Vol.4 No.3 Inside this Issue ●Guest Column: On the “Studying Innovation for Cross-Disciplinary Projects” the School of Knowledge Science, JAIST, Japan |
Vol.4 No.2 Inside this Issue ●We present 5 research projects on innovation in which students(RA) are strongly involved. |
Vol.4 No.1 Inside this Issue ●Research Column: Constructing Ontology for the 21th Century COEProgram Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science ●COE Center New ●Call for Papers
Vol.3 No.2 Table of Contents ●Robert Kneller ●Nico Stehr ●Michael C. Jackson ●Ikujiro Nonaka ●Andrzej P. Wierzbicki
Vol.3 No.1 Inside this issue ●Guest Column: Cooperation between the School of Knowledge Science of JAIST and the Department of Innovation and Technology Management,Kassel University,Germany ●A Bird's Eye Report of the International Conference KSS2006
Vol.2 No.4 Inside this issue ●Introducing the On-going Research by Research Assistants at the COE Center
Vol.2 No.3 Inside this issue ●Researcher Column: Creativity towards Innovation
Vol.2 No.2 Inside this issue ●The Role of Intuition in the Creation of Mathematical Knowledge ●Introducing the On-going Research by Research Assistants at the COE Center
Vol.2 No.1 Inside this issue ●The Role of Intuition in the Creation of Mathematical Knowledge ●Introducing the On-going Research by Research Assistants at the COE Center
Vol.1 No.4 Inside this issue ●COE-Strategic Center Activities Highlights and News |
Vol.1 No.3 Inside this issue ●COE Activites Highlights ●The Vision of JAIST as a World-Class Center of Excellence ●Road-mapping to Support Scientific Research ●JAIST Forum 2004 ●KSS 2004 |
Vol.1 No.2 Inside this issue ●COE Activites ●A Student’s Perspective on the First International Symposium ●Theory of Knowledge Expression and Integration ●slip-sheet: |
Vol.1 No.1 Inside this issue ●COE Core Members ●Preview:First International Symposium on Knowledge Management for the Strategic Creation of Technology-March,2004 ●First International Symposium Technical Program |