也 | ユビキタスネットワークシミュレーション環境の構築に関する研究 |
III. 活動報告―拠点形成に関わる活動
(1) シンポジウム
2008/11/25 | JAISTフォーラム2008-検証進化可能電子社会- |
(2) ワークショップ
2008/5/27 | SJTU/JAIST COE joint workshop on formal method |
2008/8/1 | 1st Mini-Workshop on Rewriting Techniques |
2008/12/18 | COEミニワークショップ : E-Governance |
2009/2/25 | COEワークショップ : CafeOBJ/Maudeワークショップ |
2009/3/12-13 | JAIST/TRUST - AIST/CVS joint workshop on VERIfication Technology (6th VERITE) |
(3) COE 関連セミナー
2008/04/21 | 第1回:Cache Timing Attacks in Symmetric Cryptography |
2008/05/27 | 第2回:(コンピュータ屋から見た)サービス科学への挑戦 |
2008/06/11 | 第3回:J: Advanced Intellectual Software for Teaching Mathematics |
2008/09/19 | 第4回:通信事業者における情報セキュリティ技術の最新動向 |
2008/09/30 | 第5回:パターンとはなにか―ある非記号計算の理論について― |
2008/11/05 | 第6回:連続聴錯覚時における持続時間短縮錯覚について |
2008/11/27-28 | 第7回:1日目「クラウドコンピューティングの現状と課題」,2日目「Webサーチの数理- PageRankとHITSアルゴリズムについて」 |
2008/11/20 | 第8回:Distributed Digital Music Archives and Libraries (DDMAL) Research Project |
2008/12/19 | 第9回:Webが変えた情報科学の役割 |
2009/01/16 | 第10回:インターネットにおける侵害活動の変遷 |
2009/02/24 | 第11回:話しことばの霊長類的基盤とその起源 |
2009/02/26 | 第12回:オフライン類似項目発見問題と複数分類アルゴリズム |
2009/03/05 | 第13回:CCA安全な公開鍵暗号の設計に関する最近の方法論 |
2009/03/03 | 第14回:ホームネットワークシステム技術トレンドと標準化について |
2009/03/06 | 第15回:Visionize before Visualize |
2009/03/12 | 第16回:Estimating vocal-tract length from syllable phrases and revising the definitions of pitch and timbre to reflect our perception of speaker size and musical instrument size |
2008/6/20 | 第20回 |
2008/8/27 | 第21回 |
2008/10/27 | 第22回 |
2008/12/26 | 第23回 |
IV. 活動報告―研究成果
1. 概要
(1) 本COEプログラム5年間に渡る研究活動の総括として,2008年11月25日に,本学石川キャンパス隣ハイテク交流センターにおいて,JAISTフォーラム2008-検証進化可能電子社会-を開催した.(2) CORリサーチモノグラフシリーズとして,以下の2冊の書籍を出版した.
- Dines BJØNER 著:DOMAIN ENGINEERING: Technology Management, Research and Engineering
- 島津 明 著:国民年金法の言い換え-法令工学の立場から-
(4) 本COEプログラムで得られた成果を発展させ,「安心電子社会に向けた法令工学の拠点形成」を目的とした内容でグローバルCOEプログラムに申請を行う予定である.
a. 学術論文
[a20-1] A. Miyaji and K. Mizosoe, “Revisited (Hyper)-Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication with a Fixed Point,” IPSJ Trans vol. 49, No.9 pp.2975-2988, 2008.
[a20-2] A. Miyaji, “Generalized Scalar Multiplication Secure against SPA, DPA, and RPA,” IEICE Trans., Fundamentals. vol. E91-A, No.10, pp.2833-2842, 2008.
[a20-3] Boris Aronov, Tetsuo Asano, Yosuke Kikuchi, Subhas C. Nandy, Shinji Sasahara, and Takeaki Uno, “A Generalization of Magic Squares with Applications to Digital Halftoning,”Theory of Computing System, Volume 42, Number 2, pp.143-156, February 2008.
[a20-4] Fang, Q., Fujita, S., and Dang, J., “Investigation of functions of tongue muscles for model control,” Journal of Chinese Phonetics (in press).
[a20-5] G. WANG, T. KITAMURA, X. LU, J. DANG, J. KONG, “MRI-based Study on Morphological and Acoustic Properties of Mandarin Sustained Vowels,” J. Signal Processing, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp.311-314,2008.
[a20-6] H. Kihara and H. Ono,” Algebraic characterizations of variable separation properties,” Reports on Mathematical Logic, 43, pp.43-63, 2008.
[a20-7] Huang, C-F. and Akagi, M., “A three-layered model for expressive speech perception,” Speech Communication 50, pp.810-828, 2008.
[a20-8] Jianwen Xiang, Jing Tian, Kazuhiro Ogata, Kokichi Futatsugi, and Akira Mori, “Analysis of membership sharing problem in digital subscription services,” International Journal of Revenue Management (IJRM), Inderscience Enterprise Ltd., 2009 (accepted).
[a20-9] Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, “Proof Score Approach to Verification of Liveness Properties,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E91-D(12): -, IEICE, 2008.
[a20-10] Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, “Proof Score Approach to Verification of Liveness Properties,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol. E91-D, No. 12, 2008.
[a20-11] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “Novel Register Sharing in Datapath for Structural Robustness against Delay Variation,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E91-A, No. 4, pp.1044-1053, April 2008.
[a20-12] Koichi Kobayashi and Kunihiko Hiraishi, “Graph-Switching Based Modeling of Mode Transition Constraints for Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems,” SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 376-382, 2008.
[a20-13] Kunihiko Hiraishi and Petr Kucera, “Application of DES Theory to Verification of Software Components,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E92-A, No.2, pp.604-610, 2009.
[a20-14] Kunihiko Hiraishi, “On Solvability of a Decentralized Supervisory Control Problem With Communication,” IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol.54, Issue3, pp. 468-480, 2009.
[a20-15] Kunihiko Hiraishi, “Performance Evaluation of Workflows Using Continuous Petri Nets with Interval Firing Speeds,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E91-A, No.11, pp.3219-3228, 2008.
[a20-16] L., Ma, P., Perrier, J., Dang,“An experimental and modeling study of anticipatory coarticulation in VCV sequences”, Journal of Chinese Phonetics (in press).
[a20-17] Li, J. and Akagi, M. (2008/04), “ A hybrid microphone array post-filter in a diffuse noise field,” Applied Acoustics 69, pp.546-557, 2008.
[a20-18] Li, J., Akagi, M., and Suzuki, Y, “A two-microphone noise reduction method in highly non-stationary multiple-noise-source environments,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E91-A, No.6, 1337-1346, 2008.
[a20-19] Li, J., Sakamoto, S., Hongo, S., Akagi, M., and Suzuki, Y., “Adaptive-order generalized spectral subtraction for speech enhancement,” Signal Processing, Vol. 88, No. 11, pp.2764-2776, 2008.
[a20-20] Lu, X., Unoki, M., and Akagi, M., “Comparative evaluation of modulation-transfer-function-based blind restoration of sub-band power envelopes of speech as a front-end processor for automatic speech recognition systems,” Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp.351-361, 2008.
[a20-21] Makoto Misumi, Shin-ichi Nakagawa, Ken-ichi Chinen, Yoichi Shinoda and Katsunori Yamaoka, “A Solution for Irregular IP Multicast Packet Flooding - For Heavy Traffic IP Multicast Communication -,” IEICE Transactions on Commuincations, Vol.E92-B, No.1, pp.68-76, 2009.
[a20-22] Masaki Nakamura, Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, “A Specification Translation from Behavioral Specifications to Rewrite Specifications,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E91-D(5): 1492-1503, IEICE, 2008.
[a20-23] Masaki Nakamura, Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata, Kokichi Futatsugi, “A Specification Translation from Behavioral Specifications to Rewrite Specifications,” IEICE Transactions, Vol. 91-D, No. 5, pp.1492-1503, 2008.
[a20-24] Naixue Xiong, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Yan Yang, Xavier Defago, Yanxiang He, “A novel numerical algorithm based on self-tuning controller to support TCP flows,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79(4), pp.1178-1188, 2008.
[a20-25] Nguyen Van Tang, Mizuhito Ogawa, “Alternate Stacking Technique Revisited: Inclusion Problem of Superdeterministic Pushdown Automata,” IPSJ Transactions on Programming, Vol.1, No.1, 2008.
[a20-26] Samia Souissi, Xavier Defago, Masafumi Yamashita, “Using eventually consistent compasses to gather memory-less mobile robots with limited visibility,”ACM Trans. Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 4(1): 9.1-27, 2009.
[a20-27] T. Asano, N. Katoh, H. Tamaki, and T. Tokuyama, “Voronoi Diagrams with Respect to Criteria on Vision Information,” Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.25, pp.1-16, 2008.
[a20-28] Takayuki Obata, Mineo Kaneko, “Simultaneous Optimization of Skew and Control Step Assignment in RT-Datapath Synthesis,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E91-A, No. 12, pp.3585-3595, December 2008.
[a20-29] Tomoike, S. and Akagi, M., “Estimation of local peaks based on particle filter in adverse environments,” Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp.303-306, 2008.
[a20-30] Vinh Van Nguyen, Le-Minh Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, “Clause Splitting with Conditional Random Fields,”Journal of Natural Language Processing, Vol.16, No.1, January 2009.
[a20-31] Wang, G., Lu, X., Dang, J., Bao, H., Kong, J.,“A Study of Mandarin Chinese Using X-ray and MRI”, Journal of Chinese Phonetics (in press),.
[a20-32] Xavier Defago, Samia Souissi, “Non-uniform circle formation algorithm for oblivious mobile robots with convergence toward uniformity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 396(1-3), pp.97-112, 2008.
[a20-33] 三井実, 石川智治, 党建武, 宮原誠, 「ディジタルオーディオにおける深い感性に関連した音質劣化の原因究明~jitterに起因する音質劣化の仕組みの解明と新改善方法の検討~」, 日本感性工学会研究論文集,第7巻4号,pp.759-764, 2008.
[a20-34] 小谷正行、落水浩一郎、“UML記述の変更波及解析に利用可能な依存関係の自動生成法”、情報処理学会論文誌、Vol.49, No. 7, pp.2265-2291, 2008.
[a20-35] 的場隆一, 中村誠, 東条敏, “構文獲得における対称性バイアスの有効性,” 認知科学Vol.15, No.3, 2008.
[a20-36] 平井,竹本,本多,党, 「3 次元MRI 動画と実音声を用いた声道断面積モデルのパラメータ推定」, 日本音響学会誌, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp.216-228, 2008.
[a20-37] 平石邦彦, 小林孝一, 崔瞬星, 「有限時間区間に対するハイブリッドシステムの離散抽象化」, 計測自動制御学会論文集, Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 751-759, 2008.
[a20-38] 齋藤, 辻, 鵜木, 赤木, 「歌声らしさの知覚モデルに基づいた歌声特有の音響特徴量の分析」, 日本音響学会誌, Vol.64, No.5, pp.267-277, 2008/5.
[a20-39] H. Kihara and H. Ono, “Interpolation properties, Beth definability properties and amalgamation properties for substructural logics,” Journal of Logic and Computation, to appear.
[a20-40] Masayuki SHIRASE, Dong-Gu HAN, Yasushi HIBINO, Howen KIM and Tsuyoshi YAKAGI, “ A More Compact Representation of XTR,” Cryptosystem'', IEICE Transactions on Fundasmentals of Electronics, Communicatgions and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-A(10), pp.2843-2850, 2008.
[a20-41] N. Galatos and H. Ono, “Cut elimination and strong sepration for substructural logics: an algebraic approach,” Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, to appear. b. 国際会議
[b20-1] A. Miyaji, A. Waseda, T. Takagi, and M. Soshi, “Quantum Secret Sharing between Multiparty and Multiparty against the Attack with Single Photons or EPR-pair,” The 2008 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, Proceedings of ISITA 2008, 2008.
[b20-2] A. Miyaji, K. Omote and K. Kato, “Simple Certificateless Signature with Smart Cards,” International Workshop on Security in Ubiquitous Computing Systems, SECUBIQ'08, IEEE, 2008.
[b20-3] Akagi, M., “Introduction of SCOPE project: Analysis of production and perception characteristics of non-linguistic information in speech and its application to inter-language communications,”International symposium on biomechanical and physiological modeling and speech science, pp.51-62, 2009/02/20.
[b20-4] Akagi, M., “Voice conversion to add non-linguistic information into speaking voices,” ICCE2008, Tutorial (Hoian, Vietnam), 2008/6/5.
[b20-5] Aoki, Y., Huang, C-F., and Akagi, M., “An emotional speech recognition system based on multi-layer emotional speech perception model,” Proc. NCSP'09, pp.133-136, 2009/03/01.
[b20-6] Applications) (招待講演), Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India, 2009/1.
[b20-7] Bishal Prasad, Arijit Bishnu, and Tetsuo Asano,“Linear Boundary and Corner detection using limited number of sensor rows, “ Proc. IWCIA (Int. Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis) 2008, pp.250-261, Buffalo, USA, April 7-9, 2008.
[b20-8] Camargo Cruz Ana Erika, Koichiro Ochimizu, “Quality prediction model for object oriented software using UML metrics,” Proceedings of 4WCSQ, September 2008.
[b20-9] Dang, J., Lu, X., “A perspective on the relation between speech production and perception based on a vowel study,” The 8th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2008) and the International Symposium on Phonetic Frontiers (ISPF2008), Beijing, p.32, 2008/4.
[b20-10] Fang, Q., Fujita, S., Lu, X., and Dang, J., “Investigation of functional relationship of the tongue muscles for model control,” The 8th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2008) and the International Symposium on Phonetic Frontiers (ISPF2008), Beijing, p.32, 2008/4.
[b20-11] Guoqiang Li, Mizuhito Ogawa, “Authentication Revisited: Flaw or Not, the Recursive Authentication Protocol,” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA08 Springer LNCS 5311, pp.374-385, 2008.
[b20-12] H. Ono, “Amalgamation, interpolation and Beth definability,” International Conference on Residuated Structures: Algebra and Logic (招待講演), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008/4.
[b20-13] H. Ono, “An algebraic approach to substructural logics,” Workshop on Interval/Probabilistic Uncertainty and Non-classical Logics (基調講演), JAIST, 2008/3.
[b20-14] H. Ono, “An algebraic view of logical properties of substructural logics,” Workshop on Algebraic Logic (in conjunction with 3rd Indian Conference on Logic and its
[b20-15] H. Ono, “Reasoning with modalities: a personal perspective,” International Workshop on Soft Computing for Knowledge Technology (SCKT 2008) (in conjunction with PRICAI 2008)(招待講演), Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008/12.
[b20-16] H.D.Voand, M.Suzuki, “A Framework for Protecting EJB Applications from Malicious Components,” In Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information System (ICEIS2008), pp.264-269, 2008.
[b20-17] H.D.Voand, M.Suzuki, “An Approach for Specifying Access Control Policy in J2EE Applications,” In Proceeding of the 14th Asia-Pacic Software Engineering Conference (APSEC2007), pp.422-429, IEEEComputerSociety, 2007.
[b20-18] H.D.Voand, M.Suzuki, “An Approach for Specifying Role-Based Access Control in Entreprise Java Beans Applications,”In Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Advances Information Technology (IAIT2007), pp.26-33, 2007.
[b20-19] Hideaki Nishihara, Koichi Shinozaki, Koji Hayamizu, Toshiaki Aoki, Kenji Taguchi, Fumihiro Kumeno, “Model checking education for software engineers in Japan,” First International Workshop on Formal Methods Education and Training, 2008, pp.49-58, 2008.
[b20-20] Huang, C. F., Erickson, D., and Akagi, M., “Comparison of Japanese expressive speech perception by Japanese and Taiwanese listeners,” Acoustics2008, Paris, pp.2317-2322, 2008/07/01.
[b20-21] James Cheney, Rene Vestergaard, Michael Norrish, “Formalizing adequacy,” 2nd international workshop on Theory and Applications of Abstraction, Substitution and Naming, ETAPS, 2008.
[b20-22] Jianguo Wei and Jianwu Dang, “Vocal tract normalization in articulatory space using thin-plate spline method,” the second ASA-EAA joint conference Acoustics'08 Paris, pp 6135-6140, 2008/6.
[b20-23] Jianwen Xiang, Dines Bjorner, Kokichi Futatsugi, “ Formal digital license language with OTS/CafeOBJ method,” Proc. of IEEE/ACS Intl. Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, IEEE, pp.652-660, 2008.
[b20-24] Junya NAKATA, Razvan BEURAN, Tetsuya KAWAKAMI, Ken-ichi CHINEN, Yasuo TAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “Distributed Emulator for a Pedestrian Tracking System Using Active Tags,” The Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, pp.219-224, 2008.
[b20-25] K. Emura, A. Miyaji and K. Omote, “A Certificate Revocable Anonymous Authentication Scheme with Designated Verifier,” The First International Workshop on Recent Innovations and Breakthroughs in Cryptography, RIBC 2009, IEEE, to appear.
[b20-26] K. Emura, A. Miyaji and K. Omote, “A Dynamic Attribute-Based Group Signature Scheme and its Application in an Anonymous Survey for the Collection of Attribute Statistics,” The Forth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, AReS 2009, IEEE, to appear.
[b20-27] K. Kobayashi, K. Hiraishi, “Computation Time Reduction Techniques for Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems,” 14th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (Hagenberg, Austria), 2008/7/27-30.
[b20-28] K. Kobayashi, N. V, Tang, K. Hiraishi, “On-line and Off-line Based Approximation Algorithm for Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems,” Proc. of the 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (Shimonoseki, Japan, 2008/7/6-9), pp.913-916, 2008.
[b20-29] K. Satoh, S. Tojo and Y. Suzuki, “Abductive Reasoning for Burden of Proof,” JURISIN 2008.
[b20-30] Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, “Formal Analysis of the Bakery Protocol with Consideration of Nonatomic Reads and Writes,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (10th ICFEM), LNCS 5256, Springer, pp.187-206, 2008.
[b20-31] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “A Conjecture on the Number of Extra Registers in Safe Clocking-Based Register Assignment,” The 15th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technology, March 2009.
[b20-32] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “Minimizing Minimum Delay Compensations for Timing Variation-Aware Datapaths Synthesis,” Proceedings of IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.97-100, August 2008.
[b20-33] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “Safe Clocking Register Assignment in Datapath Synthesis,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, pp.120-127, October 2008.
[b20-34] Kinugasa, K., Unoki, M., and Akagi, M., “An MTF-based Blind Restoration Method for Improving Intelligibility of Bone-conducted Speech,” Proc. NCSP'09, pp.105-108, 2009/03/01.
[b20-35] Kokichi Futatsugi, Joseph A. Goguen and Kazuhiro Ogata, “ Verifying Design with Proof Scores,” 1st VSTTE, LNCS 4171, Springer, pp.277-290, 2008.
[b20-36] Kunihiko Hiraishi, “Formal Approaches to Model-Based Development of Real-Time/Hybrid Systems,” SICE 2008, Workshop on Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems, August 19th, 2008 Chofu, Japan.
[b20-37] Kunihiko Hiraishi, “Performance Evaluation of Workflows Using Continuous Petri Nets with Interval Firing Speeds,” Int. Conf. Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, (西安, 中国, 2008/6/23-27), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5062, 231-250, 2008.
[b20-38] Kuroda, N., Li, J., Iwaya, Y., Unoki, M., and Akagi, M., “Effects from Spatial Cues on Detectability of Alarm Signals in Car Environments,” Proc. NCSP'09, pp.45-48, 2009/03/01.
[b20-39] L., Ma, P., Perrier, J., Dang,“An experimental and modeling study of anticipatory coarticulation in VCV sequences”, The 8th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2008) and the International Symposium on Phonetic Frontiers (ISPF2008), Beijing, p.32, 2008/4.
[b20-40] Lan Tguyen NGUYEN, Razvan BEURAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “A Load-aware Routing Metric for Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'08), pp.429-435, 2008.
[b20-41] Lan Tguyen NGUYEN, Xavier DEFAGO, Razvan BEURAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “An Energy Efficient Routing Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2008 (ISWCS’08), pp.568-572, 2008. Toshiyuki MIYACHI, Achmad BASUKI, Shoko MIKAWA, Shinsuke MIWA, Ken-ichi CHINEN and Yoichi SHINODA, “Educational Environment on StarBED -Case Study of SOI Asia 2008 Spring Global E-Workshop-,” ASIAN INTERNET ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (AINTEC) 2008, pp.27-36, 2008.
[b20-42] Le-Minh Nguyen, Akira Shimazu, Xuan-Hieu Phan, and Phuong Thai Nguyen, “Online Structured Learning for Semantic Parsing with Synchronous and λ-Synchronous Context Free Grammars,” In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2008.
[b20-43] Li, J., Jiang, H., and Akagi, M., “Psychoacoustically- motivated adaptive β-order generalized spectral subtraction based on data-driven optimization,” Proc. InterSpeech 2008, Brisbane, pp.171-174, 2008/09/23.
[b20-44] Li, J., Sakamoto, S., Hongo, S., Akagi, M., and Suzuki, Y., “A two-stage binaural speech enhancement approach for hearing aids with preserving binaural benefits in noisy environments,” Acoustics2008, Paris, pp.723-727, 2008/06/30.
[b20-45] Lu, X., Unoki, M., and Akagi, M., “An MTF-based blind restoration for temporal power envelopes as a front-end processor for automatic speech recognition systems in reverberant environments,” Acoustics2008, Paris, pp.1419-1424, 2008/07/01.
[b20-46] M. Hamanaka, K. Hirata, and S. Tojo, “Melody Expectation Method based on GTTM and TPS,”ISMIR 2008.
[b20-47] M. Hamanaka, K. Hirata, and S. Tojo, “Melody Morphing Method based on GTTM,” ICMC2008.
[b20-48] M. Kobayashi and S. Tojo, “Agent Communicability in Belief Update Logic,” DALT 2008.
[b20-49] M. Kobayashi, S. Hagiwara and S. Tojo, “Analysis of Miscommunication in Legal Cases,” JURISIN 2008.
[b20-50] M. Nakamura, T. Hashimoto, and S. Tojo, “Self-Organization of Creole Community in Spatial Language Dynamics,” for SASO 2008.
[b20-51] M. Nakamura, T. Hashimoto, S. Tojo, “Simulation of Creolization by Evolutionary Dynamics,” EVOLANG'08, 2008.
[b20-52] M. S. Rahman, M. Soshi and A. Miyaji, “A Secure RFID Authentication Protocol with Low Communication Cost,” The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent, Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, IMIS 2009, IEEE, to appear.
[b20-53] Makoto Nakamura, Yusuke Kimura, Minh Quang Nhat Pham, Nguyen Le Minh and Akira Shimazu, “Treatment of Legal Sentences Including Itemization Written in Japanese, English and Vietnamese,” In Proceedings of the 2008 Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing Workshop, Hanoi, 16 December, 2008.
[b20-54] Mikito Kobayashi, Fumiaki Minami, Takayuki Ito, Satoshi Tojo, “An implementation of Goal-Oriented Fashion Recommendation System,” IEA/AIE 2008.
[b20-55] Nakamura, T., Kitamura, T. and Akagi, M., “A study on nonlinguistic feature in singing and speaking voices by brain activity measurement,” Proc. NCSP'09, pp.217-220, 2009/3/1.
[b20-56] Nguyen B. P. and Akagi M., “Phoneme-based spectral voice conversion using temporal decomposition and Gaussian mixture model,” Proc. ICCE2008, 224-229, 2008/6/6.
[b20-57] Nguyen Van Tang and Mizuhito Ogawa, “Event-Clock Visibly Pushdown Automata,” Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM09 Springer LNCS 5404, pp.558-569, 2008.
[b20-58] Nguyen, B. P. and Akagi, M., “Applications of Temporal Decomposition to Voice Transformation,” International symposium on biomechanical and physiological modeling and speech science, pp.19-24, 2009/02/20.
[b20-59] Nguyen, B. P., Shibata, T., and Akagi, M., “High-quality analysis/synthesis method based on Temporal decomposition for speech modification,” Proc. InterSpeech2008, Brisbane, pp.662-665, 2008/09/24.
[b20-60] p.I-47, Plvdiv, Bulgaria, August 12-18, 2008.
[b20-61] Petric, R., Lu, X., Unoki, M., Akagi, M., and Hoffmann, R., “Robust front end processing for speech recognition in reverberant environments: Utilization of speech characteristics,” Proc. InterSpeech2008, Brisbane, pp.658-661, 2008/09/24.
[b20-62] Q. Fang, S. Fujita, X. Lu, J. Dang,“A model based investigation of activation patterns of the tongue muscles for vowel production,” InterSpeech2008, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 2298-2301, 2008/9.
[b20-63] Razvan BEURAN, Junya NAKATA, Takashi OKADA, Ken-ichi CHINEN, Yasuo TAN, Yoichi SHINODA, Yoshihiro SUZUKI, Tetsuya KAWAKAMI, “Active Tag Based Pedestrian Localization Emulation System,” Fifth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, pp.258, 2008.
[b20-64] Razvan BEURAN, Junya NAKATA, Takashi OKADA, Tetsuya KAWAKAMI, Ken-ichi CHINEN, Yasuo TAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “Emulation of an Active Tag Location Tracking System,” Ambient Intelligence Forum 2008 (AMIF2008), pp.53-60, 2008.
[b20-65] Razvan BEURAN, Junya NAKATA, Takashi OKADA, Tetsuya KAWAKAMI, Ken-ichi CHINEN, Yasuo TAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “Emulation System for Active Tag Applications.” International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), pp.1-6, 2008.
[b20-66] Razvan BEURAN, Junya NAKATA, Yoshihiro SUZUKI, Tetsuya KAWAKAMI, Ken-ichi CHINEN, Yasuo TAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “Active Tag Emulation for Pedestrian Localization Applications,” Fifth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, pp.55-58, 2008.
[b20-67] Rene Vestergaard, Pierre Lescanne, Hiroakira Ono, “Constructive rationality implies backward induction for conscientious players,”4th international workshop on Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications, LICS, 2008.
[b20-68] Ryo HAYASAKA, Koichiro OCHIMIZU, “A Proposal for Software Accountability of Law Enforcing Information Systems,”in Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Accountability and Traceability in Global Software Engineering(ATGSE2008), pp35-36, Beijing, China, December 2008.
[b20-69] S. tojo, “Relative pseudo-inconsistency in Ontology. in Workshop on Natural Language Engineering of Legal Argumentation,” 21st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX) (2008).
[b20-70] Saber Zrelli, Atsuko Miyaji, Yoichi Shinoda and Thierry Ernst, “Security and Access Control for Vehicular Communications,” IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications 2008 (WIMOB '08), 561-566, 2008/10.
[b20-71] Saber Zrelli, Yoichi Shinoda, Atsuko Miyaji and Thierry Ernst, “Security and Access Control for Vehicular Communications,” The IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WIMOB 2008), 2008.
[b20-72] Samia Souissi, Yan Yang, Xavier Defago, “Fault-Tolerant Flocking in a k- Bounded Asynchronous System,” OPODIS 2008, pp.145-163, 2008.
[b20-73] Saw Sanda Aye, Koichiro Ochimizu, “Simulation of Process Model with Communication Structure”, Proceedings of FOSE2008, November 2008.
[b20-74] T. Asano, “Constant Working Space Algorithms with Applications,” Abstracts of 5th International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, ''
[b20-75] T. Asano, “Constant-Working-Space Algorithms for Image Processing,”ETVC08: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Visual Computing, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France), November 18th-20th 2008.
[b20-76] T. Asano, “Constant-Working-Space Algorithms,”Proc. Kyoto RIMS International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics, October, 2008.
[b20-77] T. Asano, “Constant-Working-Space Image Scan with a Given Angle,” Proc. 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, pp. 165-168, 2008, Nancy, France.
[b20-78] T. Asano, “Online Uniformity of Integer Points on a Line,” Proc. 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry, pp. 99-102, 2008, Nancy, France.
[b20-79] T.Asano, “Constant-Working Space Algorithm for Image Processing, ” Proc. of the First AAAC Annual meeting, Hong Kong, April 26-27, p. 3, 2008.
[b20-80] Takashi OKADA, Junya NAKATA, Razvan BEURAN, Yasuo TAN, Yoichi SHINODA, “Large-scale Simulation Method of Mobile Robots,”第2回ユニバーサルコミュニケーション国際シンポジウム, 2008.
[b20-81] Takayuki Obata, and Mineo Kaneko, “Concurrent Skew and Control Step Assignments in RT-Level Datapath Synthesis,” Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.2018-2021, May 2008.
[b20-82] Thai Phuong Nguyen, Anh Cuong Le, Akira Shimazu and Tu Bao Ho, “Integration of Word Sense Disambiguation into Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation,” In Proceedings of the 2008 Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing Workshop, Hanoi, 16 December, 2008.
[b20-83] Toshiaki Aoki, “Model Checking Multi-task Software on Real-time Operating Systems,” International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2008, pp.551-555, 2008.
[b20-84] Toshiyuki MIYACHI, Shinsuke MIWA, Ken-ichi CHINEN, Yoichi SHINODA, “On the Nature of Network Experiments-Issues to Automate Network Experiments-,” The 20th IFIP Int. Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems (TESTCOM) and the 8th Int. Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software (FATES), pp.1-10, 2008.
[b20-85] Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Mineo Kaneko, “On the Derivation of a Minimum Test Set in High Quality Transition Testing,” IEEE Latin-American Test Workship, March 2009.
[b20-86] Vinh Van Nguyen, Thai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu and Minh Le Nguyen, “A Reordering Model for Phrase-based Machine Translation,” In Proceedings of Advances in Natural Language Processing 08, Springer LNCS/LNAI, Vol. 5221, pp. 476-487, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-27, 2008.
[b20-87] Vinh Van Nguyen, Thai Phuong Nguyen, Akira Shimazu and Minh Le Nguyen, “Reordering Phrase-based Machine Translation over Chunks,”In Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future in Computing & Communications Technologies (RIVF-08), pp.114-119, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, July 13-17, 2008.
[b20-88] Vu, T. T. Unoki, M. and Akagi, M.“An LP-based blind model for restoring bone-conducted speech,” Proc. ICCE2008, pp.212-217, 2008/6/5.
[b20-89] Wang, G., Dang, J., Kong, J.,“Estimation of Vocal Tract Area Function for Mandarin Vowel Sequences Using MRI,”InterSpeech2008, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1182-1185, 2008/9.
[b20-90] Wang, G., Lu, X., Dang, J., Bao, H., Kong, J., “A Study of Mandarin Chinese Using X-ray and MRI,” The 8th Phonetics Conference of China and the International Symposium on Phonetics Frontiers (PCC2008&ISPF2008), Beijing, (The Best Student Paper Award), 2008/4.
[b20-91] Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata, Jian Chen, and Kokichi Futatsugi, “Trace Anonymity in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method,” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (8th CIT), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.754-759, 2008.
[b20-92] Xiaoyi Chen and Kokichi Futatsugi, “Public Financial Reporting with Transparency Consideration under the Semantic Web Environment,” Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on e-Government, October, 2008.
[b20-93] Xin Li, Daryl Shannon, Indradeep Ghosh, Mizuhito Ogawa, Sreeranga P. Rajan, and Sarfraz Khurshid, “Context-Sensitive Relevancy Analysis for Efficient Symbolic Execution Proceedings of the 6th ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems,” APLAS08 Springer LNCS 5356, pp.36-52, 2008.
[b20-94] Xin Li, Mizuhito Ogawa, “An Ahead-of-time Yet Context-Sensitive Points-to Analysis for Java Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation BYTECODE09 to appear in ENTCS, Elsevier, 2008.
[b20-95] Y. Suzuki, S. Tojo, and S. De Saeger, “Iterated Belief Revision In the face of Uncertain Communication,” DALT2008.
[b20-96] Yasuhito Arimoto, Yuji Watanabe, Michiharu Kudoh, Kokichi Futatsugi, “Checking Assignments of Controls to Risks for Internal Control,” Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ACM Press, pp.98-104, 2008.
[b20-97] Yasuyuki Tahara, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Kenji Taguchi, Toshiaki Aoki, and Shinichi Honiden, “Education Course of Practical Model Checking,” First International Workshop on Formal Methods Education and Training, 2008, pp.33-48, 2008.
[b20-98] Yoshinori Itabashi, Koichiro Ochimizu, “Prediction of project-specific process defects”, Proceedings of 4WCSQ, September 2008.
[b20-99] Yusuke Kimura, Makoto Nakamura, and Akira Shimazu, “Treatment of Legal Sentences Including Itemized and Referential Expressions - Towards Translation into Logical Forms -,”New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI2008 Conference and Workshops, Asahikawa, Japan, June 2008, Revised Selected Papers, Springer LNCS/LNAI, 2008.
[b20-100] Yusuke Kimura, Nakamura Nakamura and Akira Shimazu, “Treatment of Legal Sentences Including Itemized and Referential Expressions - Towards Translation into Logical Forms -,” In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN 2008), pp.73- 82, Asahikawa, June 10, 2008.
[b20-101] Kiyofumi Tanaka, Kouhei Hayashi, “Automatic Generation of Optimal Binary Codes for Real-Time Embedded Systems,” Proc. of International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications(ESA’08), pp.268-273, 2008.
[b20-102] Kiyofumi Tanaka, Junji Yamano, “Automatic Application of Last-Touch Instructions for Leakage Energy Reduction,” Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Innovative Architecture for Future Generation High- Performance Processors and Systems (IWIA'08), 2008.
[b20-103] Tomoaki Ukezono,Kiyofumi Tanaka, “HDOS: An Infrastructure for Dynamic Optimization,” Proc. of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pp.33-39, 2008.
[b20-104] Tomoaki Ukezono,Kiyofumi Tanaka, “Dynamic Binary Code Translation for Data Prefetch Optimization,” Proc. of IEEE 2008 International Symposium on Frontiers in Computer Architecture Design (FCAD'08), USB-memory, 2008.
[b20-105] K. Hiraishi, K. Kobayashi, “A Faster Approximation Technique for Predicate Abstraction of Hybrid Systems,” ICCAS-SICE2009 (to be presented).
[b20-106] H. Ono, “Amalgamation, interpolation and Beth definability,” International Conference on Residuated Structures: Algebra and Logic (招待講演), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008/4. c. その他
[c20-1] A. Miyaji, “The recent tendency of research and standardization of elliptic curve cryptosystems", The 4th Franco-Japanese Computer Security Workshop, Dec., 2008.
[c20-2] Atsuko Miyaji, “Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for the Privacy Protection: Theory and International Standardization,” UK-JAPAN Symposium on “Privacy and Security in the Information Society”, Nov., 2008.
[c20-3] Donna Erickson,Huang Chun-Fang, Takaaki Shochi, Albert Rilliard, Jianwu Dang, Ray Iwata, and Xugang Lu, “Acoustic and articulatory cues for Taiwanese, Japanese and American listeners’ perception of Chinese happy and sad speech,” Proc. AJS fall meeting, pp.351-354, 2008/9.
[c20-4] Hiroaki Hazeyama, Mio Suzuki, Shinsuke Miwa, Satoshi Uda, Toshiyuki Miyachi, Ken-ichi Chinen, Youki Kadobayashi and Youichi Shinoda: "NERDBOX : An Emulated Internet for Scalability Tests of Running Codes", ACM SIGCOMM 2008, Demo Session, 2008.
[c20-5] Jianwu Dang and Xugang Lu, “Investigation of consistency of vowel structures between speech production and perceptual spaces,” Proc. AJS fall meeting, pp.441-444, 2008/9.
[c20-6] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, “A Note on the NP-completeness of the Ordered Coloring on Unit Interval Graphs,” IEICE General Conference, 2009/3.
[c20-7] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “A Note on the Number of Extra Registers in Safe Clocking-Based Register Assignment,” IEICE Technical Report, CAS-2008-90, NLP2008-120, pp.147-152, 2009/1.
[c20-8] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “Adjustable Safe Clocking and Relevant Register Assignment in Datapath Synthesis,” IEICE Technical Report,
[c20-9] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “Delay Variability-Aware Datapath Synthesis Based on Safe Clocking for Setup and Hold Timing Constraints,” IEICE Technical Report, VLD2008-85, DC2008-53, pp.151-156, 2008/11.
[c20-10] Keisuke Inoue, Mineo Kaneko, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, “Delay Variation-Aware Datapath Synthesis Based on Register Clustering,” IEICE Technical Report, VLD2008-51, pp.25-30, 2008/9.
[c20-11] Li, J., Jiang, H., Fu, Q., Sakamoto, S., Hongo, S., Akagi, M., and Suzuki, Y., “Adaptive ?-order generalized spectral subtraction-based speech enhancement for cochlear implant patients,” Proc. ASJ '2008 Fall Meeting, 3-8-5,2008/09/12.
[c20-12] Li, J., Sakamoto, S., Hongo, S., Akagi, M., and Suzuki, Y., “Improved two-stage binaural speech enhancement based on accurate interference estimation for hearing aids,” IHCON2008, 2008/08/16.
[c20-13] M. S. Rahman, M. Soshi, K. Omote, A. Miyaji,“An RFID Authentication Protocol Suitable for Batch-mode Authentication,” Computer Security Symposium, CSS2008-C3-2, pp.277-282, 2008/10.
[c20-14] Petric, R., Lu, X., Unoki, M., Akagi, M., and Hoffmann, R., “Robust front end processing for speech recognition in reverberant environments: Utilization of Speech Properties,” 電子情報通信学会技術報告、SP2008-44, 2008/07/17.
[c20-15] Takayuki Obata, Mineo Kaneko, 「スキュー最適化を前提とした実行可能な資源割り当て及び演算順序」, “Schedulable Resource Binding under Skew Optimization,” IEICE Technical Report, VLD2008-50, pp.19-24, 2008/9.
[c20-16] Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Mineo Kaneko, “An Integer Programming Formulation for Generating High Quality Transition Tests,” IEICE Technical Report, VLD2008-61, DC2008-29, pp.7-12, 2008/11.
[c20-17] VLD, 2009/03.
[c20-18] Xavier Defago, “Atomic Broadcast,”Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008.
[c20-19] Xavier Defago, “Causal Order, Logical Clocks, State Machine Replication,” Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008.
[c20-20] 衣笠, Lu, Vu, 鵜木, 赤木, 「線形予測分析に基づいた骨導音声ブラインド回復法の総合評価:Lombard 効果による影響について」, 日本音響学会平成20年秋季研究発表会, 1-R-8, 2008/09/10.
[c20-21] 井上恵介, 金子峰雄, 岩垣剛, 「データパス合成における最小遅延補正演算器数の最小化手法」, 電子情報通信学会回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ, pp.623-628, 2008/4.
[c20-22] 井上恵介, 金子峰雄, 岩垣剛, 「データパス合成における順序制約付レジスタ割り当て問題の解法」, DAシンポジウム, pp.115-120, 2008-8.
[c20-23] 井上恵介, 金子峰雄, 岩垣剛, 「高位合成における順序制約付レジスタ割り当て」, 電子情報通信学会VLSI設計技術研究会, CAS2008-20, VLD2008-33, SIP2008-54, pp.7-12, 2008/6.
[c20-24] 井上朋哉、安田真悟、高野祐輝、宇多仁、篠田陽一: 「PacketX: エンドホストにおけるアプリケーション指向IPパケット制御機構」, インターネットコンファレンス2008(IC2008), pp.99-107, 2008.
[c20-25] 鵜木, ルー, ヴ, 衣笠, 赤木, 「線形予測分析に基づいた骨導音声ブラインド回復法の総合的評価」, 電子情報通信学会技術報告、SP2008-24, 2008/06/27.
[c20-26] 吉岡信和,青木利晃,田原康之, 「SPINによる設計モデル検証」,近代科学社,2008.
[c20-27] 宮地充子, 「情報セキュリティに関する国際標準化」, 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科, Nov., 2008.
[c20-28] 宮地充子, 近澤 武, 竜田敏男, 渡辺 創, 大熊建司, 「情報セキュリティの標準化動向について ~ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG2 2008年4月京都会議報告~」, IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC2008-20, 27-36, 2008/7.
[c20-29] 宮地充子,「ISOにおける暗号標準化動向」, 第5回ISSスクエア水平ワークショップ, Dec., 2008.
[c20-30] 宮地利幸、知念賢一、篠田陽一: 「StarBED and SpringOS」, インターネットコンファレンス2008論文集, デモセッション, pp.123, 2008.
[c20-31] 錦戸信和, 党建武, 「母音発話状態の特異調音についての考察」, 日本音響学会2008年秋季研究発表会, pp.371-372, 2008.
[c20-32] 工学の基礎ワークショップ, p.87-92, 2008.
[c20-33] 江村恵太, 宮地充子, 「属性ベースグループ署名と匿名統計調査への応用」, IEICE Japan Tech. Rep., ISEC2008-10, pp.61-68, 2008/5.
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