Group Managers >>At the date of 31/3/2008
School of Knowledge Science
School of Materials Science
Collaborative Education Research

NAKAMORI Yoshiteru
Link to Laboratory website
Program Leader |
Professor in the Department of Knowledge Systems Science Dean of the School of Knowledge Science Director of the Center for Strategic Development of Science and Technology
Systems Methodology, Environmental Studies, Agent-based Simulation
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration
Fundamental Activities Information infrastructure, evaluation systems, international academic exchange |
Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
R&D Management, Technology Strategy and management, and Innovation Management, Management of Global R&D, Electrical Engineering, Semiconductor Engineering
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects
Education of Innovation Education of students who will promote innovation |
UMEMOTO Katsuhiro
Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
Knowledge Management, Public Policy, Regional Environmental Policy
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration |
Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
Creativity Support Systems
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration |
Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
Theory of Management Consulting, Theory of New Product and New Business Establishment, Theory of Creation of New Industry, Theory of Management of Research and Development, Theory of MOT, Declaration of Success Through Theory of Human Power Innovation, Theory of Corporate Innovation
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration
Education for Innovation Education of students who will promote innovation |
Professor in the Department of Knowledge Systems Science
Knowledge Creation Support, Human Interface, Systems Knowledge
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration |
Ho Tu Bao
Link to Laboratory website
Professor in the Department of Knowledge Systems Science
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration |
HONDA Takuya
Professor in the Department of Knowledge Systems Science
Science Metrics, Molecular Knowledge Systems & Physical Chemistry
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
YOSHIDA Taketoshi
Link to Laboratory website
Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
Knowledge-based Management Information Systems, Systems Science
■Research at the Center
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration
Fundamental Activities Information infrastructure, evaluation systems, international academic exchange |
ITO Yasunobu
Associate Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
Cultural Anthropology (Anthropology of Knowledge), Sociology of Knowledge
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
Associate Professor in the Department of Social Knowledge Science
International Business, Corporate Strategy, Technology Management
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |

TAKAGI Masahiro
Professor in the School of Materials Science
Protein engineering, Signal transduction, Environmental stress
■Research at the Center
Education for Innovation Education of students who will promote innovation
Establishment of Knowledge Science Study of theories of knowledge creation, and development of tools to support knowledge creation and integration
Fundamental Activities Information infrastructure, evaluation systems, international academic exchange |
Link to Laboratory website
Visiting Professor in the School of Materials Science
〔Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University〕
Biomaterials, Bio device, Nano-Bio Technology
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects
Education for Innovation Education for students who will promote innovation |
Professor in the School of Materials Science
Polymers(Organic Materials), Surface Science
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
HORI Hidenobu
Professor in the School of Materials Science
Electronic & Magnetic Materials, Solid State Physics
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
Link to Laboratory website
Professor in the School of Materials Science
Surface Science, Optical Properties of Solids
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
Link to Laboratory website
Professor in the School of Materials Science
Preparation and Characterization of Functional Cluster Materials
■Research at the Center
Education for Innovation Education of students who will promote innovation |
YUI Nobuhiko
Professor in the School of Materials Science
Biomaterials, Polymers (Organic Materials), Supramolecular Chemistry
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
Associate Professor in the School of Materials Science
Low Temperature Physics, Solid State Physics
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |
Link to Laboratory website
Associate Professor in the School of Materials Science
Microfabrication, Microfluidics, Biochip
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |

Associate Professor at the Center for Strategic Development of Science and Technology
Advanced Science & Technology Research Strategy, Science & Technology Policy,R&D Management, Environmental Management
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects
Education for Innovation Education of students who will promote innovation
Fundamental Activities Information infrastructure, evaluation systems, international academic exchange |
Link to Center website
Professor at the Center for Information Science
Computational Fluid Dynamics
■Research at the Center
Fundamental Activities Information infrastructure, evaluation systems, international academic exchange |
MIYATA Kazunori
Director of the Center for Knowledge Science Professor
CG, Media Art, Digital Movie
■Research at the Center
Research on Innovation Promotion of interdisciplinary research projects |