開催日時 |
March 8(Mon)・9(Tue)・10(Wed),2004 |
タイトル |
Knowledge Management for Strategic Creation of Technology |
テーマ & プログラム |
■March 8, 9:00-17:00
Introduction to JAIST COE Program
(Chair: Yoshiteru Nakamori)
- Welcome Address
Etsujiro Shimemura (President, JAIST)
- Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science
Yoshiteru Nakamori (School of Knowledge Science, JAIST)
- Knowledge Theory at the Beginning of the Era of the Informational Society and Knowledge Economy
Andrzej P. Wierzbicki (National Institute of Telecommunicalions, Poland)
Knowledge and Systems Sciences
(Chair: Taketoshi Yoshida)
- Creativity Holism: Systems Thinking for Managers
Michael C. Jackson (University of Hull, UK)
- Complementarism vs. Pluralism: Are They Different and Does It Matter?"
Zhichang Zhu (University of Hull, UK)
- Communicatics Model and Its Application in Knowledge Science
Jason Jixuan Hu (WINTOP Consulting Group, USA)
テーマ & プログラム |
■March 9, 9:00-17:00
Research, Development, and Organization
(Chair: Quamrul Hasan)
- Developing an innovative and Effective Technology for a Global Market
Quamrul Hasan (Strategic Center, JAIST)
- DPP-The Colorful Journey of an industrial Pigment from the Retort to the Market
Abul Iqbal (IQChem Inc., Switzerland)
- Organization, Methods, and Technologies for University-Industry Co-production and Dissemination of Knowledge: View and Experiences from the University of Technology of Compiegne
Claude P. Moreau (University of Technology of Compiegne, France)
Approaches to Knowledge Science
(Chair: Jian Chen)
- Meta-Synthesis is System Approach to Knowledge Science
Jifa Gu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- Systems Thinking for Inter-Disciplinary Dialogue
Gerald Midgley (Institute of Environmental Science and Research , New Zealand)
- Knowledge Network System: Not Only a Tool, But a Paradigm"
Zhonguo Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
テーマ & プログラム |
■March 10, 9:00-17:00
Knowledge and Decision Making
(Chair: Jifa Gu)
- Extraction of Knowledge for Classification of the Acute Radiation Syndrome
E. P. Hofer (University of Ulm, Germany)
- A Nonmonotonic-inference Integrated Framework for Decision Support
Jian Chen (Tsinghua University, China)
- Augmented Support for Idea Generation for Decision Making
Xiiin Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Knowledge Technology and Software
(Chair: Zhongtuo Wang)
- Knowledge Creation through Integration of Computational Models
Haoxiang Xia (Dalian University of Techmlogy, China)
- Improving the Retrieval Effectiveness by Integrating Modification-Words with Headwords
Jiangning Wu (Dalian University ol Technology, China)
Hiroki Tanioka (JUST SYSTEM, Japan)
- A Framework and Infrastructure of Organizational Knowledge Portal
Donhua Pan (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- Methods and Tools for Organizational Process Knowledge Portal
Yanzhong Dang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- Method and System of Management of the Knowledge for SARS Emergency Control
Lili Rong (Dalian Unlveraity of Technology, China)
会 場 |
Ishikawa High-Tech Exchange Center |