  1. ホーム
  2. 活動報告
  3. COEプログラム活動報告
  4. 平成17年活動報告



I. 構成員

II. 教育

III. 拠点形成

IV. 研究成果

I. 構成員


片山 卓也 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授


(1) 電子社会のための法令文書論理表現と推論グループ

島津 明 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 教授
東条 敏 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 教授
※ 白井 清昭 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助教授
※ 鳥澤 健太郎 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助教授
※ 山田 寛康 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助手
※ 中村 誠 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助手
※ 永田 裕一 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助手
※ 風間 淳一 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助手

(2) 電子社会のための形式推論機構グループ

小野 寛晰 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 教授
小川 瑞史 安心電子社会研究センター 特任教授
VESTERGAARD, Rene 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 助教授
※ 石原 哉 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助教授
※ Nikolaos, Galatos 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 助手

(3) 電子社会のための形式検証技術グループ

二木 厚吉 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授
平石 邦彦 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授
BJONER, Dines 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 特任教授
青木 利晃 安心電子社会研究センター 特任助教授
中村 正樹 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 助手
※ 岸知二 情報科学研究科 客員教授

(4) 電子社会のためのモデル化技術グループ

落水 浩一郎 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授
池田  満 知識科学研究科・知識システム基礎学専攻 教授
藤枝和宏 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 助手
天野憲樹 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 助手
※ 服部 哲 情報科学研究科 助手

(5) 電子社会のための安心基盤技術グループ

宮地 充子 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 助教授
双紙 正和 情報科学研究科 特任助教授
篠田 陽一 情報科学センター 教授
SHEN, Hong 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授
DEFAGO, Xavier 情報科学研究科 特任助教授
日比野 靖 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授
金子 峰雄 情報科学研究科・情報システム学専攻 教授
赤木 正人 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 教授
党 建武 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 教授
浅野 哲夫 情報科学研究科・情報処理学専攻 教授
※ 知念賢一 情報科学研究科 助手


センター長 片山 卓也 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
特任教授 小川 瑞史 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
特任助教授 青木 利晃 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
客員教員 岩井 淳 助教授 群馬大学・社会情報学部
堀 雅和 助教授 インテック・ウェブ・アンド・ゲノム・インフォマティック(株)
客員研究員 梅村 晃広 (株)NTTデータ
事務員 桜井 美幸 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学
ポスドク 松本 利雅 情報科学研究科(小野研究室)
Nguyen, Minh Le 情報科学研究科(島津研究室)
鈴木 義崇 情報科学研究科(東条研究室)
大橋 功治 情報科学研究科(金子研究室)
清野 貴博 情報科学研究科(二木研究室)
博士課程研究員 林 信宏(リン シンコウ) 情報科学研究科(片山研究室)
Zhang Yuanyuan 情報科学研究科(井口研究室)
黄 明仁 情報科学研究科(片山研究室)
錦戸 信和 情報科学研究科(党研究室)
白勢 政明 情報科学研究科(日比野研究室)
黄 純芳 情報科学研究科(赤木研究室)
小畑 貴之 情報科学研究科(金子研究室)
QU, Wernyu 情報科学研究科(Shen研究室)
TIAN, Hui 情報科学研究科(Shen研究室)
梅田 梢 情報科学研究科(宮地研究室)
早稲田 篤志 情報科学研究科(宮地研究室)
寺田 剛陽 情報科学研究科(宮地研究室)
中田 潤也 情報科学研究科(丹研究室)
矢竹 健朗 情報科学研究科(片山研究室)
XIONG, Naixue 情報科学研究科(Defago研究室)
LI, Guoqiang 情報科学研究科(小川研究室)
NGUYEN, Thai Phuong 情報科学研究科(島津研究室)
CHEN,Yawen 情報科学研究科(Shen研究室)
ZHANG, Haibo 情報科学研究科(Shen研究室)
VU, Thang Tat 情報科学研究科(赤木研究室)
CHEN, Fan 情報科学研究科(小谷研究室)
SUN, Wei 情報科学研究科(井口研究室)
RYU, Jae-Kwan 情報科学研究科(Chong研究室)
NGUYEN, Thanh Tri 情報科学研究科(島津研究室)

II. 教育



III. 拠点形成

1. シンポジウム

JAIST 21世紀COEシンポジウム2006 「検証進化可能電子社会」, 

2. ワークショップ

2005/11/28 - 29 定理証明系ミーティング (Theorem Proving Systems Meeting)
2005/09/21 - 22 COE Workshop on Verification Technology for e-Society 2005
2005/05/16 - 18 International Workshop on Discrete and Computational Geometry
2005/04/24 - 25 COE Workshop on Binding Challenges

3. COE 関連セミナー

2006/03/24 COE セミナー : Grid Research in China and Potential Cooperation with Japan
2006/03/22 COE セミナー : Vega Grid: Research Problems and Technical Advances
2006/01/13 COE セミナー : プロセス形式化技術の集団的意思決定問題への適用と社会進化の過程
COE セミナー : 第28回 ソフトウェアコロキウム : Communciating Processes:
overview of theory and applications
COE セミナー : Higher-Order Rewriting: Examples, Framework, Confluence
and Termination
2005/07/26 COE セミナー : Time synchronization in wireless sensor network
2005/07/26 COE セミナー : Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 and Dynamic Hierarchy
2005/07/20 COE セミナー : Trusted Computing and Trustworthy Networks in Tsinghua University
2005/07/04-05 COE セミナー : Domain Engineering
2005/05/02 COE セミナー : Incremental Software Construction
2005/04/28 COE セミナー : ISO/IEC15408評価認証の概要とHEAL証拠資料の形式化
2005/04/27 COE セミナー : 産総研システム検証研究センター紹介

第16回 情報科学研究科セミナー : OK量子化理論、画像処理アルゴリズムの近況と
2006/03/07 第15回 情報科学研究科セミナー : 4Kデジタルシネマ技術とその応用
2006/02/17 第14回 情報科学研究科セミナー : ブロック暗号の線形解読法
2006/01/26 第13回 情報科学研究科セミナー : 汎用連想計算エンジンGETAによる情報の発見
2006/01/20 第12回 情報科学研究科セミナー : 電気通信事業の変遷と最近の話題
2006/01/06 第11回 情報科学研究科セミナー : 暗号と格子
2005/12/19 情報科学研究科セミナー : オンデマンド情報抽出、及び、情報アクセス技術
2005/11/16 第10回 情報科学研究科セミナー : ロボット・セラピー
2005/11/16 第9回 情報科学研究科セミナー : デジタル放送の技術とサービス展開
2005/10/14 第8回 情報科学研究科セミナー : ヒューマノイドロボット
情報科学研究科セミナー : ヒューマノイドロボット上の自己増殖型ニューラルネットワーク
2005/09/09 第7回 情報科学研究科セミナー : r進数非隣接形式(rNAF)とペアリング暗号への応用
2005/07/12 第6回 情報科学研究科セミナー : オンラインパッキング問題とオンラインサーバー問題
2005/07/04 第5回 情報科学研究科セミナー : Interactive Smart Computers
第4回 情報科学研究科セミナー : 研究用ヒューマノイドロボットHOAPを用いた生物規範
第3回 情報科学研究科セミナー : The Changing Face of Software Engineering
2005/06/07 第2回 情報科学研究科セミナー : ビジュアル言語Viscuit
2005/06/06 第1回 情報科学研究科セミナー : 生命ソフトウェアを目指して

・ AL(Algorithm & Logic)セミナー
第114回 AL セミナー : Completeness of a Hypersequent Calculus for Some
First-order Godel Logics with Delta
2006/02/28 第113回 AL セミナー : Atomicity and formal semantics
2006/02/10 第112回 AL セミナー : Some Problems of Early Indian Logic
2006/01/20 第111回 AL セミナー : Belnap's 4-valued logic and logic programs verification
2005/12/12 第110回 AL セミナー : Acts of Commanding and Changing Obligations
2005/09/06 第109回 AL セミナー : A path order POP and its applications
2005/05/31 第108回 AL セミナー : Temporal Logic over transitive states

Kleptography: The Outsider Inside Your Crypto Devices (and its trust

2005/04/04-06 離散幾何学と計算幾何学に関する国際セミナー




った.国外との共同研究については,(1)AT&T Research Labs.のDr. Schlicktingと分散シス
ている.また,(2)マサチューセッツ大学 Osterweil教授と電子政府シミュレーションの研究


金沢大学・北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 第5回研究交流会 2005年12月12日

「特集 21世紀卓越した情報研究拠点プログラムの目指す研究(後編)」 情報処理学会会誌46巻5号,
pp515-521, 2005

IV. 研究成果

(1) 電子社会のための法令文書論理表現と推論


Cuong Anh Le, Akira Shimazu, and Van-Nam Huynh, "Word Sense Disambiguation by Combining
Classifiers with an Adaptive Selection of Context Representation," Journal of Natural
Language Processing, Vol.13, No.1, pp.75-95, 2006.

N. N. Tun and S. Tojo, "Unification of Sorts Among Local Ontologies for Semantic Web
Applications," WSEAS Transactions on Computers, issue 2, Vol.4, pp.123-129, 2005.


Cuong Anh Le, Van-Nam Huynh, and Akira Shimazu, "Combining Classifiers with Multi-Representation
of Context in Word Sense Disambiguation," Tu Bao Ho, David Cheung, and Huan Liu (Eds.):
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (LNAI 3518), pp.262-268, 2004. Proc. 9th
Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2005, Hanoi, May 2005.

Cuong Anh Le, Van-Nam Huynh, and Akira Shimazu, "An Evidential Reasoning Approach to
Weighted Combination of Classifiers for Word Sense Disambiguation," Petra Perner and
Atsushi Imiya (Eds.) Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (LNAI 3587),
pp.516-525, 2005. Proc. 4th International Conference, MLDM 2005, Leipzig, Germany, July 2005.

Nguyen Minh Le, Akira Shimazu, and Hieu Xuan Phan, "Structured SVM Semantic Parser Augmented
by Semantic Tagging with Conditional Random Field," 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Language,
Information and Computation (PACLIC 19), pp.167-177, 2005.

Nguyen Minh Le, Akira Shimazu, and Hieu Xuan Phan, "A Maximum Entropy Model for Transforming
Sentences to Logical Form," Shichao Zhang and Ray Jarvis (Eds.) AI2005: Advances in Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI 3809), Springer, pp.800-804, 2005.

Nguyen Minh Le and Akira Shimazu, "Learning to Map Sentences to Formal Language with Structured
SVM Classification: A Case Study for RoboCup Coach Langugage," 3rd International Conference
on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS 2005), Singapore, Dec. 2005.

Y. Suzuki and S. Tojo, "Additive Consolidation for Dialogue Games," 10th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2005.

N. N Tun and S. Tojo, "IC-based Ontology Expansion in Devouring Accessibility," Australian
Ontology Workshop (AOW), 2005.

S. Yoshioka and S. Tojo, "CB-CTL: A Reasoning System of Temporal Epistemic Logic with
Communication Channel," 3rd International World Enformatika Conference, 2005.

S. Yoshioka and S. Tojo, "Many-dimentional Modal Logic of Tense and Temporal Interval and
Its Decidability," 3rd International World Enformatika Conference, 2005.

K. Kaneiwa and S. Tojo, "Logical Aspects of Events: Quantification, Sorts, Composition
and Disjointness," Australian Ontology Workshop (AOW), 2005.

S. Hagiwara and S. Tojo, "Stable Legal Knowledge with Regard to Contradictory Arguments,"
AIA: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2006.

S. Yoshioka, M. Kobayashi, and S. Tojo, "State Updating of Channel Communication System
CB/CTL," AIA: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
and Applications, 2006.


江尻 暁, 北田安希雄, 島津 明, "法令文の論理式への変換−論理構造について−,"
言語処理学会第12回年次大会, pp.4-9, 2006.

北田安希雄, 江尻暁, 島津明, "法令文の論理式への変換−原始文について−,"
言語処理学会第12回年次大会, pp.4-10, 2006.

木村俊也, 中川晋一, 三角真, 山岡克式, 酒井善則, 島津明, "Web上のがん情報取得のための
がん用語辞書の作成," 言語処理学会第12回年次大会, pp.1-6, 2006.

嶋崎好文, 島津明, "ユーザと適応的に対話するための説明対話モデルについて,"
言語処理学会第12回年次大会, pp.9-7, 2006.

山田大介, 島津明, "法令文の言語的特徴を利用した可読性向上のための表示,"
言語処理学会第12回年次大会, pp.2-1, 2006.

吉岡卓, 東条敏, "時制と時区間を表現する複様相論理とその決定可能性,"人工知能学会誌,
vol.21, No.3, 2006.



Rene Vestergaard, "A Constructive Approach to Sequential Nash Equilibria," Information
Processing Letters, 97, 2005.


Hiroakira Ono, "Embeddings of Algebras and Their Logical Consequences," Trends in Logic
III International Conference (invited talk), Warszawa/Ruciane-Nida, Poland, Sep. 2005.

Hiroakira Ono, "Interpolation Property and Principle of Variable Separation in Substructural
Logics,", 9th Asian Logic Conference (invited talk), Novosibirsk, Russia, Aug. 2005.

Mizuhito Ogawa, Eiichi Horita and Satoshi Ono, "Proving Properties of Incremental Merkle
Trees," 20th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE-20, Springer LNAI 3632,
pp.424-440, 2005.

Isao Sasano, Mizuhito Ogawa, and Zhenjiang Hu, "Maximum Marking Problems with Accumulative
Weight Functions," International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC05,
LNCS 3722, pp.562-578, 2005.

Li Xin and Mizuhito Ogawa, "Interprocedural Program Analysis for Java based on Weighted
Pushdown Model Checking," accepted to 5th International Workshop on Automated Verification
of Infinite-State Systems (AVIS'06), to appear in ENTCS.


小野寛晰, "論理的方法と代数的方法," 第二回システム検証の科学技術シンポジウム(招待講演,
大阪, Oct. 2005.

Guoqiang Li, Bochao Liu, Xin Li and Mizuhito Ogawa, "Type-directed Trace Analysis of
Security Protocols in Process Calculus," 第22回日本ソフトウェア科学会大会 5A-3, Sept. 2005.

Masahiro Kitagawa, Akira Kataoka, and Mizuhito Ogawa, "Logarithmic Width Enumerative
Coding," 第28回情報理論とその応用シンポジウムSITA2005予稿集, Vol.II, pp.395-398, Nov. 2005.



Takuya Katayama, Tatsuo Nakajima, Taichi Yuasa, Tomoji Kishi, Shin Nakajima, Shuichi
Oikawa, Masahiro Yasugi, Toshiaki Aoki, Mitsutaka Okazaki, and Seiji Umatani, "Highly
Reliable Embedded Software Development Using Advanced Software Technologies," IEICE
Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E88-D, No.6, pp.1105-1116, 2005.

矢竹健朗, 青木利晃, 片山卓也, "コラボレーションに基づくオブジェクト指向モデルの検証,"
コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol.22, No.1, pp.58-76, 2005.

岡崎光隆, 青木利晃, 片山卓也. "並行オブジェクトから並行処理列への変換法,"
コンピュータソフトウェア, Vol.22, No.2, pp.58-73, 2005.

片山卓也, "特集 21世紀卓越した情報研究拠点プログラムの目指す研究(後編):
検証進化可能電子社会," 情報処理学会会誌, 46巻5号, pp.515-521, 2005.

中村正樹, 緒方和博, 二木厚吉, "項書き換えシステムにおける可簡約演算子とその応用,"
情報処理学会論文誌:プログラミング, vol. 46, No.SIG6 (PRO25), pp.47-59, 2005.

Takahiro Seino, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Mechanically Supporting Case
Analysis for Verification of Distributed Systems," Journal of Pervasive Computing and
Communications, Vol.1, No. 2, pp.135-145, 2005.

Jing Tian, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Jianwen Xiang, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Knowledge Management
in Academia: Survey, Analysis and Perspective,"Int. J. Management and Decision Making,
Vol. 7, Nos. 2/3, pp. 275-294, 2006.


Chaiwat Sathawornwichit and Takuya Katayama,"A Parametric Model Checking Approach for
Real-Time Systems Design," Asia Pacific Conference on Software Engineering (APSEC05),
pp.584-594, 2005

Kenro Yatake, Toshiaki Aoki, and Takuya Katayama, "Implementing Application-Specific
Object-Oriented Theories in HOL," Theoretical Aspect of Computing - ICTAC2005, pp.516-516, 2005.

Toshiaki Aoki and Takuya Katayama, "Formalization and Analysis of Dataflow in Object-Oriented
Design Models," International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing 2005,
pp.95-105, 2005.

Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Steering Model-Driven Development of Enterprise
Information System through Responsibilities," WSMDEIS 2005, INSTICC Press, Portugal,
pp.165-170, 2005.

Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Steering Model-Driven Evolution by Responsibilities,"
IWPSE 2005, 2005.

Nguyen Truong Thang and Takuya. Katayama, "A Formal Approach Facilitating the Evolution
of Component-Based Software," International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution
(IWPSE2005), pp.49-52, 2005.

Nguyen Truong Thang and Takuya Katayama, "Constructing Open Systems via Consistent
Components," International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC2005),
pp.517-531, 2005.

Nguyen Truong Thang and Takuya. Katayama, "Specification and Verification of Inter-Component
Constraints in CTL," Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems Workshop
(SAVCBS2005), Microsoft Research, pp.15-22, 2005.

Yasser Kotb and Takuya Katayama, "Consistency Checking of UML Model Diagrams Using the XML
Semantics Approach," 14th International World Wide Web Conference 2005 (WWW2005), Chiba,
Japan, pp.982-983, May 2005.

Yasser Kotb and Takuya Katayama, "A Consistency Checker for UML Model Diagrams," Workshop
on Dependable Software - Tools and Methods, Joined with The International Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN-2005), pp. 192-197, Yokohama, Japan, June 2005.

Yasser Kotb and Takuya Katayama, "A Novel Technique to Verify the UML Use Case Diagrams,"
IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (SE 2006), Innsbruck, Austria,
pp.300-305, Feb. 2006.

Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Model-Checking Observational
Transition System with Maude," 20th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,
Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005), pp.5-6, July 2005.

Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Formal Analysis of Workflow
Systems with Security Considerations," 17th International Conference on Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2005), pp.531-536, July 2005.

Masaki Nakamura, Masahiro Watanabe, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "A Behavioral Specification
of Imperative Programming Languages," 2005 International Technical Conference On
Circuits/System, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2005), pp. 403-404, July 2005.

Kokichi Futatsugi, Joseph Goguen, and Kazuhiro Ogata, "Verifying Design with Proof
Scores," 1st IFIP-WG2.3 Conference on Verified Software: Tool, Theory, and Experience
(electric form), Oct. 2005.

Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata, Takahiro Seino, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "A Lightweight
Integration of Theorem Proving and Model Checking for System Verification," 12th
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2005), IEEE CS Press, pp.59-66, Dec. 2005.

Masahiro Nakano, Kazuhiro Ogata, Masaki Nakamura, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Automatic
Verification of the STS Authentication Protocol with Creme," 20th International Technical
Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (20th ITC-CSCC), pp.15-16, 2005.

Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Equational Approach to Formal Analysis of TLS,"
25th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (25th ICDCS),
pp.795-804 2005.

Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Proof Score Approach to Verification of Liveness
Properties," 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering (17th SEKE), pp.608-613, 2005.

Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Analysis of the Suzuki-Kasami Algorithm with SAL
Model Checkers," 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
(5th CIT), pp.937-943, 2005.

Kazuhiro Ogata, Masahiro Nakano, Masaki Nakamura, and Kokichi Futatsugi "Chocolat/SMV:
A Translator from CafeOBJ into SMV," 6th International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (6th PDCAT), pp.416-420, 2005.

Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Analysis of the Suzuki-Kasami Algorithm with the
Maude Model Checker," 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (12th APSEC),
pp.159-166, 2005.

Jittisak Senachak, Takahiro Seino, Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Provably
Correct Translation from CafeOBJ into Java," 17th International Conference on Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (17th SEKE), pp.614-619, 2005.

Takahiro Seino, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "A Toolkit for Generating and
Displaying Proof Scores in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method," 6th International Workshop on
Rule-Based Programming (6th RULE), ENTCS, Elsevier, 2005.

Jianwen Xiang, Kazuhiro Ogata and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Formal Fault Tree Analysis of
State Transition Systems," 5th International Conference on Quality Software (5th QSIC),
pp.124-131, 2005.

Kunihiko Hiraishi and Sunseong Choe, "Computational Tools for Designing Hybrid Systems
Based on Constraint Satisfaction," Workshop on Control of Hybrid and Discrete Event
Systems, Satellite workshop of ATPN2005, 41-60, June 2005.

Kunihiko Hiraishi, "Modeling and Verification of e-Society using DES Technology," SICE
Annual Conference 2005, pp.2808-2811, July 2005.

Sunseong Choe and Kunihiko Hiraishi, "Application of Quantifier Elimination to Optimal
Control Problems of Hybrid Systems," 7th Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics,
pp.62-65, Dec. 2005.


青木利晃, 片山卓也, "アクション言語と制約言語を用いて記述されたオブジェクト指向設計モデル
の検証法,"日本ソフトウェア科学会 第2回ディペンダブルソフトウェア研究会 (DSW2005), pp.61-70, 2005.

青木利晃, 片山卓也, "RTOSに基づいたソフトウェアのためのモデル検査ライブラリ,"組込みソフト
ウェアシンポジウム2005, pp.56-63, 2005.

青木利晃, 片山卓也, "ステートチャートに基づいたオブジェクト指向設計モデルの検証,"
FOSE2005, pp.55-64, 2005.

中村正樹, 二木厚吉, "モジュラーな代数仕様言語のための項書き換えシステム,"
第二回システム検証の科学技術シンポジウム, pp. 106-121, Oct. 2005.

Weiqiang Kong, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Kokichi Futatsugi, "Formal Modeling and Verification
of Workflows with Security Considerations," 2nd Symposium on Science and Technology for
System Verification, pp.135-149, Oct. 2005. (第二回システム検証の科学技術シンポジウム)

J. Xiang, K. Ogata, W. Kong, and K. Futatsugi, "From Safety Analysis to Formal System
Specification and Verification with OTS/CafeOBJ," 2nd Symposium on Science and Technology
for System Verification, pp. 64-78, Oct. 2005. (第二回システム検証の科学技術シンポジウム)

平石邦彦, 崔舜星, "制約充足に基づいたハイブリッドシステム設計のための計算ツール,"
第18回回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ, pp.287-298, Apr. 2005.

崔舜星, 平石邦彦, "ハイブリッドシステムにおける最適制御問題へのQEの適用,"
第15回インテリジェントシステムシンポジウム, 計測自動制御学会, pp.177-192, 2005.

平石邦彦, 小谷正行, "確率ペトリネットを用いたワークフローの性能評価,"
計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会2005, pp.354-359, Nov. 2005.



服部哲, 落水浩一郎, "確率ペトリネットによる組織パターンの検証," コンピュータソフトウェア,
Vol.23, No.1, pp.60-68, 2006.


Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Steering Model-Driven Development of Enterprise
Information System through Responsibilities," WSMDEIS 2005, INSTICC Press, Portugal,
pp.165-170, 2005.

Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Steering Model-Driven Evolution by Responsibilities,"
IWPSE 2005, 2005.


金旭東, 早坂良, 小谷正行, 落水浩一郎, "メタパターンを用いたJavaソースコードにおける協調
クラス群の抽出," 情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会, 情処研報2005-SE-150, pp.101-108, Nov. 2005.

早坂良, 堀雅和, 藤枝和宏, 落水浩一郎, "アカウンタビリティおよび進化容易性を持つ
ソフトウェアアーキテクチャと3層モデルとの対応," 情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会,
情処研報2005-SE-150, pp.1-8, Nov. 2005.

早坂良, 藤枝和宏, 落水浩一郎, "アカウンタビリティおよび進化容易性を持つ履修管理システム
の設計," 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第 22 回大会, CD-ROM, Sept. 2005.

早坂良, 藤枝和宏, 落水浩一郎, "履修管理システムにおけるアカウンタビリティおよび進化容易性
を実現するソフトウェアアーキテクチャ," 電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会,
信学技報 SS2005-32, pp.49-54, Aug. 2005.

早坂良、落水浩一郎, "履修管理システムにおけるオントロジを用いたアカウンタビリティ設計手法,"
情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会, 情処研報2005-SE-151, Mar. 2006.

小谷正行, 落水浩一郎, "ソフトウェア共同開発におけるワークフロー実行制御の一方式,"
電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会, 信学技報SS2005-88, pp.31-36, Feb. 2006.

早坂良, 藤枝和宏, 落水浩一郎, "履修管理システムにおけるアカウンタビリティおよび進化容易性
を実現するソフトウェアアーキテクチャ," 電子情報通信学会ソフトウェアサイエンス研究会,
信学技報, SS2005-32, pp.49-54, Aug. 2005.

早坂良, 藤枝和宏, 落水浩一郎, "アカウンタビリティおよび進化容易性を持つ履修管理システムの
設計," 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第 22 回大会, CD-ROM, Step. 2005.

金旭東,早坂良,小谷正行,落水浩一郎, "メタパターンを用いたJavaソースコードにおける協調
クラス群の抽出," 情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会,情処研報2005-SE-150 pp.101-108,
Nov. 2005.

ソフトウェアアーキテクチャと3層モデルとの対応," 情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会,
情処研報2005-SE-150,pp.1-8,Nov. 2005.



A. Miyaji and K. Umeda, "Efficient Group Signature Scheme based on a Modified
Nyberg-Rueppel signature," IPSJ Trans, vol. 46, No.8, pp.1889-1902, 2005.

A. Waseda, M. Soshi and A. Miyaji, "Quantum Coin Flipping Protocol Using n-dimensional
Quantum States," IPSJ Trans, vol. 46, No.8, pp.1903-1911, 2005.

Y. Sakabe, M. Soshi, and M. Miyaji, "Java Obfuscation - Approaches to Construct
Tamper-Resistant Object-Oriented Programs," IPSJ Trans.,vol. 46, No.8, pp.2107-2119, 2005.

Keqiu Li and H. Shen, "Coordinated En-Route Multimedia Object Caching in Transcoding
Proxies for Tree Networks," ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and
Applications (TOMCAPP), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.289-314, 2005.

Keqiu Li, H. Shen, F. Chin, and S. Zheng, "Optimal Methods for Coordinated En-Route Web
Caching for Tree Networks", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Vol. 5, No. 3,
pp. 480-507, 2005.

Keqiu Li and H. Shen, "Optimal Methods for Proxy Placement in Coordinated En-Route Web
Caching," IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol. E88-B, No. 4, pp. 1458-1466, 2005.

Keqiu Li and H. Shen, "Optimal Methods for Object Placement in En-Route Web Caching for
Tree Networks and Autonomous Systems," International Journal of High Performance Computing
and Networking (IJHPCN), Vol. 4, No. 5, 2005.

Haibin Kan and Hong Shen, "A Relation Between the Characteristic Generators of a Linear Code
and Its Dual," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 1199-1202, 2005.

Haibin Kan and Hong Shen, "A Counterexample for the Conjecture on the Minimal Delay of
Orthogonal Designs with Maximal Rates," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51,
No. 1, pp. 355-359, 2005.

Gui Xie and Hong Shen, "Highly Scalable, Low-Complexity Image Coding Using Zeroblocks of
Wavelet Coefficients," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 762-770, 2005.

Zonghua Zhang and Hong Shen, "Application of Online-training SVMs for Real-time
Intrusion Detection with Different Considerations," Computer Communications, Vol.28,
No.12, pp.1428-1442, 2005.

Haibin Kan and Hong Shen, "Trellis Properties of Product codes," IEICE Transactions on
Fundamentals, Vol. E88-A, No. 1, 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "Multicast Based Inference for Topology and Network-Internal
Loss Performance from End-to-end Measurements," accepted by Computer Communications,
Dec. 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "An improved algorithm of multicast topology inference from
end-to-end measurements," accepted by International Journal of Communication Systems, 2005.

Hui Tian, Hong Shen and Teruo Matsuzawa, "Energy-Efficient Topologies and Routing for
Wireless Sensor Networks", GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and
Engineering, No.1, Vol.8, pp. 79-89, 2005.

Hui Tian, Hong Shen, and Teruo Matsuzawa, "Random Walk Routing for Wireless Sensor
Networks," International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, accepted, 2005.

Ke Deng, Hong Shen, and Hui Tian, "Self projecting time series forecast: an online stock
trend forecast system," accepted by International Journal of Computational Science and
Engineering, 2005.

W. Qu, H. Shen, and J. Sum, "Stochastic Analysis on Mobile Agent-Based E-Shopping,"
International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol.3, No.3-4, 2005.

Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen, and John Sum, "New Analysis on Mobile Agents Based," Network
Routing. Applied Soft Computing Journal (ASOC), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 108-118, 2005.

Stanley P. Y. Fung, Francis Y. L. Chin, and Hong Shen, "Online Scheduling of Unit Jobs
with Bounded Importance Eatio," International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,
Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 581-598, 2005.

Qiangfeng Zhang, Francis Y. L. Chin, and Hong Shen, "Minimum Parent-Offspring
Recombination Haplotype Inference in Pedigrees," Transactions on Computational Systems
Biology, Vol. 2, pp. 100-112, 2005.

Y. Kozaki-Yamaguchi, N. Suzuki, Y. Fujita, H. Yoshimasu, M. Akagi, and T. Amagasa,
"Perception of hypernasality and its physical correlates," Oral Science International,
Vol.2, No.1, pp.21-35, 2005.

T. Saitou, M. Unoki, and M. Akagi, "Development of an F0 Control Model Based on F0
Dynamic Characteristics for Singing-voice Synthesis," Speech Communication 46,
pp.405-417, 2005.

J. Dang, M. Akagi, and K. Honda, "Communication between Speech Production and Perception
within the Brain - Observation and simulation," J. Comp. Sci. & Tech., Vol.21, No.1,
pp.95-105, 2006.

J. Li and M. Akagi, "A Noise Reduction System Based on Hybrid Noise Estimation Technique
and Post-filtering in Arbitrary Noise Environments," Speech Communication, 48,
pp.111-126, 2006.

B. Aronov, T. Asano, N. Katoh, K. Mehlhorn, and T. Tokuyama, "Polyline Fitting of Planar
Points under Min-sum Criterion," to appear in International Journal on Computational
Geometry and Applications.

T. Asano, P. Evans, R. Uehara, and G. Valiente, "Site Consistency in Phylogenetic
Networks with Recombination," In Iliopoulos, C.S., Park, K., Steinh¨ofel, K., (eds.):
Algorithmics in Bioinformatics. Volume 6 of Texts in Algorithmics. College Publications,
pp.15-26, 2006.

Boris Aronov, Tetsuo Asano, Yosuke Kikuchi, Subhas C. Nandy, Shinji Sasahara, and
Takeaki Uno, "A Generalization of Magic Squares with Applications to Digital Halftoning,"
to appear in Theory of Computing System.

S. Sasahara and T. Asano, "New Dispersed-dot Halftoning Technique by Elimination of
Unstable Pixels for Electrophotography," Journal of Electronic Imaging, pp.023006-1-9, 2005.

T. Asano, M. de Berg, O. Cheong, H. Everett, H. Haverkort, N. Katoh, and A. Wolff,
"Optimal Spanners for Axis-Aligned Buildings," Computational Geometry: Theory and
Applications, Vol.30, No.1, pp.59-77, 2005.


A. Waseda, M. Soshi, and A. Miyaji, "n-state Quantum Coin Flipping Protocol,"
International Conference on Information Technology- ITCC2005, Vol. II, pp.776-777, 2005.

H. Mamiya and A. Miyaji, "Fixed-Hamming-Weight Representation for Indistinguishable
Addition Formulae," ACNS 2005.

A. Miyaji and Y. Takano, "On the Success Probability of A2-attack on RC6," ACISP 2005,
LNCS 3089, pp.310-325, 2005.

Atsuko Miyaji, "Privacy Rights in the Digital Age Technological, -How to Protect Privacy
Right by the technology of Information Security-," International Forum on Privacy Rights
in the Digital Age, Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Sept. 2005.

A. Miyaji, "On public-key Broadcast Encryption," CSEC2005-29, pp.31-38, 2005.

Toshiyuki Miyachi, Ken-ichi Chinen, and Yoichi Shinoda, "Automatic Configuration and
Execution of Internet Experiments on an Actual Node-based Testbed," Tridentcom 2005,
Trento, Italy, ISBN 0-7695-2219-X, pp.274-282, Feb. 2005.

A. Miyaji, "ID-Based encryption scheme with a hierarchical structure and its application,"
Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security, SCIS2006-3A1-4, Jan. 2006.

Ken-ichi Chinen, Toshiyuki Miyachi, and Yoichi Shinoda, "A Rendezvous in Network
Experiment - Case Study of Kuroyuri," TridentCom 2006, Barcelona, Spain, ISBN
1-4244-0106-2, Mar. 2006.

Keqiu Li, Hong Shen, and Francis Y. L. Chin, "Cooperative Determination on Cache
Replacement Candidates for Transcoding Proxy Caching," LNCS 3619 (Proc. of ICCNMC 2005),
pp.178-187, 2005 (Best paper award).

Keqiu Li, H. Shen, Francis Y. L Chin, and Liusheng Huang, "Multimedia Object Placement
Solutions for Hybrid Transparent Data Replication," The IEEE Global Telecommunications
Conference (GLOBECOM 2005), St. Louis, USA, Nov. 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "Discover Multicast Network Internal Characteristics Based on
Hamming Distance," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'05,), Seoul,
Korea, CD-ROM, May 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "An optimal coverage scheme for wireless sensor network," 2005
IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICN'05), Reunion Island, France, pp. 722-730,
April 2005.

Zonghua Zhang and Hong Shen, "Constructing Multi-Layer Boundary to Defend Against
Intrusive Anomalies: An Autonomic Detection Coordinator," Int'l Conf. on Dependable
Systems and Networks (DSN2005), Yokohama, Japan, June 2005.

Z. Zhang and H. Shen, "Dynamic Combination of Multiple Host-based Anomaly Detectors with
Broader Detection Coverage and Less False Alerts," IEEE Int'l Conf. on Networking (ICN'05),
Reunion Island, France, pp.989-996, Apr. 2005.

Yawen Chen and Hong Shen, "An Improved Scheme of Wavelength Assignment for Parallel FFT
Communication Pattern on a Class of Regular Optical Networks," LNCS 3779 (Proc. of 2005
IFIP Int. Conf. on Networks and Parallel Computing), Beijing, pp.189-196, Dec. 2005.

Wenyu Qu and Hong Shen, "Theoretical Analysis on A Traffic-Based Routing Algorithm of
Mobile Agents," IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology
(IAT'05), France, pp.520-526, Sep. 2005.

Keqiu Li, Keishi Tajima, and Hong Shen, "Cache Replacement for Transcoding Proxy
Caching," IEEE/WIC/ACM Int'l Conf. on Web Intellig. (WI'05), France, pp.500-507, Sep. 2005.

Haibo Zhang, Hong Shen, and Haibin Kan, "Reliability-Latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering
in Random-Access Wireless Sensor Networks," LNCS 3619 (Proc. GCC 2005), pp. 701-712, 2005.

Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen, Yingwei Jin, "Distribution of Mobile Agents in Vulnerable Networks",
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3619 (Proc. GCC 2005), 2005, p. 894-905.

W. Chan, F. Y. L. Chin, Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, H. Shen, and P. W. H. Wong, "Off-Line Algorithms
for Minimizing Total Flow Time in Broadcast Scheduling," LNCS 3595 (Proc. COCOON 2005),
pp.318-328, 2005.

Keqiu Li, Hong Shen, and Francis Y. L. Chin, "Placement Solutions for Multiple Versions
of A Multimedia Object," 8th IEEE Int. Symp. on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed
Computing (ISORC2005), Seattle, USA, pp. 224-231, May 2005.

Yingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, and Zonghua Zhang, "An Efficient Protocol for the Problem of
Secure Two-party Vector Dominance," 6th Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2005), Dalian, pp. 488-492, Dec. 2005.

Xavier Defago, Peter Urban, Naohiro Hayashibara, and Takuya Katayama, "Definition and
Specification of Accrual Failure Detectors," Intl. Conf. on Dependable Systems and
Networks (DSN), pp. 206-215, 2005.

Koji Ohashi and Mineo Kaneko, "Statistical Scheduling Length Analysis In Asynchronous
Datapath Synthesis," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.700-703,
May 2005.

Koji Ohashi and Mineo Kaneko, "Statistical Analysis Driven Synthesis of Asynchronous
Systems," International Conference on Computer Design, pp.200-205, Oct. 2005.

Takayuki Obata and Mineo Kaneko, "Control Signal Skew Scheduling in RT Level Datapath
Synthesis," IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, CD-ROM
ISBN:0-7803-9198-5, Aug. 2005.

Mineo Kaneko, "Sequence Triple: A Finite Solution Space for Repeated Placement," IEEE
International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, CD-ROM ISBN:0-7803-9198-5, Aug. 2005.

M. Unoki, M. Toi, and M. Akagi, "Development of the MTF-based Speech Dereverberation
Method using Adaptive Time-frequency Division," Forum Acousticum 2005, pp.51-56, 2005.

J. Li, X. Lu and M. Akagi, "Noise Reduction based on Microphone Array and Post-filtering
for Robust Speech Recognition in Car Environments," Workshop DSPinCar2005, S2-9, 2005.

C. F. Huang and M. Akagi, "A Multi-Layer Fuzzy Logical Model for Emotional Speech
Perception," EuroSpeech2005, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.417-420, 2005.

M. Unoki, M. Kubo, A. Haniu, and M. Akagi, "A Model for Selective Segregation of a
Target Instrument Sound from the Mixed Sound of Various Instruments," EuroSpeech2005,
Lisbon, Portugal, pp.2097-2100, 2005.

J. Li and M. Akagi, "A Hybrid Microphone Array Post-filter in a Diffuse Noise Field,"
EuroSpeech2005, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.2313-2316, 2005.

J. Li and M. Akagi, "Theoretical Analysis of Microphone Arrays with Postfiltering for
Coherent and Incoherent Noise Suppression in Noisy Environments," IWAENC2005, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, pp.85-88, 2005.

J. Nakanishi, M. Unoki and M. Akagi, "Effect of ITD and Component Frequencies on
Perception of Alarm Signals in Noisy Environments," NCSP2006, pp.37-40, 2006.

T. T. Vu, M. Unoki, and M. Akagi, "A Study on an LPC-based Restoration Model for
Improving the Voice-quality of Bone-conducted Speech," NCSP2006, pp.110-113, 2006.

H. Nishimoto and M. Akagi, "Effects of complicated vocal tract shapes on vocal tract
transfer functions," NCSP2006, pp.114-1172006.

Y. Takeyama, M. Unoki, M. Akagi, and A. Kaminuma, "Synthesis of Mimic Speech Sounds
Uttered in Noisy Car Environments," NCSP2006, pp.118-121, 2006.

X. Lu, M. Unoki, and M. Akagi, "MTF-based Sub-band Power Envelope Restoration in
Reverberant Environment for Robust Speech Recognition," NCSP2006, pp.162-165, 2006.

J. Dang, J. Wei, T. Suzuki, and P. Perrier, "Investigation and Modeling of
Coarticulation during Speech," Interspeech2005, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1025-1028, 2005.

J. Wei, X. Lu, and J. Dang, "Parameter Optimization for a Coarticulation Model based on
Observation and Simulation," International Symposium of Frontiers in Speech and Hearing
Research, pp.49-54, 2006.

T. Asano, F. Rossello and G. Valiente, "Template Matrices for Perfect Phylogeny
Haplotyping and Site Consistency," RECOMB2006, 2006

T. Asano, S. Choe, S. Hashima, Y. Kikuchi, and S.-C. Sung, "Distributing Distinct
Integers Uniformly over a Square Matrix with Application to Digital Halftoning," Invited
Talk at 7th Hellenic European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its Applications,
Athens, Greece, Sept. 2005.

Xuefeng Liang, Kazunori Kotani, and Tetsuo Asano, "Automatically Choosing Appropriately-Sized
Structuring Elements to Eliminate Useless Components in Fingerprint Image," Visual
Communications and Image Processing 2005, Beijing, edited by Shipeng Li, Fernando Pereira,
Heung-Yeung Shum, Andrew G. Tescher, Proc. Of SPIE Vol.5960, pp.284-293, 2005.

T. Asano, "Computational Geometric and Combinatorial Approaches to Digital Halftoning,"
Prenaru Talk at International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications,
Singapore, May 2005.

S. Teramoto, T. Asano, B. Doerr, and N. Katoh, "Inserting Points Uniformly at Every
Instance," 2005 Korea Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, Seoul, Korea,
pp.3-9, 2005.

E. Chiba, T. Asano, T. Miura, N. Katoh, and I. Mitsuka, "Modeling of Transportation
Systems Using Crash Probability," 2005 Korea Japan Joint Workshop on Algorithms and
Computation, pp.142-149, Seoul, Korea, 2005.


白勢政明,日比野靖, "CMOSトランスファーゲートによる三値論理回路とその構成法,"
多値論理とその応用研究会, 2005.

X. H. Phan and M. L. Nguyen, "Flexible Conditional Random Fields Toolkits,"

宮地充子, "(招待講演)ユビキタス社会と情報セキュリティ,"
サイバネティック・フレキシブル・オートメーション(CFA) 研究分科会第20 回研究例会, 2005.

宮地充子, 近澤武, 竜田敏男, 大塚玲, 安田幹, "(解説)情報セキュリティの標準化動向について
− ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG2 2005 年 月ウィーン会議報告−," 電子情報通信学会, 信学技報ISEC 2005-7, 2005.

寺田 剛陽, 双紙 正和, 宮地 充子, "変動マーキング確率を用いるIPトレースバックの効果,"
CSS2005 (Computer Security Symposium 2005), pp.253-258, Oct. 2005.

早稲田篤志, 双紙正和, 宮地充子, "n次元量子状態を使用した量子コイン投げプロトコル,"
情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.46, No.8, pp.1903-1911, 2005.

宮地充子, "双線型写像の公開鍵暗号への応用に関して," 符号と暗号の代数的数理,
京都大学数理解析研講究録, 1420, pp.117-127, 2005.

早稲田篤志, 双紙正和, 宮地充子, "MSPを使った量子複数秘密分散に関する考察,"IEICE Japan
Tech. Rep., ISEC2005-119, pp.53-60, Dec. 2005.

宮地充子, 清宮健, "Address-bit DPAに強力なBRIPアルゴリズムの改良,"IEICE Japan Tech.
Rep., ISEC2005-118, pp.47-52, Dec. 2005.

宮地充子, "双線形写像に基づく暗号に適した(超)楕円曲線の構成,"「代数幾何・数論及び符号・
暗号」研究集会報告書, 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科, Jan, 2006.

樋上智彦, 宮地充子, "RC6のΧ二乗攻撃の効率化へのアプローチについて," Symposium on
Cryptography and Information Security, SCIS2006-3A1-4, Jan. 2006.

寺家谷純, 宮地充子, "階層的IDベース署名の構築にむけて," ISEC, Mar, 2006.

清宮健, 宮地充子, "効率的なDPAとSPAに強力な予備演算テーブルを用いたスカラー倍算
アルゴリズム," ISEC, Mar. 2006.

田中大嗣, 宮地充子, "効率的な削除機能を持つグループ署名,"CSEC, Mar. 2006.

服部太郎, 双紙正和, 宮地充子, "動的解析に対し耐タンパ性を持つ難読化手法の提案," CSEC,
Mar. 2006.

宮地利幸, 知念賢一, 篠田陽一, ?"SpringOS/VM: 大規模ネットワークテストベッドにおける
仮想機械運用技術," 情報処理学会研究報告書,2005-OS-99, pp.105-112, May 2005, ISSN 0919-6072.

三輪信介, 宮地利幸, 大野浩之, "不正アクセス等再現実験環境の統合実験," マルチメディア,
分散, 協調とモバイル(DICOMO2005)シンポジウム論文集, pp.393-396, ISSN1344-0640,
情報処理学会, Jul. 2005.

白勢政明, 日比野靖, "標数3の体でのXTR," 信学技法, Vol.105, No.51, (ISEC2005-3), May 2005.

白勢政明, 日比野靖, "XTRに適したディジタル署名方式,"信学技法, Vol. 105, No.395,
(ISEC2005-96), Nov. 2005.

Koji Ohashi and Mineo Kaneko, "Simultaneous Scheduling and Binding for Asynchronous
System with Statistical Makespan Analysis," 第18回回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ論文集
pp. 587-592, Apr. 2005.

Takayuki Obata and Mineo Kaneko, "Control Signal Skew Scheduling for RT Level Datapaths,"
第18回回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ論文集, pp.521-526, Apr. 2005.

Mineo Kaneko, "Statistical Properties and Subclasses of Sequence Triple Code Space for
Repeated Placement," IEICE Techinical Report, CAS2005-66, CST2005-35, pp.31-36, Nov. 2005.

Mineo Kaneko, "Minimal Set of Essential Lietime Overlaps for Exploring 3D Schedule,"
IEICE Techinical Report, VLD2005-64, ICD2005-159, DC2005-41, pp.19-24, Dec. 2005.

Koji Ohashi and Mineo Kaneko, "Resource Sharing in Dual-Rail Two-Phase Asynchronous
Datapath Synthesis," IEICE Techinical Report, CAS2005-93, pp.37-42, Jan. 2006.

Takayuki Obata and Mineo Kaneko, "Simultaneous Control-step and Skew Assignment for
Control Signals in RT-Level Datapath Synthesis," IEICE Techinical Report, CAS2005-92,
pp.31-36, Jan. 2006.

小畑貴之, 金子峰雄, 平石邦彦, "温度並列SAのシーケンスペアによるパッキング問題への適用,"
電子情報通信学会全国大会, Mar. 2006.

K. Maki and M. Akagi, "A Computational Model of Cochlear Nucleus Neurons," In Auditory
Signal Processing, Springer, pp.84-90, 2005.

K. Ito and M. Akagi, "Study on Improving Regularity of Neural Phase Locking in Single
Neurons of AVCN via a Computational Model," In Auditory Signal Processing, Springer,
pp.91-99, 2005.

C. F. Huang and M. Akagi, "Toward a Rule-based Synthesis of Emotional Speech on
Linguistic Description of Perception," Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction,
Springer LNCS 3784, pp. 366-373, 2005.

T. T. Vu, M. Unoki, and M. Akagi, "A Study on Restoration of Bone-conducted Speech with
the Lpc-based Model," Int. Sympo. Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research, pp.67-72, 2006.

X. Lu, M. Unoki, and M. Akagi, "Sub-band Temporal Envelope Restoration for ASR in
Reverberation Environment," Int. Sympo. Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research, pp.73-78, 2006.

赤木正人, "表現豊かな音声 ―その生成・知覚と音声合成への応用―," 日本音響学会誌,
Vol.61, No.6, 346-351, 2005.

鵜木, 木村, 赤木, "変調伝達特性に着目した骨導音声回復法の検討," 音響学会聴覚研究会資料,
H-2005-33, 2005.

鵜木, 戸井, 赤木, "変調伝達関数に基づいた残響音声回復法の改良と総合評価,"
音響学会聴覚研究会資料, H-2005-55, 2005.

黄, 赤木, "感情知覚モデルを検証するための規則の構築," 電子情報通信学会技術報告,
SP2005-39, 2005.

J. Li and M. Akagi, "A Noise Reduction Method based on a Generalized Subtractive
Beamformer," Tech. Report of IEICE, EA2005-44, 2005.

齋藤, 鵜木, 赤木, "自然性の高い歌声合成のためのヴィブラート変調周波数の制御法の検討,"
電子情報通信学会技術報告, TL2005-10, 2005.

C. F. Huang and M. Akagi, "Rule-Based Speech Morphing for Evaluating Linguistic
Descriptions of Emotional Speech Perception," ASJ '2005 Fall Meeting, 1-6-3, 2005.

J. Li and M. Akagi, "A Noise Reduction Method based on a Generalized Subtractive
Beamformer," ASJ '2005 Fall Meeting, 2-2-19, 2005.

齋藤, 赤木, 榊原, "声区変換を伴う歌声合成を目的とした音響パラメータ制御法の検討,"
平成17年秋季音響学会講演論文, 2-6-10, 2005.

鵜木, 木村, 赤木, "変調伝達関数に着目した骨導音声回復法の検討,"
平成17年秋季音響学会講演論文、2-Q-23, 2005.

西本, 赤木, 党, 鈴木, "口腔疾患患者の調音時の補償動作に着目した変形声道モデルによる
伝達特性の分析," 平成17年秋季音響学会講演論文, 3-1-15, 2005.

T. T. Vu, M. Unoki, and M. Akagi, "A Method for Restoring Bone-conducted Speech base on
LPC Model," ASJ '2006 Spring Meeting, 1-3-3, 2006.

鵜木, Lu, 赤木, "残響にロバストな音声認識のための帯域分割型パワーエンベロープ回復処理の検討,"
平成18年春季音響学会講演論文, 1-5-5, 2006.

竹山, 鵜木, 赤木, 神沼, "自動車走行雑音下における車室内発話音声の合成,"
平成18年春季音響学会講演論文, 1-Q-18, 2006.

中西, 鵜木, 赤木, "雑音中の報知音知覚における報知音のITD および成分周波数の影響,"
平成18年春季音響学会講演論文, 2-3-1, 2006.

田中, Lu, 党, 赤木, "変形聴覚フィードバックにおける摂動量と補正動作の関係について",
平成18年春季音響学会講演論文, 2-3-11, 2006.

J. Li, M. Akagi, and Y. Suzuki, "Two-microphone Noise Reduction with Preserving ITD Cues
in Highly Non-stationary Multi-noise-source Environments," ASJ '2006 Spring Meeting,
3-5-10, 2006.

D. Ying, Soong Shi. Y., and J. Dang, "A Robust VAD based upon Noise Eigenspace Projection,"
Spring Meeting of The Acoustical Society of Japan, pp.147-148, 2006.

錦戸信和, 党建武, "モデルを用いた模擬に基づく発話状態の多意性の分析,"
日本音響学会全国大会論文集, pp.261-262, 2006.

(6) 研究員の論文リスト


Yawen Chen, Hong Shen and Fangai Liu, "Wavelength Assignment of Parallel FFT
Communication Pattern on a Class of Regular Optical Networks," to appear in Journal of

Chen, F., Aoki, T., and Horiguchi, T., "Unsupervised Image Segmentation based on Bethe
Approximation," Interdis.Information Science, Vol.11, pp.127-139, 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "Multicast Based Inference for Topology and Network-Internal
Loss Performance from End-to-end Measurements", Computer Communications, Elsevier,
in press, 2006.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "An improved algorithm of multicast topology inference from
end-to-end measurements", International Journal of Communication Systems,
John Wiley & Sons, in press, 2006.

Hui Tian, Hong Shen and Teruo Matsuzawa, "Energy-Efficient Topologies and Routing for
Wireless Sensor Networks", GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and
Engineering, No.1, Vol.8, pp. 79-89, 2005.

Yuanyuan Zhang, Yasushi Inoguchi, "Influence of Inaccurate Performance Prediction on
Task Scheduling in a Grid Environment," IEICE Special Issue on Parallel/Distributed
Computing and Networking, 2006.2.

早稲田篤志,双紙正和,宮地充子,"n 次元量子状態を使用した量子コイン投げプロトコル",
情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.46, No.8, pp.1903-1911, 2005.


T. Matsumoto, "Construction of reduced counter-models for S4," Proceeding of the 39th
Mathematical Logic Group meeting, pp.6-9, 2005.

Y. Suzuki and S. Tojo, "Additive Consolidation for Dialogue Game," Proceedings of 10th
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL'05), New York: ACM,
pp. 105-114, 2005.

Y. Suzuki, "Additive Consolidation with Nonmonotonic Reasoning," 1E4-04 in 19th Annual
Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2005.

Yawen Chen and Hong Shen, "Wavelength Assignment for Parallel FFT Communication Pattern
on Linear Arrays by Lattice Embedding," Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 05), Dalian, Dec.5-8, 2005.

Yawen Chen and Hong Shen, "An Improved Scheme of Wavelength Assignment for Parallel FFT
Communication Pattern on a Class of Regular Optical Networks," Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing 2005 (NPC05),
Dalian, Nov.30-Dce. 3, 2005.

Chen, F., and Kotani, K., "Facial Expression Recognition by ICA with Selective Prior,"
6th Int'l Conf. on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation, 1, pp.941-949, 2006.

Chen, F., and Kotani, K., "Facial Expression Recognition by Supervised ICA with Selective
Prior," IEICE Technical Report, CS2005-57, 2006.

Haibo Zhang and Hong Shen, Reliability-latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering in
Random-access Wireless Sensor Networks, GCC2005, China.

Haibo Zhang and Hong Shen, Distributed Tuning Attempt Probability for Data Gathering in
Random Access Wireless Sensor Networks, Accepted by AINA2006.

J.K. Ryu, Chie Kanayama, N.Y. Chong, "3-Dimensional Model Construction for Augmented
Reality Based on Pattern Matching Algorithms," ROBOMEC'05, JSME Robotics and
Mechatronics Conference, 2005.

J.K. Ryu, Chie Kanayama, N.Y. Chong, "Building Information-rich Maps for Intuitive
Human Interface Using Networked Knowledge Base," ICCAS2005, 2005.

Nguyen, M. L., Shimazu, A., and Phan, X. H., "A Maximum Entropy Model for Transforming
Sentences to Logical Form," The 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AI05), pp.800-804, Sydney, Australia, December 5-9, 2005.

Nguyen, M.L., Shimazu, A., and Phan, X.H., "A Structured SVM Semantic Parser Augmented
by Semantic Tagging with Conditional Random Fields," The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on
Language Information and Computation, pp 167-178. December 1-3, 2005, Academia Sinica, Taipei.

Nguyen, M, L, Shimazu, A. "Learning to Map Sentences to Formal Language with Structured
SVM Classification: A Case Study for RoboCup Coach Language," in Proceedings of 3rd
International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous System, 2005.

Phan, X.H., Nguyen, L.M., Inoguchi, Y., Ho, T.B., Horiguchi, S. "High−Performance
Training of Conditional Random Fields for Large-Scale Sequential Labeling Applications,
International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing," Hanoi, March 6-10, 2006 (accepted).

Phan, X. H., Nguyen, M. L., Horiguchi, S., Ho, T. B., Inoguchi, Y., "Classification with
Maximum Entropy Modeling of Predictive Association Rules," The 16th European Conference
on Machine Learning (ECML-2005), pp.682-689, Porto, Portugal, LNAI, Springer, October 3-7, 2005.

Phan, X.H., Nguyen, L.M., Ho, T.B., Inoguchi, Y., Horiguchi, S., "Co-Training of
Conditional Random Fields for Segmenting Sequence Data," First World Congress of the
International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR'05), Symposium on Data/Text Mining
from Large Databases, Kobe, 15-17 S5-2-4, Nov. 2005 (Best student paper award).

Nguyen, L.M., Shimazu, A., Ho, T.B., Phan, X.H., Horiguchi, S., "Sentence extraction
with support vector machine ensemble," First World Congress of the International
Federation for Systems Research (IFSR'05), Symposium on Data/Text Mining from Large
Databases, Kobe, 15-17, S5-2-4, Nov. 2005

Phan, X. H., Nguyen, M. L., Ho, T. B., and Horiguchi, S., "Improving Discriminative
Sequential Learning with Rare-but-Important Associations," The 11th ACM SIGKDD
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp.304-313, Chicago,
IL, USA, August 21-24, 2005.

Phan, X. H., Nguyen, L. M., and Horiguchi, S., "Personal Name Resolution- Crossover
Documents by A Semantics-Based Approach," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,
Vol.E89-D: pp.825-836, 2006.

Naixue Xiong, Xavier Defago "Design and Analysis of a Novel PI controller for Active
Queue Management Routers" 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative
Work in Design (CSCWD 2006), Southeast University, Nanjing, China, May 3-5, 2006
(accepted as regular papers, SCI)

Naixue Xiong, Xavier Defago, Yan Yang, and Yanxiang He, "On Designing QoS for Congestion
Control Service Using Neural Network Predictive Techniques," in the proceedings of IEEE
International Conference On Granular Computing (IEEE-GrC 2006), Paper ID: 270, accepted
as regular 6-papers, Atlanta, USA, May 10-14, 2006.

Naixue Xiong, Yan Yang, Yanxiang He, "On the Quality of Service of Failure Detectors
Based on Control Theory," The IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications (AINA2006), Paper ID: 45 (accepted as regular papers).

Naixue Xiong, Xavier Defago, Xiaohua Jia, Yan Yang, Yanxiang He, "Design and Analysis of
a Self-tuning Proportional and Integral Controller for Active Queue Management Routers
to Support TCP Flows," IEEE/ACM Infocomm 2006 (accepted).

Naixue Xiong, Xavier Defago, Yan Yang, Yanxiang He, and Jing He, "On Control Gain
Selection in PI-RED," 2006 IEEE International Conference On Networking, Sensing and
Control (icnsco6), April 23-25, 2006, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA (accepted).

Naixue Xiong, Yan Yang and Xavier Defago, "LRC-RED: A Self-tuning Robust and Adaptive AQM
Scheme," The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications
and Technologies in 2005 (PDCAT'05), December 5-8, 2005, Dalian, China, pp.655-659, 2005.

Hu Ruimin, Chen Shuixian, Ai Haojun and Xiong Naixue, "AVS Generic Audio Coding," The
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies in 2005 (PDCAT'05), December 5-8, 2005, Dalian, China (accepted as regular papers).

Naixue Xiong, Xavier Defago, Yanxiang He and Yan Yang, "A Resource-based Server Performance
Control for Grid Computing Systems," IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel
Computing 2005 (NPC 2005), Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2005, Beijing, China, Volume 3779, LNCS 3779,
pp. 56-64, 2005.

Yanxiang He, N. Xiong, Xavier Defago, Yan Yang and Jing He, "A Single-pass Online Data
Mining Algorithm Combined with Control Theory with Limited Memory in Dynamic Data Streams,"
the 4th International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC'05), November
30-December 3, 2005, Beijing, China, Volume 3795, LNCS 3795, pp. 1119-1130, 2005.

Wei Sun, Yasushi Inoguchi, and Yuanyuan Zhang, "A Scheduler for Local Grid Resource
Domain inHigh Throughput Environment," IASTED International Conference on Parallel Distributed
Computing and Networks(PDCN), Innsbruck, Austria, 14-17, Feb., 2006.

Yuanyuan zhang, Wei Sun, and Yasushi Inoguchi, "CPU load Predictions on the Computational
Grid," IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid), accepted,
May, 2006.

Hui Tian, Hong Shen and Teruo Matsuzawa, "Developing Energy-Efficient Topology and Routing
in Wireless Sensor Network", Lecture Notes of Computer Science (Proc. of 2005 IFIP Int.
Conf. on Networks and Parallel Computing, Beijing, Dec. 2005), Springer-Verlag, 2006.

Hui Tian, Hong Shen and Teruo Matsuzawa, "Random Walk Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks",
Proc. of 2005 Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT'05), Dalian, China, IEEE press, Dec. 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "Discover multicast network internal characteristics based on
hamming distance", Proc. of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'05,),
Seoul, Korea, CD-ROM, IEEE Press, May 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "An optimal coverage scheme for wireless sensor network", Proc.
of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICN'05), Reunion Island, France,
pp. 722-730, Springer-Verlag, April 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "Hamming Distance and Hop Count Based Classification for
Multicast Network Topology Inference", Proc. of The IEEE 19th International Conference
on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'05), Taiwan, China,
pp.267-272, March 2005.

Yuanyuan Zhang, Yasushi Inoguchi, and Wei Sun, "CPU Load Predictions on the
Computational Grid," IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
(CCGrid), 2006.5. (accepted).

Wei Sun Yasushi Inoguchi, and Yuanyuan Zhang, "A Scheduler for Local Grid Resource Domain
in High Throughput Environment," IASTED International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2006), 2006.2.

Huang, C-F., Akagi, M., "A Multi-layer Fuzzy Logical Model for Emotional Speech
Perception," Proc. Interspeech 2005.

Huang, C-F., Akagi, M., "Toward a Rule-based Synthesis of Emotional Speech on Linguistic
Descriptions of Perception," ACII2005, Beijing.

Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Steering Model-Driven Development of Enterprise
Information System through Responsibilities," Proc. WSMDEIS 2005 (Miami Beach, U.S.A,
May 24-25, 2005), INSTICC Press, Portugal, pp.165-170, 2005.

Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Steering Model-Driven Evolution by Responsibilities,"
Proc. IWPSE 2005 (Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-7 2005). IEEE Computer Society.

Ming-Jen Huang and Takuya Katayama, "Responsibility-Steering Automation of Software
Evolution," To appear in Proc. International ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution, 2006.

T. Terada, M. Soshi, A. Miyaji, "Effects of IP Traceback Schemes with Variable Marking
Probability," Proceedings of Computer Security Symposium (CSS2005), 4A-2, Oct. 2005.

A. Waseda, M. Soshi, and A. Miyaji, "n-state quantum coin flipping protocol",
International Conference on Information Technology - ITCC2005, Volume II, pp.776-777, 2005.

Koji Ohashi and Mineo Kaneko, "Statistical Schedule Length Analysis in Asynchronous
Datapath Synthesis," Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pp.700-703, 2005.5.

Koji Ohashi and Mineo Kaneko, "Statistical Analysis Driven Synthesis of Asynchronous
Systems,"Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, pp.200-205, 2005.10.

Kenro Yatake, Toshiaki Aoki, and Takuya Katayama, "Implementing application-specific
Object-Oriented theories in HOL," ICTAC 2005.


Xuan-Hieu Phan and Le-Minh Nguyen, "FlexCRFs: Flexible Conditional Random Field Toolkit,"
http://www.jaist.ac.jp/~hieuxuan/flexcrfs/flexcrfs.html, 2005.

Hui Tian and Hong Shen, "Multicast Topology Inference and Its Applications", to appear in
Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, Taylor & Francis Books (CRC Press), 2006.

Huang, C-F., Akagi, M., "Rule-based Speech Morphing for Evaluation Linguistic Descriptions
of Emotional Speech Perception," Acoustical Soc. of Japan, fall meeting, 2005.

Huang, C-F., Akagi, M., "Rule-Based Speech Morphing for Verification of Emotional
Perception Model," IEICE Technical Report, Jul 2005.

佐々木賢,早稲田篤志,双紙正和,宮地充子, "量子秘密分散に関する検討", IEICE Japan Tech.
Rep., IT2004-71, ISEC2004-127, WBS2004-186, pp.7-11, Mar. 2005.

早稲田篤志,双紙正和,宮地充子, "MSP を使った量子複数秘密分散に関する考察", IEICE Japan
Tech. Rep., ISEC2005-119, pp.53-60, Dec. 2005.

Koji Ohashi, Mineo Kaneko, "Simultaneous Scheduling and Binding for Asynchronous System
with Statistical Makespan Analysis," Proc. 18th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa,
pp.587-592, 2005.4.

Koji Ohashi, Mineo Kaneko, "Resource Sharing in Dual-Rail Two-Phase Asynchronous Datapath
Synthesis,"Technical Report of IEICE, CAS2005-93, Vol.105, No.504, pp.37-42, 2006.1.

Koji Ohashi, Mineo Kaneko, "Dual-Rail Two-Phase Asynchronous Datapath Synthesis Based on Aggressive
Register Sharing Model," Proc. 19th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa, to appear.

Masaaki Shirase, Yasushi Hibino, "XTR over characteristic 3," IEICE Technical Report,
Vol. 105, No. 51, ISEC2005-3, 2005.5.

Masaaki Shirase and Yasushi Hibino, "Digital signature scheme suitable for XTR," IEICE
Technical Report, Vol. 105, No. 395, ISEC2005-96, 2005.11.